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AnswerRe: Is there any easier way to open Directory for Exploring Pin
LongRange.Shooter18-Apr-06 17:48
LongRange.Shooter18-Apr-06 17:48 
GeneralRe: Is there any easier way to open Directory for Exploring Pin
emran83419-Apr-06 13:15
emran83419-Apr-06 13:15 
AnswerRe: Is there any easier way to open Directory for Exploring Pin
alexey N18-Apr-06 22:57
alexey N18-Apr-06 22:57 
GeneralRe: Is there any easier way to open Directory for Exploring Pin
emran83419-Apr-06 13:13
emran83419-Apr-06 13:13 
Questionimage gets distorted after resizing Pin
deepak118-Apr-06 14:34
deepak118-Apr-06 14:34 

In my code I am resizing the image. the following is my code:

public void resizeImage(int width, int height, Bitmap bmp){
System.Drawing.Size imgSize = new Size(width, height);
this.image_bmp = new Bitmap(bmp, imgSize);

the image gets distorted or I mean that the picyure quality is not

what other things can we do to get good quality pictures

Deepak Anish
Maxumise Fiji Ltd
Suva, Fiji
AnswerRe: image gets distorted after resizing Pin
Guffa18-Apr-06 21:38
Guffa18-Apr-06 21:38 
QuestionSQL SERVER EXPRESS or Professional Pin
emran83418-Apr-06 14:20
emran83418-Apr-06 14:20 
AnswerRe: SQL SERVER EXPRESS or Professional Pin
Paul Conrad18-Apr-06 17:43
professionalPaul Conrad18-Apr-06 17:43 
AnswerRe: SQL SERVER EXPRESS or Professional Pin
LongRange.Shooter18-Apr-06 17:50
LongRange.Shooter18-Apr-06 17:50 
Questionfraction.... Pin
KORCARI18-Apr-06 13:03
KORCARI18-Apr-06 13:03 
QuestionIntuit's QuickBooks SDK Pin
Michael A. Barnhart18-Apr-06 12:49
Michael A. Barnhart18-Apr-06 12:49 
QuestionSQL server dynamic connection Pin
namiiiii18-Apr-06 11:54
namiiiii18-Apr-06 11:54 
AnswerRe: SQL server dynamic connection Pin
LongRange.Shooter18-Apr-06 18:13
LongRange.Shooter18-Apr-06 18:13 
GeneralRe: SQL server dynamic connection Pin
namiiiii18-Apr-06 20:49
namiiiii18-Apr-06 20:49 
GeneralRe: SQL server dynamic connection Pin
LongRange.Shooter19-Apr-06 2:36
LongRange.Shooter19-Apr-06 2:36 
GeneralRe: SQL server dynamic connection Pin
namiiiii19-Apr-06 8:56
namiiiii19-Apr-06 8:56 
GeneralRe: SQL server dynamic connection Pin
LongRange.Shooter20-Apr-06 6:51
LongRange.Shooter20-Apr-06 6:51 
Questioncant add a refference to the directx libreries Pin
yossi198118-Apr-06 11:48
yossi198118-Apr-06 11:48 
AnswerRe: cant add a refference to the directx libreries Pin
LongRange.Shooter19-Apr-06 2:56
LongRange.Shooter19-Apr-06 2:56 
QuestionProcessing Registered Windows Messages Pin
Steve Harding18-Apr-06 11:24
Steve Harding18-Apr-06 11:24 
QuestionCasting Problem Pin
danchester18-Apr-06 9:47
danchester18-Apr-06 9:47 
AnswerRe: Casting Problem Pin
Guffa18-Apr-06 9:57
Guffa18-Apr-06 9:57 
Question"Value does not fall within the expected range" Pin
ahchoo18-Apr-06 7:10
ahchoo18-Apr-06 7:10 
AnswerRe: "Value does not fall within the expected range" Pin
LongRange.Shooter18-Apr-06 11:17
LongRange.Shooter18-Apr-06 11:17 
QuestionMessage="Value does not fall within the expected range." Pin
ahchoo18-Apr-06 7:07
ahchoo18-Apr-06 7:07 

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