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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralReading in 16 and 24-bit audio data into (32-bit) integer buffers Pin
TheBlindWatchmaker13-Apr-08 17:46
TheBlindWatchmaker13-Apr-08 17:46 
GeneralRe: Reading in 16 and 24-bit audio data into (32-bit) integer buffers Pin
enhzflep14-Apr-08 4:00
enhzflep14-Apr-08 4:00 
GeneralRe: Reading in 16 and 24-bit audio data into (32-bit) integer buffers Pin
TheBlindWatchmaker14-Apr-08 18:22
TheBlindWatchmaker14-Apr-08 18:22 
GeneralOpening Word with "Pen" selected instead of cursor Pin
goodoljosh198013-Apr-08 14:57
goodoljosh198013-Apr-08 14:57 
GeneralRe: Opening Word with "Pen" selected instead of cursor Pin
nisha0000013-Apr-08 19:08
nisha0000013-Apr-08 19:08 
GeneralRe: Opening Word with "Pen" selected instead of cursor Pin
goodoljosh198014-Apr-08 7:58
goodoljosh198014-Apr-08 7:58 
GeneralConvert array to pointers Pin
KARFER13-Apr-08 12:26
KARFER13-Apr-08 12:26 
GeneralRe: Convert array to pointers Pin
GDavy13-Apr-08 22:18
GDavy13-Apr-08 22:18 
GeneralAudio Equalizer With and Without DirectSound(ParamEq DMO) Pin
Akin Ocal13-Apr-08 11:38
Akin Ocal13-Apr-08 11:38 
QuestionInitializing std::string with "Extended ASCII Codes" Pin
Mushtaque Nizamani13-Apr-08 9:34
Mushtaque Nizamani13-Apr-08 9:34 
GeneralRe: Initializing std::string with "Extended ASCII Codes" Pin
Randor 13-Apr-08 14:06
professional Randor 13-Apr-08 14:06 
GeneralRe: Initializing std::string with "Extended ASCII Codes" Pin
Mushtaque Nizamani13-Apr-08 16:05
Mushtaque Nizamani13-Apr-08 16:05 
GeneralNo hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr13-Apr-08 9:03
Larry Mills Sr13-Apr-08 9:03 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Michael Dunn13-Apr-08 12:59
sitebuilderMichael Dunn13-Apr-08 12:59 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr14-Apr-08 6:02
Larry Mills Sr14-Apr-08 6:02 
QuestionRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow14-Apr-08 10:31
David Crow14-Apr-08 10:31 
QuestionRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow14-Apr-08 4:30
David Crow14-Apr-08 4:30 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr14-Apr-08 5:33
Larry Mills Sr14-Apr-08 5:33 
QuestionRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow14-Apr-08 5:39
David Crow14-Apr-08 5:39 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr14-Apr-08 6:05
Larry Mills Sr14-Apr-08 6:05 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow14-Apr-08 10:36
David Crow14-Apr-08 10:36 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr14-Apr-08 10:43
Larry Mills Sr14-Apr-08 10:43 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow15-Apr-08 9:18
David Crow15-Apr-08 9:18 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr15-Apr-08 12:30
Larry Mills Sr15-Apr-08 12:30 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow16-Apr-08 2:55
David Crow16-Apr-08 2:55 

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