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Debugging a Bison Grammar

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27 May 2020CPOL 5.1K   6  
How to get more information from a bison .output file.
When running a grammar through bison, you will invariably get shift/reduce and/or reduce/reduce errors. If your grammar is small enough, it is usually not too difficult to spot the problems but when the grammar is larger it can become baffling to work out what is going on. This code pulls more information out of the .output log file to help you see what the actual problem is.

Example Output

Normally the log information for a state looks like this:

state 41

  3184 reconfigure_statement: RECONFIGURE .
  3185                      | RECONFIGURE . WITH OVERRIDE

    WITH  shift, and go to state 610

    WITH      [reduce using rule 3184 (reconfigure_statement)]
    $default  reduce using rule 3184 (reconfigure_statement)

Using this code the output is:

State 41

3184 reconfigure_statement: RECONFIGURE .
3185                      | RECONFIGURE . WITH OVERRIDE

WITH      shift, and go to state 610
WITH      [reduce using rule 3184 (reconfigure_statement)]

2330 func_body_returns_table_6: func_body_returns_table_6 . sql_clause
2343 func_body_returns_scalar_6: func_body_returns_scalar_6 . sql_clause
3466 with_expression: . WITH with_expression_2 common_table_expression with_expression_4

2330 func_body_returns_table_6: func_body_returns_table_6 . sql_clause
2343 func_body_returns_scalar_6: func_body_returns_scalar_6 . sql_clause
3467 with_expression: . WITH blocking_hierarchy with_expression_6 AS '(' select_statement ')'

In this example, we can see that rules 3466 and 3467 cause the shift/reduce error at 3184 as they start with token WITH and they are called by rules 2330 and 2343 via rule sql_clause.

Using the code

In order to use the following code you will need both parsertl and lexertl:

//#include "../parsertl17/include/parsertl/debug.hpp"
#include "../parsertl17/include/parsertl/generator.hpp"
#include "../parsertl17/include/parsertl/lookup.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include "../lexertl17/include/lexertl/memory_file.hpp"
#include "../parsertl17/include/parsertl/parse.hpp"
#include <queue>

using char_ptr_pair = std::pair<const char*, const char*>;
using char_ptr_pair_vector = std::vector<char_ptr_pair>;
using int_char_ptr_map = std::map<int, char_ptr_pair>;
using int_vector = std::vector<int>;

struct non_terminal
    char_ptr_pair _name;
    int _id = -1;
    int_vector _lhs;
    int_vector _rhs;

    non_terminal(const char_ptr_pair &name) :

using nt_vector = std::vector<non_terminal>;

template<typename Container, typename Iterator>
struct direction

template<typename Container>
struct direction<Container, typename Container::const_iterator>
    typename Container::const_iterator begin(const Container& c)
        return c.cbegin();

    typename Container::const_iterator end(const Container& c)
        return c.cend();

template<typename Container>
struct direction<Container, typename Container::const_reverse_iterator>
    typename Container::const_reverse_iterator begin(const Container& c)
        return c.crbegin();

    typename Container::const_reverse_iterator end(const Container& c)
        return c.crend();

std::size_t g_rule_name = ~0;
std::size_t g_sub_rule_idx = ~0;
std::size_t g_rule_item1 = ~0;
std::size_t g_rule_item2 = ~0;
std::size_t g_term_name_idx = ~0;
std::size_t g_term_rule_idx = ~0;
std::size_t g_nts_title = ~0;
std::size_t g_non_term_name_idx = ~0;
std::size_t g_non_term_id_idx = ~0;
std::size_t g_left_id_idx = ~0;
std::size_t g_right_id_idx = ~0;
std::size_t g_state_title_idx = ~0;
std::size_t g_state_prod_ix = ~0;
std::size_t g_state_shift_idx = ~0;
std::size_t g_state_reduce_idx = ~0;
std::size_t g_reduce_error_idx = ~0;

// Index from rule number to non terminal
int_vector g_rule_to_nt;
// Production for each rule
std::vector<char_ptr_pair_vector> g_rules;
// Terminals, with rules where they appear
std::vector<std::pair<char_ptr_pair, int_vector>> g_terminals;
// Nonterminals, with rules where they appear
nt_vector g_non_terminals;

void build_grammar(parsertl::state_machine &gsm, lexertl::state_machine &lsm)
    parsertl::rules grules;
    lexertl::rules lrules;
    std::string warnings;

    grules.token("ACCEPT Char GOTO Grammar Integer Name NL NON_TERMINALS_TITLE "
        "OnLeft OnRight REDUCE ReduceReduce RUG_TITLE RUPC_TITLE SHIFT "

    grules.push("start", "useless_nonterms terms_unused rules_useless "
        "rules_useless_conflicts conflict_states grammar terminals non_terminals "
    grules.push("useless_nonterms", "%empty | UNT_TITLE NL NL name_list NL NL");
    grules.push("terms_unused", "%empty | TUG_TITLE NL NL name_list NL NL");
    grules.push("rules_useless", "%empty | RUG_TITLE NL NL production_list NL");
    grules.push("rules_useless_conflicts", "%empty | RUPC_TITLE NL NL production_list NL");
    grules.push("name_list", "Name NL "
        "| name_list Name NL");

    grules.push("production_list", "production "
        "| production_list production");
        "opt_nl Integer Name ':' item_list NL or_item_list NL");
    grules.push("item_list", "%empty "
        "| item_list name_char");
    grules.push("or_item_list", "%empty "
        "| or_item_list Integer '|' item_list NL");

    grules.push("conflict_states", "conflict_state_list NL NL");
    grules.push("conflict_state_list", "State conflicts NL "
        "| conflict_state_list State conflicts NL");
    grules.push("conflicts", "Integer ShiftReduce "
        "| Integer ReduceReduce "
        "| conflicts ',' Integer ShiftReduce "
        "| conflicts ',' Integer ReduceReduce");
    grules.push("grammar", "Grammar NL NL gram_production_list NL");
    grules.push("gram_production_list", "gram_production "
        "| gram_production_list gram_production");
    grules.push("gram_production", "Integer rule_name ':' gram_item_list NL sub_prod NL");

    g_rule_name = grules.push("rule_name", "Name");

    grules.push("gram_item_list", "%empty "
        "| gram_item_list rule_item");

    grules.push("sub_prod", "%empty "
        "| sub_prod sub_rule_id '|' gram_item_list NL");

    g_sub_rule_idx = grules.push("sub_rule_id", "Integer");
    g_rule_item1 = grules.push("rule_item", "Name");
    g_rule_item2 = grules.push("rule_item", "Char");

    grules.push("terminals", "TERMINALS_TITLE NL NL terminal_list");
    grules.push("terminal_list", "term_name '(' Integer ')' term_integer_list "
        "| terminal_list term_name '(' Integer ')' term_integer_list");

    g_term_name_idx = grules.push("term_name", "name_char");

    grules.push("term_integer_list", "NL "
        "| term_rule "
        "| term_integer_list term_rule "
        "| term_integer_list NL");

    g_term_rule_idx = grules.push("term_rule", "Integer");

    grules.push("non_terminals", "nts_title NL NL non_terminal_list");

    g_nts_title = grules.push("nts_title", "NON_TERMINALS_TITLE");

    // e.g: decimal (2971)
    grules.push("non_terminal_list", "non_term_name '(' non_term_id ')' NL left_right "
        "| non_terminal_list non_term_name '(' non_term_id ')' NL left_right");

    g_non_term_name_idx = grules.push("non_term_name", "Name");
    g_non_term_id_idx = grules.push("non_term_id", "Integer");

    // e.g: on left: 4257, on right: 600 797
    grules.push("left_right", "OnLeft left_int_list "
        "| OnRight right_int_list "
        "| left_right ',' opt_nl OnLeft left_int_list "
        "| left_right ',' opt_nl OnRight right_int_list");
    grules.push("left_int_list", "NL "
        "| left_id "
        "| left_int_list left_id "
        "| left_int_list NL");

    g_left_id_idx = grules.push("left_id", "Integer");

    grules.push("right_int_list", "NL "
        "| right_id "
        "| right_int_list right_id "
        "| right_int_list NL");

    g_right_id_idx = grules.push("right_id", "Integer");

    grules.push("opt_nl", "%empty | NL");
    grules.push("states", "state "
        "| states state");
    grules.push("state", "state_title NL NL state_prod_list transitions");
    g_state_title_idx = grules.push("state_title", "STATE_TITLE");
    grules.push("state_prod_list", "state_prod "
        "| state_prod_list state_prod");
    g_state_prod_ix = grules.push("state_prod", "opt_nl state_prod_rule lhs item_dot_list NL");
    grules.push("state_prod_rule", "Integer");
    grules.push("lhs", "Name ':'");
    grules.push("lhs", "'|'");
    grules.push("item_dot_list", "%empty "
        "| item_dot_list item");
    grules.push("item", "name_char");
    grules.push("item", "'.'");

    grules.push("transitions", "NL "
        "| action "
        "| transitions action "
        "| transitions NL");
    grules.push("action", "name_char ACCEPT NL "
        "| name_char GOTO Integer NL");
    g_state_shift_idx = grules.push("action", "name_char SHIFT Integer NL");
    g_state_reduce_idx = grules.push("action", "name_char REDUCE Integer '(' Name ')' NL");

    g_reduce_error_idx = grules.push("action", "name_char '[' REDUCE Integer '(' Name ')' ']' NL");

    grules.push("integer_list", "NL "
        "| Integer "
        "| integer_list Integer "
        "| integer_list NL");
    grules.push("name_char", "Name | Char");
    //parsertl::debug::dump(grules, std::cout);
    parsertl::generator::build(grules, gsm, &warnings);

    lrules.push("[ \t]+|[/][*].{+}[\r\n]*?[*][/]", lrules.skip());
    lrules.push("\r?\n", grules.token_id("NL"));
    lrules.push("\\d+", grules.token_id("Integer"));
    lrules.push(":", grules.token_id("':'"));
    lrules.push("\\|", grules.token_id("'|'"));
    lrules.push(",", grules.token_id("','"));
    lrules.push("[.]", grules.token_id("'.'"));
    lrules.push("[(]", grules.token_id("'('"));
    lrules.push("[)]", grules.token_id("')'"));
    lrules.push("\\[", grules.token_id("'['"));
    lrules.push("\\]", grules.token_id("']'"));
    lrules.push("'([^'\\\\]|\\\\.)'", grules.token_id("Char"));
    lrules.push("accept", grules.token_id("ACCEPT"));
    lrules.push("Grammar", grules.token_id("Grammar"));
    lrules.push("State \\d+ conflicts: ", grules.token_id("State"));
    lrules.push("state \\d+", grules.token_id("STATE_TITLE"));
    lrules.push("reduce[/]reduce", grules.token_id("ReduceReduce"));
    lrules.push("shift[/]reduce", grules.token_id("ShiftReduce"));
    lrules.push("on left:", grules.token_id("OnLeft"));
    lrules.push("on right:", grules.token_id("OnRight"));
    lrules.push("Nonterminals useless in grammar", grules.token_id("UNT_TITLE"));
    lrules.push("Terminals unused in grammar", grules.token_id("TUG_TITLE"));
    lrules.push("Rules useless in grammar", grules.token_id("RUG_TITLE"));
    lrules.push("Rules useless in parser due to conflicts", grules.token_id("RUPC_TITLE"));
    lrules.push("Terminals, with rules where they appear", grules.token_id("TERMINALS_TITLE"));
    lrules.push("Nonterminals, with rules where they appear", grules.token_id("NON_TERMINALS_TITLE"));
    lrules.push("go to state", grules.token_id("GOTO"));
    lrules.push("reduce using rule", grules.token_id("REDUCE"));
    lrules.push("shift, and go to state", grules.token_id("SHIFT"));
    lrules.push("$?[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*", grules.token_id("Name"));
    lexertl::generator::build(lrules, lsm);

bool nullable(nt_vector::const_iterator &iter)
    for (const int rule : iter->_lhs)
        if (g_rules[rule].empty())
            return true;

    return false;

bool nullable(const int start_rule)
    int nt = g_rule_to_nt[start_rule];
    auto iter = std::find_if(g_non_terminals.begin(),
        g_non_terminals.end(), [&nt](const auto& rec)
            return nt == rec._id;

    return nullable(iter);

void output(const char* first, const char* second, std::ostream& ss)
    for (; first < second; ++first)
        ss << *first;

void display_match(const bool prev_matched, const int rule,
    nt_vector::const_iterator &nt_iter,
    const char_ptr_pair_vector &curr_rhs,
    char_ptr_pair_vector::const_iterator& next,
    char_ptr_pair_vector::const_iterator& end)
    if (!prev_matched)
        std::cout << '\n';

    std::cout << rule << ' ';
    output(nt_iter->_name.first, nt_iter->_name.second, std::cout);
    std::cout << ':';

    for (auto iter = curr_rhs.begin(); iter != next; ++iter)
        std::cout << ' ';
        output(iter->first, iter->second, std::cout);

    std::cout << " .";

    for (auto iter = next; iter != end; ++iter)
        std::cout << ' ';
        output(iter->first, iter->second, std::cout);

    std::cout << '\n';

bool find_match(const std::string& terminal, int_char_ptr_map& lhs_nts,
    int_char_ptr_map& rhs_nts)
    bool matched = false;
    const char* first = terminal.c_str();
    const char* second = first + terminal.size();

    for (const auto& lhs : lhs_nts)
        const int id = lhs.first;
        auto nt_iter = std::find_if(g_non_terminals.begin(),
            [id](const auto& nt)
                return id == nt._id;

        for (const int rule : nt_iter->_rhs)
            const auto& curr_rhs = g_rules[rule];
            auto iter = curr_rhs.begin();
            auto end = curr_rhs.end();

            for (; iter != end; ++iter)
                if (std::equal(nt_iter->_name.first, nt_iter->_name.second,
                    iter->first, iter->second))
                    auto next = iter;


                    if (next != end)
                        if (std::equal(first, second, next->first, next->second))
                            const int id = g_rule_to_nt[rule];

                            nt_iter = std::find_if(g_non_terminals.begin(),
                                [id](const auto& nt)
                                    return id == nt._id;
                            display_match(matched, rule, nt_iter, curr_rhs, next, end);
                            // If terminal matched directly, no need to set matched flag
                            // as there is no additional rule to output.
                            for (const auto& rhs : rhs_nts)
                                if (std::equal(rhs.second.first,
                                    rhs.second.second, next->first,
                                    const int id = g_rule_to_nt[rule];
                                    auto nt_iter =
                                        [id](const auto& nt)
                                            return id == nt._id;

                                    display_match(matched, rule, nt_iter, curr_rhs,
                                        next, end);
                                    matched = true;

    return matched;

// Recursively find all nts beginning/ending with start_nt
template<typename Container, typename Iterator>
void recurse(int start_nt, int_char_ptr_map& nts)
    direction<Container, Iterator> d;
    std::queue<int> queue;

    for (queue.push(start_nt); !queue.empty(); queue.pop())
        int curr_nt = queue.front();

        auto nt_iter = std::find_if(g_non_terminals.begin(),
            g_non_terminals.end(), [curr_nt](const auto& nt)
                return curr_nt == nt._id;

        nts[curr_nt] = nt_iter->_name;

        for (const int rule : nt_iter->_rhs)
            auto& rhs = g_rules[rule];
            Iterator iter = d.begin(rhs);
            Iterator end = d.end(rhs);

            for (; iter != end; ++iter)
                if (std::equal(nt_iter->_name.first, nt_iter->_name.second,
                    iter->first, iter->second))
                    curr_nt = g_rule_to_nt[rule];

                    if (nts.find(curr_nt) == nts.end())

                    auto curr_iter = std::find_if(g_non_terminals.begin(),
                        g_non_terminals.end(), [&iter](const auto& nt)
                            return std::equal(iter->first, iter->second,
                                nt._name.first, nt._name.second);

                    if (curr_iter == g_non_terminals.end() ||

void process_clash(const int reduce_rule, const std::string& terminal)
    int reduce_nt = g_rule_to_nt[reduce_rule];
    const char* first = terminal.c_str();
    const char* second = first + terminal.size();
    auto term_iter = std::find_if(g_terminals.begin(),
        g_terminals.end(), [first, second](const auto& term)
            return std::equal(first, second, term.first.first, term.first.second);
    int_char_ptr_map reduction_nts;

    // Recursively look for reduce_nt at the end of rules
    recurse<char_ptr_pair_vector, char_ptr_pair_vector::const_reverse_iterator>
        (reduce_nt, reduction_nts);

    // Look for rules starting with terminal
    for (const int rule : term_iter->second)
        auto& rhs = g_rules[rule];
        auto iter = rhs.begin();
        auto end = rhs.end();

        for (; iter != end; ++iter)
            if (std::equal(first, second, iter->first, iter->second))
                const int shift_nt = g_rule_to_nt[rule];
                int_char_ptr_map shift_nts;

                // Recursively look for reduce_nt at the end of rules
                recurse<char_ptr_pair_vector, char_ptr_pair_vector::const_iterator>
                    (shift_nt, shift_nts);

                if (find_match(terminal, reduction_nts, shift_nts))
                    const int id = g_rule_to_nt[rule];
                    auto nt_iter = std::find_if(g_non_terminals.begin(),
                        [id](const auto& nt)
                            return id == nt._id;
                    const auto& rhs = g_rules[rule];

                    std::cout << rule << ' ';
                    output(nt_iter->_name.first, nt_iter->_name.second, std::cout);
                    std::cout << ": .";

                    for (const auto& item : rhs)
                        std::cout << ' ';
                        output(item.first, item.second, std::cout);

                    std::cout << '\n';

                auto curr_iter = std::find_if(g_non_terminals.begin(),
                    g_non_terminals.end(), [&iter](const auto& nt)
                        return std::equal(iter->first, iter->second,
                            nt._name.first, nt._name.second);

                if (curr_iter == g_non_terminals.end() || !nullable(curr_iter))

void process(const char* pathname)
    parsertl::state_machine gsm;
    lexertl::state_machine lsm;
    lexertl::memory_file mf(pathname);

    build_grammar(gsm, lsm);

    lexertl::citerator iter(, + mf.size(), lsm);
    parsertl::match_results results(iter->id, gsm);
    using token = parsertl::token<lexertl::citerator>;
    token::token_vector productions;
    int curr_prod = -1;
    // Used in population of g_rule_to_nt
    std::vector<std::string> nt_names;
    std::vector<char_ptr_pair> state_productions;
    std::map<std::string, int> state_shifts;
    std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, std::string>> state_reduces;
    int state = -1;

    for (; results.entry.action != parsertl::action::accept &&
        results.entry.action != parsertl::action::error; )
        switch (results.entry.action)
        case parsertl::action::reduce:
            if (results.entry.param == g_rule_name)
                // rule_name: Name;
                std::string name = results.dollar(0, gsm, productions).str();
                auto iter = std::find(nt_names.begin(), nt_names.end(), name);

                if (iter == nt_names.end())
                    curr_prod = static_cast<int>(nt_names.size());
                    curr_prod = static_cast<int>(iter - nt_names.begin());

            else if (results.entry.param == g_sub_rule_idx)
                // sub_rule_id: Integer;
            else if (results.entry.param == g_rule_item1 ||
                results.entry.param == g_rule_item2)
                // rule_item: Name | Char;
                const token& token = results.dollar(0, gsm, productions);

                if (*token.first != '$')
                    g_rules.back().emplace_back(std::pair(token.first, token.second));
            else if (results.entry.param == g_term_name_idx)
                // term_name: name_char;
                const token& token = results.dollar(0, gsm, productions);

                g_terminals.emplace_back(std::pair(token.first, token.second),
            else if (results.entry.param == g_term_rule_idx)
                // term_rule: Integer;
                const token& token = results.dollar(0, gsm, productions);

            else if (results.entry.param == g_nts_title)
                // nts_title: NON_TERMINALS_TITLE;
                const int offset = static_cast<int>(g_terminals.size() + 1);
                std::vector<std::string> temp;

                for (int& val : g_rule_to_nt)
                    val += offset;

                // Finished with temporary vector
            else if (results.entry.param == g_non_term_name_idx)
                // non_term_name: Name;
                const token& name = results.dollar(0, gsm, productions);

                g_non_terminals.emplace_back(non_terminal(std::pair(name.first, name.second)));
            else if (results.entry.param == g_non_term_id_idx)
                // non_term_id: Integer;
                const token& id = results.dollar(0, gsm, productions);

                g_non_terminals.back()._id = atoi(id.first);
            else if (results.entry.param == g_left_id_idx)
                // left_id: Integer;
                const token& id = results.dollar(0, gsm, productions);

            else if (results.entry.param == g_right_id_idx)
                // right_id: Integer;
                const token& id = results.dollar(0, gsm, productions);

            else if (results.entry.param == g_state_title_idx)
                // state_title: STATE_TITLE;
                const token& title = results.dollar(0, gsm, productions);
                const char* curr = title.second;

                for (; *(curr - 1) != ' '; --curr);

                state = atoi(curr);
            else if (results.entry.param == g_state_prod_ix)
                // state_prod: opt_nl state_prod_rule lhs item_dot_list NL;
                    emplace_back(char_ptr_pair(results.dollar(1, gsm, productions).first,
                        results.dollar(3, gsm, productions).second));
            else if (results.entry.param == g_state_shift_idx)
                // action: name_char SHIFT Integer NL;
                state_shifts[results.dollar(0, gsm, productions).str()] =
                    atoi(results.dollar(2, gsm, productions).first);
            else if (results.entry.param == g_state_reduce_idx)
                // action: name_char REDUCE Integer '(' Name ')' NL;
                state_reduces[results.dollar(0, gsm, productions).str()] =
                    std::pair(atoi(results.dollar(2, gsm, productions).first),
                        results.dollar(4, gsm, productions).str());
            else if (results.entry.param == g_reduce_error_idx)
                // action: name_char '[' REDUCE Integer '(' Name ')' ']' NL;
                const std::string terminal = results.dollar(0, gsm, productions).str();
                auto shift_iter = state_shifts.find(terminal);
                const int rule =
                    atoi(results.dollar(3, gsm, productions).first);

                std::cout << "State " << state << "\n\n";

                if (shift_iter == state_shifts.end())
                    // Reduce/Reduce error
                    auto reduce_iter = state_reduces.find(terminal);
                    auto& reduce_rule = g_rules[reduce_iter->second.first];
                    auto& clash_rule = g_rules[rule];

                    std::cout << "reduce/reduce error(s):\n\n";
                    std::cout << terminal << ' ';
                    std::cout << reduce_iter->second.second << ':';

                    for (auto& item : reduce_rule)
                        std::cout << ' ';
                        output(item.first, item.second, std::cout);

                    std::cout << " .\n";
                    std::cout << terminal << ' ';
                    std::cout << results.dollar(5, gsm, productions).str() << ':';

                    for (auto& item : clash_rule)
                        std::cout << ' ';
                        output(item.first, item.second, std::cout);

                    std::cout << " .\n\n";
                    // Shift/Reduce error
                    for (const auto& pair : state_productions)
                        output(pair.first, pair.second, std::cout);
                        std::cout << '\n';

                    std::cout << '\n';
                    std::cout << terminal;
                    output(results.dollar(0, gsm, productions).second,
                        results.dollar(1, gsm, productions).first, std::cout);
                    std::cout << "shift, and go to state " <<
                        shift_iter->second << '\n';
                    output(results.dollar(0, gsm, productions).first,
                        results.dollar(8, gsm, productions).second, std::cout);
                    process_clash(rule, terminal);
                    std::cout << '\n';


        parsertl::lookup(iter, gsm, results, productions);

    if (results.entry.action == parsertl::action::error)
        throw std::runtime_error("Parse error");

int main()
    catch (const std::exception &e)
        std::cout << e.what() << '\n';


27/05/2020 First posted.

28/05/2020 Improved the explanation in the example.

30/05/2020 Tried this with the grammar at and realised the grammar for the bison .output file needed some optional rules.

01/06/2020 Small fix to find_match() in case where terminal is found on rhs directly.

21/01/2023 Updated to latest parsertl interface.

15/02/2024 Updated to use lexertl17 and parsertl17.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I started programming in 1983 using Sinclair BASIC, then moved on to Z80 machine code and assembler. In 1988 I programmed 68000 assembler on the ATARI ST and it was 1990 when I started my degree in Computing Systems where I learnt Pascal, C and C++ as well as various academic programming languages (ML, LISP etc.)

I have been developing commercial software for Windows using C++ since 1994.

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