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Visual Basic

GeneralRe: Trying to transfer data with filters. Pin
Dave Kreskowiak21-Apr-08 3:45
mveDave Kreskowiak21-Apr-08 3:45 
GeneralRe: Trying to transfer data with filters. Pin
Dirtyd23-Apr-08 13:06
Dirtyd23-Apr-08 13:06 
GeneralExtending a class in Main.aspx.vb (inheritance) - newbie question. Pin
MadMaxToronto9-Apr-08 15:50
MadMaxToronto9-Apr-08 15:50 
GeneralRe: Extending a class in Main.aspx.vb (inheritance) - newbie question. Pin
Mycroft Holmes9-Apr-08 16:55
professionalMycroft Holmes9-Apr-08 16:55 
GeneralRe: Extending a class in Main.aspx.vb (inheritance) - newbie question. Pin
Dave Kreskowiak10-Apr-08 3:22
mveDave Kreskowiak10-Apr-08 3:22 
QuestionHaving a form in a VB.NET DLL file? Pin
LloydA1119-Apr-08 12:38
LloydA1119-Apr-08 12:38 
AnswerRe: Having a form in a VB.NET DLL file? Pin
Mitch F.9-Apr-08 14:31
Mitch F.9-Apr-08 14:31 
GeneralRe: Having a form in a VB.NET DLL file? Pin
LloydA1119-Apr-08 14:37
LloydA1119-Apr-08 14:37 
Generalget the value of a textbox with only its name as string Pin
robby19779-Apr-08 11:08
robby19779-Apr-08 11:08 
GeneralRe: get the value of a textbox with only its name as string Pin
Christian Graus9-Apr-08 11:18
protectorChristian Graus9-Apr-08 11:18 
GeneralRe: get the value of a textbox with only its name as string Pin
Luc Pattyn9-Apr-08 11:59
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn9-Apr-08 11:59 
GeneralRe: get the value of a textbox with only its name as string Pin
robby19779-Apr-08 19:13
robby19779-Apr-08 19:13 
GeneralLooking for a Serial Ports library for VB 2003. Pin
loganj19999-Apr-08 10:46
loganj19999-Apr-08 10:46 
GeneralRe: Looking for a Serial Ports library for VB 2003. Pin
LloydA1119-Apr-08 12:32
LloydA1119-Apr-08 12:32 
GeneralRe: Looking for a Serial Ports library for VB 2003. Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 13:24
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 13:24 
Generalconvert a text file to hexa file Pin
maboelectro9-Apr-08 9:39
maboelectro9-Apr-08 9:39 
GeneralRe: convert a text file to hexa file Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 10:30
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 10:30 
GeneralRe: convert a text file to hexa file Pin
Christian Graus9-Apr-08 11:18
protectorChristian Graus9-Apr-08 11:18 
Questionregard insert time [modified] Pin
Member 44429169-Apr-08 5:46
Member 44429169-Apr-08 5:46 
GeneralRe: regard insert time Pin
Steven J Jowett9-Apr-08 6:11
Steven J Jowett9-Apr-08 6:11 
GeneralRe: regard insert time Pin
Member 44429169-Apr-08 6:18
Member 44429169-Apr-08 6:18 
GeneralRe: regard insert time Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 6:33
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 6:33 
GeneralRe: Help..urgent...insert time to database [modified] Pin
Member 44429169-Apr-08 6:45
Member 44429169-Apr-08 6:45 
GeneralRe: Help..urgent...insert time to database Pin
Johan Hakkesteegt9-Apr-08 20:03
Johan Hakkesteegt9-Apr-08 20:03 
QuestionAdd Command Crystal Report not updating parameter Pin
liona9-Apr-08 4:08
liona9-Apr-08 4:08 
I have a problem I have added a command to my crystal report that calls a stored procedure and should turn a number. I have also added a parameter to that procedure to make it dynamic. The problem I am experiencing is that when I bind this result to an unbound field the parameter doesn't change. It is static. And results in an error of having to Verify the Database to update the report. Is there another way I can do this. Is this a glitch with Crystal....

select test.pkg_s_e.get_cnt_ws('{?P_WS}') from dual

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