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21 Jan 2014 by RhishikeshLathe
Use Margin property of each menustrip item, to adjust them as your wish.For example//moves first menustrip item to right side menuStrip1.Items[0].Margin = new Padding(100, 0, 0, 0); //moves second menustrip item to left side menuStrip1.Items[0].Margin...
29 May 2014 by andy Visnenza
hay guys, i have a menustrip on my c# form and added pictures to each button on it, it changes my page depending what button u press. i want the pressed button to change visually like so you know what page you are on. can anyone help. tnx
21 Jan 2014 by agent_kruger
how to set some menustrip items to the left and some items to the right? Thanks in advance.
24 Feb 2014 by Shanmugam Vasu
Hi,I am using Sharepoint Foundation server. In top link bar it has no option for dropdown menu option. So i am using spf-dropdown2013.js. Now i am getting dropdown menu.Everything working fine except onmouseleave. onmouseleave is not firing in IE(In chrome & FF it&'s working). My ul...
10 Mar 2014 by Dineshkumar Ramakrishnan
Hi ,I want to create a Menu Control in, which is placed in the left pane of my UI Screen.I need this menu control with Collapsible and Expand Menu feature, That is,Main Menu-1 Sub Menu-1 Sub Menu-2Main Menu-2 Sub Menu-1 Sub Menu-2 From Above Shown...
30 May 2014 by Manikandan10
You can use ToolStripRenderer to make a MenuStrip look different. See these helpful articles. Custom VisualStudio 2008-style MenuStrip and ToolStrip Renderer in C#[^]Custom Rendering for the ToolStrip, MenuStrip, and StatusStrip controls[^]
23 Jul 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You can always traverse all menu strip items using the property Items and change the background color of each...
14 Oct 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
Please post your question in the forum at the end of the article, so the author can help you.
5 Apr 2019 by #realJSOP
If you want it on the right, why are you using float:left? Also, you're using position:fixed. I believe this will prevent float from working at all. Beyond that, we don't have any idea what your markup looks like, so we have no real idea how the CSS you posted will affect it.
21 Dec 2020 by LeMS_Studios
I have two different programs. The first has a border-less form that has a DropDown Menu at the top. The second program also has a border-less form, but has fake borders and title bar with control buttons. The second program also has a panel in...
21 Dec 2020 by Gerry Schmitz
Quote: When you change the parent of a window, you should synchronize the UISTATE of both windows. For more information, see WM_CHANGEUISTATE and WM_UPDATEUISTATE. SetParent function (winuser.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs[^]
20 Jan 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
20 Jan 2014 by Karthik_Mahalingam
Try this..private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { menuStrip1.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.Yes; }
31 Jan 2015 by Member 11417916
I'm losing my mind over this small problem. I'm trying to decrease the margin or padding around the menustrip text but can not seem to figure it out, or maybe it's not possible. What I have is a menustrip which is 24 in height and a label which has the same font and font size as the menustrip...
23 Feb 2015 by Member 11473886
The menu should be able to get items from either a text file that is created in a specific format or better from a .csv Excel file.
11 Jun 2015 by Tom Paronis
Hello. I'm having trouble putting a menu into an .fxml file. Every example I see does it programatically but I'm trying to declare it in the controller and then wire it up in the .fxml file. In fact, this seems to be a general problem with javaFX; some of the examples are programmatic and...
23 Jul 2015 by ChrisCreateBoss
I'm working on winForms C# 2.0.I want to change the backcolor of my menustrip. It looks as simple as writing menustrip1.Backcolor = Color.FromArgb(38, 37, 37); but I'm having two problems:1) all toolstripmenuitems are still with the control backcolor. (I already set their backcolor one by...
5 Apr 2019 by Member 14214961
How to put content on the right side and the menu on the left in Mobirise bootstrap buildr? I'm using Code Editor but it doesn' work properly. What I have tried: header#masthead { width: 100%; max-width: 20%; text-align: center; position: fixed; background-color: #232323; ...