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RestrictedUI: A .NET Library for restricting a user interface based on a security policy

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26 May 2010MPL21 min read 27.1K   1.3K   69   5
How to control the user interface using a policy established in a declaratively way, based on user roles and application status.


A delicate part in the implementation of an application's security, specially for corporate applications, is to determine which functionalities must or must not be accessible to a user depending on his role, or which elements should or should not be shown.

It is normal to include logic in the code to hide or disable certain options, buttons, etc., depending on the user accessing the application. This can get complicated when apart from the type of user, we should also consider the state of the application, such as the processing status of an entity. Also, it is quite normal that this policy should be changed in some frequency, in the same way that application requirements evolve. Due to changes in the organizational structure of the company, modifications in management protocols, or simply the identification of gaps after the use of the application, among other things, it would be necessary to make adjustments to this logic related to the interface.

In addition, it is also possible to centralize the definition of this policy, in a common repository, for multiple applications. Based on this definition, supported by a particular data model, you can define a library used by the application that makes it possible to modify the security policy without having to recompile and redeploy the application. The main idea is that the programmer develops as if there were only one type of user, administrator, with permission to do anything. It is the library that controls whether an attempt should be prevented from making visible certain controls or enable them.

This approach is currently used in the company where I work. While offering great flexibility in design, its concrete implementation presents, from my point of view, a number of constraints and practical difficulties that I have tried to correct with this library / framework.

Key Features

On the one hand, the library / architecture described here does not require to centralize the definition of this security, but it's seen as a case; secondly, to ensure compliance with these interface restrictions, it is not necessary for the programmer to use specific methods or properties of the library, to check if the change is allowed or not, nor has it to be controlled by any code; simply, any attempt to make an interface element visible or enabled which is not allowed by the security policy is intercepted and prevented.

It is allowed to define restriction policies not only on the basis of roles but also based on application states, in both WinForms and Web applications; and to simplify the definition of this policy, a form of maintenance is provided, available both at design time and runtime.


  • It isn't the objective of this library to control user authentication. It is assumed that this is done correctly and it is known, with guarantees, the role or roles that the user holds.
  • The name of the library, RestrictedUI, refers to the fact that certain elements of the interface will be restricted according to the established security ('Restricted area').
  • This library is available in Google Code: You can check out the source code from the project's Subversion repository. There you will have documentation and binaries to download, and the possibility to report issues. There is also a revision documented in Spanish.

Using the code

I will describe the code in detail.

Main entities

Image 1

Image 2

The main classes and with which the programmer will primarily interact are fundamentally: ControlRestrictedUI (through some specific components that are offered either for WinForms as for Web), SecurityEnvironment, and IHost.

The first contains most of the business logic, and is responsible for ensuring the UI security in the control where it is, relying on other classes. The second, SecurityEnvironment, is a Singleton object that lets you configure aspects that are common to all components, and makes it possible to massively set security for all or parts of the components (necessary for loading restrictions from a centralized repository). The third, IHost, is the interface that should provide the application that makes use of this library, and will let you know the status of the application and the user role or roles.

Constrictions policies that apply to a ControlRestrictedUI component are stored in the form of a UIRestrictions object, and this in turn contains a list of restrictions (permissions and prohibitions) which are only structures: RestrinctionOnControl. These two entities are described below with a little more detail and along with how to define the security policy.

In case that it is needed to work with controls that are not already considered or some of them need to be managed differently, it will be necessary to create the corresponding adapters (IControlAdapter) along with the factory that generates them (IControlAdapterFactory). All that has to be done in these cases is to develop a new DLL that includes the new adapters required and the corresponding factory. This factory will be added to the SecurityEnvironment object, as explained in the example described below. You can create these adapters and factories basing them on those already available.

Classes and methods that are noteworthy are:


Base component of the Restricted Interface library (RestrictedUI): can restrict the visibility and enabling state of the controls included in a form or user control based on a definition of established security, the current state of the application in the form or container, as well as the role or roles of the user of the application.

  • ID, InstanceID - Identifier of the component and the specific instance. From the ID, we can be read / update the security definition from a file, to be established at an environment level. With these two attributes, the IHost object will indicate the status and roles that apply, distinguishing not only on the type of the form but on the specific instance.
  • RestrictionsDefinition - Configuration of the prohibitions and permissions to be set.
  • ConfigFile - Gets or sets the path to a configuration file, to be used primarily at design time.
  • The configuration file makes it possible to provide at design time, and the definition of security in the form FrmRestrictionsUIDefinition, the list of roles and states to use, as well as additional control adapter factories, to 'discover' new controls at design time. The definitions of security restrictions, of all or only some components, may be contained in this file. These restrictions can be loaded at runtime using the method LoadFrom() and saved and loaded at will from the FrmRestrictionsUIDefinition form, at design time or runtime.

  • ControlsFile - Name of the file on which we write the list of controls contained in the form or user control controlled by this component.
  • This file makes it possible to offer at design time, the controls from the form FrmRestrictionsUIDefinition to be created dynamically. For Web applications, it necessarily must be used to configure security at design time with the help of that form.

  • RegisterControls - Forces the recording or update of existing controls on the form or container where this ControlRestrictedUI component is embedded.
  • BeforeApplyingRestriction - Occurs just before permitting or preventing the change of the Visible or Enabled property, to give the option to allow or not the change on the basis of a more complex logic.
  • ChangeAllowed - It is the method that assesses the restrictions policy and decides whether to allow a certain change in a control. It checks if the change on the Visible or Enabled property (or the corresponding one in the control) is valid considering the definition of security, user roles, and the current state of the application.
  • VerifyChange - Checks if the change on the specified property (TChange) is valid considering the definition of security, user roles, and the current state of the application. If the change is invalid, it will be undone and this is set again to False. Control adapters call this method of the security component in response to an attempt to change the monitored properties.


Adaptation, for Web applications, of the ControlRestrictedUI component.


Adaptation, for WinForms applications, of the ControlRestrictedUI component.


Wraps a 'control' with the aim of providing uniform access to its Enabled and Visible properties and its child 'controls', also allowing to provide oversight of the change of these properties, giving the option to prevent such changes based on a security scheme. What the adapter wraps need not be an object of a particular class, it can be anything that the adapter 'understands', on which it is possible to control the visibility and or enabled state, and that an adapter 'parent' has recognized as a child.

Actually, the controlled properties need not be 'Visible' and 'Enabled'; it is the responsibility of the control adapter to offer that interface and to act on the properties that the control has (for example, some controls do not offer Enabled but only ReadOnly).

The controls provided in the maintenance of the security form (FrmRestrictionsUIDefinition) and the controls the component ControlRestrictedUI seeks are those offered as 'children' for the control in which the component is embedded. The adapter for the parent control will be linked to the child control adapters, which will discover new controls. So, if you have an adapter that understands controls, DataGridView, for example, it is possible to provide each of the columns as a child to monitor. Thus, the number of controls to monitor depends on the adapters with which to work, and this depends in turn on the factories that have been incorporated:


Defines an external factory of control adapters. These will be consulted before the base factory (internal) when it comes to locating the adapter to be used.

It only defines the following method: GetAdapter. Returns the most suitable adapter for the control that is being passed, according to the factory. If the factory has no proper adapter for this control, it will return the special adapter NullControlAdapter.


It contains all the interface restrictions (UI) (permissions and prohibitions) that define the security for a ControlRestrictedUI component, and therefore they usually involve a form or user control.

All restrictions apply to individual controls, bearing in mind that the prohibitions will take precedence over permissions; that is, permissions will be applied first and then restricted on the basis of the prohibitions:

  • Prohibitions: will only prevent changes to the property Visible / Enabled in the situations outlined here.
  • Permissions: will only be authorized changes to the property Visible / Enabled in the situations outlined here.

This class saves individual restrictions (see RestrictionOnControl) and determines if they should be considered in positive logic (permissions) or negative logic (prohibitions). It is responsible for serializing and deserializing these permissions.


It defines the elements that make up a particular restriction to monitor. This restriction will only have its full meaning when read in conjunction with other restrictions included in a security policy defined in a UIRestrictions object and managed by a ControlRestrictedUI component.

The elements which form an individual restriction are:

  • The control to be monitored (via an adapter)
  • The properties to be monitored (Visible and/or Enabled)
  • The context of the application for which the restriction is defined:
    • Role or roles of the application user
    • State or states of the application

These elements may be applied in positive logic (permissions) or negative (prohibitions). This interpretation is not offered by this entity, but by UIRestrictions depending on whether this restriction has been placed in a line of permissions or prohibitions.

  • If the restriction is a permission, it will indicate that the supervised properties can only be 'activated' (make visible or enable) by the established roles and only when the application is in the established states.
  • If the restriction is a prohibition, it will indicate that the supervised properties can only be 'activated' (make visible or enable) by the established roles when the application is in the mentioned states. For any other combination of roles / states, the activation will be possible.
  • If no role is provided (by default, role is assumed as 0), then it will apply to all roles: all of them will be allowed or prevented (depending) in the indicated states.
  • If no state is provided, then the restriction will apply to all concerning roles regardless of the state in which the application is.
  • If a control has no associated restriction element (neither positive nor negative), then it will not be monitored, and any role and in any state could activate its Visible and Enabled properties.

Actually, controlled properties in the control need not be exactly 'Visible' and 'Enabled' (as shown in IControlAdapter). It is only supervised and perhaps prevents (depending on the policy defined) the 'activation' of these properties, namely the attempt to make visible or enable the control. It does not prevent hiding or disabling a control.


It indicates that the object can act as intermediary in the necessary communication between the Host and the Restricted Interface library, enabling it to view at any time the application status and the role or roles that may have the user. It also reports through events of changes to these values.

These data (state and roles) may be dependent on the form or user control from which we are asking (type and specific instance).

This approach allows, for example, to keep different instances of a particular window open, each one in a state or a different processing stage and therefore with different security requirements. While it is more common that the user role or roles should be uniform throughout the application, they are also allowed to depend on where you place the security component and the specific instance. This will give more leeway when configuring the security.


Singleton class (via Shared) that keeps the general aspects of all security schemes.

  • Host - Gets or sets the object that implements the interface IHost and through which the environment and other security components may interact with the Host application in order to know the current status and roles to be considered.
  • LoadFrom, LoadFromString - They let you load the security policy (for all or a subset of security components) from a file, a stream, or a text string, at environment level.
  • CommonStates, CommonRoles - They allow to establish the common roles and states that are offered in all security components.
  • ComponentsSecurity - It returns the dictionary object which stores the definition of the security (policy interface constraints) of the various components, as may have been established from the loading of a configuration file or a text string.
  • The security herein need not be equal to that embedded in the various components. The restrictions finally applied in the component depend on one of its properties (PriorityEmbeddedSecurity). Methods like LoadFrom or LoadFromString, for example, will establish on the SecurityEnvironment the restrictions to apply to each of the components that are referenced in the file or string (even with an empty definition), and set the indicated property so that the components use the restrictions.

  • GetAdapter - Returns the adapter (IControlAdapter) for the indicated control, based on the registered factories in the SecurityEnvironment.
  • BaseFactory, AditionalFactories - Gets or sets the adapter factory considered as base, as well as additional ones. When it comes to finding the best control adapter, it will start looking for it in the additional ones and finally in the base factory if none is found before.
  • AddFactoria - Adds the specified factory of control adapters. It will be consulted earlier than the internal factory.

Example usage

It is necessary to include a reference to the DLLs RestrictedUI.dll and RestrictedWebUI.dll or RestrictedWinFormsUI.dll, depending on the type of application. If you include in your application some special controls that you want to address in a personalized way, then you will add a reference to the corresponding DLL, which will have implemented a factory of adapters for that particular control. The following example uses a library that interprets the Infragistics controls UltraGrid and UltraTree (NetAdventage).

At the beginning of the application, we do the following initialization. Only the first line is really important:

' Initial setup of the security library:

' We set the object IHost that will reveal the status and roles of the application
SecurityEnvironment.Host = _host

' We don't want config files to be automatically updated
' on the initialization of the security components.
' We will update them when we have created all the controls
' (some of them will be build dynamically: datagrid columns)
SecurityEnvironment.AutomaticUpdateOfControlsFile = False

' Because we use Infragistics controls and they
' are not covered by internal factory included with the library
' ControlRestrictedUIWinForms, we will record the factory that manages them       

' Some adapters like these can allow to control the enabled
' state with the ReadOnly property instead of Enabled
' (the latter would be the default)
AdapterWinForms_DataGridView.UseReadOnly = True
AdapterInfragisticsWinForms_UltraGrid.UseReadOnly = True

' Apart from that we have defined some security policy embedded
' in a component, we will use the one defined in a file
' (We could also have read the security from a stream providing
' a System.IO.StreamReader, or directly from a string 
' with EntornoSeguridad.LoadFromString)

Below is a sample configuration file that can be loaded by LoadFrom.

The object _host would be of the class Host, which would implement the interface IHost, for example like this (TestForm):

Public Class Host
    Implements IHost

    Public Event StateChanged(ByVal ID As String, ByVal instanceID As String, _
           ByVal newState As Integer) Implements RestrictedUI.IHost.StateChanged
    Public Event RolesChanged(ByVal ID As String, ByVal instanceID As String) _
           Implements RestrictedUI.IHost.RolesChanged

    Public Sub ShowError(ByVal [error] As String) Implements IHost.ShowError
        ' There are controls that are dynamically created and it is common 
        ' not to locate them in the event HandleCreated (if WinForms)
        If [error].Contains("Control not found") Then
            If [error].Contains("cControles.") Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If

    End Sub

    ' In this implementation, the state may be different
    ' depending on the component and instance.
    Public Property State(ByVal ID As String, ByVal instanceID As String) _
           As Integer Implements RestrictedUI.IHost.State
            Dim nState As Integer = 0
            _State.TryGetValue(ID + instanceID, nState)
            Return nState
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Integer)
            _State.Remove(ID + instanceID)
            _State.Add(ID + instanceID, value)
            RaiseEvent StateChanged(ID, instanceID, value)
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _State As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)

    ' In this implementation, the roles that we refer will
    ' be the same regardless of the form or the instance
    Public Property UserRoles(ByVal ID As String, ByVal instanceID As String) _
           As Integer() Implements RestrictedUI.IHost.UserRoles
            Return _userRoles
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Integer())
            _userRoles = value
            RaiseEvent RolesChanged(ID, instanceID)
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _userRoles As Integer() = New Integer(1) {10, 11}

End Class

Although in the IHost interface the properties State and UserRoles have not been set as ReadOnly, the reading of these properties is the most important thing. The change in state or roles will be used (if allowed) to test the security from the maintenance form. If it is not necessary, the implementation of the modification (set) can be left empty.

We will add a ControlRestrictedUI component for every form or user control in which we want to apply a restrictions policy. The configuration of this component is usually made at design time. As an example (looking at it through the code generated by the Designer):

Me.ControlRestrictedUIWinForms1.ConfigFile = "TestWinForms\Security.txt"
Me.ControlRestrictedUIWinForms1.ControlsFile = "TestWinForms\Controls.txt"
Me.ControlRestrictedUIWinForms1.ID = "Form1"
Me.ControlRestrictedUIWinForms1.InstanceID = "00"
Me.ControlRestrictedUIWinForms1.ParentControl = Me
Me.ControlRestrictedUIWinForms1.Paused = False
Me.ControlRestrictedUIWinForms1.RestrictionsDefinition = New String() {
  "$Group 0= GroupBox1.CheckBox1, GroupBox1.TextBox2",
  "$Group 2= TextBox",
  "+0/GroupBox1.CheckBox1,E,0", "+99/Combo,V"}

Roles alias are not used in the constraints defined directly on the component, not depending thus on any translation table.

Apart from that configuration, we can add the following code at the beginning of the form or container, for example in the Load event:

' If we want the application to be able to determine a state
' and independent role or roles for each instance of a 
' form, so that we can open several ones simultaneously
' and these ones may have independent lives, then we must identify each instance:
ControlRestrictedUIWinForms1.InstanceID = _InstanceID

' If we have created controls dynamically then we can update
' the controls file (if we are developing we might want
' to be allowed to establish security over controls available only in runtime)
#If DEBUG Then
  ' To update the controls file and thus be able to consider
  ' those controls when editting the security in design time.
#End If

' In any case, if we dynamically created controls they
' will not have been localized when security initializes.
' So we will force a reinitilization of the security:

Security can be set directly at environment level for all or only a selection of components using a text string, for example contained in a file, similar to the following:

; Relative paths will be expressed in relation
; to the folder containing the solution (. sln). This path will be 
; used to locate the DLL in design time. We will
; assume that the DLL is in the same folder as the executable, 
; so in runtime the path will be ignored and used only the name of the file
; Note: You may also use absolute paths.


1,Pending Validating


3,Special State

Group Disable Buttons= gbCommands.btnDisableEnabled, gbCommands.btnDisableVisible
Group Enabled Buttons= gbCommands.btnEnableEnabled, 
Group Trees= TreeView1, UltraTree1

+Adm/$Group Trees,E/MenuStrip1.EditarToolStripMenuItem.CortarToolStripMenuItem,V
-Aux/cControles.Name,V,1,2,3/$Group Enabled Buttons,V
-Cons/combo,V/$Group Disable Buttons,E



Grupo 0= CheckBox1, TextBox1
Grupo 1 - nuevo grupo= Button1, TextBox1

+0/$Grupo 0,E

Through this feature, you can store security restrictions in a centralized repository, for example, a relational database and then retrieve and apply them at the beginning of the application. This way, we can modify the restrictions without recompiling applications.

In the definition to be loaded into the SecurityEnvironment, for instance from a file, role aliases can be used to define restrictions, because it is assumed that they are described in the same file. Anyway, when is applied to the security component, they are translated into their corresponding codes.

You must keep in mind that the use of aliases is entirely optional, and the definition of lists of states and roles too. They are nothing more than a help to facilitate the identification of constraints. All that matters is that the code for the roles and application states is understood by the application through the object that implements the interface IHost.

When calling SecurityEnvironment.LoadFrom or LoadFormString, the restrictions defined in the file or text string will take precedence over the ones embedded in the components. If in that text string there is no section relative to a particular component, it will continue to apply the security embedded in that component. If you would like to remove all restrictions from a component, it would be enough to include an empty paragraph related to that component:



Security policy maintenance: FrmRestrictionsUIDefinition

Settings directly embedded in the component or through configuration files similar to above, can be generated with the maintenance form included, and easily modified by hand if necessary. This form is accessible both at design time and runtime. At design time, you can access it by clicking on the button '...' in the property RestrictionsDefinition of the component ControlRestrictedUI; at runtime, using the method ShowConfigurationSecurityForm and also directly by pressing a key combination using SecurityEnvironment.AllowedHotKey (disabled by default)

Image 3

Basically, what we can do is select (checkbox) one or more controls, the property or properties to be monitored (Visible, Enabled), and optionally one or more roles together with one or more states. By pressing the button 'Allow', a new restriction (positive) will be added, related to that selection. Clicking on 'Prevent', a negative restriction will be added.

We can define groups of controls, with an associated name, and place restrictions directly to the group. To add or update an existing group, we will mark a series of controls and click Add. It will ask us for a name for the group. If it already exists, it will be replaced by the new selection, otherwise it will be added. Selecting a group will select, in the control's grid, the elements in the group. When you check the box 'Show only selected Group', click on Allow or Prevent, and the restriction is directly associated to the corresponding group.

We have the option of saving the restrictions in a configuration file, being added to the restrictions that may already exist for other components. This file will be initially the one established (if any) for the component. We can read the security settings of the component from which we have launched this form, or all that may be included in the file.

We have for convenience two ways of displaying the permissions: tabular or text, both editable.

Image 4

If we use this form at runtime, we can also double click a control to highlight it (it will blink several times). We will also have the possibility to modify (if the object implementing the IHost interface permits it) the state and the role or the roles associated to this component and instance, so that we can test security. For convenience, we can reduce this form to offer only these controls:

Image 5

Test projects

Along with the solution, three projects are included, two on WinForms and another one on Web: TestWeb, TestWinForms, and TestWinForms_notUsingInfragistics.

The two projects in WinForms are equivalent, with the only difference that the latter does not use any of Infragistics controls or the library of UI controls used in the company I work, and I have included them to demonstrate the use of additional factories to deal with special controls.

The WinForms examples include a form (Form1) with which you can play with all the features of this library, including the possibility to pause the security, force visibility or enabled state for a control, or apply a more elaborate logic with the help of the BeforeApplyingRestriction event. The form Form1 in TestWinForms is as follows:

Image 6

And Form2:

Image 7

This second form allows you to verify the treatment of security on user controls: the tabs 1 and 2 have an embedded user control on which a series of restrictions has been applied that make a text box editable. The tabs 3 and 4 include other user controls whose security policy hides a node of the TreeView control.

Apart from such specific restrictions on the second user control, the security component of this form, Form2, applies a restriction on the user control instance of tab 4 so that the second radio button is disabled.

Both on Form1 and on Form2 the key combination CTR-ALT-End is enabled to show the form FrmRestrictionsUIDefinition at runtime.

Points of Interest

  • When developing this code, I found it interesting the possibilities offered by this type of code "injection" that is able to control or influence the host application without having to make changes to it (except of course for the normal configuration of the library). This approach has been used to act on a pair of common properties of controls, Visible and Enabled (by preventing its activation according to a security policy), but it could be used in many other cases.
  • The pattern indirection through the IControlAdapter interface has been essential in achieving this goal, and it is very powerful. Using it with Factory pattern has also been very convenient.
  • The use of these two patterns has led to the extensibility of this architecture, allowing to add new libraries that would offer a personalized treatment of certain controls.

  • Although it might seem something minor, it is interesting to note the use of the Special Case pattern, as described by Martin Fowler in P of EAA: Special Case and the clear advantages affecting the code. This pattern is being used by the object NullControlAdapter.

  • During the development of the component ControlRestrictedUI, I had difficulty with the fact that the properties set at design time were initialized by the Designer in alphabetical order. The initialization of the security in a component is done by setting the property RestrictionsDefinition, but at that moment, in setting it in the Designer, other required properties were not established. The solution to this problem is provided by the interface ISupportInitialize (Design-Time Integration—Batch Initialization)
  • It has also been very comfortable to use the INotifyPropertyChanged interface to ensure a proper bidirectional data link (DataBindings) between user controls and business entities (A generic asynchronous INotifyPropertyChanged helper)
  • A major difficulty of this development has been associated with the components at design time . The dynamic instantiation of IControlAdapterFactory objects at design time was specially problematic, which caused InvalidCastExceptions.
  • Among others, the following article helped me understand the problem: Plug-ins and cast exceptions. I found later that as I was instantiating the library to load the auxiliary factory with Assembly.LoadFrom at design time, I was loading it into the default application domain associated with the IDE process, and so this DLL was released only when I closed the IDE, thus having many apparently identical definitions in memory. I solved the problem loading the DLL into a separate application domain, isolated, using AppDomain.LoadFrom instead of Assembly.LoadFrom and unloading the domain once I atrted using the factory.

  • For documenting the classes and methods, I relied on code comments and used DocProject, a tool built over Sandcastle - Documentation Compiler for Managed Class Libraries. It is a very easy and powerful combination. In particular, I have used the version 1.11.0 Release Candidate of DocProject and the Sandcastle May 2008 Release.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)

Written By
Spain Spain
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GeneralMy vote of 2 Pin
noreply-thephoenixprod8-Jun-11 2:02
noreply-thephoenixprod8-Jun-11 2:02 
GeneralImpressive Pin
MarGsr4-Jun-10 8:23
MarGsr4-Jun-10 8:23 
GeneralRe: Impressive Pin
Daniel Prado Velasco26-Jun-10 11:06
Daniel Prado Velasco26-Jun-10 11:06 
GeneralRe: Impressive Pin
MarGsr15-Jul-10 20:23
MarGsr15-Jul-10 20:23 
GeneralRe: Impressive Pin
Daniel Prado Velasco16-Jul-10 0:44
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