Hi All,
What type of visual studio 2010 C# project would you create for an application that is to run automatically at a pre-set time interval? No user interface is needed, this application is to be primarally used to run database procedures at set intervals.
Thank you
You want to create a service or an application that is run as a scheduled task.
Or create a Job Agent if it's a job for a SQL Server database.
2 approaches - wiether a simple exe scheduled by the windows scheduler, or, start with a Service - depending on the other requirements, eg timing, I might use Quartz.Net, definately a logging layer, and maybe some way of communicating with the service for status info
You might not need a C# project at all.
Just run a job on SQL Server.
Thank you all for the feedback. I'm going to read up on Windows Service applications to see if that will do the trick. I am working with a SQL Anywhere database.The application will consist of logging into the database and running a procedure at a predetermined interval.
You probably need to contact the owner of the website first.
Use the best guess
No, no it doesn't. It's giving an empty response. The problem is probably with the request - you might need to post some data or send a cookie to make it work.
i get cookies using fiddler, how to set the cookies in code
This was wicked freekin helpful... best help site on the web!
If it's a cross domain issue (and see other posts - suspect not), then there's nothing you can do on your side....the owner of the service / site needs to accept the correct headers (AccessControl-AllowDomain etc).
If this service is intended to be called externally, then they must have added them already though!
C# has already designed away most of the tedium of C++.
how to decare public variable?
as in... public string a = "apple";?????
You would the call it by Namespace.Class.Stringname (correct me if I am wrong), but I am pretty sure that is correct if that is what you are referring to.
By picking up a beginners book on C# and working through it.
I would also recommend that you bookmark this site while you are learning the basics
MSDN Developement for beginners[^]
Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians.
Help end the violence EAT BACON
This can't be a real question. Please give us more information.
it is a real question but a very simple one
Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians.
Help end the violence EAT BACON
You could start by reading some basic books on C#.
I am really confused about some code i want to write in c#
What i want to achieve is:
Plug in a USB device and read the contents. For example if i have a .txt file in my USB, i can plug it is and copy that file from my device to my desktop.
Please help and all answers will be very much appreciated.
A USB device when plugged in is treated as a removable disk, so all you need is the path to the file and you can read it with one of the System.IO classes[^].
Use the best guess
USB is a bus, not a port, not unlike the expansion slots inside your computer. How you talk to a device that's plugged into a USB port is up to the device and how it presents itself to the bus.