etechX2 wrote: I am beginner
A beginner programmer should not attempt that. You would need to learn quite a bit of just programming in C++ and then programming for windows and then programming to the device interface.
yeah, you are going to be down into device drivers and what not. I'm sure Microsoft has an API somewhere, but it'll change.
Charlie Gilley
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759
Has never been more appropriate.
I am asking for code assistance, I am NOT asking for opinions, to implement
"foreach" to be able to write something likes
"action-> trigger this code "
I am asking for code help to rewrite this to recursively go thru the object hierarchy until "textMatch" is found
QString textMatch = test; QList<QAction*> pTEST = parent->findChildren<QAction *>();
foreach( auto *action, pTEST)
text = action->objectName();
qDebug().noquote() << text;
#ifdef RETILE
text = "match found parent ";
text += parent->objectName();
text += "\n action ";
text += action->objectName();
qDebug().noquote() << text;
text += " foreach match ";
qDebug().noquote() << text;
return 0;
The code abiove works fine "in single stage",
I need it to iterate , using foreach preferred, but not mandatory, thru the entire tree.
This is an "under construction code " and will be deleted AFTER solution is found.
"actionTile_subwindows" QAction
event @0x7fffffffca20 QCloseEvent
mdiParent @0x7ffff4ea5453 QMdiSubWindow
pActions <not accessible> QList<QAction*>
pL <not accessible> QList<QObject*>
pLParent <not accessible> QList<QObject*>
pLParent_Action <not accessible> QList<QAction*>
pOBJECT 0x5d0000006e QWidget*
pTEST @0x7fffffffc550 QWidget
this "SettingsDialog" SettingsDialog
[QDialog] "SettingsDialog" QDialog
[d] @0x555555d923e0 QDialogPrivate
[parent] @0x555555de3310 QMdiSubWindow
[QWidget] @0x555555de3310 QWidget
[d] @0x5555556d1000 QMdiSubWindowPrivate
[parent] @0x555555c30e80 QWidget
[QObject] @0x555555c30e80 QObject
[QPaintDevice] @0x555555c30e90 QPaintDevice
[d] @0x555555c30ec0 QWidgetPrivate
[parent] @0x555555c64250 QMdiArea
[QAbstractScrollArea] @0x555555c64250 QAbstractScrollArea
[d] @0x5555559ff1a0 QMdiAreaPrivate
[parent] "MainWindow_Bluetooth" MainWindow_Bluetooth
[QMainWindow] "MainWindow_Bluetooth" QMainWindow
[d] @0x555555c2ed00 QMainWindowPrivate
[parent] @0x555555ccf290 QMdiSubWindow
[children] <35 items> QList<QObject*>
[0] "_layout" QMainWindowLayout
[1] @0x555555c64250 QMdiArea
[2] "SettingsDialog" SettingsDialog
[3] @0x555555cdddc0 QSerialPort
[4] "actionAbout" QAction
[5] "actionAboutQt" QAction
[6] "actionConnect" QAction
[7] "actionDisconnect" QAction
[8] "actionConfigure" QAction
[9] "actionClear" QAction
[10] "actionQuit" QAction
[11] "actionVirtual_serial_port" QAction
[12] "actionBluetooth_virtual_port" QAction
[13] "actionBluetooth" QAction
[14] "actionBluetooith_virtiual_port" QAction
[15] "actionBluetooth_service_enable" QAction
[16] "actionWinsow_control" QAction
[17] "actionWindoiw_control" QAction
[18] "actionTEST_tile" QAction
[19] "actionTEST_resize" QAction
[20] "actionTile_subwindows" QAction
[21] "actionCascade_subwindows" QAction
[22] "actionMaximize_current_subwindow" QAction
[23] "actionTEST" QAction
[24] "actionSubmenu_1" QAction
[25] "actionSubmenuy_2" QAction
[26] "actionClear_all_windoiws" QAction
[27] "actionClear_all_windiws" QAction
[28] "actionSerial_test" QAction
[29] "actionSerial_test_2" QAction
[30] "actionC_code_scan" QAction
[31] "actionSelect_MDI_subwindow_MDI_window_control" QAction
[32] "menuBar" QMenuBar
[33] "mainToolBar" QToolBar
[34] "statusBar" QStatusBar
[properties] <at least 0 items>
[methods] <20 items>
Menu_Index 0 int
command 0x0 char*
index 8 int
index_sub 0 int
list_array @0x555555bd2370 QStringList[10]
m_TAB_Connect 0x0 A_BT_TAB_DIALOG*
m_console @0x555555c314f0 Console
m_mdiarea @0x555555c64250 QMdiArea
m_serial @0x555555cdddc0 QSerialPort
m_settings "SettingsDialog" SettingsDialog
m_settings_RFcomm 0x0 SettingsDialog_RFcomm*
m_status @0x555555c64370 QLabel
m_ui @0x5555556735a0 Ui::MainWindow_Bluetooth
mainAction @0x555555bd24c8 QAction*[16]
result "" QString
subAction @0x555555bd23c8 QAction*[16]
subMenu @0x555555bd2448 QMenu*[16]
text " Parent console (case 7) " QString
verify @0x555555bd2570 QStringList[16]
[children] <3 items> QList<QObject*>
[0] "qt_scrollarea_hcontainer" QAbstractScrollAreaScrollBarContainer
[1] "qt_scrollarea_vcontainer" QAbstractScrollAreaScrollBarContainer
[2] @0x555555c30e80 QWidget
[properties] <at least 8 items>
[methods] <14 items>
[children] <6 items> QList<QObject*>
[properties] <at least 59 items>
[methods] <27 items>
[0] windowTitleChanged
[nameindex] 1
[type] signal
[argc] 1
[parameter] 149
[tag] 2
[flags] 6
[localindex] 0
[globalindex] 5
[1] windowIconChanged
[nameindex] 4
[type] signal
[argc] 1
[parameter] 152
[tag] 2
[flags] 6
[localindex] 1
[globalindex] 6
[2] windowIconTextChanged
[nameindex] 6
[type] signal
[argc] 1
[parameter] 155
[tag] 2
[flags] 6
[localindex] 2
[globalindex] 7
[3] customContextMenuRequested
[nameindex] 8
[type] signal
[argc] 1
[parameter] 158
[tag] 2
[flags] 6
[localindex] 3
[globalindex] 8
[4] setEnabled
[nameindex] 10
[type] slot
[argc] 1
[parameter] 161
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 4
[globalindex] 9
[5] setDisabled
[nameindex] 11
[type] slot
[argc] 1
[parameter] 164
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 5
[globalindex] 10
[6] setWindowModified
[nameindex] 12
[type] slot
[argc] 1
[parameter] 167
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 6
[globalindex] 11
[7] setWindowTitle
[nameindex] 13
[type] slot
[argc] 1
[parameter] 170
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 7
[globalindex] 12
[8] setStyleSheet
[nameindex] 14
[type] slot
[argc] 1
[parameter] 173
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 8
[globalindex] 13
[9] setFocus
[nameindex] 16
[type] slot
[argc] 0
[parameter] 176
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 9
[globalindex] 14
[10] update
[nameindex] 17
[type] slot
[argc] 0
[parameter] 177
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 10
[globalindex] 15
[11] repaint
[nameindex] 18
[type] slot
[argc] 0
[parameter] 178
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 11
[globalindex] 16
[12] setVisible
[nameindex] 19
[type] slot
[argc] 1
[parameter] 179
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 12
[globalindex] 17
[13] setHidden
[nameindex] 21
[type] slot
[argc] 1
[parameter] 182
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 13
[globalindex] 18
[14] show
[nameindex] 23
[type] slot
[argc] 0
[parameter] 185
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 14
[globalindex] 19
[15] hide
[nameindex] 24
[type] slot
[argc] 0
[parameter] 186
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 15
[globalindex] 20
[16] showMinimized
[nameindex] 25
[type] slot
[argc] 0
[parameter] 187
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 16
[globalindex] 21
[17] showMaximized
[nameindex] 26
[type] slot
[argc] 0
[parameter] 188
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 17
[globalindex] 22
[18] showFullScreen
[nameindex] 27
[type] slot
[argc] 0
[parameter] 189
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 18
[globalindex] 23
[19] showNormal
[nameindex] 28
[type] slot
[argc] 0
[parameter] 190
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 19
[globalindex] 24
[20] close
[nameindex] 29
[type] slot
[argc] 0
[parameter] 191
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 20
[globalindex] 25
[21] raise
[nameindex] 30
[type] slot
[argc] 0
[parameter] 192
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 21
[globalindex] 26
[22] lower
[nameindex] 31
[type] slot
[argc] 0
[parameter] 193
[tag] 2
[flags] 10
[localindex] 22
[globalindex] 27
[23] updateMicroFocus
[nameindex] 32
[type] <unknown>
[argc] 0
[parameter] 194
[tag] 2
[flags] 9
[localindex] 23
[globalindex] 28
[24] _q_showIfNotHidden
[nameindex] 33
[type] <unknown>
[argc] 0
[parameter] 195
[tag] 2
[flags] 8
[localindex] 24
[globalindex] 29
[25] grab
[nameindex] 34
[type] <unknown>
[argc] 1
[parameter] 196
[tag] 2
[flags] 2
[localindex] 25
[globalindex] 30
[26] grab
[nameindex] 34
[type] <unknown>
[argc] 0
[parameter] 199
[tag] 2
[flags] 34
[localindex] 26
[globalindex] 31
data @0x555555c30fe0 QWidgetData
[children] <4 items> QList<QObject*>
[properties] <at least 2 items>
[methods] <7 items>
[children] <8 items> QList<QObject*>
[properties] <at least 0 items>
[methods] <8 items>
ConnectIndex 1 int
ConnectParent "MainWindow_Bluetooth" MainWindow_Bluetooth
ConnectText " TEST SettingsDialog Constructor (emit index 1 ) " QString
m_TAB_CommonDebug 0x0 A_BT_TAB_DIALOG*
m_currentSettings @0x555555d86c88 SettingsDialog::Settings
m_intValidator @0x555555dc61c0 QIntValidator
m_status @0x555555dc5af0 QLabel
m_ui @0x555555cb7d90 Ui::SettingsDialog
staticMetaObject @0x7ffff7f03560 QMetaObject
statusBar @0x555555dd75f0 QStatusBar
text " this->parent()->objectName() " QString
"(?<=\thci0 <no such value>
// subMenu[index] = subMenu[index]
// ->addMenu(list[index] +
// //subtempmenu = new QMenu();
qDebug().noquote() << text;
Return Value
There's probably a nice template way to do this. But if I understand you're problem, here's a simple C++ program with multi-level tree that you may be able to adapt to your situation:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
class Tree {
int datum;
std::vector<Tree> children;
Tree(int d) :datum(d) {}
void walk(Tree& t, size_t n, void fn(const Tree& t, size_t n) )
fn(t, n);
for(auto child: t.children)
walk(child, n+1, fn);
int main()
Tree t(0);
for(int x = 1; x < 3; ++x)
Tree tmp(x);
for(int y = 100; y < 500; y += 100 )
Tree tmp(y);
walk(t, 0, [](const Tree& t, size_t indent) { std::cout << std::string(indent*3, ' ') << t.datum << '\n'; });
} This processes the parent before the children, but you can reverse the lines of the walk function to do the children first, if preferred. foreach is not part of the C++ standard, but the ranged for loop has been since C++-11, so your compiler almost certainly supports it. Whether QT containers will work with ranged for loops is not known to me. Still, the idea is the same. Create a recursive function that processes the parent, then calls itself on each of the children.
I'm sure there's a more generic way to do this using templates, that parameterizes the function, which would mean you don't have to write a separate walk function for every distinct function prototype on fn . Maybe that's an exercise you could undertake to help improve your understanding of templates, and other C++ facilities.
"A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants"
Chuckles the clown
modified 8-May-24 13:32pm.
Thank you.
I was hoping to build on my current knowledge and working code , regardless if it is standard or not.
I am looking into this
QTreeWidgetItemIterator<QAction*> it(parent<QAction*>(this));
and have two issues with it
I still cannot access the object "parent" and it looks as this class expects
tree widget to iterate.
Moore RTFM.
Salvatore Terress wrote: Moore RTFM
"A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants"
Chuckles the clown
It worked...
I did save you a time to write FOUR letters...
Maybe I should end my post instead of
( I hope you take this post as a joke ...good night from Huston )
Well, I am getting few "try it this way".
I believe there are many ways to "skin a cat" , but these well meaning alternative suggestion are
distraction from the task at hand.
Actually I have to "back-paddle " in my "foreach"' approach.
Before I can iterate I have to have a list and it better be of compatible type...
That also applies if I use any of the Qt ways to iterate...
POST voluntarily removed - no response
modified 9-May-24 10:43am.
1. This has nothing to do with templates.
2. If you change the word pTEST in the first example to actionList , you will see that they are both exactly the same. Barring, of course the line:
text += " match ";
which is not present in the second sample.
And since the findChildren function returns a list of QAction* items, it matters not whether you specify it explicitly, or leave the compiler to infer it from the context.
Please do not do this. I posted a response which explained the situation. Now anyone who reads my response will have no idea what your question was even about.
modified 6-May-24 16:22pm.
hi all,
i am change my exe icon its working fine with icon which have single stage icon.
but if i select a icon file that have multiple size stages in icon file, icon not reflect on exe.
HANDLE handle = BeginUpdateResource(exe_file, FALSE);
char *buffer; // buffer to store raw icon data
long buffersize; // length of buffer
int hFile; // file handle
hFile = open(ico_file, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
if (hFile == -1)
return; // if file doesn't exist, can't be opened etc.
// calculate buffer length and load file into buffer
buffersize = filelength(hFile);
buffer = (char *)malloc(buffersize);
read(hFile, buffer, buffersize);
int icon_id=1;
handle, // Handle to executable
RT_ICON, // Resource type - icon
MAKEINTRESOURCE(icon_id), // Make the id 1
// skip the first 22 bytes because this is the
// icon header&directory entry (if the file
// contains multiple images the directory entries
// will be larger than 22 bytes
buffersize-22 // length of buffer
// Again, we use this structure for educational purposes.
// The icon header and directory entries can be read from
// the file.
// This is the header
grData.Reserved1 = 0; // reserved, must be 0
grData.ResourceType = 1; // type is 1 for icons
grData.ImageCount = 1; // number of icons in structure (1)
// This is the directory entry
grData.Width = 32; // icon width (32)
grData.Height = 32; // icon height (32)
grData.Colors = 0; // colors (256)
grData.Reserved2 = 0; // reserved, must be 0
grData.Planes = 2; // color planes
grData.BitsPerPixel = 32; // bit depth
grData.ImageSize = buffersize - 22; // size of image
grData.ResourceID = icon_id; // resource ID is 1
// MAINICON contains information about the
// application's displayed icon
// Pointer to this structure
delete buffer; // free memory
// Perform the update, don't discard changes
// Write changes then close it.
if (!EndUpdateResource(handle, FALSE))
return ;
please help me where i am doing mistake.
thanks in advance.
Le@rner wrote: buffer = (char *)malloc(buffersize);
delete buffer; // free memory
let's begin with the basics: Why do you use malloc to allocate buffer and then use delete to free the memory?
To make life more exciting?
Quote: (buffer+22),
// skip the first 22 bytes because this is the
// icon header&directory entry (if the file
// contains multiple images the directory entries
// will be larger than 22 bytes
buffersize-22 // length of buffer
The above remark is a hint, isn't it?
"In testa che avete, Signor di Ceprano?"
-- Rigoletto
Thank you!
"In testa che avete, Signor di Ceprano?"
-- Rigoletto
Never mind - found how to "convert " picture to text.
Is there an acceptable way to post a picture or attach a file to a post ?
I have a "debug view" I like to post.
modified 30-Apr-24 11:57am.
use imgur.
CI/CD = Continuous Impediment/Continuous Despair
And how about copy/paste the eliable code snippet together with "debug assertion failed" message text?
Is here somebody ON THIS forum to help me navigate - using C++ code - thru the debug message?
and using Qt?
I am NOT going to post more just to get " do not post Qt questions here ..." ,
hence wasting my time.
Salvatore Terress wrote: to help me navigate - using C++ code - thru the debug message?
Please, define "navigate - using C++ code - thru the debug message".