![Sample Image - Swat_Main.png](SWAT1/Swat_Main.png)
Fig.1 Swat's Main Editing Page
As a great philosopher of our times has so eloquently put it, it�s �deja vu
all over again�. Remember OLE? Remember COM? Technologies which in their turn,
was each supposed to be the foundation for everything to come from Microsoft.
Remember how hard it was to understand them? Worse yet, implement them? So when
I started hearing about the technology du jour '.NET' I must admit it was with
mixed feelings.
As with the previous technologies you can only put it off for so long before
it overcomes you. In the .NET case I decided to take a pre-emptive approach and
try to learn it before I actually had to use it. Fortunately, I was pleasantly
surprised with what I found. At first glance it seemed to me to be a 'mish-mash'
(if there isn't such a word there should be) of VB, Java, and C++ while
providing support for both desktop and WEB based applications in a unified
environment. There appeared to be a lot of new concepts (not new as invented,
but new to the development environment) and I kept hearing myself say 'well it's
about time'.
In general, I found it to be a much more enjoyable experience than I've had
with previous technologies. It seems to be a lot more complete and intuitive
than other initiatives that Microsoft has 'bestowed' on us in the past. The
documentation is, as will always be, 'lacking'. But, considering the number of
classes that make up '.NET' (and we thought the original Windows API was
daunting, hah!), it's not bad. And of course it is also another 'paradign
shift'. We went from being in complete control under DOS, to 'we'll call you' in
Windows, to now operating in a 'virtual play pen'! Talk about insecurity
complex. In my opinion, developing under the .NET environment requires a mindset
change not unlike the DOS to Windows shift.
So what follows is an account of my experience in learning to develop in the
.NET environment. As I alluded to above, .NET is actually a two-headed creature
and my immediate goal was to tackle the WEB based development, specifically
ASP.NET. Even though it's all under the .NET umbrella, desktop development still
remained pretty much as before and seemed to me to be a less drastic change.
There�s still a learning curve there, but at least for me, seemed to be more
Even though the prose may sound like a tutorial at times, it is not my
intention. There are probably better approaches to some of the solutions that I
describe. Having said that however, some readers may benefit from seeing how I
�figured-out� how to do certain things. Others may find the application useful
on its own. Still others may use it as an example of a �real-world� application
and can benefit from seeing the mechanics of the application. As for me, I will
benefit by having thousands of code reviewers provide me with constructive
comments so I can continue learning.
Here's some of the topic areas that will be covered in the course of these
- How to add multiple columns to DataList
- Performing database operations using DataList
- Paging a DataList
- Sorting in a DataList
- Using ViewState variables
- Dynamic control visualization
- User customizable display
- Detecting events from embedded controls
- Automatic page control movement
- Creating a user control
- Adding Email functionality to an application
- Rendering dynamically generated images
- Persisting user preferences using cookies
- Client-side scripting
- Using XML and DOM
On With The Show
Normally, when learning a new technology I think most of us search out a
tutorial book and try to follow along with the sample code presented. The sample
code usually consists of some form of the obligatory 'hello world' app and code
snippets to demonstrate selective areas of the API. I don't know about you, but
as for me, the only way to 'really learn� a new technology is to apply it.
Reading about the syntax and the hello world sample just doesn't do much for me.
Since the applications I was developing for my employer were not using .NET, I
decided that I needed to come up with an idea for an application that I could
write which would allow me to get experience developing in the new environment.
I wanted something that was not trivial and that I could fully define the
requirements. At the same time I wanted it to be a useful application not just
something that would exercise the new API.
So I thought, 'what is an application that I can define completely, that I
can use (as a developer), and that can benefit from being WEB enabled'. What is
dear and near to any developer (or at least should be)? A bug tracker! Being the
end user of a bug tracking application I would certainly be able to define (and
understand) the requirements. I would also have the capability of being able to
analyze the features provided by commercially available packages. And, I thought
that it would be challenging enough yet not be overwhelming (the project would
be done at nights and weekends and I have a wife and kids competing for my
One of the main benefits that I saw of making the application WEB-enabled was
that it could be accessed from anywhere. In a meeting, from the lab, or while
traveling (OK, maybe not the developer but the manager would certainly like to
know the status while traveling). The other was that it could be (potentially)
platform agnostic. All that was required was a compatible browser, and a project
being developed on a MAC using Fortran and a project developed on Unix using Ada
could both use this as their bug tracking system.
Application Requirements
After thinking about it for a little bit I came up with a short list of
product requirements. This would be something that marketing would put together
or perhaps an end user's description. It provides no details as to how it's
going to be done just some 20,000 feet level description. So the application is
going to be a bug tracking application that will be:
- Easy to use and administer
- Completely web based
- Have a 'Desktop-like' UI
- And be full featured with notification, analysis and reporting capabilities
Since I am the user I can certainly state exactly what I want as the
end product. So I want the application to be easy to the point of being trivial
to use. Administration requirements should be minimal, no need to have a
dedicated IS person just to maintain the application. Administration should also
be as trivial as using it. There should be a minimum amount of configuration
Because I'm learning WEB development, the application needs to be WEB based.
Well no, that's not really a product requirement, but as I mentioned above there
are some real benefits associated with making this application WEB based.
The application needs to look and function like a desktop application. What I
really want is the best of both worlds, the benefits of the WEB and the UI that
we�ve been used to for desktop apps.
Finally, even though the application is being developed as a learning
project, I want it to have all of the functionality available in commercial
applications. This includes customizable Email notifications, graphical project
status analysis tools, and flexible reporting options.
Functional Requirements
The primary function of the application is to allow users to add/edit and
keep track of bugs and their state. That's simple enough and to the point.
Everything else is secondary or is required only to support the primary
function. I think it�s important for any project to keep the primary purpose
visible during the whole development process. Why is it that we�re standing
in the middle of the swamp filled with alligators? This allows the design
team to focus on a goal and also reduces (can never eliminate) �feature
Since the application is to be WEB based, some form of user authentication
must be provided in order to allow access to the application (more importantly
deny access to everybody else).
A negative side-effect of making an application WEB based is that it will
incur delays that are not apparent on a desktop counterpart. So one of the
design objectives is to reduce WEB effects (delays). One of the �traps� that I
noticed when developing in ASP.NET is that because you can do just about
everything on the server, we do. I think we need to be more diligent in
analyzing what we�re doing in order to try to optimize the application. One of
the optimizations we�ll implement is to use stored procedures for our database
access. In other areas we�ll look at using client side script where
The application is to be administered through the WEB as well. All
configuration information required by the application will be accessible using
the same UI (as opposed to requiring a separate desktop app that would run on
the server to configure the database or other application data). And in order to
protect the application�s configuration information the application will
implement �roles� based access. As such only users that have �Admin� role will
be able to administer the database and application data.
That's the core functional description of the application. An additional
feature that I want is user notification capabilities. The application should
send an Email notifying the user(s) when a bug changes state. There are certain
basic rules that an administrator should be able to define to control who and
when gets notified as a result of a change in bug state.
The application will also provide facilities that allow the user to analyze
the state of the project by providing a graphical representation of the data.
The user should be able to select the project/module to analyze as well as to
filter by severity. This will allow the user to see the current state of the
project (how many bugs open/closed/fixed). The analysis tool will also provide
trending analysis of the project by providing historical data in a graphical
format. Using the graphical tools the user will be able to easily determine how
stable the application is and more importantly how close is the project to being
on schedule.
Finally the application will provide facilities to allow the user to make
customizable queries on the database to generate user definable reports.
Database design
At this point it's probably a good idea to take a look at the requirements
and attempt to map out the database schema. Since the primary function of the
application deals with �bugs� we need to define what a bug is from the
application�s perspective. Bugs have the following properties:
- a title
- a description
- they have an owner (person assigned to fix the bug)
- they are assigned a creation date and a 'creator' (person who opened the
- they are assigned a closed date and a 'closer' (person who closed the bug,
verified that it was indeed fixed)
- they can be in one of three states (which are sequential) open, fixed,
- a bug is assigned a priority (how quickly we need to get on it)
- a bug is assigned a severity (how bad is the bug)
- a bug is defined by the module/project where it was found
- a bug is assigned a project revision
- a bug has a resolution (not a bug, how it was fixed, etc.)
The properties can be translated into the following table definition for our
Column Name |
Data Type |
ID |
ItemName |
Description |
Project |
Module |
Revision |
Status |
EnteredDate |
EnteredBy |
FixedDate |
FixedBy |
ClosedDate |
ClosedBy |
AssignedTo |
Severity |
Priority |
To support the above table we need a table that will hold a list of users
(the user field in the above table is a foreign key) and a list of projects.
Additionally, each project is composed of a list of modules. So let�s define
those tables now.
Column Name |
Data Type |
ID |
Int |
ItemName |
NVarChar |
Column Name |
Data Type |
ID |
ItemName |
ProjID |
Column Name |
Data type |
ID |
ItemName |
Password |
Email |
Roles |
Active |
That�s it. Pretty simple database. When we get to the code you�ll see why
each table has a common �ItemName� field. A note on the �Active� field, I�ve
included it to indicate whether a user is active or has (been) moved on to
greener pastures. This can be used to filter users so that only active users
will be displayed in selection lists. At the same time the user stays in the
database to preserve historical information.
Here�s a script for creating the database and tables.
Create Database SwatBugs
USE SwatBugs
EXEC sp_addlogin N'ASPNET',, N'SWATBUGS'
EXEC sp_adduser N'ASPNET'
[ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[ItemName] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
[Description] [nvarchar] (1024) NULL ,
[Project] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Module] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Revision] [nvarchar] (10) NOT NULL ,
[Status] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
[EnteredDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
[FixedDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[ClosedDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[FixedBy] [int] NULL ,
[ClosedBy] [int] NULL ,
[AssignedTo] [int] NOT NULL ,
[EnteredBy] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Severity] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
[Priority] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
ON bugs
[ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[Project] [int] NOT NULL ,
[ItemName] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL
ON modules
[ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[ItemName] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL
ON projects
[ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[ItemName] [nvarchar] (64) NOT NULL ,
[Password] [nvarchar] (128) NOT NULL ,
[Email] [nvarchar] (50) NULL ,
[Roles] [tinyint] NULL ,
[Active] [tinyint] NOT NULL
ON users
CONSTRAINT [DF_BUGS_Revision] DEFAULT (0) FOR [Revision]
You can either run the script from SQL Server�s Query Analyzer (see �Platform
Requirements� below), or you can use osql.exe from a command line as follows
(you can use �/?� to see all osql parameter options):
osql �E �i swat.sql
Note: To run the script you�ll need to be a member of the sysadmin and
securityadmin fixed server roles.
Platform Requirements
Of course you�ll need to have the .Net Framework installed on the server that
you�ll be using to host the application. If IIS is not installed, install and
configure it before you install the framework so it sets up the default ASPNET
user for you. If you�re already using SQL Server then you�re almost there. If
you don�t, you can download a free copy of MSDE from Microsoft (http://www.asp.net/webmatrix and look
for MSDE download). MSDE is completely compatible with SQL server. The main
restrictions are the number of users (up to five (5) concurrent users) and the
size of the database (only 2 GB). For this application those are not significant
restrictions. If a larger number of users needs to be supported then all that�s
required is to purchase and install SQL Server. The other main deficiency of
using MSDE is that it doesn�t have an administrator UI. If you need to (or want
to) modify the database there are a couple of free utilities out there that you
can use.
Phased Development
I think there are three key ingredients to successful development. I didn't
invent them and they are not rocket science. They are more common sense than
anything else. However, I've seen enough failed projects to appreciate their
importance. Each one deserves more space than I can devote here so I'll just
briefly mention them.
Remember when your mother used to tell you not to put more in your mouth than
you could chew? Well the same applies to software development. We took great
strides in the late 80's and early 90's with the advancements made in object
oriented design and development tools. These helped us to break things down into
bite size pieces that we could easily chew. Unfortunately something happened on
the way to the Internet. We didn't need any 'stinkin methodologies', all we
needed was Notepad and we were in business. There was a big rush, and of course
we all know what happened to that balloon. I think we've made a comeback and
.Net is an excellent facilitator. The first key ingredient, then, is to use a
design methodology. Even if it�s just some block diagrams. The important thing
is to use one (it forces us think before we jump).
I'm a firm believer that our profession is no different than any other
profession and they are all governed by processes and procedures. Do you think
there isn't a process for successfully building a house, or that personnel in an
operating room don't follow a 'strictly enforced' procedure. Just try to think
of one profession that is not defined by a process. Unfortunately very few
companies have an 'enforced' formal software development process. Which is the
main reason why most projects are late and overrun their budget. Some people
contend that following a formal development process restricts or somehow
inhibits creativity. I believe that a process can actually encourage creativity
and innovation by having it be an integral part of development. In the
initial phase of the project we want to make sure that we do plenty of
brainstorming and prototyping. Explore and be creative, that�s the time to do
it. What most often happens is that we bypass the creativity in the initial
phase (because there�s never enough time) and then at the tail end we�re trying
to figure things out and wind up �shoe-horning� something just to get it to
work. That�s not innovation nor is it enjoyable. The second ingredient then is
to follow a process. It doesn't have to be complicated but it is important that
it have a feedback mechanism so mistakes will be elliminated (not repeated) and
improvements can be incorporated.
The third and final ingredient is to develop in phases. Break down the
project into testable/releasable phases. This has many benefits. First, you�ll
have more control with what you�re doing and testing. It acts as checkpoints to
gauge your progress and allows you to compare to your schedule. It allows
testers and documentation to get into the act earlier in the development
process. And it provides an early means for feedback from marketing and/or users
(it�s better to know you�re way off base at the beginning than at the end).
Granted, this approach will require more regression testing but you will find
that the benefits will greatly outweigh the drawbacks.
Here�s a list of the phases we�ll follow in developing the project and the
functionality that will be implemented in each phase.
- Phase 1 - logon, bug editing, admin functions
- Phase 2 - email notification support
- Phase 3 - analysis
- Phase 4 - reporting
That's as far as we'll go for now. The second article in this series will
continue by starting to implement the functionality described for phase 1.