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Lightweight VBScript Backup, with Email Reporting

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21 Mar 2008CPOL 61.7K   817   31   6
Creates dated folders for backing up files/folders on a schedule. Removes backups older than n days. Configuration via text file.
Screenshot - dbsettings.png


This is a simple backup utility that creates dated backup folders. Dated Backup will remove backups older than N days.

Using the Code

This is the datedBackup.vbs file. The editor mangled some of the responses that are to be written to the HTML log files. If you choose to use any of this code, please download the zip so that you can see it in its original format. As you can see from line 1, you must specify the path to the dbsettings.config file. Once you have done that, you must edit the dbsettings.config file to backup the folders that you choose. Dbsettings is also where you enable/disable features of the script such as email notification. Currently this script will check our website for newer versions of itself and download if you choose. Have fun!

Should you decide to use this script or if you like the concept, let me know.

selectionFile = "c:\$BACKUP$\dbsettings.config"
Dim strDate
Dim i
Dim arrSelect(30)
Dim objExplorer
Dim totSize
Dim parentPath
Dim strPercent
Dim logPath
Dim startTime
Dim endTime 
Dim fldrDays
Dim strUseEmailReporting
Dim strReportEmail
Dim strSendingEmail
Dim strSmtpServer
Dim strSmtpPort
Dim strSmtpAuth
Dim strSmtpUser
Dim strSmtpPass
Dim strSmtpSsl, appName, version, installer

appName = "DatedBackup"
version = "1.5"
installer = ""

totSize = 0
strSendingEmail = ""

Function isOld(appName, version, installer)
    Dim fso, list, objWinHttp, strHTML, objList, tmp, ol, getVersion, upgrade, ie2
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set list = fso.CreateTextFile("./§",True)
    Set objWinHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
        objWinHttp.Open "GET", ""
        strHTML = objWinHttp.ResponseText
        If strHTML = "" Then
            WScript.Echo "Unable to poll for updates..."
        End If 
        list.Write strHTML
    Set objlist = fso.OpenTextFile("./§")
    Do Until objList.AtEndOfStream
        tmp = objList.ReadLine    
        If Left(tmp,len(appName)) = appName Then
            ol = Len(tmp)
            getVersion = Right(tmp,(ol-Len(appName)-1))
            WScript.Echo getVersion
            If getVersion > version Then
                upgrade = MsgBox("The version of " & appName & _
		" you are using is out-dated." & VbCrLf & _
		"Do you wish to upgrade?",vbYesNo,"Upgrade Available")
                If upgrade = vbYes Then
                    Set ie2 = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
                        ie2.Navigate installer  
                End If
            ElseIf getVersion < version Then
                WScript.Echo "The version of pushVNC that you have downloaded _
		is corrupt or otherwise f***ed with... Exiting!"
            End If
        End If 
    Set objList = Nothing
    'fso.DeleteFile "./§", True
End Function

Function getParent()
    'INCORPORATED INTO readSelections() v.1.2
End Function

Function createWindow()
    Set objExplorer = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    objExplorer.Navigate "about:blank"   
    objExplorer.ToolBar = 0
    objExplorer.StatusBar = 1
    objExplorer.Width = 800
    objExplorer.Height = 600 
    objExplorer.Visible = 1             
    objExplorer.Document.Title = "Backing Up data...          " 
    objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & "

End Function

Function cleanOld()
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set rf = fso.GetFolder(parentPath)
    Set fsub = rf.SubFolders
    For Each fldr In fsub
           diff = Date() - fldr.DateLastModified
           If diff > fldrDays Then ' # is Days
           End If
End Function

Function createFolder()
    strDay = Day(Date)
    If Len(strDay) < 2 Then
        strDay = 0 & strDay
    End If
    strMonth = Month(Date)
    If Len(strMonth) < 2 Then
        strMonth = 0 & strMonth
    End If
    strYear = Year(Date)
    strDate = "\" & strYear & strMonth & strDay
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    If fso.FolderExists(parentPath & strDate) Then
        intMsg = MsgBox("Backup appears to have already run.  _
		Run again?",vbYesNo,"Run backup again?")
        If intMsg = vbNo Then
            set sh = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
            sh.LogEvent 1,"Backup Failed! - Canceled by user... _
				Destination Folder Exists..."
        End If
        fso.CreateFolder(parentPath & strDate)
    End If
End Function

Function readSelections()
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    Set objlist = fso.OpenTextFile(selectionFile)
    Do Until objList.AtEndOfStream
        tmp = objList.ReadLine    
        If Left(tmp,1) = "#" Or left(tmp,1) = "" Then 'find comments
            If Left(tmp,1) = "@" Then
                If Left(tmp,23) = "@ TARGET_LOG_FILE_DIR =" Then
                    ol = Len(tmp)
                    logPath = Right(tmp,(ol-24))
                    logPath = Trim(logPath)
                ElseIf Left(tmp,24) = "@ DAYS_TO_KEEP_BACKUPS =" Then
                    ol = Len(tmp)
                    fldrDays = Right(tmp,(ol-25))
                    fldrDays = Trim(fldrDays)
                    fldrDays = Int(fldrDays)
                ElseIf Left(tmp,29) = "@ MAX_PERCENT_OF_FREE_SPACE =" Then
                    ol = Len(tmp)
                    strPercent = Right(tmp,ol-30)
                    strPercent = Trim(strPercent)
                    strPercent = Int(strPercent)
                ElseIf Left(tmp,32) = "@ TARGET_DIRECTORY_FOR_BACKUPS =" Then
                    ol = Len(tmp)
                    parentPath = Right(tmp,(ol-32))
                    parentPath = Trim(parentPath)
                    ol = Len(parentPath)
                    If Not fso.FolderExists(parentPath) = True Then
                        intMsg = MsgBox("Destination folder _
			(" & parentPath & ") does not exist!.  _
			Do you wish to create it?",vbYesNo,_
			"Create destination folder?")
                        If intMsg = vbYes Then
                            Set folder = fso.CreateFolder(parentPath)
                            If fso.FolderExists(parentPath) = True Then
                                intMsg = MsgBox("Backup folder created successfully!",_
					vbOKOnly,"Folder created!")
                                intMsg = MsgBox("Failed to create backup folder! _
				Exiting...",vbOKOnly,"Folder not created!")
                            End If
                            intMsg = MsgBox("Aborting...",vbOKOnly,"Abort!")
                        End If
                    End If
                ElseIf Left(tmp,31) = "@ EMAIL_ADDRESS_FOR_REPORTING =" Then
                    ol = Len(tmp)
                    strReportEmail = Right(tmp,(ol-31))
                    strReportEmail = Trim(strReportEmail)
                ElseIf Left(tmp,25) = "@ SENDING_EMAIL_ADDRESS =" Then 
                    ol = Len(tmp) 
                    strSendingEmail = Right(tmp,(ol-25))
                    strSendingEmail = Trim(strSendingEmail)
                ElseIf Left(tmp,20) = "@ SMTP_SERVER_NAME =" Then
                    ol = Len(tmp)
                    strSmtpServer = Right(tmp,(ol-20))
                    strSmtpServer = Trim(strSmtpServer)
                ElseIf Left(tmp,26) = "@ ENABLE_EMAIL_REPORTING =" Then
                    ol = Len(tmp) 
                    strUseEmailReporting = Right(tmp,(ol-26))
                    strUseEmailReporting = Trim(strUseEmailReporting)
                    strUseEmailReporting = LCase(strUseEmailReporting)
                ElseIf Left(tmp,20) = "@ SMTP_SERVER_PORT =" Then
                    ol = Len(tmp)
                    strSmtpPort = Right(tmp,(ol-20))
                    strSmtpPort = Trim(strSmtpPort)
                ElseIf Left(tmp,34) = "@ SMTP_SERVER_USE_AUTHENTICATION =" Then
                    ol = Len(tmp)
                    strSmtpAuth = Right(tmp,(ol-34))
                    strSmtpAuth = Trim(strSmtpAuth)
                    strSmtpAuth = LCase(strSmtpAuth)
                ElseIf Left(tmp,24) = "@ SMTP_SERVER_USERNAME =" Then
                    ol = Len(tmp)
                    strSmtpUser = Right(tmp,(ol-24))
                    strSmtpUser = Trim(strSmtpUser)
                ElseIf Left(tmp,24) = "@ SMTP_SERVER_PASSWORD =" Then
                    ol = Len(tmp)
                    strSmtpPass = Right(tmp,(ol-24))
                    strSmtpPass = Trim(strSmtpPass)
                ElseIf Left(tmp,23) = "@ SMTP_SERVER_USE_SSL =" Then
                    ol = Len(tmp)
                    strSmtpSsl = Right(tmp,(ol-23))
                    strSmtpSsl = Trim(strSmtpSsl)
                    strSmtpSsl = LCase(strSmtpSsl)
                End If
                arrSelect(i) = tmp
                i = i + 1    
            End If 'line starts with "@"
        End If ' line starts with "#" or " " 
End Function

Function backup()
    set sh = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
    For x=0 To (i-1)
        If Not arrSelect(x) = "" Then
            strTarget = arrSelect(x)
            ol = Len(strTarget)
            dlm = InStr(strTarget,";")
            nm = ol - dlm
            fldrName = Right(strTarget,nm)
            strTarget = Left(strTarget,(dlm-1))
            strBkUp = "xcopy /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /k /y "
            strCommand = strBkUp & strTarget & " " & parentPath & _
				strDate & "\" & fldrName & "\"
            Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
            tgtL = Len(strTarget)
            tgt = Right(strTarget,tgtL-1)
            tgtL = Len(tgt)
            tgt = Left(tgt,tgtL-1)
            Set f = fso.GetFolder(tgt)
            sze = f.Size
            sze = sze / 1024 / 1024 ' to MB
            sze = FormatNumber(sze,2) ' cut at 2 decimal place
            totSize = totSize + sze
            objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = _
		objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & "<li>Backing up folder: " _
		& strTarget & " - " & sze & " MB</li><title>Backup log for " _
		& strDate & "</title>"
            runBkup ="%comspec% /c" & _
	strCommand,0,True) ' 0-hide the window(s),  True-Copy one folder at a time
        End If
End Function

Function sendMail()
    'WScript.Echo logPath & "\backup" & strDate & ".html"
    Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
		cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 'use '1' for local SMTP
		cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = strSmtpServer
		cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = strSmtpPort
    If strSmtpAuth = "yes" Then
	cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1 'use '2' for NTLM authentication
	cdo/configuration/sendusername") = strSmtpUser
	cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = strSmtpPass
    End If
    If strSmtpSsl = "yes" Then
	cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = True
    End If
    objMessage.Subject = "Dated Backup Report for " & strDate & "."
    objMessage.From = strSendingEmail
    objMessage.To = strReportEmail
    objMessage.HTMLBody = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML
    'objMessage.AddAttachment = logPath & "\backup" & strDate & ".html"
End Function
Function createLog()
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set rf = fso.GetFolder(parentPath)
    If fso.FolderExists(logPath) Then
        Set clf = fso.CreateFolder(logPath)
    End If
    Set lf = fso.GetFolder(logPath)
    ol = Len(strDate)
    strDate = Right(strDate,ol-1)
    Set logFile = lf.CreateTextFile("backup" & strDate & ".html",True)
    logFile.write ""
    logFile.write objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & ""
    If strUseEmailReporting = "yes" Then
        Call sendMail()
    End If
End Function 

Function auditDays()
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If fso.FolderExists(parentPath & strDate) Then
        Set cur = fso.GetFolder(parentPath & strDate)
        Set objParent = fso.GetFolder(parentPath)
        Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:")
        tgtDrive = Left(parentPath,1) 'find target drive letter
        Set objLogicalDisk = objWMIService.Get("Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID='" _
		& tgtDrive & ":'")
        absFree = objLogicalDisk.FreeSpace
        parSize = objParent.Size
        curSize = cur.Size
        curSize = curSize / 1024 / 1024 'MB
        curSize = FormatNumber(curSize,2)
        curSize = Int(curSize)
        'absolute free space
        free = absFree + parSize
        free = (free * (strPercent / 100))
        free = free / 1024 / 1024 'MB
        free = FormatNumber(free,0)
        'WScript.Echo "Drive c: " & free & " MB free!"
        'WScript.Echo "Size: " & curSize
        backups = free / curSize
        backups = FormatNumber(backups,0)
        backups = Int(backups)
        fldrDays = Int(fldrDays)
        'WScript.Echo "You can perform " & backups & " backups before drive 90% full!"
        If (backups < fldrDays) Then
            objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
		"<h1>ERROR in c:\$backup$\dbsettings.config!</h1>"
            objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
		"<h4>Value entered for DAYS_TO_KEEP_BACKUPS is invalid.  _
		Due to the space limitations" _
                	& "of your hard drive, DAYS_TO_KEEP_BACKUPS can be no more than '" _
		& backups & "' !      Please fix this."
            objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
		"</h4><h4>You have enough disk space remaining for " & backups & _
		" more backups.</h4>"
        End If
    WScript.Echo "Cannot Find Folder!  Did the backup run?"
    End If
End Function
Call isOld(appName, version, installer)
Call createWindow()
startTime = Timer()
    objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
		"</ul>Backup Started at: " & Date() & " " & Time() & "

    objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
		"<li>Reading backup selections...</li>"

If Not readSelections() = 0 Then
    set sh = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
    sh.LogEvent 1,"Backup Failed! - Incorrect Selection File Syntax!"
    objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
		"<h2>Backup Failed! - Incorrect Selection File Syntax!</h2>"
    sh.Popup("Backup Failed! - Incorrect Selection File Syntax!")
End If

    objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
		"<li>Cleaning up old files...</li>"

If not cleanOld() = 0 Then
    set sh = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
    sh.LogEvent 1,"Backup Failed! - Unable to Remove Old Backup Folders!"
    objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
	"<h2>Backup Failed! - Unable to Remove Old Backup Folders!</h2>"
    sh.Popup("Backup Failed! - Unable to Remove Old Backup Folders!")
End If

    objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
	"<li>Creating destination folder...</li>"

If not createFolder() = 0 Then
    set sh = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
    sh.LogEvent 1,"Backup Failed! - Unable To Create Destination Folder!"
    objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
	"<h2>Backup Failed! - Unable To Create Destination Folder!</h2>"
    sh.Popup("Backup Failed! - Unable To Create Destination Folder!")
End If

    objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
	"<li>Starting backup...</li><ol>"

If Not backup() = 0 Then
    set sh = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
    sh.LogEvent 1,"Backup Failed! - Errors Encountered During the Backup Process!"
    objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
	"<h2>Backup Failed! - Errors Encountered During the Backup Process!</h2>"
    sh.Popup("Backup Failed! - Errors Encountered During the Backup Process!")
End If
endTime = Timer()
totTime = endTime - startTime
If totTime < 60 Then
    totTime = FormatNumber(totTime,2)
    count = "seconds."
ElseIf totTime < 3600 Then
    totTime = totTime / 60
    totTime = FormatNumber(totTime,2)
    count = "minutes."
ElseIf totTime > 3600 Then
    totTime = totTime / 60 / 60
    totTime = FormatNumber(totTime,2)
    count = "hours."
End If
    objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
	"</ol>Backup Completed at: " & Date() & " " & Time() & " - " _
	& FormatNumber(totSize,2) & " MB
<h3>Elapsed Time: " & totTime & " " & count & "</h3>"
    objExplorer.Document.Title = "Backup Completed at: " & Date() & " " & Time() _
	& " - " & FormatNumber(totSize,2) & " MB "
Call auditDays()
Call createLog()
Set sh = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
    sh.LogEvent 4,objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML

Points of Interest

Chop this baby into whatever you wish it to be. Just make sure that you either give credit or email me a thank you.


  • 5-17-07 - Version 1.5 uploaded


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

Comments and Discussions

GeneralRE: Lightweight VBScript Backup, with Email Reporting Pin
vlad228814-Mar-10 17:44
vlad228814-Mar-10 17:44 
GeneralReally a very very usefull one..... Pin
njoshi198712-Nov-09 22:54
njoshi198712-Nov-09 22:54 
GeneralModified Version Pin
IeEE80234-May-09 9:21
IeEE80234-May-09 9:21 
GeneralRe: Modified Version Pin
thund3rstruck27-Jun-09 17:02
thund3rstruck27-Jun-09 17:02 
Great edit! I have taken your edit and added Zip support. You have to have the 7zip command line utility in the same directory as the script and you no longer have to specify the path to the config file.

The package with 7zip can be downloaded HERE.[^]

#   Dated Backup Classic(c) v.1.5   #
#                                   #
#   Author: Brian Velde             #
#      #
#   Modified by: Joseph P. Cohen    #
#   Modified by: Neal T. Bailey     #
# DIRECTIONS:                                                              #
#                                                                          #
# Enter folders to backup, one per line.                                   #
# Enclose complete path to each folder in quotes.                          #
# The destination folder name MUST be specified in the manner noted below. #
# ( e.g "<path_to_folder>";<dest_folder_name> ) - no spaces    #
# Configure backup specific options below.                                 #
@ TARGET_DIRECTORY_FOR_BACKUPS = \\baileyfs01\Files\Uploads\backup
@ TARGET_LOG_FILE_DIR = c:\backup

#   E-Mail settings.  *OPTIONAL*    #

# yes or no

#  Enter folders to backup below..  #



Dim selectionFile
Dim strDate
Dim i
Dim arrSelect(30)
Dim objExplorer
Dim totSize
Dim parentPath
Dim strPercent
Dim logPath
Dim startTime
Dim endTime 
Dim fldrDays
Dim strUseEmailReporting
Dim strReportEmail
Dim strSendingEmail
Dim strSmtpServer
Dim strSmtpPort
Dim strSmtpAuth
Dim strSmtpUser
Dim strSmtpPass
Dim strSmtpSsl, appName, version, installer
Dim logFile
Dim strEmailTitle
Dim strCreateZip

appName = "DatedBackup"
version = "2.0"
totSize = 0

' Added SQL backup support - Joseph P. Cohen
' Added Zip backup support - Neal T. Bailey

Function cleanOld()
	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set rf = fso.GetFolder(parentPath)
    Set fsub = rf.SubFolders
	For Each fldr In fsub
	   	diff = Date() - fldr.DateLastModified
	   	If diff > fldrDays And Not fldr.Name = "logs" Then ' # is Days   should be >
	   	End If
End Function

Sub setstrDate()
strDay = Day(Date)
	If Len(strDay) < 2 Then
		strDay = 0 & strDay
	End If
	strMonth = Month(Date)
	If Len(strMonth) < 2 Then
		strMonth = 0 & strMonth
	End If
	strYear = Year(Date)
	strTime = Time()
	strTime = Replace(strTime,":","")
	strTime = Replace(strTime," ","")
	strDate = strYear & strMonth & strDay & "-" & strTime
End Sub

'Neal Bailey: 06/27/09
Function getWorkingDirectory()

	aScriptFilename = Split(Wscript.ScriptFullName, "\")
 	sScriptFilename = aScriptFileName(Ubound(aScriptFilename))
 	sWorkingDirectory = Replace(Wscript.ScriptFullName, sScriptFilename, "")
	getWorkingDirectory = sWorkingDirectory

End Function

'Neal Bailey: 06/27/09
Function Zip(sFolder,sArchiveName)
	Set oFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  	Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

	sWorkingDirectory = getWorkingDirectory
 	If oFSO.FileExists(sWorkingDirectory & "\" & "7za.exe") Then
    		s7zLocation = ""
  	ElseIf oFSO.FileExists("C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7za.exe") Then
    		s7zLocation = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\"
    		writeToLog("Error: Couldn't find 7za.exe")
    		Exit Function
  	End If
	oShell.Run """" & s7zLocation & "7za.exe"" a -tzip -y """ & sArchiveName & """ " & sFolder, 0, True
	If oFSO.FileExists(sArchiveName) Then
    		Zip = 0
		Zip = 1
  	End If
End Function

Function createFolder()
	Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
	If fso.FolderExists(parentPath & "\" & strDate) Then
		intMsg = MsgBox("Backup appears to have already run.  Run again?",vbYesNo,"Run backup again?")
		If intMsg = vbNo Then
			set sh = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
			sh.LogEvent 1,"Backup Failed! - Canceled by user... Destination Folder Exists..."
		End If
		fso.CreateFolder(parentPath & "\" & strDate)
	End If
End Function

Function readSelections()
	Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
	Set objlist = fso.OpenTextFile(selectionFile)
	Do Until objList.AtEndOfStream
		tmp = objList.ReadLine	
		If Left(tmp,1) = "#" Or left(tmp,1) = "" Then 'find comments
			If Left(tmp,1) = "@" Then
				If Left(tmp,23) = "@ TARGET_LOG_FILE_DIR =" Then
					ol = Len(tmp)
					logPath = Right(tmp,(ol-24))
					logPath = Trim(logPath)
				ElseIf Left(tmp,24) = "@ DAYS_TO_KEEP_BACKUPS =" Then
					ol = Len(tmp)
					fldrDays = Right(tmp,(ol-25))
					fldrDays = Trim(fldrDays)
					fldrDays = Int(fldrDays)
				ElseIf Left(tmp, 22) = "@ CREATE_ZIP_ARCHIVE =" Then
					ol = Len(tmp)
					strCreateZip = Right(tmp,(ol-22))
					strCreateZip = Trim(strCreateZip)
					strCreateZip = LCase(strCreateZip)
				ElseIf Left(tmp,29) = "@ MAX_PERCENT_OF_FREE_SPACE =" Then
					ol = Len(tmp)
					strPercent = Right(tmp,ol-30)
					strPercent = Trim(strPercent)
					strPercent = Int(strPercent)
				ElseIf Left(tmp,32) = "@ TARGET_DIRECTORY_FOR_BACKUPS =" Then
					ol = Len(tmp)
					parentPath = Right(tmp,(ol-32))
					parentPath = Trim(parentPath)
					ol = Len(parentPath)
					If Not fso.FolderExists(parentPath) = True Then
						'intMsg = MsgBox("Destination folder (" & parentPath & ") does not exist!.  Do you wish to create it?",vbYesNo,"Create destination folder?")
						'If intMsg = vbYes Then
							Set folder = fso.CreateFolder(parentPath)
							If fso.FolderExists(parentPath) = True Then
								wscript.echo "Failed to create backup folder! Exiting..."
							End If
							'writeToLog "Aborting..."
						'End If
					End If
				ElseIf Left(tmp,31) = "@ EMAIL_ADDRESS_FOR_REPORTING =" Then
					ol = Len(tmp)
					strReportEmail = Right(tmp,(ol-31))
					strReportEmail = Trim(strReportEmail)
				ElseIf Left(tmp,25) = "@ SENDING_EMAIL_ADDRESS =" Then 
					ol = Len(tmp) 
					strSendingEmail = Right(tmp,(ol-25))
					strSendingEmail = Trim(strSendingEmail)
				ElseIf Left(tmp,15) = "@ EMAIL_TITLE =" Then 
					ol = Len(tmp) 
					strEmailTitle = Right(tmp,(ol-15))
					strEmailTitle = Trim(strEmailTitle)	
				ElseIf Left(tmp,20) = "@ SMTP_SERVER_NAME =" Then
					ol = Len(tmp)
					strSmtpServer = Right(tmp,(ol-20))
					strSmtpServer = Trim(strSmtpServer)
				ElseIf Left(tmp,26) = "@ ENABLE_EMAIL_REPORTING =" Then
					ol = Len(tmp) 
					strUseEmailReporting = Right(tmp,(ol-26))
					strUseEmailReporting = Trim(strUseEmailReporting)
					strUseEmailReporting = LCase(strUseEmailReporting)
				ElseIf Left(tmp,20) = "@ SMTP_SERVER_PORT =" Then
					ol = Len(tmp)
					strSmtpPort = Right(tmp,(ol-20))
					strSmtpPort = Trim(strSmtpPort)
				ElseIf Left(tmp,34) = "@ SMTP_SERVER_USE_AUTHENTICATION =" Then
					ol = Len(tmp)
					strSmtpAuth = Right(tmp,(ol-34))
					strSmtpAuth = Trim(strSmtpAuth)
					strSmtpAuth = LCase(strSmtpAuth)
				ElseIf Left(tmp,24) = "@ SMTP_SERVER_USERNAME =" Then
					ol = Len(tmp)
					strSmtpUser = Right(tmp,(ol-24))
					strSmtpUser = Trim(strSmtpUser)
				ElseIf Left(tmp,24) = "@ SMTP_SERVER_PASSWORD =" Then
					ol = Len(tmp)
					strSmtpPass = Right(tmp,(ol-24))
					strSmtpPass = Trim(strSmtpPass)
				ElseIf Left(tmp,23) = "@ SMTP_SERVER_USE_SSL =" Then
					ol = Len(tmp)
					strSmtpSsl = Right(tmp,(ol-23))
					strSmtpSsl = Trim(strSmtpSsl)
					strSmtpSsl = LCase(strSmtpSsl)
				End If
				arrSelect(i) = tmp
				i = i + 1	
			End If 'line starts with "@"
		End If ' line starts with "#" or " " 
End Function

Function backup()
	set sh = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
	For x=0 To (i-1)
		If Not arrSelect(x) = "" Then
			If Left(arrSelect(x),6) = "MSSQL:" then
				' remove the header part and read the rest
				tempStr = Right(arrSelect(x),Len(arrSelect(x))-InStr(arrSelect(x),":"))				
				strDBServerName = left(tempStr,InStr(tempStr,":")-1)								
				strDB = Right(tempStr,Len(tempStr) - InStr(2,tempStr,":"))				
				strTargetFolder = parentPath & "\" & strDate & "\" & strDBServerName & "_" & strDB		
				backupMSSQLserver strDBServerName, strDB, strTargetFolder
			Else If Left(arrSelect(x),6) = "MYSQL:" then
				' remove the header part and read the rest
				tempStr = Right(arrSelect(x),Len(arrSelect(x))-InStr(arrSelect(x),":"))				
				strDBServerName = left(tempStr,InStr(tempStr,":")-1)								
				strDB = Right(tempStr,Len(tempStr) - InStr(2,tempStr,":"))				
				strTargetFolder = parentPath & "\" & strDate & "\" & strDBServerName & "_" & strDB		
				backupMYSQLserver strDBServerName, strDB, strTargetFolder			
				'this is the default action
				strTarget = arrSelect(x)
				ol = Len(strTarget)
				dlm = InStr(strTarget,";")
				nm = ol - dlm
				fldrName = Trim(Right(strTarget,nm))
				strTarget = Trim(Left(strTarget,(dlm-1)))
				strBkUp = "xcopy /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /k /y "
				'writeToLog "Backing up to: " & strTarget & " " & parentPath & "\" & strDate & "\" & fldrName & "\"
				strCommand = strBkUp & strTarget & " " & Chr(34) & parentPath & "\" & strDate & "\" & fldrName & "\" & Chr(34)
				Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
				tgtL = Len(strTarget)
				tgt = Right(strTarget,tgtL-1)
				tgtL = Len(tgt)
				tgt = Left(tgt,tgtL-1)
				Set f = fso.GetFolder(tgt)
				sze = f.Size
				sze = sze / 1024 / 1024 ' to MB
				sze = FormatNumber(sze,2) ' cut at 2 decimal place
				totSize = totSize + sze

				'Neal Bailey
				If strCreateZip = "yes" THEN
					writeToLog "Creating archive: " & parentPath & "\" & strDate & "\" & fldrName & "\" & strDate & ".zip"
				    	runBkup = Zip(strTarget, parentPath & "\" & strDate & "\" & fldrName & "\" & strDate & ".zip")
					writeToLog  "Backing up folder: " & strTarget & " - " & sze & " MB"
					runBkup ="%comspec% /c" & strCommand,0,True) ' 0-hide the window(s),  True-Copy one folder at a time
				End If

			End if
			End If 'if sql
		End If
End Function

Function backupMSSQLserver(strDBServerName, strDB, strTargetFolder)
	'Joseph P. Cohen
	'extern strDate, writeToLog
	On Error Resume next
	writeToLog "Backing up MSSQL at: " & vbcrlf & _
				" Server = " & strDBServerName & vbcrlf & _
				" Database = " & strDB & vbcrlf & _
				" Target File = " & strTargetFolder & "_backup_" & strDate & ".bak'"
	strBAKcmd = "backup database " & strDB & " to disk = " & "'" & strTargetFolder & "_backup_" & strDate & ".bak'" & " with init"
	Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 
	StrConnect = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" & strDBServerName & ";"
	oConn.Open StrConnect

	If Not Err.Number = 0 Then
		writeToLog "Connect = Error: Can not connect to server " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
		writeToLog  "Connected to Server running backup command..."
		Set oRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		oConn.CommandTimeout = 0
		oRS.Open strBAKcmd, oConn
		If Not Err.Number = 0 Then
			writeToLog "Error running backup command " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Source & " " & Err.Description
			writeToLog  "Backup command sent..."
		End if	
	End if
	On Error Goto 0
End Function 		

Function backupMYSQLserver(strDBServerName, strDB, strTargetFolder)

	WScript.Echo "this function does not work"
	'Joseph P. Cohen... this function is GOOD ENOUGH .. more time should be spent here.
	'extern strDate, writeToLog
	On Error Resume next
	writeToLog "Backing up MSSQL at: " & vbcrlf & _
				" Server = " & strDBServerName & vbcrlf & _
				" Database = " & strDB & vbcrlf & _
				" Target File = " & strTargetFolder & "_backup_" & strDate & ".bak'"
	strBAKcmd = "backup database " & strDB & " to disk = " & "'" & strTargetFolder & "_backup_" & strDate & ".bak'" & " with init"
	Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 
	StrConnect = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=" & strDBServerName & ";User=root;"
	oConn.Open StrConnect

	If Not Err.Number = 0 Then
		writeToLog "Connect = Error: Can not connect to server " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
		writeToLog  "Connected to Server running backup command..."
		Set oRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		oRS.Open strBAKcmd, oConn
		If Not Err.Number = 0 Then
			writeToLog "Error running backup command " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Source & " " & Err.Description
			writeToLog  "Backup command sent..."
		End if	
	End if
	On Error Goto 0
End Function 	

Function sendMail()
	Dim fso, logf
	Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

	'WScript.Echo logPath & "\backup" & strDate & ".html"
	Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
	objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2 'use '1' for local SMTP
	objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strSmtpServer
	objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strSmtpPort
	If strSmtpAuth = "yes" Then
		objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 1 'use '2' for NTLM authentication
		objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strSmtpUser
		objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strSmtpPass
	End If
	If strSmtpSsl = "yes" Then
		objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = True
	End If
	If InStr(fso.OpenTextFile(logPath & "\backup" & strDate & ".txt",1).ReadAll(),"Error") = 0 Then
		objMessage.Subject = strEmailTitle & " completed successfully on " & strDate & "."
		objMessage.Subject = strEmailTitle & " HAD ERRORS!! " & strDate & "."
		objMessage.Fields("urn:schemas:httpmail:importance").Value = 2 
	End If
	objMessage.From = strSendingEmail
	objMessage.To = strReportEmail

	objMessage.HTMLBody = Replace(fso.OpenTextFile(logPath & "\backup" & strDate & ".txt",1).ReadAll(),vbCrLf,"<br>")
	'objMessage.AddAttachment = logPath & "\backup" & strDate & ".html"
End Function
Function auditDays()
	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If fso.FolderExists(parentPath & "\" & strDate) Then
    	Set cur = fso.GetFolder(parentPath & "\" & strDate)
    	Set objParent = fso.GetFolder(parentPath)
    	Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:")   	
    	If Left(parentPath,2) = "\\" Then
	    	' Network Drive, we need the root share name
	    	Dim temp
	    	temp = InStr(parentPath,"\")
	    	temp = InStr(temp+1, parentPath,"\")
	    	temp = InStr(temp+1, parentPath,"\")
	    	temp = InStr(temp+1, parentPath,"\")
	    	tgtDrive = Left(parentPath, temp-1)
	    	' local drive, we need root letter
	    	tgtDrive = Left(parentPath,1) 'find target drive letter
    	End if	
    	Dim fso
    	Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    	'This change allows the lookup of SMB drives
    	Set objLogicalDisk = fso.GetDrive(tgtDrive)
		absFree = objLogicalDisk.FreeSpace
    	parSize = objParent.Size
    	curSize = cur.Size
    	If curSize = 0 Then
    		writeToLog "Error: Did not back up anything!!!"
    	curSize = curSize / 1024 / 1024 'MB
    	curSize = FormatNumber(curSize,2)
    	curSize = Int(curSize)
		'absolute free space
    	free = absFree + parSize
		free = (free * (strPercent / 100))
		free = free / 1024 / 1024 'MB
		free = FormatNumber(free,0)
		backups = free / curSize
		backups = FormatNumber(backups,0)
		backups = Int(backups)
		fldrDays = Int(fldrDays)
		writeToLog"You can perform " & backups & " backups before drive " & strPercent & "% full!"
		If (backups < fldrDays) Then
			writeToLog  "ERROR in c:\$backup$\dbsettings.config!"
			writeToLog  "Value entered for DAYS_TO_KEEP_BACKUPS is invalid.  Due to the space limitations" _
				& "of your hard drive, DAYS_TO_KEEP_BACKUPS can be no more than '" & backups & "' !   Please fix this."
			writeToLog  "You have enough disk space remaining for " & backups & " more backups."
		End If
		End If ' test for curSize if 0
	WScript.Echo "Error: Cannot Find Folder!  Did the backup run?"
    End If
End Function

Sub writeToLog(str)
	' var is logFile
	If IsEmpty(logFile) Then
		Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	    Set rf = fso.GetFolder(parentPath)
	    If Not fso.FolderExists(logPath) Then
	    End If
	    Set lf = fso.GetFolder(logPath)
	    'ol = Len(strDate)
	    'strDate = Right(strDate,ol-1)
	    Set logFile = lf.CreateTextFile("backup" & strDate & ".txt",True)
	    writeToLog "=============================================="
	    writeToLog "Dated Backup Classic(c) v.1.5"
	    writeToLog "Original code Brian Velde <>"
	    writeToLog ""
	    writeToLog "Modified by Joseph P. Cohen"
	    writeToLog "Modified by Neal T. Bailey <>"
	    writeToLog "=============================================="
	    writeToLog ""
	    writeToLog "Backup log for " & strDate & ""
	End If

	logFile.write str & vbcrlf
End Sub

'** Main() **

selectionFile = getWorkingDirectory & "\" & "dbsettings.config"
startTime = Timer()

If Not readSelections() = 0 Then
	set sh = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
	sh.LogEvent 1,"Error: Backup Failed! - Incorrect Selection File Syntax!"
	msgbox "Error: Backup Failed! - Incorrect Selection File Syntax!"
End If

	writeToLog "Backup Started at: " & Date() & " " & Time()
	writeToLog "Reading backup selections..."
	writeToLog "Cleaning up old files..."

If not cleanOld() = 0 Then
	set sh = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
	sh.LogEvent 1,"Error: Backup Failed! - Unable to Remove Old Backup Folders!"
	writeToLog "Error: Backup Failed! - Unable to Remove Old Backup Folders!"
End If

	writeToLog  "Creating destination folder..."

If not createFolder() = 0 Then
	set sh = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
	sh.LogEvent 1,"Error: Backup Failed! - Unable To Create Destination Folder!"
	writeToLog "Error: Backup Failed! - Unable To Create Destination Folder!"
End If

	writeToLog "Starting backup..."

If Not backup() = 0 Then
	set sh = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
	sh.LogEvent 1,"Backup Failed! - Errors Encountered During the Backup Process!"
	writeToLog  "Backup Failed! - Errors Encountered During the Backup Process!"
End If

endTime = Timer()
totTime = endTime - startTime
If totTime < 60 Then
	totTime = FormatNumber(totTime,2)
	count = "seconds."
ElseIf totTime < 3600 Then
	totTime = totTime / 60
	totTime = FormatNumber(totTime,2)
	count = "minutes."
ElseIf totTime > 3600 Then
	totTime = totTime / 60 / 60
	totTime = FormatNumber(totTime,2)
	count = "hours."
End If
	writeToLog  "Backup Completed at: " & Date() & " " & Time() & " - " & FormatNumber(totSize,2) & " MB" & vbcrlf & "Elapsed Time: " & totTime & " " & count

If NOT strCreateZip = "yes" Then
	Call auditDays() 'this isn't working in Zip mode
End If

  If strUseEmailReporting = "yes" Then
    	Call sendMail()
  End If
	If curSize = 0 Then
	End if   


GeneralNice Job Pin
sides_dale21-May-07 16:09
sides_dale21-May-07 16:09 
GeneralRe: Nice Job Pin
xExTxCx24-May-07 13:08
xExTxCx24-May-07 13:08 

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