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Developing Rating Bar

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10 Mar 2009CPOL5 min read 48.2K   1.1K   71   10
An advance rating control for .NET


Rating function has become very popular these days. The technique behind it is very simple, collect the interest of users on the content. RatingBar is the one that uses that technique with flexible GUI. This control can be used for product quality, product appearance, employee performance and so on... A professional programmer will not prefer to use a NumericUpDown or a ComboBox, instead, a RatingBar.

In this article, we'll learn how to develop RatingBar.

Step 1: Getting Started

First we need to add a class 'RatingBar' in a new ClassLibrary project, add reference of 'System.Windows.Forms' and 'System.Drawing' as well. Inherit from Control object.

Step 2: Thinking

Now, questions arise, what to draw? where to draw? but no worries, I have the answers ;).

First of all, we need to draw empty icons but where? in PictureBox? YES (Why? later!)

Therefore, we need to add PictureBox as well as define an Image variable. Name it 'pb' and 'iconEmpty' respectively.

Again, something confusing...How many icons will be drawn? Well, we leave it to the developer by defining a byte variable.

We'll require three events of PictureBox, MouseMove, MouseLeave and Mou<code>seClick. And three functions, one to draw empty icons, another one to update the icon and the third one to update the picturebox size.


Add the above image in resources.

The code will look like this:

byte iconsCount = 10;
Image iconEmpty;
PictureBox pb;

public RatingBar()
	pb = new PictureBox();
	pb.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.None;
	pb.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(pb_MouseMove);
	pb.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(pb_MouseLeave);
	pb.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(pb_MouseClick);
	pb.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;


	#region --- Drawing Empty Icons ---
	Bitmap tb = new Bitmap(pb.Width, pb.Height);
	Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tb);
	DrawEmptyIcons(g, 0, iconsCount);
	pb.BackgroundImage = tb;

void pb_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { }
void pb_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { }
void pb_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { }
void DrawEmptyIcons(Graphics g, int x, byte count) { }
void UpdateIcons() { iconEmpty = Properties.Resources.iconStarEmpty; //Using the added 
					// empty icon image in Resources 
void UpdateBarSize() { pb.Size = new Size
		(iconEmpty.Width * iconsCount, iconEmpty.Height); }

Step 3: Drawing

First, we need to write 'DrawEmptyIcons' function.

for (byte a = 0; a < count; a++)
     g.DrawImage(iconEmpty, x, 0);
     x += iconEmpty.Width;

Step 4: Testing And Rectifying

Now, add 'WindowsApplication' project 'Test', right click on it and 'Set as StartUp Project'. Run once, therefore the RatingBar can appear in Toolbox. When done, add RatingBar in the form. Aha, we can see 10 empty icons but there is a problem. They are very close to each other. To solve this problem, we need to add a byte variable 'gap' (value 1 or 2) plus we have to modify two functions, 'DrawEmptyIcons' and 'UpdateBarSize'.

byte gap = 2;

In 'DrawEmptyIcons',  we are adding 'gap' in 'x' variable, like this:

x += gap + iconEmpty.Width;

In 'UpdateBarSize':

pb.Size = new Size((iconEmpty.Width * iconsCount) + (gap * (iconsCount - 1)), 
	iconEmpty.Height); // Last icon wont need gap, therefore we need to use -1

Time to test again and hmm... we got gap.

Step 5: Drawing

Now, we are going to draw half and full icons for 0.5 and 1.0 values respectively. The best place to draw them is in MouseMove event we added recently. Therefore, first add two more Image objects 'iconHalf' and 'iconFull'.

In this event, we'll save the rating value as well in a temporary variable.

void pb_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    Bitmap tb = new Bitmap(pb.Width, pb.Height);
    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tb);
    int x = 0;
    float trate = 0;
    byte ticonsCount = iconsCount; // temporary variable to hold the 
			//iconsCount value, because we're decreasing it on each loop
    for (int a = 0; a < iconsCount; a++)
        if (e.X > x && e.X <= x + iconEmpty.Width / 2)
            g.DrawImage(iconHalf, x, 0, iconEmpty.Width, iconEmpty.Height); // Draw 
		//icons with the dimension of iconEmpty, 
		//so that they do not look odd
            x += gap + iconEmpty.Width;
            trate += 0.5f;
        else if (e.X > x)
            g.DrawImage(iconFull, x, 0, iconEmpty.Width, iconEmpty.Height); // Draw 
		//icons with the dimension of iconEmpty, 
		//so that they do not look odd
            x += gap + iconEmpty.Width;
            trate += 1.0f;
    tempRateHolder = trate;
    DrawEmptyIcons(g, x, ticonsCount); // Draw empty icons if require
    pb.BackgroundImage = tb;

Step 6: Testing And Drawing

Run the application, move mouse over the rating icons... yuppy, we're so near. It's time to use MouseClick and MouseLeave events.

In 'MouseClick', we just need to set actual rate from temporary rate.

rate = tempRateHolder;

In 'MouseLeave', we'll redraw icons from the value of rate.

void pb_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Bitmap tb = new Bitmap(pb.Width, pb.Height);
    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tb);
    int x = 0;
    byte ticonsCount = iconsCount;
    float trate = rate;
    while (trate > 0)
        if (trate > 0.5f)
            g.DrawImage(iconFull, x, 0, iconEmpty.Width, iconEmpty.Height); // Draw 
		//icons with the dimension of iconEmpty, so that they do not look odd 
            x += gap + iconEmpty.Width;
        else if (trate == 0.5f)
            g.DrawImage(iconHalf, x, 0, iconEmpty.Width, iconEmpty.Height); // Draw 
		//icons with the dimension of iconEmpty, so that they do not look odd
            x += gap + iconEmpty.Width;
    DrawEmptyIcons(g, x, ticonsCount);
    pb.BackgroundImage = tb;

Step 7: Testing And Enhancing

Run the application, whoa...we made it work. But there is something missing, the control isn't looking pro. We must enhance it by adding some more features. We're going to add these...

  • Raise event when rate changes
  • RatingBar alignment
  • Icons style
  • Read only and Rate once features
  • Properties

Sub Step 1 : Adding Event on Rate Change

We're required to declare a delegate above the RatingBar class. That will have 2 params as usual. One is sender and the other one is the type of RatingBarRateEventArgs. RatingBarRateEventArgs class contains 2 float variables, those hold new and old rate values plus a constructor with two params (i.e. NewRate, OldRate) plus inherits EventArgs.

public delegate void OnRateChanged(object sender, RatingBarRateEventArgs e);
public class RatingBarRateEventArgs : EventArgs
    public float NewRate;
    public float OldRate;
    public RatingBarRateEventArgs(float newRate, float oldRate)
        NewRate = newRate;
        OldRate = oldRate;

Next, declare Event in RatingBar class.

public event OnRateChanged RateChanged;

Now, we're going to modify 'MouseClick' like this:

void pb_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    float toldRate = rate;
    rate = tempRateHolder;

    if (RateChanged != null && toldRate != rate)
	RateChanged(this, new RatingBarRateEventArgs(rate, toldRate));

Sub Step 2: RatingBar Alignment

As we can see, the rating bar is always at the topleft (0, 0) of the control. But we can solve this by adding an alignment feature.

First, declare a ContentAlignment enum with MiddleCenter value. Name it 'alignment'.

Add a new method 'UpdateBarLocation' with the following code...

if (alignment == ContentAlignment.TopLeft) { } // Leave it blank,
//Since we're calling this from Resize Event then we dont need to set
//same point again and again
else if (alignment == ContentAlignment.TopRight)
    pb.Location = new Point(this.Width - pb.Width, 0);
else if (alignment == ContentAlignment.TopCenter)
    pb.Location = new Point(this.Width / 2 - pb.Width / 2, 0);
else if (alignment == ContentAlignment.BottomLeft)
    pb.Location = new Point(0, this.Height - pb.Height);
else if (alignment == ContentAlignment.BottomRight)
    pb.Location = new Point(this.Width - pb.Width, this.Height - pb.Height);
else if (alignment == ContentAlignment.BottomCenter)
    pb.Location =
    new Point(this.Width / 2 - pb.Width / 2, this.Height - pb.Height);
else if (alignment == ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft)
    pb.Location = new Point(0, this.Height / 2 - pb.Height / 2);
else if (alignment == ContentAlignment.MiddleRight)
    pb.Location =
    new Point(this.Width - pb.Width, this.Height / 2 - pb.Height / 2);
else if (alignment == ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter)
    pb.Location = new Point(this.Width / 2 - pb.Width / 2,
            this.Height / 2 - pb.Height / 2);

Now, override 'OnResize' and write this code inside it:


Next, we need to modify 'UpdateBarSize' method and add this at the end of the code to avoid strange effects after size change:


Sub Step 3: Icons Styles

As we can notice, we are able to change icons' images. But the builtin is a single one. However, we can add some more inbuilt images.

To do that, first create a new enum above the RatingBar class. Name it 'IconStyle'.

public enum IconStyle

Now, declare it like this:

IconStyle iconStyle = IconStyle.Star;

Next, we have to modify 'UpdateIcons' method like this:

void UpdateIcons()
    if (iconStyle == IconStyle.Star)
        iconEmpty = Properties.Resources.iconStarEmpty;
        iconFull = Properties.Resources.iconStarFull;
        iconHalf = Properties.Resources.iconStartHalf;
    else if (iconStyle == IconStyle.Heart)
        iconEmpty = Properties.Resources.iconHeartEmpty;
        iconFull = Properties.Resources.iconHeartFull;
        iconHalf = Properties.Resources.iconHeartHalf;
    else if (iconStyle == IconStyle.Misc)
        iconEmpty = Properties.Resources.iconMiscEmpty;
        iconFull = Properties.Resources.iconMiscFull;
        iconHalf = Properties.Resources.iconMiscHalf;

NOTE: The images are added in Resources, you can get them from 'Resources' directory.

Sub Step 4: ReadOnly and RateOnce

Sometimes, we require this control to be ReadOnly. As well as it can be rate once. Therefore, to add these features, we have to declare 3 bool variables and modify MouseMove, MouseLeave and MouseClick events.

bool readOnly = false;
bool rateOnce = false;
bool isVoted = false;

In MouseMove and MouseLeave, add this on the top of code:

if (readOnly || (rateOnce && isVoted))

In MouseClick, add this just above this line >> if (RateChanged != null && toldRate != rate):

isVoted = true;
if (rateOnce)
    pb.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

Sub Step 5: Properties

We're going to add properties to this control so that it can be changed in design time as well as runtime.

public byte Gap
    get { return gap; }
    set { gap = value; }
public byte IconsCount
    get { return iconsCount; }
    set { if (value <= 10) { iconsCount = value; UpdateBarSize(); } }
[DefaultValue(typeof(ContentAlignment), "middlecenter")]
public ContentAlignment Alignment
    get { return alignment; }
        alignment = value;
        if (value == ContentAlignment.TopLeft)
            pb.Location = new Point(0, 0);
        else UpdateBarLocation();

public Image IconEmpty
    get { return iconEmpty; }
    set { iconEmpty = value; }
public Image IconHalf
    get { return iconHalf; }
    set { iconHalf = value; }
public Image IconFull
    get { return iconFull; }
    set { iconFull = value; }

public bool ReadOnly
    get { return readOnly; }
    set { readOnly = value; if (value)pb.Cursor = Cursors.Default; 
				else pb.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; }
public bool RateOnce
    get { return rateOnce; }
    set { rateOnce = value; if (!value) pb.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; /* Set hand cursor, 
						if false is set from true*/ 
public float Rate
    get { return rate; }

public Color BarBackColor
    get { return pb.BackColor; }
    set { pb.BackColor = value; }

[DefaultValue(typeof(IconStyle), "star")]
public IconStlye IconStyle
    get { return iconStyle; }
    set { iconStyle = value; UpdateIcons(); }


Q. Why a child control (PictureBox) ?

A. Since we've added alignment functionality we had to use it. As this control has its own alignment option, then it won't depend on its parent control's alignment. Let's assume, we do not have PictureBox and the outer control size is (500, 200). Now, when we draw the image for control, it will be the size of (500, 200) but the actual we require is (iconsCount * iconWidth, iconHeight). This is quite useless performance on every mouse move and some other drawbacks...


Sometimes we need to set the Rate value programmatically but since we created Rate property as Read-Only, we're unable to do that until we made it writable too. Therefore, we are going to add a new function 'DrawIcons'. Plus, select all the code inside MouseLeave except the ReadOnly and ReadOnce checking code and paste in our new function and call it in MouseLeave. It will look like this:

void DrawIcons()
    Bitmap tb = new Bitmap(pb.Width, pb.Height);
    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tb);
    int x = 0;
    byte ticonsCount = iconsCount;
    float trate = rate;
    while (trate > 0)
        if (trate > 0.5f)
            g.DrawImage(iconFull, x, 0, iconEmpty.Width, iconEmpty.Height); // Draw 
		//icons with the dimension of iconEmpty, so that they do not look odd
            x += gap + iconEmpty.Width;
        else if (trate == 0.5f)
            g.DrawImage(iconHalf, x, 0, iconEmpty.Width, iconEmpty.Height); // Draw 
		//icons with the dimension of iconEmpty, so that they do not look odd
            x += gap + iconEmpty.Width;
    DrawEmptyIcons(g, x, ticonsCount);

    pb.BackgroundImage = tb;

void pb_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (readOnly || (rateOnce && isVoted))

Also add the following code in Rate property:

    if (value >= 0 && value <= (float)iconsCount)
         float toldRate = rate;
         rate = value;
         OnRateChanged(new RatingBarRateEventArgs(value, toldRate));
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Rate", "Value '" + 
		value + "' is not valid for 'Rate'. Value must be Non-negative 
		and less than or equals to '" + iconsCount + "'");

In the above code, OnRateChanged() called. We didn't add that earlier because we just required it on MouseClick. Now, add this and make it virtual so that it can be overridden.

protected virtual void OnRateChanged(RatingBarRateEventArgs e)
    if (RateChanged != null && e.NewRate != e.OldRate)
        RateChanged(this, e);

Now we have to modify the MouseClick event too. We know what to do...;)


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
India India
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Comments and Discussions

GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
darito23-Nov-14 3:49
darito23-Nov-14 3:49 
QuestionDatagridview Pin
Member 1060379218-Oct-14 1:43
Member 1060379218-Oct-14 1:43 
Question+10 Pin
Dmitry S. Putyatov10-Jan-12 14:39
Dmitry S. Putyatov10-Jan-12 14:39 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Dhiru bhai14-Nov-11 22:45
Dhiru bhai14-Nov-11 22:45 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
TweakBird7-May-11 6:11
TweakBird7-May-11 6:11 
GeneralNice one Pin
Abhijit Jana14-Jul-09 18:25
professionalAbhijit Jana14-Jul-09 18:25 
GeneralGreat ! Pin
Toumar9-Jul-09 2:43
Toumar9-Jul-09 2:43 
Generalgreat control Pin
Donsw21-Mar-09 15:09
Donsw21-Mar-09 15:09 
GeneralIt's so strange Pin
ivanchain@hotmail.com10-Mar-09 4:54
ivanchain@hotmail.com10-Mar-09 4:54 
It's so strange that it never give out a method to change the rate by sending a value to it, but only support to click it by mouse.

In most of time, we need such a control to show some value, so the most important thing is to just send a value to it.



GeneralRe: It's so strange Pin
Xmen Real 10-Mar-09 5:20
professional Xmen Real 10-Mar-09 5:20 

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