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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: SendNotifyMessage() "queues" messages Pin
jschell12-Mar-24 14:55
jschell12-Mar-24 14:55 
GeneralRe: SendNotifyMessage() "queues" messages Pin
MikeBz18-Mar-24 0:26
MikeBz18-Mar-24 0:26 
QuestionDetermining reason for SendMessageTimeout() failure Pin
MikeBz12-Mar-24 0:37
MikeBz12-Mar-24 0:37 
SuggestionRe: Determining reason for SendMessageTimeout() failure Pin
Richard MacCutchan12-Mar-24 5:50
mveRichard MacCutchan12-Mar-24 5:50 
GeneralRe: Determining reason for SendMessageTimeout() failure Pin
MikeBz12-Mar-24 5:52
MikeBz12-Mar-24 5:52 
AnswerRe: Determining reason for SendMessageTimeout() failure Pin
jschell12-Mar-24 15:01
jschell12-Mar-24 15:01 
GeneralRe: Determining reason for SendMessageTimeout() failure Pin
MikeBz17-Mar-24 23:52
MikeBz17-Mar-24 23:52 
QuestionVS2022, I hate thee... not really but I do wish Microsoft would stop f'ing around with menus and process... - MDI app, ON_NOTIFY Pin
charlieg3-Mar-24 15:42
charlieg3-Mar-24 15:42 
QuestionRe: VS2022, I hate thee... not really but I do wish Microsoft would stop f'ing around with menus and process... - MDI app, ON_NOTIFY Pin
CPallini3-Mar-24 21:01
mveCPallini3-Mar-24 21:01 
AnswerRe: VS2022, I hate thee... not really but I do wish Microsoft would stop f'ing around with menus and process... - MDI app, ON_NOTIFY Pin
charlieg4-Mar-24 1:24
charlieg4-Mar-24 1:24 
QuestionC code "crashes"... Pin
Salvatore Terress3-Mar-24 7:08
Salvatore Terress3-Mar-24 7:08 
AnswerRe: C code "crashes"... Pin
Victor Nijegorodov3-Mar-24 8:05
Victor Nijegorodov3-Mar-24 8:05 
AnswerRe: C code "crashes"... Pin
k50543-Mar-24 10:35
mvek50543-Mar-24 10:35 
GeneralRe: C code "crashes"... Pin
Salvatore Terress3-Mar-24 14:13
Salvatore Terress3-Mar-24 14:13 
GeneralRe: C code "crashes"... Pin
k50544-Mar-24 0:51
mvek50544-Mar-24 0:51 
GeneralRe: C code "crashes"... Pin
Salvatore Terress4-Mar-24 2:12
Salvatore Terress4-Mar-24 2:12 
Questionme vs. VS2022.. detecting NULL pointers Pin
charlieg29-Feb-24 11:38
charlieg29-Feb-24 11:38 
AnswerRe: me vs. VS2022.. detecting NULL pointers Pin
charlieg29-Feb-24 12:11
charlieg29-Feb-24 12:11 
GeneralRe: me vs. VS2022.. detecting NULL pointers Pin
Richard Andrew x6429-Feb-24 12:53
professionalRichard Andrew x6429-Feb-24 12:53 
GeneralRe: me vs. VS2022.. detecting NULL pointers Pin
trønderen1-Mar-24 7:14
trønderen1-Mar-24 7:14 
GeneralRe: me vs. VS2022.. detecting NULL pointers Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Mar-24 7:39
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Mar-24 7:39 
GeneralRe: me vs. VS2022.. detecting NULL pointers Pin
trønderen1-Mar-24 13:37
trønderen1-Mar-24 13:37 
GeneralRe: me vs. VS2022.. detecting NULL pointers Pin
jschell1-Mar-24 12:05
jschell1-Mar-24 12:05 
GeneralRe: me vs. VS2022.. detecting NULL pointers Pin
Mircea Neacsu1-Mar-24 15:49
Mircea Neacsu1-Mar-24 15:49 
GeneralRe: me vs. VS2022.. detecting NULL pointers Pin
CPallini1-Mar-24 23:21
mveCPallini1-Mar-24 23:21 

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