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Great Reads

by Sebastian Solnica
ASP.NET MVC Bundles internals
by Sebastian Solnica
How you may noninvasively trace .NET applications with sysinternals tools
by Sebastian Solnica
Set of tools that may help you diagnose and monitor your .NET applications

Latest Articles

by Nirosh
Impact of quantum computing on healthcare industry
by SleepyCrat
A discussion of how the HealthCheck middleware is used to expose endpoints on your site that run a sequence of pre-written tests and provide you with quick diagnostic information about the health of your application.
by paul1167
Enumerate System Features
by Sebastian Solnica
Set of tools that may help you diagnose and monitor your .NET applications

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16 Feb 2014 by Sebastian Solnica
ASP.NET MVC Bundles internals
30 Jul 2014 by Sebastian Solnica
How you may noninvasively trace .NET applications with sysinternals tools
29 May 2016 by Sebastian Solnica
Set of tools that may help you diagnose and monitor your .NET applications
2 Dec 2014 by Sebastian Solnica
How to debug Windows services written in .NET
21 Jan 2020 by SleepyCrat
A discussion of how the HealthCheck middleware is used to expose endpoints on your site that run a sequence of pre-written tests and provide you with quick diagnostic information about the health of your application.
18 Aug 2012 by Sebastian Solnica
Application pool identity and directory security in IIS6
6 Apr 2014 by Sebastian Solnica
Stopwatch vs. DateTime
20 Apr 2012 by Sebastian Solnica
Performance counters are used to provide information how well the operating system or an application, service, or driver is performing.
23 Jan 2023 by leone
Ok I did it on my own: Material m=new Material(URL); process.OutputDataReceived +=(Object _sender, DataReceivedEventArgs _args)=>DoSomething(m, _sender, _args); public void DoSomething(Material mt,object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { ...
30 Jan 2013 by Sebastian Solnica
In today’s post, I will show you how we fought a pesky compilation problem with Razor views in our ASP.NET MVC application.
19 Jul 2013 by Sebastian Solnica
Diagnosing a collation issue in a MySQL stored procedure.
20 Mar 2015 by SrgjanX
Basically I need to read the product version of a file in FTP server directory.But this function will be no use for me, if the function downloads the file in background and then reads the info, basically if this function only read the product info directly from the FTP directory without any...
20 Mar 2015 by Zoltán Zörgő
Practically, if you read any data from any file, you need to load that data in the memory. So it is quite indifferent what storage is benieth.If you want to know how it really works, read the code:...
27 May 2015 by Philip Sam
Server running the application has 144GB RAM. Why am I getting this error. Tried a restart of the system and that too didn't help.Removed the counters and that too didn't help.[InvalidOperationException: Custom counters file view is out of memory.] ...
4 Oct 2015 by Sebastian Solnica
Recently while examining a slow request issue (I have a plan to describe this investigation in a seperate post) it came to me that every time I open the Thread Time view it takes a moment to understand what this view actually contains.
21 Jul 2016 by Jochen Arndt
You are enumerating the processes by name and try to kill them all. If there is a process not started by your application, killing will fail if your application does not have the required privileges (e.g. a manually started chrome instance).Then you can ignore the exception (just catch...
28 Nov 2016 by Abhishek Kumar (here to help!!)
Hi, I'm creating two APF applications.APP-1: Parent Application.APP-2: Child Application.Scenario:APP-2 is invoked from APP-1 based on a condition.I'm using Process.Start and StartInfo.Arguments to invoke the APP-2 and pass some data to it.APP-2 takes that data and works on...
28 Nov 2016 by StM0n
I think you have to redirect the output and use Console.WriteLine.Mhm... maybe something like this[^] could help youIn your APP-1var launchAuthorApp = new System.Diagnostics.Process { StartInfo = { FileName = @"C:\APP2.exe", UseShellExecute ...
1 Dec 2016 by Member 12882397
I have a block of code where I call third party handle.exe (obtained from Sysinternals) in order to identify the process that has files in a certain folder open. When I use notepad to make changes to files in the folder, my code is able to output the process id and process name of notepad. The...
23 Jan 2023 by leone
Hi, My problem is that I cant send my custom object to OutputDataReceived method. Details: I have a class called Material which includes properties such as URL, Title, Description etc. Now I start a Process. My goal is to take Title by using...
26 Apr 2021 by Nirosh
Impact of quantum computing on healthcare industry
8 Mar 2015 by Sebastian Solnica
Timeouts when making web requests in .NET
9 Feb 2015 by Bhis
Various ways to sort list and compare results
1 Oct 2015 by DP17000
A rudimentary expert system in VBA/ Excel 2013
2 Jul 2015 by Andrew Rober
Windows software licensing data and information in a nutshell
30 Apr 2015 by Sebastian Solnica
A case of a deadlock in a .NET application
31 May 2012 by Sebastian Solnica
I don't need to stress how tracing (logging) is important in any application. Without logs, we are often unable to diagnose the cause of the failure. Logs also help us to track the application behavior and usage over time.
18 Apr 2014 by Sebastian Solnica
LowLevelDesign.NLog.Ext and ETW targets for NLog
29 Dec 2013 by Sebastian Solnica
In this post, I will present you my MDbg plugin (includes a command: inject) that adopts the funceval API and an example diagnostics case in which I used it.
20 Sep 2015 by Khairy Mohammed
How to run multi commands on Cmd on One process and once and Sync .
16 Dec 2017 by BasmaSH
I have a list of proxies then i open list of urls in each one then close chrome after next proxy .after chrome closed there is win32 exception.What I have tried:if (List_IPs_Ports.Count >0) { if (ListUrls.Count() > 0) { ...