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The next two weeks at Code Project

Source: The Code Project     Posted by Chris Maunder    Tuesday, February 20, 2001 6:00pm    

For the next couple of weeks I'll be travelling and will only have sporadic email contact. In the meantime Erik Thompson will be handling submissions and working through the backlog. Things should be back to normal once I'm back in Oz and have thawed out. The site upgrade: Hardware is being sorted and Visual Studio.NET is starting to behave itself so the rewrite of the site is progressing. I know how painfully slow the forums have been so it's our absolute number one priority to get some serious speed happening. Troy Marchand is burning the midnight oil on the forum engine, and I'm churning out aspx pages by the truckfull. Unfortunately my travel will set the final upgrade back by a couple of weeks. Keep sending in those articles, poll suggestions, news items and suggestions for improving the site. Thanks everyone for being so patient! cheer

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