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JokeRe: C# code -Compare 2 pdf and give output as 2 pdfs with color Pin
Richard Deeming11-Mar-20 0:37
mveRichard Deeming11-Mar-20 0:37 
GeneralRe: C# code -Compare 2 pdf and give output as 2 pdfs with color Pin
kalberts12-Mar-20 3:01
kalberts12-Mar-20 3:01 
Questiontime requirements in real-times systems? Pin
auting8210-Mar-20 3:08
auting8210-Mar-20 3:08 
AnswerRe: time requirements in real-times systems? Pin
OriginalGriff10-Mar-20 3:49
mveOriginalGriff10-Mar-20 3:49 
Windows is not and never has been a real time system: it's a multithreaded preemptive scheduling system, and that's different.

Thread delays aren't absolute values, they are minimum values: the thread will delay for at least Xms, and will be available to run from that point - but that doesn't mean it will run immediately, or even soon, depending on other threads in the system and the number of cores available to process them.
As the "Threads : Cores" ratio rises, more and more threads get delayed more and more.

You have no direct control at all over when a thread will run: all you can do is say "wait at least this long"; you can't even guarantee that a thread will complete an operation before a second thread gets in there - so when you are sharing a single resource (such as the console) between multiple threads, you can't even guarantee that each message you see will be complete, much less in an order you want!
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
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GeneralRe: time requirements in real-times systems? Pin
auting8210-Mar-20 4:43
auting8210-Mar-20 4:43 
GeneralRe: time requirements in real-times systems? Pin
OriginalGriff10-Mar-20 4:51
mveOriginalGriff10-Mar-20 4:51 
AnswerRe: time requirements in real-times systems? Pin
Gerry Schmitz10-Mar-20 6:30
mveGerry Schmitz10-Mar-20 6:30 
AnswerRe: time requirements in real-times systems? Pin
Richard MacCutchan10-Mar-20 7:02
mveRichard MacCutchan10-Mar-20 7:02 
Questionimport multiple csv files into msql database - C# coding - reg Pin
Member 137889379-Mar-20 7:28
Member 137889379-Mar-20 7:28 
AnswerRe: import multiple csv files into msql database - C# coding - reg Pin
phil.o9-Mar-20 8:25
professionalphil.o9-Mar-20 8:25 
QuestionHow to invoke Web API in console or service application? Pin
meeram399-Mar-20 3:38
professionalmeeram399-Mar-20 3:38 
AnswerRe: How to invoke Web API in console or service application? Pin
Richard Deeming9-Mar-20 8:45
mveRichard Deeming9-Mar-20 8:45 
GeneralRe: How to invoke Web API in console or service application? Pin
meeram399-Mar-20 17:48
professionalmeeram399-Mar-20 17:48 
GeneralRe: How to invoke Web API in console or service application? Pin
Richard Deeming10-Mar-20 0:32
mveRichard Deeming10-Mar-20 0:32 
QuestionConverting List<int> to List<object> for One to Many relation with sqlite-net-extensions Pin
Exoskeletor8-Mar-20 0:00
Exoskeletor8-Mar-20 0:00 
AnswerRe: Converting List<int> to List<object> for One to Many relation with sqlite-net-extensions Pin
Eddy Vluggen8-Mar-20 9:20
professionalEddy Vluggen8-Mar-20 9:20 
GeneralRe: Converting List<int> to List<object> for One to Many relation with sqlite-net-extensions Pin
Exoskeletor8-Mar-20 11:23
Exoskeletor8-Mar-20 11:23 
GeneralRe: Converting List<int> to List<object> for One to Many relation with sqlite-net-extensions Pin
Mycroft Holmes8-Mar-20 13:28
professionalMycroft Holmes8-Mar-20 13:28 
GeneralRe: Converting List<int> to List<object> for One to Many relation with sqlite-net-extensions Pin
Exoskeletor8-Mar-20 14:20
Exoskeletor8-Mar-20 14:20 
GeneralRe: Converting List<int> to List<object> for One to Many relation with sqlite-net-extensions Pin
Mycroft Holmes8-Mar-20 14:51
professionalMycroft Holmes8-Mar-20 14:51 
GeneralRe: Converting List<int> to List<object> for One to Many relation with sqlite-net-extensions Pin
Exoskeletor8-Mar-20 14:54
Exoskeletor8-Mar-20 14:54 
GeneralRe: Converting List<int> to List<object> for One to Many relation with sqlite-net-extensions Pin
Exoskeletor8-Mar-20 14:56
Exoskeletor8-Mar-20 14:56 
GeneralRe: Converting List<int> to List<object> for One to Many relation with sqlite-net-extensions Pin
Mycroft Holmes8-Mar-20 15:12
professionalMycroft Holmes8-Mar-20 15:12 
GeneralRe: Converting List<int> to List<object> for One to Many relation with sqlite-net-extensions Pin
Exoskeletor8-Mar-20 16:02
Exoskeletor8-Mar-20 16:02 
GeneralRe: Converting List<int> to List<object> for One to Many relation with sqlite-net-extensions Pin
Eddy Vluggen8-Mar-20 21:50
professionalEddy Vluggen8-Mar-20 21:50 

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