Hello! I am a 16 year old who just got into programming. I am fairly new, but I have been trying to learn Bash. I thought a fun project I can attempt is to to make a small text based game based on "Lemonade Stand" from the late 70s. I created a very simple version (works, most of the time) and put it on Github. It would be great if you guys can maybe take a look, give me some feedback (I know my code will be revolting, but hope to learn how to improve it) or even contribute!
I am actively working on it, adding new stuff every few days. It is still in it's really early stages, and I plan to make it something much much bigger then this. I would really appreciate it if you guys can watch the repository and give it a star. It would mean a lot!
Thanks! https://github.com/lucaswhitaker22/bash_cafe
Sorry, these forums are for specific for technical questions, not to garner votes on your projects.
After more detours I am back to using "hci" ( term / name deliberately not used ) to program bluetooth in C++.
There is a proliferation of "BlueZ stack" source code on net, obviously freely copied from some unidentifiable original.
The code contains same "disclaimer " preamble hence it is not clear who wrote it first.
It does not matter.
Assuming the original "BlueZ stack" is no longer actively maintained / developed and according to some resources "hci" is dead anyway I like to ask this:
Which depository / github etc. should I use as a base source code to analyze and document , for myself, the "hci' functions?
Here are some sample links to consider
bluez/hcitool.c at master · pauloborges/bluez · GitHub[^]
linux/hci_core.c at master · torvalds/linux · GitHub[^]
Use the one that you can understand.
These are just rhetorical questions, right?
You just want to give a play-by-play, since at this point, why not look at all of them and create a "best of" ... ?
(I use Windows and it just works ... Bluetooth mouse, keyboards, clickers, VR controllers, headsets, blah, blah).
The Master said, 'Am I indeed possessed of knowledge? I am not knowing. But if a mean person, who appears quite empty-like, ask anything of me, I set it forth from one end to the other, and exhaust it.'
― Confucian Analects
Rhetoric questions belong to social media - IMHO.
With few notable exceptions this forum for has been a valuable resource "for those who code".
I am very happy for you as a user of Bluetooth technology.
You have a nice day.
Hello, I need to hide my taskbar. But I do not wish to behave like Auto Hide. Once
hidden it should not be seen even if I move my mouse on it. Any idea as to how to
achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
Why would you want to do such a thing?
Hello users,
This question may be offtopic here, but i need your kind suggestions. I am now
going to reinstall an operating system in my computer.
I had Windows 10 earlier. Now I am thinking to use Linux. I have not used it before
so I have a few doubts.
Will it be difficult to use and understand Linux?
Will Linux be faster than Winodows 10?
If you're having a hard time using this website, and it does appear that way, I would say avoid Linux.
DO NOT repost that same question over and over again.
Member 14509555 wrote: Will it be difficult to use and understand Linux? It depends on how quick you are at learning a completely new system. I would suggset you do some (a lot of) reading first. There are many websites that deal only with Linux; they are the best places to start.
Member 14509555 wrote: Will Linux be faster than Winodows 10? Yes, and no. It all depends on what you are trying to do.
hi all.
I have same application on WPF and on my company start using linux.
There is a way to compile/use/whatever my apps to run on linux without writing all again?
Maybe visual studio 2019 and .net core 3 does the trick today?
thank you.
WPF is not supported on Linux (that I know of). I think even WinForms isn't supported.
".45 ACP - because shooting twice is just silly" - JSOP, 2010 ----- You can never have too much ammo - unless you're swimming, or on fire. - JSOP, 2010 ----- When you pry the gun from my cold dead hands, be careful - the barrel will be very hot. - JSOP, 2013
I am formatting my computer, I am struggling to decide on which windows to install.
Windows 10 does not ask user whether to install upadates or not.
Let me know your views on which to choose version of window.
Way, way the wrong forum - Linux is neither Win7 nor Win10, and most Linux users have it solely to get away from windows (and everything that goes with it, like "useful apps" - Visual Studio for starters)
And to be honest, it's really the wrong site: this is for development, not "OS support".
Of the two, I'd suggest Win10, if only because Win7 is out of "mainstream support", and will be fully "end of life" unsupported by January next year. If you want to use an unsupported OS, that is your choice - but personally I'd keep credit card details well away from it just in case.
Sent from my Amstrad PC 1640
Never throw anything away, Griff
Bad command or file name. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaaay...
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
Member 14509555 wrote: Let me know your views on which to choose version of window.
Since we are in the Linux forum... I'd recommend: Ubuntu on Windows 10
Best Wishes,
-David Delaune
In my opinion, Windows 10
Hello users,
This question may be offtopic here, but i need your kind suggestions. I am now going to reinstall an operating system in my computer.
I had Windows 10 earlier. Now I am thinking to use Linux. I have not used it before so I have a few doubts.
Will it be difficult to use and understand Linux?
Will Linux be faster than Winodows 10?
Member 14509555 wrote: Will it be difficult to use and understand Linux? Yes, kind of; but you don't have to understand it completely to use it, just like Windows. The first confusing thing you meet is a different presentation of the file-system.
Think about it this way; if Linux were as good as Windows is, people would not be spending money on Windows but move to Linux en-masse. If most of your work is done in a webbrowser, then Linux might be a good idea. It comes with FireFox and feels roughly the same as on Windows.
Member 14509555 wrote: Will Linux be faster than Winodows 10? Nah, not very noticeable, until you play a game on Steam. Then Linux is definitely faster at closing the game without warning
There will not be much of a speed-difference, unless you install a very lightweight-version where you have to setup a lot of things manually. The main difference is which applications are available; you may get some Windows-applications to work on Linux using WINE[^], but don't expect everything to work flawless.
If you want to give it a try then I recommend creating a USB-key from which you can boot ubuntu. See Create a bootable USB stick on Windows | Ubuntu tutorials[^].
Ubuntu and Windows can live side-by-side on the same PC, and that's what I'd recommend for anyone who is new to Linux.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
If you're coming from Windows, yes, Linux will be difficult to use.
Linux is just like Windows, the more you want it to do, the more hardware you need to make it do it. Gnome and KDE require similar performance capabilities as Windows (all that GUI stuff exacts a huge price).
Linux is no faster or slower than Windows.
".45 ACP - because shooting twice is just silly" - JSOP, 2010 ----- You can never have too much ammo - unless you're swimming, or on fire. - JSOP, 2010 ----- When you pry the gun from my cold dead hands, be careful - the barrel will be very hot. - JSOP, 2013
I've created a JavaFX project, and exported it as Runnable Jar (with Eclipse). On Windows it works just fine, it opens up, and it does everything I made it do.
The problem is when I try to run it on Ubuntu, it doesn't show up. I'm running it with OpenJDK 8. I've already give it permission to run that file (from properties). Is there something else I need to do (add some code, manifest, or something else), to make it show up on Ubuntu? (I have Wine installed too).
By show up, I mean of course the GUI I made.
I've uninstalled java completely and then installed and set it manually.
Downloaded: Java SE Development Kit 8 / file: jdk-8u211-linux-x64.tar.gz
modified 9-Jun-19 13:29pm.
I have just tried running a jar file, made under Windows, on Ubuntu, and it works fine. Admittedly is does not use JavaFX or OpenJDK (whatever that is).
JavaFX part is actually what I need. If I'm running a simple jar (from console with java -jar Name.jar), it works fine, but the jar that has JavaFX doesn't work. If I simply try to run it directly with OpenJDK 8 Runtime, nothing shows up, but if I try to run the jar from console, I get the error "Error: Could not find or load main class package.Name", even tho it has the MANIFEST.MT generated in it by Eclipse with "Main-Class:", and the actual class too. Both projects exported the same way, both tested on Windows and working just fine, the only problem being that the one that is important (with JavaFX as GUI), doesn't work.
Sorry, but it's impossible to guess what is wrong. The error message suggest that your jar file is corrupt. You can unzip it with the jar -x command and check its contents.