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Great Reads

by Greg Utas
Structuring main() and quickly recovering from memory corruption
by David Cantrell
In which a class that wraps an ADO Connection object and makes it more developer-friendly is discussed.
by Gaurav Aroraa, Mahsa Hassankashi
In this article, we will discuss how to create npm packages/modules
by Mikhail Semenov
The article explains the recent Modules TS Draft for a future C++ Standard and provides examples based on the modules implementation in Visual C++ 2017

Latest Articles

by ToughDev
How to interface Nokia 3510i and 5110 LCD with PIC Microcontroller
by Greg Utas
Structuring main() and quickly recovering from memory corruption
by André Marcos (Advisor), Gabriel Trepak, Vinícius Barauna Santana
Automating the Residential Lighting Activation Process Using Arduino
by Mikhail Semenov
The article explains the recent Modules TS Draft for a future C++ Standard and provides examples based on the modules implementation in Visual C++ 2017

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20 Sep 2022 by Greg Utas
Structuring main() and quickly recovering from memory corruption
19 Mar 2014 by David Cantrell
In which a class that wraps an ADO Connection object and makes it more developer-friendly is discussed.
10 Apr 2015 by Gaurav Aroraa, Mahsa Hassankashi
In this article, we will discuss how to create npm packages/modules
18 Nov 2017 by Mikhail Semenov
The article explains the recent Modules TS Draft for a future C++ Standard and provides examples based on the modules implementation in Visual C++ 2017
16 Dec 2015 by Dmitry Sikorsky
Using ExtCore framework to create modular and extendable ASP.NET 5 applications
31 Dec 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
You could probably simplify that by the use of the singleton pattern - Google Search[^].
5 Jan 2022 by Stefan_Lang
You seem to try and imprint another languages' properties onto C++, and that is never a good idea! My experience with java is limited, and I'm not sure what you actually have in mind, but the code you posted is clearly not the recommended way of...
25 Jan 2022 by Stefan_Lang
Quote: How do we do it right 1. Post your actual question at the top, maybe even in the topic heading 2. Provide your goal and relevant detail information after that, in the body of your posting. Make sure to keep it reasonably short by...
31 Mar 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The concept of "closing" is not applicable to a module, so, there is no such event.—SA
30 Dec 2013 by Ron Beyer
This is something I have experience with...If you haven't done any programming before, starting this from scratch is not something you want to do. Getting the back-end done right is critical to your engine, incorrect spark timing leads to pre-ignition or detonation and can destroy your...
16 Feb 2020 by CPallini
Try #include #include #include int good_operator(char op); double operation(double num1 ,char op, double num2); int main() { const double EPSILON = 0.001; printf("Welcome to Basic Calculator---Made by Cevik...
27 Jan 2022 by Stefan_Lang
Quote: The problem was I cannot properly separate the declaration & definition of a templated symbols such as classes, structs, functions, and many more Short answer: you cannot! From the link I posted above (emphasis mine): Quote: However, when...
27 Jul 2012 by Dewald Henning
Nevermind. There is no way to do this unless you rewrite almost everything.[^]
10 Feb 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
Go to[^].
11 Feb 2013 by Dave Kreskowiak
You REALLY need to pickup a beginner book on VB.NET and possibly ASP.NET. VB.NET is a language in which you can write classes. ASP.NET is NOT a language, so you can't write classes in it. It's a framework to make web-based applications, which BTW will USE classes you write in some lanugage,...
20 Jun 2017 by OriginalGriff
Yes, it's the right way: the alternative is to use a class full of Shared methods, and that gets messy, because a class should be designed for inheritance and instantiation - which isn't possible with a Shared method. Modules are the VB counterpart of C# static classes, and are the only way you...
3 Oct 2017 by Shawn Lawsure
Implementing modularization and encapsulation in JavaScript
1 Apr 2018 by Member 13757541
I've been having a problem with installing packages in PyCharm. This started happening a few months ago, but before that it was fine. I can install it from the cmd using pip, but when I try to import it into the IDE it gives this error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_winreg' and...
16 Feb 2020 by phil.o
The modf function is documented here: C library function - modf() - Tutorialspoint[^] The second parameter is not the divisor, it should be a pointer to a variable of the same type as the first argument. Another way to get the decimal part of a...
26 Aug 2020 by Pallavi H Shinde
Hello all. I am asking this for my wikipedia editing. I am not from the background of computer science but I edit wikipedia a lot. I am using a software called as auto wiki browser to edit: brief intro to AWB - Wikipedia[^] AWB is a very...
19 Aug 2021 by OriginalGriff
The way I'd do it is to create three projects: the two EXEs and a DLL which contains the "common stuff". Create that as a Class Library and add a reference to the project in both EXE projects. Then all you have to do is add the appropriate...
5 Jan 2022 by Phoenix Liveon
What I did for now was to call/invoked it inside of the first line of one of any constructor, Note: upon by doing it we need to have a delegated constructor if we do had multiple overloaded constructors, so that we could link it together, then...
20 Jan 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
I am not sure where you got those import and export lines from. The usual way inb C++ is to put the declarations in the header file and the implementation in the .cpp file. Something like: // Something.h // // if CSomething includes a reference...
3 Jun 2012 by krumia
MySQL stored procedures are great (thank you very much) for small projects, but when it gets bigger and bigger, the number of procedures get out of hand.I found a seven year old bug request here[^]. And reading the comments, I can be sure this feature is never going to be implemented.So,...
19 Jun 2012 by mr.monaz
Hi,I recently have convert my project from VB6 to VB.NET2008,after the convert here is a sub that control form from a module that i create,the error was something like "cmdAdd is not a member of System.Windows.Forms.Form"can somebody help??, thanks in advancedPublic Sub...
19 Jun 2012 by Ganesan Senthilvel
There is a technology challenge on migrating VB6 to VB.NET application. In .NET Framework version 4.0 there are no equivalents so the code needs to be rewritten and controls need to be changed. As an example, VB6 ListBox and ComboBox controls had the ItemData property. This was a companion...
27 Jul 2012 by Dewald Henning
Hi GuysI was wondering if there is a way to use a DotNetNuke module, like the Journal Module for instance, outside of the DotNetNuke framework. I playing around with this and want to know how I can get about doing this. Any help is greatly appreciated.Thanks
31 Aug 2012 by Steven Ogilvie
Hi,I have 4 services merge modules... I have created a "Shared services merge module" that has 4 files that are required to be installed with each service (so I have 5 merge modules, 1 is shared between the other 4) The 4 services are installed to a unique directory i.e.:C:\program...
10 Feb 2013 by alhamdi23
hiI'm beginner in DotnetNuk.regardless to my customers requirements, I have to develop custom model for DNN7 witch has to connect to DNN database i want to learn how to design my own DNN modelany help pleaseThanks
21 Apr 2013 by marimir
I have an access database and I create a module to do something in access.I have a program which is linked to the, I want to call the module from a query in my code..but it doesn't work! when I use this module in access query it works fine ... but when I use it in my code...
21 Apr 2013 by navin ks
21 Apr 2013 by marimir
I want to know if I can call an access module from my code ?!or the module just working in access program?!Is there a way to use it in my query ?!plz help me
1 May 2013 by Member 3224122
Hi I have multi tenancy project that is modular ,this is with MVC4 and I have ninject for ioc,for any tenant there is a kernel that is child kernel.for dlls modular in web config I probing privatePath,But child kernel not find privatePath,for class that is project modular(mvc project)throw...
4 May 2013 by Member 3224122
Hi I Want modular project have model,and in create sessionfactory find calssmap or models that is in module,session factory in core project and core project not reference in module project.How solw problem?
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Reflection is the ability of the .NET framework to gather information (metadata) about assemblies, modules and types at runtime. It allows you also
9 Jan 2014 by Member 10515100
I've run out of ideas for problems 2,3 and 4 in this image. [ ] I'm sure i installed the software correctly and put in the right information for the database connections. I also dont know where to find the config.php file that has been mentioned in problem 2. Need to...
23 Jan 2014 by javad_r_85
i want create modular application in asp mvc 4 like joomla cms and i want use area for moduls and create new solution for Each moduls where each moduls is 3layer (service layer- domin classe - Model) . I user Code implement it?
13 Jun 2014 by ShacharK
Hey,I have a general framework which contains a lot of assemblies, some are common, some are designed for Server applications, and some for Client applications (Each feature has a base-line library while any application-type-specific extensions are defined in a different assembly). I'm...
7 Aug 2014 by jckingii
I am trying to build an application to parse netCDF4 files in c++, I have no problem parsing the files in python scripts, but when I run my C++ program it complains that it doesnt know about numpy. I fixed the same issue with the netCDF4 by copying the netCDF4.pyd file where my c++ executable...
8 Aug 2014 by KarstenK
in the wikipedia I can read that it has a C++ interface.So I googled netcdf-C++. Tip: study the examples
29 Sep 2014 by frksks
Hello,QuestionIs it possible to create assembly which contains two or more .netmodules?If yes, how to achieve that?Which tool should I use?I do not want to reference them, I want to put modules inside assembly.I already found that there are several tools which are able to...
20 Nov 2014 by isengart
i want to do a small edit in an exististing module. That module parses articles from the given categories and post em at index. I wanted to add another element (ID) so the user could give the id from an article that isnt in a category and post that Also.Im completly new to module development...
11 Jan 2015 by BacchusBeale
Without knowing what you want to do, I searched on Internet: your module is just a USB Wifi adapter so connecting to it will be the same as connecting through any other of your laptop's network interfaces.With C# you can get a list of NetworkInterfaces and chose whichever. The network...
11 Jan 2015 by codeprojectddx
as we all know ,when a request arrived,the web server ,IIS will active a process named w3wp.exe,and a few events will be trigger,the question is that I donot konw which events in detail will be trigger.In process w3wp,how many modules will be loaded?
14 Apr 2015 by Member 11607533
Python won't traceback to a module I already instilled in my terminal?
6 May 2017 by Srashti Sj
I want to install new DNN portal.I'm able to export pages, but i don't know how to export module definition.Is there is anyway to export module definition?? or any other way to copy data from table? (as version of DNN is different table schema may differ)What I have tried:Module...
15 Aug 2017 by Steven Stapleton
Hi, i'm making an angular app so far I have made a module with controllers views and route provider.. However i'm getting an error at the beginning saying"angular.js:4588 Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module mainM due to: Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'mainM'...
4 May 2016 by Karthik_Mahalingam
6 May 2017 by Mohammad Dehghani
Simply you can take data base backup from your project and then retrive it on your website
17 Nov 2017 by raflouk
Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a todolist and it's several days I can't solve my problem. I've a module from which there is a todo class and its methods. I export the object and call its constructor in my main app. Also, in the main app, I try to use one of the object method (object.print())...
28 Nov 2017 by THE-CODER-SALEH
We all know that if we put (Me) in a module it doesnt make any sense but what can i put instead of it i want to use it in (invoke request) and (invoke) What I have tried: If Me.InvokeRequired Then Dim j As New _Data(AddressOf Data) ...
28 Nov 2017 by Dave Kreskowiak
There is no such thing in a Module. "Me" refers to the current instance of the class the code is in. There is no equivalent in a Module because you don't create an instance of a Module. What are you doing with this code and why is it in a Module?
20 Sep 2018 by Member 13991674
What is the difference between require() vs module.require() in nodejs ? The documentation don't provide any content about the difference between them. Can anyone explain ? What I have tried: I am learning to node.js but these two things confused me. There is no such content in the...
21 Feb 2019 by Maciej Los
Follow this: ListBox.ObjectCollection.Add(Object) Method (System.Windows.Forms) | Microsoft Docs[^]
11 Mar 2019 by Member 10068530
I want to consume c++17 modules from managed clr/c++ code. Is it possible? What I have tried: I have built a dll with c++ modules. Consumed it from a console application without turning /clr. Everything worked. Once i turn on /clr switch, it does not work. My clr console application has...
11 Mar 2019 by steveb
There are many ways you can do that: 1. Implement your C++ 17 as DLL and export "C" function interface. There are ton of material on google how to call DLLs from CLR or .Net langs. 2. Implement as COM DLL. This one can be called by any language VB, C#, C++, C etc 3. Implement as COM EXE server....
26 Aug 2020 by Patrice T
Quote: How to perform find and replace with condition in C# and/or regex? Exact match you want is not clear to me. Give samples strings that must match and that must not. Give details on rules. Just a few interesting links to help building and...
19 Sep 2020 by Patrice T
Quote: Can i please have a proper explanation of the 'Meet in the middle' mathematical algorithm? In the article you provided, "meet in the middle trick" is itself a link to an explanation (thus the green color) with example. Meet in the middle...
3 Feb 2021 by yara hariri
hi all! i am new to fortran and I'm using a module that contains a subroutine, that I need to call in another main file, however I am getting some errors and the subroutine is not printing what I want her to print. Here is my module: module...
24 Jun 2021 by Manan Sharma 2021
I have a Javascript module called out.js export default function out(str) { //Some Code console.log(str); } I ran the webpack bundler and created a bundle.js file. And now I am Importing it to my index.html using a tag.
24 Jun 2021 by Chris Copeland
It's likely you could be getting this error because your body > script tags are being processed before the entire document has had the chance to load it's required resources, especially since you've added the defer attribute (which tells a script...
19 Aug 2021 by VBeginner.NET
What is the best way to share a couple of forms and modules in two projects? The two projects are not quite like one solution, but have some things in common. I would like to produce separate .exe files for the two projects. Is it possible to...
19 Aug 2021 by Richard Deeming
You'll need to create a Windows Forms Control Library project and reference the compiled output from both projects.
1 Oct 2021 by BernardIE5317
It is my understanding one of the benefits of C++ modules is speedier builds I attempted to test this but am confused by the result My test consisted of the following two files I compiled the source file and observed the #pragma message generated...
1 Oct 2021 by Greg Utas
Your Foobar module is a template, and a template cannot be compiled on its own. The code for main changed, so it will be recompiled, which will recompile the template instance.
8 Dec 2021 by i_syed2000
Suppose I'm building a typescript based application which wants to use some cool functions from another javascript developer. That developer is old school and has his javascript code written in direct system.register module format or even as IIFE...
22 Dec 2021 by asaad kittaneh
0 I'm building my first Tkinter GUI, and I need to create a multi-column Listbox using TKtreectrl, but when importing the module I get this error, import error: No module named "TkTreectrl". How to solve this problem, thanks in advance. What I...
22 May 2022 by Phoenix Liveon
�����Is there a way to have this initialization block similar to Java that we could implement and run properly in C++. There were two types of init-block in Java: 1. init-block/raw-init-block, this will invoke at every new instance created. 2....
21 Jan 2022 by David O'Neil
I'm trying to figure out the basics of getting the forward declaration problem solved in modules. I believe any reasonably sized project needs classes to hold references or pointers to other classes. So the bare bones of the problem, expressed...
21 Jan 2022 by David O'Neil
Thanks to c++20 - C++ Modules Forward Declaring Entity from Another Module - Stack Overflow[^], I got a solution working. It is: //main.cpp: import A; import B; int main() { A a; B b; a.setB(&b); b.setA(&a); return 0; } ...
21 Feb 2022 by Kaung Sat
i want to run my standalone software on other software but it requires module files to be able to start the program.i have required python modules files in my main laptop but how can i import them into my software folder?so that i can run my...
21 Feb 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
You should use the Python Virtual Environment feature as described at 12. Virtual Environments and Packages — Python 3.10.2 documentation[^]. That way you can copy the complete folder to the new laptop. And the amount of space required is a...
26 May 2022 by Phoenix Liveon
Why is this syntax not working as expected? it compile and can run, however it did not give me the expected result ServiceLoader sl = ServiceLoader.load(ServiceMod.class); for(ServiceMod sm : sl) System.out.printf("status:...
8 May 2023 by ToughDev
How to interface Nokia 3510i and 5110 LCD with PIC Microcontroller
21 May 2023 by Richard Deeming
You cannot read the client's file-system from JavaScript running in a browser, except in extremely limited circumstances[^]. No module will provide a "workaround" to bypass this security limitation. You need to rethink your approach.
23 Jul 2023 by Joyce Blok
I use the Divi Blog module (loop), but it lacks some functions. So with a childtheme and code I retrieve post meta in the Divi Blog Module, thats all working fine. But, I also want a working wishlist icon in the loop per post. I use the plugin...
23 Jul 2023 by Graeme_Grant
Would you not be better off acking for support in the official Community Forums? Here is the link: ElegantThemes Forum • Index page[^]
27 Jun 2023 by AI159
I installed CodeProject AI on Windows 11 Pro to be used in conjunction with Blue Iris. After successfully installing the CodeProject AI exe file within the Zip file. I start the server via Blue Iris and navigate to the dashboard. I receive the...
27 Mar 2024 by vijay s 2024
Hi I have installed server for linux and run. It is running in my device as expected. But When I try install module which is YOLO v5.3.1 , It throws the below error : Trace Starting Background AI Modules Trace Running module...
10 Feb 2016 by Troy W. Locke
The JavaScript Module Pattern used with jQuery
9 Dec 2020 by André Marcos (Advisor), Gabriel Trepak, Vinícius Barauna Santana
Automating the Residential Lighting Activation Process Using Arduino
30 Mar 2017 by Marco-Hans Van Der Willik
There are a surprising number of variations on poker rules, making poker an excellent candidate for a SOLID Project, a project illustrating SOLID Principles and related Patterns & Practices.
15 Aug 2012 by Shweta Lodha
A few more interesting concepts like Modules and Views.
9 Nov 2015 by nomi ali
In this article we learn MEAN Stack a combination of open source JavaScript framework. How they work and How can create a single page application using these technologies. We use these JavaScript technologies not only on front end but also on the back end.
27 May 2015 by Sander Rossel
The third in a series on MEAN web development.
25 Jan 2022 by Stefan_Lang
I have read, but didn't understand a word of, your question. In the topic header you mention templates, so the only advice I can offer is check out this guide:[^] The section Quote:...
27 Jun 2023 by Dave Kreskowiak
Ask your question in the forum dedicated to the CodeProject AI, here[^].
11 Feb 2013 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Please go through the below articles.1. Creating Classes in Visual Basic .NET[^].2. How to create classes and objects in Visual Basic .NET or in Visual Basic 2005[^].And Google[^] is there to help you as always.Thanks...
16 Feb 2020 by Jaqross
Hello guys.I tried to take mod of float number to understand it's an integer or not.I want to print float number as integer if it doesn't have any remainder.I mean if result is "4.00(float)" I want to print "4".On the other hand,if it is a number...
22 Dec 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
You first need to install the library from its online repository. See TkTreeCtrl[^] for details.
5 Jan 2016 by Mujeebur Rahman
Using requirejs to load modules asynchronously in angularjs application.
4 Mar 2013 by Dave Kreskowiak
Considering that 99% of the people here have never used DotNetNuke (and don't want to), why are you not asking your question in the DotNetNuke forums over here[^]??
19 Sep 2020 by Dave Kent 305
I was making some research on cryptography for a class when i got to this article talking about how the meet in the middle algorithm process can boost the processing time (computational time) of some math problems in python I.E Large Numbers. But...
26 Apr 2015 by Member 11644125
Hello, This Program i'm using, although it will compile, it won't continue after the first module, it automatically stops after the 1st 4 steps. The main module won't call to modules (computeTotal) or (computeTax) thus halting debug. Any idea whats going on? need finish this in the next 2...
30 Dec 2013 by Member 10495776
i am pretty unfamiliar with coding and need some help with a special project i am trying to do. right now i am trying to make an engine management computer for my harley motorcycle. the goal that i have in mind is to create a unique multiplexed system that will manage fuel injection and spark...
7 Jan 2015 by MARSA347
Hi allHow can I make a connection between laptop and Module MT7601 ?How can I make this a direct connection (no extra part in between),I want make this connection with C# program.tnx :)
11 Feb 2013 by Riguen Success
Could you please help me to explain how to create classes in ASP.NET? I'm trying to search, but I still can't create them.
4 Mar 2013 by summerrain_90
Hi everyone, I can't create and install module for dotnetnuke 5.0.0, i was google it but i cant find a solution for 5.0.0please! Help.
31 Mar 2013 by Sicppy
Does anyone know how to make a handler for when a module application is closing? Thanks,Jordan