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Everything / UnityConfiguration



Great Reads

by david.ribeiro
Using unity in order to decide which cache provider to use and to decouple components.
by Dirk Bahle
A simple example to get started with the Unity Container usually used in Prism
by Sean Hart
Appending Items to a Unity Container at Runtime via Configuration edit

Latest Articles

by Dirk Bahle
A simple example to get started with the Unity Container usually used in Prism
by david.ribeiro
Using unity in order to decide which cache provider to use and to decouple components.
by Sean Hart
Appending Items to a Unity Container at Runtime via Configuration edit

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29 Nov 2014 by Nabeel Saleem
How can i make 2d water effect for unity game . like we see in the famouse game "where is my water"any tutorial link will give me good support :)thanks
29 Nov 2014 by mark zuck
There are lots of guide on this topic on unity forum and some can see these links...
28 Apr 2014 by Duncan Edwards Jones
I have a CQRS architecture which, on the query side has a QueryDefinition class and for each of them a QueryHandler class.I had been wiring them up 1-1 in a configuration file but I would rather use some sort of auto-discovery for example the nugget package UnityConfiguration[^]How do I...
29 Apr 2014 by Duncan Edwards Jones
It does work if I explicitly wire up the registrations:- container.RegisterType(GetType(ITaskReadRepository), GetType(Azure.TaskReadRepository)) container.RegisterType(GetType(IClientReadRepository), GetType(Azure.ClientReadRepository)) ...
27 Nov 2020 by xhon
I created a .NET ASP MVC 5 web app and installed Unity. A UnityConfig.cs created inside the App_Start folder of the app and I configured and registered the components I need. Now I created another .NET ASP MVC 5 web application inside the same...
27 Nov 2020 by Richard Deeming
Tools ⇒ NuGet Package Manager ⇒ Manage NuGet Packages for Solution... Select the "Installed" page, and then select the Unity.Mvc5 package. On the right-hand side, you'll see that the package is ticked for your old project, but not for your new...
10 May 2021 by cyma_1
HI, I want to test my fps controller game with unity3d, but when connected to remote the character controller head rotation is not working neither in remote device or pc. how to fix this? any help will be grateful. Using unity 3d Version...
25 Jan 2023 by Member 12799321
I am using webapi with c# framework 4.7 with those I am trying to handle the apseeting.json file using Calabonga.Configuration package I don't know how can I register class instance that depends on multiple interfaces in unity container....
3 Nov 2016 by david.ribeiro
Using unity in order to decide which cache provider to use and to decouple components.
29 Jul 2017 by Dirk Bahle
A simple example to get started with the Unity Container usually used in Prism
19 Jan 2015 by Sean Hart
Appending Items to a Unity Container at Runtime via Configuration edit
19 May 2014 by TomDev8
Hello,I need instructions on how to implement PubCenter in windows store unity game.I exported the unity game, added xaml ad unit, but when I compile the game, so there is an error.An exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in Template.exe but was not handled in...