What is a clearfix hack in CSS where exactly can I use this CSS class? How many types we have in this.
Why have you posted this in the Sales/Marketing forum?
Well clearfix is used to stable any div, suppose you have one paraent div and inside that div 2 child div or span, and both float left or right, in that case parent div height will be none, so that case we use clearfix. see below example
|-> Should be clearfix here
Dont know i explained you or not, anyway let me know if its help you. thank you
Chatbots are highly efficient and are proven to provide excellent customer service. They are quick, friendly, provide solutions to the queries and are available round the clock. That’s the reason the number of online business integrating these chatbots is increasing more than ever. Even customers find it helpful as they get instant assistance for their queries. These chatbots are now highly advanced and can perform human-like tasks such as ordering a drink, pizza or even booking an airline ticket.
Yes, chatbots are still trending technology in 2019 for any online businesses like travel portal, social media chatbots and many more.
It most definitely is. With Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine learning you can get the highly sophisticated bot based conversations that replicate human conversation.
In a way yes, but no/never, let me explain in detail. Chatbots can definitely answer a few queries, also they are available 24/7 which gives a sense of presence to a business, but that's about it as they are really not effective in generating sales, convincing a client or even calming a client in case of some mishap with order product etc.
I agree. Some are useful such as Verizon for buying a phone, but others are useless such as buying a car.
The automated ones are stupid, and I find myself asking the chat bot if your a bot or real human.
I wouldn't use one unless it was well funded with humans.
If it ain't broke don't fix it
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Hidden link spammer (HasanRaza90)[^]
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Yes of course, even in many websites the chatbots are doing their work easily.
Yes, as per my view, chatbots are the future of sales and customer services. artificial intelligence has become a vital part of the sales as well as marketing.
We are building an AI defect triage system that analyzes patterns in defect reports/issue tickets to automate triage and predict duplicated issues, bug severity/priority and the software component associated with the bug. This product helps companies develop higher quality software by improving dev/QA/project management team productivity. Would anyone use this?
how to convert to sales order details in asp.net MVC
This does not give any idea what you want to achieve? Are you looking implement ordering system in MVC technology?
modified 20-Sep-20 21:01pm.
I need a way to just demonstrate software to a remote party.
No updating of anything wanted, under any conditions.
I want to speak to a prospect on the phone, while showing the product.
There are Lots of offering that claim to do things m,or or less like what I want.
I've read all their "Privacy" tomes, and for some reason they all want to know things like what your daddy does for a living, and your dog's name.
I guess I can live with that, but not that they'll take whatever they want, and do whatever they want with it.
On pricing, I've gotten five figure quotes for single user, the actual case.
Does anyone know of a reasonable solution?
Thank you.
Why isn't conferencing software ideal for this? Something like google hangouts.
I've sat through hundreds and hundreds of remote software demos, and almost everyone uses GotoMeeting.com for this. There are some others, and a current popular one is zoom.com, but by and large GotoMeeting is the, well, goto standard. I don't remember it being particularly expensive or difficult, and you can switch back and forth between showing a presentation (powerpoint), a view of the software being shown, and your own webcam if you choose. Most don't use a webcam though, it's mostly switching back and forth between the software and a presentation.
It takes some practice to do well so I'd definitely encourage you to rehearse before putting yourself in front of a prospective customer. I'd also encourage you to keep the 'canned' or scripted part of the demo short and let the customer as questions so you can keep the demo lively and interesting.
I thought I'd share this with the community here. It is one of the most helpful articles I have read on the subject of selling to "big business" when you operate a small (and perhaps independent) business like mine.
I especially like the section titled "Dealing with the 'You're Not Big Enough' Objection". Here is an excerpt:
The best way is to contrast the level of service you can offer with what the competition can offer. You will always win this comparison if you phrase it correctly, regardless of whether or not (for example) the competition offers phone support and you do not.
The magic words are "I appreciate that you'd feel safer going with Brand Name X, and Brand Name X will indeed have someone around to answer your phone call at 2 AM. Unfortunately, they won't be able to do anything for you. Their only job is getting you off the phone before you can speak to someone capable of resolving your problem, because those people cost money. And you know what happens if you call at 2 PM? You get the same guy."
"On the other hand, when you send me an email, you may have to wait a few hours, but you'll get a response from me, every single time, and I will do my best to fix your problem. I built this product from the ground up and I am fanatical about taking care of you because you'd be my biggest customer, and if I don't take care of you, the business is over."
Which are the best qualities needed to develop in order to achieve the objective “Make a living Writing”.
Learning to write would be a fairly important one.
I have tried to evaluate the objective “Make a living writing” as a Blogger or a Freelancer. From this specific perspective, I feel a person has to develop following qualities/competence.
1. A person needs to choose specific field of global interest or subjects for writing ‘Article’.
2. Comprehensive study to be made on the specific subjects chosen.
3. The contents of ‘Article’ should be unique & capable enough to draw the attention of the huge customers for whom the article has been written.
4. The ‘Article’ should be written in powerful & lucid language which can meet the expectation of all types of customers.
5. The person needs to develop his conceptual/knowledge base on the chosen subject through continuous study/research to keep himself updated for providing feedback to the client.
Interesting, but it is not really a question that anyone can answer for you. The only way to make a living from writing is to write. And that is not something that can easily be taught, it is largely a matter of ability. You also need to choose a subject that is likely to appeal to a wide readership. If you are thinking of writing technical books then you need to choose a subject that has not already been covered extensively. You also need to read the existing books to ensure that you are not just duplicating what is already available.
I find basic similarity between your latest remark on the subject and my last reply. Your rich profile establishes the fact that you are a professional as a programmer. So as an expert, you can confidently write creative article in the related field which can easily draw the attention of interested client/readers. I’m a professional in shipping. I have obtained this professionalism through working in the field for long time. I have developed website on shipping: <http://www.linershipping24.blogspot.com/ & inviting you to visit my website and offer your comments. From above, we may agree on the basic principle that one must acquire basic knowledge and expertise before writing or contributing on any topics of interest.
humayun kabir chowdhury wrote: establishes the fact that you are a professional as a programmer. On the contrary, I am an absolute amateur.
humayun kabir chowdhury wrote: So as an expert I have never been an expert in any field of human endeavour.