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Chris Maunder16-Jul-09 3:10
cofounderChris Maunder16-Jul-09 3:10 
PinnedHow to get an answer to your question PinPopular
Chris Maunder16-Jul-09 3:06
cofounderChris Maunder16-Jul-09 3:06 
QuestionHow do I get a specific value from an XML file Pin
pkfox10-May-24 4:56
professionalpkfox10-May-24 4:56 
AnswerRe: How do I get a specific value from an XML file Pin
k505410-May-24 5:10
mvek505410-May-24 5:10 
AnswerRe: How do I get a specific value from an XML file Pin
k505410-May-24 5:27
mvek505410-May-24 5:27 
GeneralRe: How do I get a specific value from an XML file Pin
pkfox10-May-24 6:11
professionalpkfox10-May-24 6:11 
QuestionHow to create XSD classes for Jackson. Pin
Syed Mubashshir Hasan17-Oct-22 0:05
Syed Mubashshir Hasan17-Oct-22 0:05 
QuestionGrouping XML key value using XSLT - Need help Pin
Manju Kaushik22-Jun-22 0:25
Manju Kaushik22-Jun-22 0:25 
QuestionNeed help with XML/XSL Pin
Duke Jason2-Dec-21 18:42
Duke Jason2-Dec-21 18:42 
AnswerRe: Need help with XML/XSL Pin
thatraja12-Jan-22 5:24
professionalthatraja12-Jan-22 5:24 
QuestionHow to suppress empty tag using xsl Pin
cartriders16-Dec-20 12:47
cartriders16-Dec-20 12:47 
AnswerRe: How to suppress empty tag using xsl Pin
thatraja5-Jan-21 3:32
professionalthatraja5-Jan-21 3:32 
QuestionHow to add Key and MergeField dynamically into WordProcessing OpenXML document C# program Pin
Ganapatisb10-Sep-20 22:24
Ganapatisb10-Sep-20 22:24 
QuestionComparing two elements in XSLT Pin
Member 148262328-May-20 9:34
Member 148262328-May-20 9:34 
AnswerRe: Comparing two elements in XSLT Pin
Richard Deeming10-May-20 21:58
mveRichard Deeming10-May-20 21:58 
QuestionI don't see WebBrowser?? (webbrowser error) (wpf) Pin
Member 1477397215-Mar-20 21:58
Member 1477397215-Mar-20 21:58 
AnswerRe: I don't see WebBrowser?? (webbrowser error) (wpf) Pin
Richard MacCutchan15-Mar-20 22:56
mveRichard MacCutchan15-Mar-20 22:56 
QuestionSchematron errors with XML Spy update Pin
Member 1459998621-Sep-19 16:33
Member 1459998621-Sep-19 16:33 
My office is using a schematron script that was created by an employee who does now work at our institution anymore. It was working fine until we upgraded to XMLSpy 2019. Then the scripts stopped working and we got error messages about not being able to retrieve the source (error message 1). When trying to validate the file that the schematron script is processing it does not validate as if the element declaration is not correct anymore (error message 2). Does anyone have any advices on how to fix it?

Error Message 1:

File S:\Metadata\Code\Schematron\Schematron_ETD.xsl: XSL transformation failed
                Cannot retrieve resource 'S://Metadata/ETD/Staging/MODS/u0015_0000001_0003253.mods.xml'
                              Error location: xsl:stylesheet / xsl:template / xsl:for-each / xsl:apply-templates / <a href="">@select</a>
                                                System Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified.
                                                I/O Error 400: Don't know how to deal with relative URI (scheme name is missing).
                                                I/O operation on file 'S:\\Metadata\ETD\Staging\MODS\u0015_0000001_0003253.mods.xml' failed.
                                                FODC0002: Cannot use the URI supplied as the first argument to the 'doc' function, to retrieve a resource containing XML

Error message 2:

File S:\Metadata\ETD\Documentation\xmllists\20190605xmlList.xml is not valid.
	File S:\Metadata\Code\Schematron\Schematron_ETD.xsl has errors.
		Neither an element declaration nor a type definition is known for element <xsl:stylesheet>. Strict assessment failed.
			Error location: xsl:stylesheet
				cvc-assess-elt.1: Neither an element declaration nor a type definition is known for element <xsl:stylesheet>. Strict assessment failed.
		Neither an element declaration nor a type definition is known for element <xsl:import>. Strict assessment failed.
			Error location: xsl:stylesheet / xsl:import
				cvc-assess-elt.1: Neither an element declaration nor a type definition is known for element <xsl:import>. Strict assessment failed.
		Neither an element declaration nor a type definition is known for element <xsl:output>. Strict assessment failed.
			Error location: xsl:stylesheet / xsl:output
				cvc-assess-elt.1: Neither an element declaration nor a type definition is known for element <xsl:output>. Strict assessment failed.
		Neither an element declaration nor a type definition is known for element <xsl:template>. Strict assessment failed.
			Error location: xsl:stylesheet / xsl:template
				cvc-assess-elt.1: Neither an element declaration nor a type definition is known for element <xsl:template>. Strict assessment failed.
		Neither an element declaration nor a type definition is known for element <xsl:for-each>. Strict assessment failed.
			Error location: xsl:stylesheet / xsl:template / xsl:for-each
				cvc-assess-elt.1: Neither an element declaration nor a type definition is known for element <xsl:for-each>. Strict assessment failed.

(and many pages more of this)
AnswerRe: Schematron errors with XML Spy update Pin
Richard Deeming22-Oct-19 0:49
mveRichard Deeming22-Oct-19 0:49 
QuestionXML file read images and display them at random Pin
eatupyourgreens12-Sep-19 9:33
eatupyourgreens12-Sep-19 9:33 
AnswerRe: XML file read images and display them at random Pin
Richard MacCutchan12-Sep-19 11:20
mveRichard MacCutchan12-Sep-19 11:20 
GeneralRe: XML file read images and display them at random Pin
eatupyourgreens12-Sep-19 11:27
eatupyourgreens12-Sep-19 11:27 
GeneralRe: XML file read images and display them at random Pin
Richard MacCutchan12-Sep-19 11:33
mveRichard MacCutchan12-Sep-19 11:33 
QuestionQuery XML API and display results Pin
hm928-Aug-19 4:37
hm928-Aug-19 4:37 
AnswerRe: Query XML API and display results Pin
Richard MacCutchan28-Aug-19 5:57
mveRichard MacCutchan28-Aug-19 5:57 

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