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Comments by Member 13664566 (Top 2 by date)

Member 13664566 23-Apr-18 10:54am View    
Thanks! Your help is much appreciated.
Member 13664566 22-Apr-18 11:35am View    
Thanks so much for your response. I now have each of my three checkboxes using the following code:
private void chkEnergyBooster_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
decimal subtotal = 0.0M;
subtotal += chkEnergyBooster.Checked ? .25m : -0.25m;

lblSubTotal.Text = subtotal.ToString("c");

But, I have a few problems. The first is, when I check multiple boxes, the number in lblSubtotal does not go from .25 to .50 to .75. It just stays at .25 no matter how many boxes I check. How do I get it to increase from .25?

The other issue is that when I check and uncheck a box, the label goes from $0.25 to ($0.25) and I am not sure why.

Also, I have a lot of functions that use the variable "subtotal" in other parts of my form. How do I maintain that variable's value throughout the form? It seems like the way I have it now, it just exists within these checkboxes.checkchanged events.