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Everything / Sensors



Great Reads

by Yvan Rodrigues
A head start for App Innovation contestants
by DaveAuld
In this section, we look at the basics to get going.
by DaveAuld
In this section, we will take a look at what is required to build, sign and package the application.
by DaveAuld
In this section, we will take a look at some of the graphic and font handling routines.

Latest Articles

by André Marcos (Advisor), Gabriel Trepak, Vinícius Barauna Santana
Automating the Residential Lighting Activation Process Using Arduino
by Passion4Code
An integration of IR obstacle sensor with Arduino and check for the digital output!
by Deepali Dhingra
This contains information about Sensors in Android.
by Paolo Parise

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6 Nov 2012 by Yvan Rodrigues
A head start for App Innovation contestants
14 Jan 2013 by DaveAuld
In this section, we look at the basics to get going.
14 Jan 2013 by DaveAuld
In this section, we will take a look at what is required to build, sign and package the application.
14 Jan 2013 by DaveAuld
In this section, we will take a look at some of the graphic and font handling routines.
14 Jan 2013 by DaveAuld
A look at achieving real time trends in UltraDynamo
17 Jan 2013 by DaveAuld
In this section, we will take a look at the sensors, the sensor manager and the simulation
8 Oct 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
Fine, go and look for it, but do not expect anyone here to do your final project for you.
11 Dec 2014 by Paolo Parise
12 Nov 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
I don't know what a building plant is, so I assume you really mean plan. Take a look at some of these links[^] for ideas.
8 Oct 2012 by ridoy
Try with Google..Not expect code for your final project from here until you share something to us what you have tried..
16 Oct 2012 by isaprgmr
Hello,How can I bring up a UI(.exe) as soon as a user logs into Windows 7?Can I call the .exe via PostShell event of SENS events?Do I need a Service for anything?Any sample code or help is appreciated.Thank you.
21 Jun 2013 by hemendrasharma
I am currently working on a windows mobile application for Motorola MC9500 which has Windows Mobile 6.5. I have tried Symbol's EMDK library to access inbuilt motion sensor of the device without any luck.The EMDK for .NET v2.7 has Symbol.Sensor class library in it which is supposed to be...
5 Jul 2013 by squarename
Recently,I want to do a project to let Kinect detect eyeballs movements.But I don't know which technique can use ?Original: Using Kinect for Windows SDK,OpenCV , C#Now,I want to try using Adobe Flash (AIRKinect)Hope to get advice from anybody!Thanks a lot!by ting-wei
11 Nov 2013 by Filipe Morgan
Greetings,I am trying to build an application that can get information from sensors, store in a database and show the results via web or an application with UI. I would like to know if any of you have any ideas or know about anything online/application-wise which I can use to...
21 Nov 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
Please do not post the same question in multiple forums.
29 Aug 2014 by Leo Chapiro
Hope this helps: Smart Measure[^] DescriptionSmart Measure is a tool in the 2nd set of the Smart Tools collection (distance, height).This rangefinder(telemeter) measures the Distance, Height, Width and Area of a target with your phone by trigonometry.Usage is simple: just stand up...
30 Oct 2014 by enhzflep
Taken from this stack exchange answer:[^]"Sitting an accelerometer flatly on a bench will produce a value of 1G in one of the 3 axes.Free fall of an accelerometer (assuming you haven't reached...
9 Nov 2014 by User 59241
I think Google will be far more productive than asking here.Choose your accelerometer carefully as not all are useful for this purpose.Look...
27 Nov 2014 by Member 11268765
It uses 2 sensors output(no physical sensor) for measuring mobile robot position. Also kalman filter must be used for same. It should give better position than individual sensor.
30 Aug 2016 by Member 12292743
Stuck on how to receive data?To give you some context, I have the "Optris CT" IR sensor, there is a list of commands which you can find by googling Optris CT commands. Any help would be greatly appreciated.What I have tried:1. Declared the COM port2. Written a function for...
30 Aug 2016 by OriginalGriff
Um.Private Sub cmdSend_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdStop.ClickDim sendArray() As Byte = New Byte() {&H01, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0}ComPort.Write(stopArray, 0, 8)End SubDid you mean to send the sendArray instead of...
4 Oct 2016 by Timo Tielens
Hey,Yes, this is possible! I think that it's the best way to create a new folder (for example security) and work with multiple classes. One class for the driver/connection layer, one class that can translate this to an exisiting user (that can be founded in for example a database).I...
11 Oct 2016 by mayooran99
I have written this code to count the number of steps implementing the SensorListener class. But the problem is that onSensorChanged method is called after certain number of steps. It seems that it has to verify that these calls are as a result of walking and not phone shake. But I need to skip...
26 Oct 2016 by Member 10307999
I want to use the Sensor API like Light Sensor on the Windows 10, but I've some confused about how to use that:1. The development environment is VS2015 with Win10 only?2. Can I use the MFC(C++) to use the sensor library, or it just can be used by UWP?3. If MFC can use it, how to...
15 Apr 2017 by OriginalGriff
We do not condone, support, or assist in the production of malicious code in any way, form, or manner. This is a professional site for professional developers. If you want to know how to create such things, you need to visit a hacking site: but be sure to disable all firewalls and antivirus...
6 Jun 2017 by Jochen Arndt
For such a project you need a system that is acting as server for your data. That server must have a public address to be reached from the client (the Arduino system) and should be always online. For those reasons, other solutions often use a hosted web site. If you want to use a dedicated...
14 Jun 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
In addition to OriginalGriff's comments, I suggest you read Code Project Quick Answers FAQ[^]. The Quick Answers forum is for quick answers to specific technical problems, not consultation and design services.
10 Feb 2020 by Louen
I’m trying to develop an app for Android in which I pick up data from several sensors (if available on the device) and write it down to a file which will later be analyzed for certain uses. I’m facing several problems, a minor one which I can...
10 Feb 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
It may be connected to what happens to app when the device status changes. See Understand the Activity Lifecycle  |  Android Developers[^]
18 Feb 2014 by Paul Lawitzki
This article presents one approach to increase the quality of rotation information gathered from different sensor sources using a simple sensor fusion algorithm, specifically on an Android device.
24 Feb 2013 by Meshack Musundi
How to use the Leap controller to move the cursor using a finger
9 Dec 2020 by André Marcos (Advisor), Gabriel Trepak, Vinícius Barauna Santana
Automating the Residential Lighting Activation Process Using Arduino
8 Dec 2013 by Yildirim Kocdag
What is next for Mobile Gestures? Past and Future of Mobile Gestures
27 Aug 2018 by Nelek
Sorry for being that direct, but this question could only be answered with a couple of links from google. And that is something, you can do on your own. Some thoughts: - What you are asking is content enough to write a manual, and to keep a professional developer busy for a while. If you want...
25 May 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
You have defined int myBPM in two places, and are printing the two different values. You print the locally defined value in the pulse function, and then the global value in the loop function.
14 Jun 2015 by Deepali Dhingra
This contains information about Sensors in Android.
7 Sep 2013 by GaryDoo
Hi, I am working on an app, part of which has a bubble level which I have implemented with the accelerometer sensor. The problem is that there is nothing to limit it's movement, so if I tip the phone too far, the bubble disappears off the screen. The level line (on which the bubble travels...
15 Jul 2015 by Darren_vms
I personally can't see how sensors are going to help in this example.Sensors OverView[^]Google Maps may be the final place you need to be but plan old GPS is all you need.Something like this would be a good starting...
14 Jun 2019 by OriginalGriff
So ... you want us to design your new hardware, packaging; do the parts selection; find IoT devices for you; and probably write the software to tie it all together. All for free, and in a tiny text box. Not going to happen. We aren't here to produce your product so you can sell it and reap the...
28 Jun 2016 by Passion4Code
An integration of IR obstacle sensor with Arduino and check for the digital output!
8 Oct 2012 by Member 9495218
Hey..I need code for gsm modem , MEMS sensor , LCD and stepper motor with pic16F877 i am using Proteus and micro Cthank you
6 Oct 2014 by NormR1
I'm developing an app for my tablet that is to turn on the screen when I rotate it to the vertical (the power switch is dodgy). It has an optimization to turn off the sensor from 22:00 to 06:30. The app works most of the time. However sometimes it fails. For example this morning I picked it up...
26 Sep 2016 by Patrice T
You should learn to use the debugger as soon as possible. Rather than guessing what your code is doing, It is time to see your code executing and ensuring that it does what you expect.The debugger allow you to follow the execution line by line, inspect variables and you will see that there...
27 Aug 2018 by Member 13963664
i have arduino uno and gsm sim900a . i want to my system onnly to receive text messages to my computer/laptop and directly notify me and same time save to database directly. i need help please in arduino and receiving process. thanks. What I have tried: i tried researching everywhere but...
29 Aug 2014 by masterxy
Hey, I would like to program an app which can detect people height. For example standing against to the wall and putting my phone vertically on to my head (an app measure height above ground). Is it possible to program it using built in sensors (any coding tips)?
31 Aug 2014 by masterxy
Ok, thank you for the information.
9 Nov 2014 by RupeshMote
I am creating Automatic Fall Detection device, in which two sensors accelerometer and gyroscope are used to analyze changes in a body's position.So, how to find Free-Fall Detection using Embedded C code?Does any library available in Embedded C for Free-Fall detection?OR Does...
14 Jul 2015 by pinkNgreenNERD
I'm creating an app that logs miles. This should be a counter. It should have a start button that starts the counter and counts the miles as you drive and a stop button that stops. Then it should save the miles locally. Any help? I'm creating it in Android studio. Will I need to use a sensor or...
4 Oct 2016 by Member 12736338
I need to develope a finger print enrollment this i need to connect the finger print sensor to my project.can u pls suggest me the way to connect.actually i cant find any driver.i can see only com port details with this can i develope or connect to my project in dot net.What I...
6 Jun 2017 by Member 13244363
Good evening! Together with a couple of class mates, I've come up with an idea that we'll work on from August this year to around March 2018 as a school project. We're learning electronics, and as a disclaimer: We're pretty much brand new to the world of programming, and all we've done is some...
14 Jun 2019 by Praveen Raghuvanshi
We are developing an IoT based intrusion alert system for the agricultural field. The plan is to have vibration sensors installed over the fence on the periphery of agricultural land Capabilities of system - Detect any vibration over the fence - Detect Wire cut over the fence -...
25 May 2023 by Muntadher
I'm doing a project using Arduino Uno, LM35 temperature sensor, and a pulse sensor to read the temperature and the BPM and display them on the LCD and serial monitor. First, I wrote the code for each sensor separately and there was no error and...