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Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP

AnswerRe: infinite loop while using php's dir object..? Pin
chevu28-Mar-10 23:28
chevu28-Mar-10 23:28 
GeneralRe: infinite loop while using php's dir object..? Pin
cjoki29-Mar-10 4:53
cjoki29-Mar-10 4:53 
GeneralRe: infinite loop while using php's dir object..? Pin
chevu29-Mar-10 19:04
chevu29-Mar-10 19:04 
Questionquery help with table that has no primary keys Pin
scorpio2219-Mar-10 10:26
scorpio2219-Mar-10 10:26 
AnswerRe: query help with table that has no primary keys Pin
PHP_Guy22-Mar-10 11:01
PHP_Guy22-Mar-10 11:01 
QuestionCreating project setup Pin
sarang_k17-Mar-10 18:36
sarang_k17-Mar-10 18:36 
AnswerRe: Creating project setup Pin
PHP_Guy19-Mar-10 7:24
PHP_Guy19-Mar-10 7:24 
QuestionExporting HTML file to PDF format Pin
sarang_k11-Mar-10 22:47
sarang_k11-Mar-10 22:47 
AnswerRe: Exporting HTML file to PDF format Pin
Niall Barr11-Mar-10 23:07
professionalNiall Barr11-Mar-10 23:07 
QuestionUse PEAR's datagrid export to an excel sheet, but getting all unrecognized characters [modified] Pin
alexyxj11-Mar-10 8:44
alexyxj11-Mar-10 8:44 
QuestionStored Procedure with Php and MySQL Pin
scorpio2211-Mar-10 5:19
scorpio2211-Mar-10 5:19 
AnswerRe: Stored Procedure with Php and MySQL Pin
PHP_Guy19-Mar-10 7:46
PHP_Guy19-Mar-10 7:46 
GeneralRe: Stored Procedure with Php and MySQL Pin
scorpio2222-Mar-10 4:25
scorpio2222-Mar-10 4:25 
GeneralRe: Stored Procedure with Php and MySQL Pin
PHP_Guy22-Mar-10 10:44
PHP_Guy22-Mar-10 10:44 
GeneralRe: Stored Procedure with Php and MySQL Pin
scorpio2222-Mar-10 10:56
scorpio2222-Mar-10 10:56 
GeneralRe: Stored Procedure with Php and MySQL Pin
PHP_Guy22-Mar-10 11:21
PHP_Guy22-Mar-10 11:21 
GeneralRe: Stored Procedure with Php and MySQL Pin
scorpio2223-Mar-10 3:44
scorpio2223-Mar-10 3:44 
Questionphp - include_once Pin
thes3cr3t16-Mar-10 22:39
thes3cr3t16-Mar-10 22:39 
AnswerRe: php - include_once Pin
chevu7-Mar-10 22:37
chevu7-Mar-10 22:37 
AnswerRe: php - include_once Pin
PHP_Guy19-Mar-10 7:51
PHP_Guy19-Mar-10 7:51 
QuestionOrganize mysql results in html table with PHP Pin
pelikan20026-Mar-10 14:15
pelikan20026-Mar-10 14:15 
AnswerRe: Organize mysql results in html table with PHP Pin
Luc Pattyn6-Mar-10 14:38
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn6-Mar-10 14:38 
GeneralRe: Organize mysql results in html table with PHP Pin
pelikan20027-Mar-10 0:53
pelikan20027-Mar-10 0:53 
GeneralRe: Organize mysql results in html table with PHP Pin
pelikan20027-Mar-10 5:22
pelikan20027-Mar-10 5:22 
GeneralRe: Organize mysql results in html table with PHP Pin
Luc Pattyn7-Mar-10 8:45
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn7-Mar-10 8:45 

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