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GeneralRe: Debug Assertion Failed due to image list Pin
jhwurmbach12-Aug-03 23:07
jhwurmbach12-Aug-03 23:07 
GeneralRe: Debug Assertion Failed due to image list Pin
Binayak13-Aug-03 7:22
Binayak13-Aug-03 7:22 

Thanks for your reply.
I tried doing what you said.
But, in this case also if I try to move my dialog box, I keep getting the same error (debug assertions failed)

I'm including call stack and part of code with this:

Call stack: shows line 140 which is shown in the code.

L! 77f9180c()
_CrtDbgReport(int 2, const char * 0x5f4cd0c0 THIS_FILE, int 1202, const char * 0x00000000, const char * 0x00000000) line 353
AfxAssertFailedLine(const char * 0x5f4cd0c0 THIS_FILE, int 1202) line 39 + 20 bytes
CImageList::Attach(_IMAGELIST * 0x00141e70) line 1202 + 24 bytes
CImageList::Create(unsigned int 131, int 13, int 1, unsigned long 16777215) line 1183
CMfcTree::OnInitDialog() line 140
AfxDlgProc(HWND__ * 0x01f31c2e, unsigned int 272, unsigned int 18619602, unsigned int 18619602) line 35 + 14 bytes
USER32! 77e3a244()
USER32! 77e28b4b()
USER32! 77e2d2b2()
USER32! 77e16b21()
USER32! 77e16b44()
CWnd::DefWindowProcA(unsigned int 272, unsigned int 18619602, long 0) line 1000 + 32 bytes
CWnd::Default() line 249
CDialog::HandleInitDialog(unsigned int 18619602, unsigned int 18619602) line 624 + 8 bytes
CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int 272, unsigned int 18619602, long 0, long * 0x001294b4) line 1815 + 17 bytes
CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int 272, unsigned int 18619602, long 0) line 1585 + 30 bytes
AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * 0x00129838, HWND__ * 0x01f31c2e, unsigned int 272, unsigned int 18619602, long 0) line 215 + 26 bytes
AfxWndProc(HWND__ * 0x01f31c2e, unsigned int 272, unsigned int 18619602, long 0) line 368
AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * 0x01f31c2e, unsigned int 272, unsigned int 18619602, long 0) line 220 + 21 bytes
USER32! 77e3a244()
USER32! 77e16362()
USER32! 77e29c20()
USER32! 77e2caa8()
USER32! 77e2ca6b()
CWnd::CreateDlgIndirect(const DLGTEMPLATE * 0x00437c30, CWnd * 0x002f70e8 {CTempWnd hWnd=0x03541c1c}, HINSTANCE__ * 0x00400000) line 327 + 36 bytes
CDialog::DoModal() line 531 + 32 bytes
CMyTreeView::OnDraw(CDC * 0x00129b30) line 61 + 11 bytes
CView::OnPaint() line 185
CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0, long * 0x00129ca4) line 1825
CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0) line 1585 + 30 bytes
AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * 0x002f4fc8, HWND__ * 0x09c71a58, unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0) line 215 + 26 bytes
AfxWndProc(HWND__ * 0x09c71a58, unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0) line 368
AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * 0x09c71a58, unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0) line 220 + 21 bytes
USER32! 77e3a244()
USER32! 77e14730()
USER32! 77e1558a()
NTDLL! 77f91a7f()
USER32! 77e1a792()
USER32! 77e43ed5()
USER32! 77e33f6a()
USER32! 77e34306()
USER32! 77e337fb()
USER32! 77e34091()
USER32! 77e3322c()
__crtMessageBoxA(const char * 0x0012a3ec, const char * 0x102579a0 `string', unsigned int 73746) line 65
CrtMessageWindow(int 2, const char * 0x5f4cd0c0 THIS_FILE, const char * 0x0012b520, const char * 0x00000000, const char * 0x0012d544) line 520 + 22 bytes
_CrtDbgReport(int 2, const char * 0x5f4cd0c0 THIS_FILE, int 1202, const char * 0x00000000, const char * 0x00000000) line 419 + 76 bytes
AfxAssertFailedLine(const char * 0x5f4cd0c0 THIS_FILE, int 1202) line 39 + 20 bytes
CImageList::Attach(_IMAGELIST * 0x0013f750) line 1202 + 24 bytes
CImageList::Create(unsigned int 131, int 13, int 1, unsigned long 16777215) line 1183
CMfcTree::OnInitDialog() line 140
AfxDlgProc(HWND__ * 0x00da1d1e, unsigned int 272, unsigned int 15998044, unsigned int 15998044) line 35 + 14 bytes
USER32! 77e3a244()
USER32! 77e28b4b()
USER32! 77e2d2b2()
USER32! 77e16b21()
USER32! 77e16b44()
CWnd::DefWindowProcA(unsigned int 272, unsigned int 15998044, long 0) line 1000 + 32 bytes
CWnd::Default() line 249
CDialog::HandleInitDialog(unsigned int 15998044, unsigned int 15998044) line 624 + 8 bytes
CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int 272, unsigned int 15998044, long 0, long * 0x0012e894) line 1815 + 17 bytes
CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int 272, unsigned int 15998044, long 0) line 1585 + 30 bytes
AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * 0x0012ec18, HWND__ * 0x00da1d1e, unsigned int 272, unsigned int 15998044, long 0) line 215 + 26 bytes
AfxWndProc(HWND__ * 0x00da1d1e, unsigned int 272, unsigned int 15998044, long 0) line 368
AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * 0x00da1d1e, unsigned int 272, unsigned int 15998044, long 0) line 220 + 21 bytes
USER32! 77e3a244()
USER32! 77e16362()
USER32! 77e29c20()
USER32! 77e2caa8()
USER32! 77e2ca6b()
CWnd::CreateDlgIndirect(const DLGTEMPLATE * 0x00437c30, CWnd * 0x0012f858, HINSTANCE__ * 0x00400000) line 327 + 36 bytes
CDialog::DoModal() line 531 + 32 bytes
CMyTreeView::OnDraw(CDC * 0x0012ef10) line 61 + 11 bytes
CView::OnPaint() line 185
CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0, long * 0x0012f084) line 1825
CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0) line 1585 + 30 bytes
AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * 0x002f4fc8, HWND__ * 0x09c71a58, unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0) line 215 + 26 bytes
AfxWndProc(HWND__ * 0x09c71a58, unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0) line 368
AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * 0x09c71a58, unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0) line 220 + 21 bytes
USER32! 77e3a244()
USER32! 77e14730()
USER32! 77e1558a()
NTDLL! 77f91a7f()
USER32! 77e2917a()
USER32! 77e2d2b2()
USER32! 77e16b21()
USER32! 77e16b44()
CWnd::DefWindowProcA(unsigned int 274, unsigned int 61458, long 328197) line 1000 + 32 bytes
CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int 274, unsigned int 61458, long 328197) line 1586 + 26 bytes
AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * 0x0012f858, HWND__ * 0x01d519fa, unsigned int 274, unsigned int 61458, long 328197) line 215 + 26 bytes
AfxWndProc(HWND__ * 0x01d519fa, unsigned int 274, unsigned int 61458, long 328197) line 368
AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * 0x01d519fa, unsigned int 274, unsigned int 61458, long 328197) line 220 + 21 bytes
USER32! 77e3a244()
USER32! 77e14730()
USER32! 77e1558a()
NTDLL! 77f91a7f()
USER32! 77e2917a()
USER32! 77e2d2b2()
USER32! 77e16b21()
USER32! 77e16b44()
CWnd::DefWindowProcA(unsigned int 161, unsigned int 2, long 328197) line 1000 + 32 bytes
CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int 161, unsigned int 2, long 328197) line 1586 + 26 bytes
AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * 0x0012f858, HWND__ * 0x01d519fa, unsigned int 161, unsigned int 2, long 328197) line 215 + 26 bytes
AfxWndProc(HWND__ * 0x01d519fa, unsigned int 161, unsigned int 2, long 328197) line 368
AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * 0x01d519fa, unsigned int 161, unsigned int 2, long 328197) line 220 + 21 bytes
USER32! 77e3a244()
USER32! 77e145e5()
USER32! 77e15b51()
CWnd::RunModalLoop(unsigned long 4) line 3478 + 19 bytes
CDialog::DoModal() line 539 + 12 bytes
CMyTreeView::OnDraw(CDC * 0x0012fb50) line 61 + 11 bytes
CView::OnPaint() line 185
CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0, long * 0x0012fcc4) line 1825
CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0) line 1585 + 30 bytes
AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * 0x002f4fc8, HWND__ * 0x09c71a58, unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0) line 215 + 26 bytes
AfxWndProc(HWND__ * 0x09c71a58, unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0) line 368
AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * 0x09c71a58, unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0) line 220 + 21 bytes
USER32! 77e3a244()
USER32! 77e14730()
USER32! 77e1558a()
NTDLL! 77f91a7f()
CTreeApp::InitInstance() line 96
AfxWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * 0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * 0x00000000, char * 0x00132a08, int 1) line 39 + 11 bytes
WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * 0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * 0x00000000, char * 0x00132a08, int 1) line 30
WinMainCRTStartup() line 330 + 54 bytes
KERNEL32! 77ea847c()


BOOL CMfcTree::OnInitDialog()
m_ImageList.Create(IDB_BITMAP1, 13, 1, RGB(255,255,255));
if ( firstTime ) //line 140

m_nTree.SetImageList(&m_ImageList, TVSIL_NORMAL);

firstTime = false;

HTREEITEM hItem = m_nTree.InsertItem( "Root", 0,2,TVI_ROOT );
m_nTree.SelectItem (hItem);
for (int count =0 ; count <15 ; count ++)
m_nTree.SelectItem (hItem);

m_nTree.SelectItem (hItem);
m_nAddA.ShowWindow ( SW_HIDE );


return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

Binayak Bhattacharyya
GeneralRe: Debug Assertion Failed due to image list Pin
jhwurmbach13-Aug-03 21:13
jhwurmbach13-Aug-03 21:13 
GeneralRe: Debug Assertion Failed due to image list Pin
Binayak14-Aug-03 7:21
Binayak14-Aug-03 7:21 
GeneralGetting size of array in a func ! Pin
Hadi Rezaee12-Aug-03 12:19
Hadi Rezaee12-Aug-03 12:19 
GeneralRe: Getting size of array in a func ! Pin
Dave Bryant12-Aug-03 12:28
Dave Bryant12-Aug-03 12:28 
GeneralRe: Getting size of array in a func ! Pin
Hadi Rezaee12-Aug-03 13:03
Hadi Rezaee12-Aug-03 13:03 
GeneralRe: Getting size of array in a func ! Pin
FlyingDancer12-Aug-03 15:39
FlyingDancer12-Aug-03 15:39 
GeneralRe: Getting size of array in a func ! Pin
jhwurmbach12-Aug-03 23:11
jhwurmbach12-Aug-03 23:11 
GeneralGDI: Background image Pin
Hosam Aly Mahmoud12-Aug-03 11:57
Hosam Aly Mahmoud12-Aug-03 11:57 
GeneralRe: GDI: Background image Pin
HPSI12-Aug-03 13:15
HPSI12-Aug-03 13:15 
GeneralRe: GDI: Background image Pin
Hosam Aly Mahmoud12-Aug-03 17:54
Hosam Aly Mahmoud12-Aug-03 17:54 
GeneralRe: GDI: Background image Pin
Anonymous12-Aug-03 14:18
Anonymous12-Aug-03 14:18 
GeneralRe: GDI: Background image Pin
Hosam Aly Mahmoud12-Aug-03 17:59
Hosam Aly Mahmoud12-Aug-03 17:59 
GeneralMemory Pin
Hosam Aly Mahmoud12-Aug-03 11:53
Hosam Aly Mahmoud12-Aug-03 11:53 
GeneralRe: Memory Pin
John M. Drescher12-Aug-03 12:32
John M. Drescher12-Aug-03 12:32 
GeneralRe: Memory Pin
Hosam Aly Mahmoud12-Aug-03 18:12
Hosam Aly Mahmoud12-Aug-03 18:12 
GeneralRe: Memory (EDITED) Pin
John M. Drescher12-Aug-03 19:15
John M. Drescher12-Aug-03 19:15 
GeneralRe: Memory (EDITED) Pin
Hosam Aly Mahmoud16-Aug-03 17:34
Hosam Aly Mahmoud16-Aug-03 17:34 
GeneralRe: Memory (EDITED) Pin
John M. Drescher17-Aug-03 17:47
John M. Drescher17-Aug-03 17:47 
GeneralRe: Memory (EDITED) Pin
Hosam Aly Mahmoud17-Aug-03 18:09
Hosam Aly Mahmoud17-Aug-03 18:09 
GeneralRe: Memory (EDITED) Pin
John M. Drescher17-Aug-03 18:53
John M. Drescher17-Aug-03 18:53 
GeneralRe: Memory (EDITED) Pin
Hosam Aly Mahmoud17-Aug-03 21:37
Hosam Aly Mahmoud17-Aug-03 21:37 
GeneralRe: Memory Pin
Dave Bryant12-Aug-03 12:33
Dave Bryant12-Aug-03 12:33 
GeneralRe: Memory Pin
Hosam Aly Mahmoud12-Aug-03 18:15
Hosam Aly Mahmoud12-Aug-03 18:15 

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