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Great Reads

by Ponnurangam D
BlackBerry Java application development using Visual Studio.
by MiamiCoder
How to create a real-world BlackBerry application.
by paladin_t
Use Twiggery as JavaME Game Scripting Language
by Fadi Hania
This is a J2ME beginner article that describes how to add different J2ME components to your application especially StringItems and Commands.

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by Duong Ba Hong Minh
In this article I want to give a solution to work with an Oracle database has a large number of Columns
by XPG Live
This is a continuation of the How To series. The first post is here.
by Ravimal Bandara
An efficient algorithm for encode 7-bit characters to 6 or 5 bits to reduce the size of a string
by Amit Kumar Dutta
Discusses a technique to record current geographic location from mobile and display in web pages (with Location History Browsing)

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28 Mar 2010 by Christian Graus
"I'm not here to rob i really tried but time duration is very less...i even tried to pay for job people they couldnt.. and these things i'm doing is for 1st time..wat to do i'm helpless"I understand what your situation is. What you need to do, tho, is tell your client you lied to them. ...
22 Feb 2009 by Ponnurangam D
BlackBerry Java application development using Visual Studio.
16 Apr 2009 by MiamiCoder
How to create a real-world BlackBerry application.
11 Jun 2010 by CPallini
30 Aug 2010 by paladin_t
Use Twiggery as JavaME Game Scripting Language
17 Apr 2011 by Fadi Hania
This is a J2ME beginner article that describes how to add different J2ME components to your application especially StringItems and Commands.
2 Sep 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Refer: USING THE ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD IN ANDROID[^]Secure AES encryption and decryption in Android[^]Encrypt/Decrypt Strings[^]
25 Mar 2010 by Mustafa Ismail Mustafa
Where are you stuck? Planning? Development? Do you have any specific questions?
10 Jun 2010 by Dalek Dave
Please use standard English when posting, not textspeak.
10 Jun 2010 by #realJSOP
24 Aug 2010 by Peter_in_2780
One simple way (which may not be very elegant, depending on how you have written your midlet): When you create your canvas, do it something like this:in your Midlet, pass a reference to the Midlet itself to your Canvas constructor:MyCanvas theCanvas = new MyCanvas(this, ...);in the...
10 Apr 2011 by OriginalGriff
Nokia would be a good place to start:[^] - looks like CLDC-1.1 as CDC is not mentioned.
10 Apr 2011 by markkuk
As far as I know, all mobile phones are CDLC/MIDP devices (if they support Java at all). You should be able to find the supported version from the phone menu, try Menu->Help->About.
12 Apr 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
Judging by your question(s) you need to spend some time researching the structure of games programs (and probably Java). Try a Google search for "j2me games", look at the J2ME[^] web site, and the CodeProject articles.
28 Oct 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
Can i develope this project ????.Is it already exist???You keep posting with these two questions; as I explained earlieryes you can if you have the skills.use Google to discover if this application already exists.
8 Aug 2012 by Philip Stuyck
The sscanf format specifier is clearly to get some ipv6 ip addresses.They don't have 2 in6_addr but 4 variables of that type. l identifies a local address and r a remote address. The swap address is used to change the order of the local and remote ip adresses for whatever reason. Might be that...
4 Dec 2012 by MohsenSaleh
hi allwhat is wireless messaging api? and where i can download it?
2 Dec 2009 by AspDotNetDev
Well, the URL has a semicolon where it should have a colon. That could be a problem.http;//Should be.http://Also, the web services I work with typically have an extension in the URL, but that could just be because I work with Microsoft technologies. For example:NWSSService?wsdlWould...
11 Feb 2010 by emailme.friend
Hello,I am trying to implement AutoCompletion / Inline Text Editing features using J2ME Polish for one of our applications. I would appreciate if I could get some hints / pointers to enable the same.My development platform is JRE 1.6 with NetBeans 6.8, utilising J2ME-Polish-2.1.2...
14 Mar 2010 by nishantsagar83
hi,c if this link helps...
17 Mar 2010 by Smithers-Jones
Please don't ask for source codes or complete programmes here on Codeproject. If you have any specific problems, people will help you, but nobody is going to give you a complete programme
25 Mar 2010 by Smithers-Jones
uday sharma wrote:if any body have like this simple application please give me linkWell, if it is that simple, why can't you do it yourself? Shouldn't be a problem at all...Or do you have a specific problem, other than the simple task "how to make a multiplayer online game..."? Maybe if...
28 Mar 2010 by Christian Graus
No - you should talk to your teacher and let them know you have no idea how to do your project, or tell your client that you were trying to rob them and give their deposit back.This is a complex task, that you even think that a forum reply could solve this issue is an indication of how wrong...
11 Jul 2010 by LloydA111
Why is it unsuccessful? What errors does it produce?
8 Aug 2010 by Estys
"\\". the single \ character is an escape character.Cheers
8 Aug 2010 by E.F. Nijboer
You should use the correct encoding to get the text in the correct form. You can't simply take the raw bytes and display them without encoding them first...String unicode = new String(bytes, "Cp866");Have a look at the supported...
12 Sep 2010 by Peter_in_2780
The problem starts with the two variables called g. The one in paint(Graphics g) is transient, and can only be used inside this call to paint. [See this quote from the JSR-118 help for Canvas.paint():Operations on this graphics object after the paint() call returns are undefined. Thus, the...
16 Sep 2010 by E.F. Nijboer
For this you could use use the SwingUtilities invokeLater() or invokeAndWait() method. The trick is that you can do all the loading and drawing in a thread but drawing onto the user interface can only be done from the UI thread itself. The link will give you more info and...
18 Sep 2010 by GeniusMchlahla
To the best of my knowledge a MIDP .jar file is an MIDP .jar file. A friend of mine wrote an app using Eclipse, and it ran on his touchscreen Samsung. It also ran on my S60 series Nokia. I have written applications in Netbeans, and they have ran on a multitude of different phones. The prime...
10 Nov 2010 by GPUToaster™
It shows you haven't opened the Java Documentation. Anyways the following is the way to implement MD5 Message Digest. Hope it helps.import;....etc.String senc = "String to encode";byte[] sencBytes = senc.getBytes();try{ MessageDigest algorithm =...
12 Feb 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
Here is a clue: start with this[^] and when you have an actual programming problem come back and post your question.
12 Feb 2011 by Nagy Vilmos
Additionally to Richard's answer, if you split the problem into it's distinct parts it becomes really easy.0. Entry of a string.1. Encryption.2. Sending an SMS.All three have been done before and so your problem becomes a case of glueing it all together.
24 Mar 2011 by Guyverthree
The first place to start is on the android website as John Simmons said They have a guide there to help you through the simple hello world application and a few others...[^]This will make sure that you have Setup...
2 Apr 2011 by ZeeroC00l
Did you try running it from the Command prompt using java -jar filename.jarAnd if you want to use this application you have developed in a mobile then the way you are running it is wrong. MIDP application neither contains main class nor can can be run on Java SE. Take a look at...
12 Apr 2011 by E.F. Nijboer
You can use images but because you are a newbie I wouldn't focus to much on that. Simply draw rectangles of different colors for now. The same goes for being able to show it in full screen, but here you should mind scaling. The easiest way is to define the play field as little blocks (which can...
4 Jul 2011 by Firo Atrum Ventus
Um, Have you tried installing it?Based on my experience, I'm quite sure that there's no installation.How about putting your name as the vendor of that application?
12 Aug 2011 by Peter_in_2780
Easy (I do it all the time). Create two (almost identical) commandsstatic final Command pauseCommand = new Command("Pause", Command.ITEM, 1);static final Command resumeCommand = new Command("Resume", Command.ITEM, 1);In your startup code, add only the pause command to your displayable...
27 Sep 2011 by Prerak Patel[^]
31 Oct 2011 by ZAliPour
HiI want writ a App for do daily task, But i want it to be able to do alert the user for do task,and it to be able run when i turn on my phone. This means that the user does not run the program manually exactly like service in windows.the program will run when the phone is...
30 Dec 2011 by Rajesh Anuhya
hi OM.., When you call the device profiles(Send SMS, Read/write Ph memory) this ask for the conformation. because your application is not TRUSTED. For this , you have add certification to your application., i done a similar kind of project 1 year back. That time client purchased...
2 Jan 2012 by jschell
I would suspect that is a device specific question.However what exactly do intend to do with the data if the app that uses it no longer exists?Regardless it might be possible to copy the data files from the expected location to some other location before removing the app. Naturally the...
31 Aug 2012 by Kashinath Patil
1 Sep 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Access denied Exception occurs when there is no Access to the folder. Either provide the necessary access to do such operation or find another folder that allows such modifications.
11 Sep 2012 by AmanArora1987
public final class gridFieldDemoScreen extends MainScreen{ LabelField one, two, three, four, five, six; public gridFieldDemoScreen() { setTitle("gridFieldDemo"); GridFieldManager grid = new GridFieldManager(2, 3, 0); one = new LabelField("ONE"); ...
10 Oct 2012 by TorstenH.
You need to react on the event of pressing a key. net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ButtonField[^] has a method for keyUp event[] for this.On that event you need to place the image some pixels to the corresponding side and update the view.But as always take one step at a time:- first...
22 Oct 2012 by TorstenH.
make it relative: get the screen resolution and make up the buttons size according to that.// logic code - not usable!ScreenWidth wide = 200;button.setSize((int)(wide*0.2), (int)(wide*0.2)); // cast the double to int | Button will be 20% of screen width
8 Nov 2012 by TorstenH.
Memory Management on[^]Here you should be able to retrieve the wanted info:net.rim.device.api.system.Memory[^]
17 Nov 2012 by HRVP
How to add Kannada fonts in J2ME Application?IF it is Netbeans or Elicpse..If we create one mobile application to display 'Hello World' in the virtual mobile that should display in Kannada font. How to do that.. Any one can explain pls..
4 Dec 2012 by CPallini
This page: "Wireless Messaging API (WMA); JSR 120, JSR 205 Overview"[^] explains what it is.This page: "JSR-000120 Wireless Messaging API"[^] gives info for downloading.
1 Aug 2013 by Joezer BH
Hi, See the following thread:Blackberry Java String to date conversion[^]Cheers, Edo
1 Aug 2013 by ridoy
17 Apr 2009 by Matt Stine
Deploying Grails with Groovy