How to become a World Memory Champion in ten steps

As you throw back another egg nog, mulled wine or other variety of sickly Christmas cheer, save a thought for the brain cells that take a hit with each swig. Your memory might not fare so well the morning after, but thanks to these tips from England's eight-time World Memory Champion and author of How to Develop a Brilliant Memory Week by Week Dominic O'Brien, there are a few things you can do to improve it in the future -- or at least, give the impression you remember the night's events. This man can recall a binary list of 2,385 digits, so pay close attention.

1. The Link Method

To remember a list of words or shopping items make a link between each of the objects. For instance, with Torch, Grapes, Ring, Sherry, imagine shining a Torch on a bunch of Grapes. Inside one of the Grapes you see a Ring sparkling with diamonds. As you squeeze the grape, the ring falls into a glass of Sherry.

2. Acronyms

Use extended acronyms to remember a series of data by creating a fun sentence. For example "My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets" gives you the order of the planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

3. Mental Pictures

Turn data such as facts and figures into pictures. Arctic or Antarctic? If you think of looking up at an arch and down at an ant you'll never confuse the two again.

4. The Journey Method

To remember a list of information, choose a familiar route or journey, maybe around your house, to picture each item on the list.

To remember a sequence of numbers -- say, 1024337864 -- you could also choose a route around your house, to picture each number pair. By picturing David Cameron at my front door, an alarm clock in the hall and two blackbirds flying up the staircase, I can remember these three pairs of numbers easily: 10, 24, 33.

To add more pairs of numbers, just extend the journey: in my bedroom I hear an old 78 record and in the bathroom Paul McCartney is in the shower singing "when I'm 64".

5. Remembering to spell correctly

Accidentally or Accidently? Turn tricky words into scenes to help you remember correct spellings. Picture an accident in an alley... accidentally.

6. The Rule Of Five

To avoid information gradually fading from your memory banks it's important to know when to review information. Apply the "Rule of Five":

First review : Immediately

Second review: 24 hours later

Third review: One week later

Fourth review: One month later

Fifth review: Three months later

7. PIN Numbers

If you can remember your name, you'll never forget your PIN number. Just make up a memorable sentence and count the number of letters in each word. For instance: "My name is Dominic": 2 4 2 7; or "This number is secret": 4 6 2 6.

8. The Story Method

To remember a group of information, create a story which links them all together. In chemistry the Noble gases are: Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon and Radon. Imagine taking off in a Helium balloon lit up with a Neon light. An Argon welder turns into superman who takes you to the planet Krypton, and so on.

9. The Body System

This works by associating parts of the body with key images of whatever it is you want to remember, like a to-do list of things.

Let's say you have to buy cheese, eggs and a bottle of milk.

Picture cheese on your head, an egg balanced on your nose and a bottle of milk on your shoulder.

10. Healthy Body, Healthy Memory

Exercise and diet can help to maximise the effects of memory.

Gently raise your heart rate with daily physical exercise and include foods rich in antioxidants as well as vitamins A, C and E.

Oily fish such as salmon contains folic acid and omega-3 oils are ideal for maintaining a healthy brain and nervous system.

Quick Test

By using the memory tips outlined, see how many of the items in the festive list below you can remember. First, choose a location that is familiar to you such as your home, your place of work, your hometown or a nearby park. The idea is to use this location as a backdrop for a short journey consisting of a series of places or stops along the way. The places are then used to mentally store items of the list you wish to memorise. The route you take will preserve the natural order of the list, assuming, that is, that you don't forget the journey or the stops along the way.

Try positioning them along a familiar route around you house and garden or down the street:


Smoked Salmon

Santa Claus


Brandy Butter




Xmas Tree


How many of those items can you now recall in the correct order?

How to Develop a Brilliant Memory Week by Week by Dominic O'Brien is out on 4 January, 2014 and costs £7.99.

This article was originally published by WIRED UK