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Everything / Clipboard



Great Reads

by miteleda
Copy DataGridView contents to clipboard regardless of current selection.
by RedDk
Use ALT+SHIFT to "block" select text (thinking of justifying columnar relations of words/data/etc. so the visual appearance is perfectly tabular) ... and TAB (TAB+SHIFT to undo) to MOVE SELECTION right (and left) ...
by Jochen Arndt
An overview of clipboard and Drag & Drop object formats
by Jochen Arndt
Add drag & drop support with drag images and drop descriptions to your MFC applications

Latest Articles

by Jochen Arndt
Add drag & drop support with drag images and drop descriptions to your MFC applications
by Jochen Arndt
An overview of clipboard and Drag & Drop object formats
by RedDk
Use ALT+SHIFT to "block" select text (thinking of justifying columnar relations of words/data/etc. so the visual appearance is perfectly tabular) ... and TAB (TAB+SHIFT to undo) to MOVE SELECTION right (and left) ...
by #realJSOP
Eliminate the tedium of generating model and viewmodel classes for your WPF projects, and save a butt-load of time in the process.

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