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by Tank Knat
Metah.W(MW) is a C#-derived metaprogramming language for Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5. It provides an alternative way of composing activities to the WF designer.
by Thando Khumalo
I struggled for four weeks trying to authenticate my Web service with AD group, I wanted to allow specific users to perfom specific tasks with the project. So finally I got it working and I thought I'll share this.
by jmix90
Simple properties Mapper by reflection: Stop copying manually each property of your objects !
by Parvez B
Synchronously returning a Dataset from Workflow Foundation to ASP.NET

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by User 11310514
Microsoft workflow - antimarketing
by Aydin Homay
In the software implementing business synchronizing structures/templates of the database entities with Data Access Layer SQL (commands/Transactions) is the most expensive thinks because you need to re-implement when you have change/s in your entities structure's such as Data-type, Name, and etc.
by Tank Knat
Metah.W(MW) is a C#-derived metaprogramming language for Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5. It provides an alternative way of composing activities to the WF designer.
by Thando Khumalo
I struggled for four weeks trying to authenticate my Web service with AD group, I wanted to allow specific users to perfom specific tasks with the project. So finally I got it working and I thought I'll share this.

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9 Apr 2010 by jmix90
Simple properties Mapper by reflection: Stop copying manually each property of your objects !
8 Apr 2010 by jmix90
A lot of controls expose properties which are not DependencyProperties and then you can’t put a binding on it. On some other cases, you only have a getter as accessor and you can’t put a binding on it too...
19 Mar 2012 by Md. Rashim Uddin
How to define your own dialog box
12 Mar 2010 by jmix90
Here is the next episode of our serie MVVM - Creating ViewModel.