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by Bernardo Castilho
The article presents an ICollectionView class that supports filtering and sorting.
by Graham Odds
Toob is a Windows 8 London Underground travel information app.
by ljw1004
How to use UPnP on Windows 8
by Joel Ivory Johnson
In this article I take a look at setting up a system for HoloLens development, the compatibility of the applications with other UWP platforms, and introduce Unity for making a 3D application

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by Michael Chourdakis
Easily migrate to WinUI3 from plain Win32 while keeping all Win32 features intact
by Michael Chourdakis
A set of tools to create a new VCXPROJ file automatically
by Michael Chourdakis
How to use the WinUI3 controls in a plain Win32 application without packaging
by Giuseppe Pischedda
Introduction to C++/WinRT

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30 Sep 2014 by Bernardo Castilho
The article presents an ICollectionView class that supports filtering and sorting.
4 Oct 2012 by Graham Odds
Toob is a Windows 8 London Underground travel information app.
13 Sep 2012 by ljw1004
How to use UPnP on Windows 8
16 Jun 2016 by Joel Ivory Johnson
In this article I take a look at setting up a system for HoloLens development, the compatibility of the applications with other UWP platforms, and introduce Unity for making a 3D application
12 Jan 2022 by Giuseppe Pischedda
Introduction to C++/WinRT
25 Oct 2012 by Simon Key
Event Finder - A WinRT app making use of the Google Places API and other data sources to display a lists of local events
22 Jul 2013 by Simon Jackson
Syncfusion’s "Succinctly" series, one of the largest free (and still growing) set of technical books covering everything from languages, to source control systems and beyond.
8 Jan 2013 by orouit
This article demonstrates how to implement interfaces defined for a WinRT component using WRL and C++.
2 Dec 2015 by David Catuhe
Thanks to Chakra (the JavaScript engine used by Microsoft Edge), it is now possible to host one of the fastest JavaScript engines (and also the one with the highest support of ECMAScript 6) inside any Universal Windows Platform application.
6 Mar 2016 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
What Windows runtime can teach .NET developers
14 Dec 2012 by orouit
This article demonstrates how to implement interfaces defined for a WinRT component in a C# Windows store DLL or a C# Windows store application.
10 Feb 2013 by orouit
This article describes a solution to access API and resources that are not available with WinRT.
26 Dec 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
In this post, you will learn how to perform text-to-speech actions in Windows Runtime for Windows Store applications, also how to store the speech stream in a waveform file format on your machine.
28 Apr 2012 by Jeremy Alles
In this post, I share the “journal” I wrote will porting the app so that you can follow this process with many detail.
3 Dec 2012 by orouit
This article demonstrates how to create different versions of WinRT components implementing a set of common interfaces.
26 Mar 2016 by Sumit Samediya
Here we will learn how to remove default background color of ListBox item on selection in Windows Universal App
24 Mar 2016 by Sumit Samediya
In this article, we will learn how to consume Webservice in Windows Universal App
20 Jan 2024 by Michael Chourdakis
A set of tools to create a new VCXPROJ file automatically
1 Feb 2024 by Michael Chourdakis
Easily migrate to WinUI3 from plain Win32 while keeping all Win32 features intact
11 Sep 2012 by Jochen Arndt
See Member Visibility[^] in the MSDN.
3 Jan 2013 by Carlos Henrique Rodrigues Araújo
This article aims to supply a need for more detailed information on how to deploy a Windows Runtime component project as a Visual Studio Extension SDK.
6 Jan 2013 by Wouter Van Ranst
Ever wondered what's inside your ApplicationDataContainer?
22 Feb 2013 by Irina Pykhova
Windows 8 only.Start from here: Developer downloads for programming Windows Store apps
18 Apr 2013 by Yvan Rodrigues
A simple but effective way for format bound data in XAML with the Windows Runtime
4 Mar 2014 by Sacha Barber
My first impressions of WinRT
8 Jun 2014 by Prasad Khandekar
Hello,Please have a look at following links.Commands, RelayCommands and EventToCommand[^]Attached Command for Windows 8 Metro Style in C#[^][^]Windows 8 Store Apps - Embracing the MVVM Pattern (Part 1)[^]Regards,
13 Mar 2016 by Gregory Morse
Code methods for capturing and automating multilingual and imaging aspects for sound store deployments
18 Mar 2016 by Zohaib Sibte Hassan
Getting started on using LevelDB for your UWP application
20 Mar 2016 by Sumit Samediya
In this article we will learn how to use existing sqlite database in WP 8.1 apps.
24 Jul 2020 by twhall
[Full disclosure: I've posted a similar question (same subject line) on "another developer forum" and received an answer there that isn't wholly satisfactory. I'm slightly rephrasing the question here in the hopes of maybe getting something...
3 Jul 2012 by Fun@learn
Check the sample application present with the library. They are very helpful to understand how to use, tweak the library.This library is excellent. Bitmap operations are not supported natively, but these guys did all the hard work to make it simpler for others.Major reason for this...
22 Jul 2012 by Farhan Ghumra
i have successfully developed my app, you can check Metro Paint[^]
25 Oct 2012 by niklabh
jQuery customised version to be used with Windows 8.
5 Jan 2013 by Super Lloyd
I'm a bit new to WinRT myself (who isn't? ^^)But I think you can't share file between AppA and AppB (at least automatically)However if this is the same app for the same user on different device you can save data in the roaming folder.I.e.ApplicationData.Current.RoamingFolderwill...
11 Jan 2013 by Valery Possoz
Hi you need to read the value of RoamingStorageQuota to know how much data your application can use see here:[^]var roamingStorageQuota =...
16 Jan 2013 by Valery Possoz
Hello,Is "Enter" a button or the keyboard key "enter"?If it is a button, I would use the button's tapped event, the click event occurs before and you could use it too.If it is the keyboard key then a good place to put your code is the keyup event of the TextBoxprivate void...
11 Feb 2013 by Pete O'Hanlon
Alex - the approach I would take would be to use an ObservableCollection that holds a collection of the class you are using to wrap the name, surname and birthday in. This collection will be the ItemsSource in your GridView - when you add an item to it, the application will automatically display...
18 Feb 2013 by SuperSlavik
Is there any available PropertyGrid control (like existing in Windows Forms or in WPF) but for Windows 8 Store Apps (i.e. WinRT/XAML) only? Do you know any free or commercial implementation of it? Thank you in advance for reply.
11 Mar 2013 by Abhinav S
You should be able to use URL Parameters.How to: Access URL Parameters in a Routed Page[^] should help you get started.This might help you as well -[^].
17 Apr 2013 by Dave Kreskowiak
You don't. It's a violation of YouTube Terms of Service to play the content in anything other than their player.Straight from their TOS:Quote:4. General Use of the Service—Permissions and RestrictionsYouTube hereby grants you permission to access and use the Service as set forth in...
9 May 2013 by mayankkarki
Hi, I am working on winrt app that have some financial calculation involved. I searched on net and find Financial.dll which have all financial functions as in excel. I used it in my app and get desired result. But when I test my app on APP CERT KIT it failed because of it.• Error...
4 Nov 2013 by Casey Sheridan
I finally found an alternative to using WriteableBitmap to export to a byte array.I started using this function to do that:Public Async Function ImageFileToByteArray(file As StorageFile) As Task(Of [Byte]()) Dim stream As IRandomAccessStream = Await...
19 Dec 2013 by AghaKhan
I have a created control in code behind and would like to add a Grid element. How this can be done!
20 Dec 2013 by KarstenK
if you only write it in the header it is the declaration. If you implement it in the cpp file not only your linker will be happy ;-)
20 Dec 2013 by CPallini
Change fromQuote:int Add(int x, int y);toint Add(int x, int y){return (x+y);}And the compiler will bless you.
25 Dec 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The problem is totally unrelated to DLL, it is related to the use of the threading with UI. The timer even is not guaranteed to be invoked on the same thread, that's the problem.You cannot call any method or property of the currently executing UI from any thread other then UI thread. For...
29 Jan 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Rendering PDF Content in Windows Store Apps[^]
8 Feb 2014 by Dave Kreskowiak
Were you planning on writing your own database engine?? Windows has a small, limited database engine built into it, called the Extensible Storage Engine[^]Your problem is that there is no .NET wrappers that I know of to make using that engine easier in your code. You'd have to implement...
29 May 2014 by setafonnix
I have found answer by myself today (took 3 months haha)Just use timer tick This...[C#]textblock.Text = myMovingCanvas.RenderTransform.GetValue(CompositeTransform.TranslateXProperty).ToString(); Because storyboard's target use this properties...[xaml]
8 Jun 2014 by Yvan Rodrigues
I am trying to perform some simple binding in a Windows Store app. Some controls e.g. ToggleButton bind fine, but when a Slider is bound, changes in the UI are not reflected in the bound object.The data source is an ObservableCollection. Film has some properties including:public bool...
24 Jun 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is not a valid URL. Valid URL should start with the URI Scheme "http://" or perhaps "https://". You domain should be known to the DNS, prescribed in the DNS data.Please see:[^],[^].—SA
30 Oct 2014 by Dominic Burford
In your original version can you not just select the required column(s) using LINQ. Change the name of the column to the appropriate one.var setnames = (from a in psets select a.SetName).ToList();return setnames;
6 Oct 2015 by James M Croft
This post covers getting your Windows apps connected to a Microsoft Band for an indefinite period of time.
4 Nov 2015 by Mehdi Gholam
WPF and WinRT are 2 different things (WinRT is the umbrella name for "Universal Apps" which can be run on windows and mobile devices).Generally WPF has more functionality at the moment.
21 Jan 2016 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to build a simple Toast Notification in #UWP apps? (Part 1)
27 Feb 2016 by Gregory Morse
Deriving VirtualizingPanel and OrientedVirtualizingPanel is not possible in WinRT but using some calculation strategies, an efficient emulation is possible
26 Mar 2016 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my article Practical Sound Recorder with Sound Activation[^].It is not a UWP but is in WPF, but it doesn't matter, because its audio part is tiny, clearly written in a separate file and class and can be used anywhere where you can use legacy Windows API. Actually, this part of API...
3 Aug 2019 by Member 13674745
HEIF is not so new container format that allows the compression of multiple images, their colour profiles and thumbnails. Microsoft has recently added support to Windows 10 with HEIF Image Extensions that only decodes the master image in the container. Other C++ libraries exist online like ...
8 Mar 2012 by kishore Gaddam
C++ WinRT component DLL and C# Metro application
15 Apr 2012 by Nathan Gloyn
Whilst Microsoft wants a unified platform, and as I said I understand why, would it not be better to wait and be happy that Win 8 and WinRT is successful with bugs ironed out before rolling it out across all form factors?
19 Jun 2012 by Manning
A chapter excerpt from Windows XAML in Action
26 Jun 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
[In response to follow-up discussion:]So, are you saying you could not find appropriate articles in MSDN? First, how about other than MSDN? What's wrong about this one:[^]?As to MSDN, please...
28 Jun 2012 by Farhan Ghumra
Hi, I am developing a paint like application in metro style with XAML/C# . I want to save whatever content is drawn on canvas as image. I have checked this solutions but it didn't helped me.Save canvas to bitmap[^]WPF/XAML: Saving a Window or Canvas as a PNG Bitmap[^]So how can I...
28 Jun 2012 by Jαved
Hi,You can use the msToBlob property of the canvas:[^][^]Than you can convert that blog to a stream and save it. Link[^]
28 Jun 2012 by Farhan Ghumra
Thanks Jαved, but I want the solution for XAML/C# canvas element not for HTML5/JS canvas.
2 Jul 2012 by kishore Gaddam
We will examine the ABI and how C++ compiler extensions help reference that ABI without exposing the internal details of dealing with COM interfaces and COM activation.
22 Jul 2012 by Farhan Ghumra
Hi, I have checked this[^] sample. It shows me TimeLineMarker API. Now when I press button "Add Marker" at that time markers are added and text block shows the markers, on which time it was added. Now I want to display those markers onto Slider control in the form of any sign like any shape or...