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by David_Wimbley
Scheduling dependent jobs sequentially with
by AndrewSmith
Creating a custom base job class for quartz scheduler development
by Tarun_Arora
Read this post if you are running Quartz.Net as a Windows service on a remote server and trying to connect to it from a client to schedule jobs?
by Sacha Barber
In a netshell, this post will simply talk about how you can adjust the schedule of an ALREADY scheduled job.

Latest Articles

by David_Wimbley
Scheduling dependent jobs sequentially with
by Sacha Barber
In a netshell, this post will simply talk about how you can adjust the schedule of an ALREADY scheduled job.
by Rooney (Deepak Bisht)
In this article we will understand how we can run jobs one after the other(sequentially) using Quartz.Net scheduler. We will also learn about Job Listeners & Quartz scheduler plugins.
by Tarun_Arora
Quartz.NET scheduler exposed via a web service

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18 Aug 2017 by David_Wimbley
Scheduling dependent jobs sequentially with
7 Jun 2012 by AndrewSmith
Creating a custom base job class for quartz scheduler development
3 Oct 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
You can try locking all you want, but it's never going to work.You cannot use Excel Automation on a background thread. It must be kept on the startup thread.
23 Jan 2013 by Tarun_Arora
Read this post if you are running Quartz.Net as a Windows service on a remote server and trying to connect to it from a client to schedule jobs?
24 Dec 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is a question to your hosting provider.With shared hosting, all shareholders on the same hosting plan and the same system have access to the same set of software products. Some of those products can be optional, installed only on your domain or only your site, but the set of...
6 Jun 2016 by koolprasad2003
Why don't you write a windows service and use it as scheduler, just write a program to send mail and schedule it. see below linksCreate Windows Service and Send Mail Daily At Fixed Time Using C#[^]How to schedule windows service in c#?[^]
26 Jan 2017 by Sacha Barber
In a netshell, this post will simply talk about how you can adjust the schedule of an ALREADY scheduled job.
31 Jul 2018 by Vincent Maverick Durano
Are you using version 3.x of Quartz? If so then take a look at this short discussion on how to run it on .NET Core: The idea is to call your method for starting the scheduler before calling host.Run();
18 Nov 2018 by kubibay
We are using repository pattern in our mvc project. But I'm unable to implement service in quartz jobs. Here is the code; [DisallowConcurrentExecution] public class DeleteContentsJob : IJob { private readonly IAttachmentService attachmentService; public...
15 Sep 2021 by Michael Hulthin
Your cron means every Wednesday at 10. If you want it to run daily you can use "0 0 10 1/1 * ? *" or every weekday "0 0 10 ? * MON-FRI *" I use for fiddling around with cron expressions until they do what I want.
2 Oct 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
Try locking the operation :[^]Excel files are not meant to be used in a multithreaded environment.
6 Nov 2012 by mohsen_3325
when i use this code:job code: Public Class ImportJob Implements IJob Public Sub Execute(context As IJobExecutionContext) Implements IJob.Execute '''some code End Sub End Classtrigger code: Public Class ScheduleManager Public Shared...
15 Nov 2012 by R. Giskard Reventlov
You should direct your questions to the author of the software. Start here[^]. You may have more luck than you've had here.
28 Feb 2013 by Kashsolai
In Web config i have configured like below.And regarding httphandlers i have configured like...
28 Feb 2013 by Kashsolai
Anybody can give Steps to configure Quartz.Net project, run and monitoring the job executed in the remoter server scheduler.
8 Jul 2013 by ashok yede201
I am trying to add reference of Quartz.DLL, it adds the reference of QuartzTypeLib.I am using VS 2010 and Windows XP.So it doesn't contains any of the Quartz classes and Interfaces.If I import Quartz, then it gives error you are missing some reference.I have already wasted my lot of...
29 Jul 2013 by ashok yede201
I was adding wrong Dll file, I downloaded new dll and problem is solved.
24 Dec 2013 by shanalikhan
Hi , I am confused in looking into quartz.netI want to make a scheduler for sending mails to users of my application. I have shared hosting.Will it run on shared hosting or i have to take a new server for it.Thanks
8 Jan 2014 by Member 10512952
We are getting this exception after a job fired successfully (quartz 1.5.2): M: 2014-01-08 07:31:14,737 [QuartzScheduler_Worker-9] ERROR org.quartz.core.ErrorLogger - An error occured while marking executed job complete. job= 'DEFAULT.MIL002_APPLINK_HTTP_SMS_20140108070013'...
4 Feb 2014 by SwastikMS
HiI have 2 jobs running on a scheduler. I want to pause a specific job for certain time and again resume back. How to do this?
4 Feb 2014 by Snehasish_Nandy
you can refer thispausing-and-resuming-quartz-jobs-programmatically[^]
26 Jul 2014 by yogi_josh
Hi,Please check:[^]From here you can download working example also.For Advance use please check:1. Check Cron job documentation and other examples...
30 Aug 2014 by Member 10684823
Hi,I am a newbie to and implemented a scheduler which uses cron expression to schedule a task.I have created an instance of schedulerFactory and called the method start() on application start now sometimes it throws error - scheduler can not be started after shutdown being...
6 Oct 2014 by SaiKiran.Mandhala
It started working after making my assembly as a shared assembly. Now i could able to use quartz services and i am able to schedule jobs. Now my application is not dependent on application pool i.e., even if i stop app pool and my web site....still the jobs are triggering at fixed regular...
23 Nov 2014 by osaung
I'm using to create the scheduled jobs running in the background. So far I can manage to run the jobs from program where I manually add the jobs in the source codes. In fact, what I really need is to run the jobs from the oracle database whereby my JOBS_TBL database table stores all...
25 Feb 2015 by Garth J Lancaster
which version do you have - I see under Quartz.NET 2.3.1 Releaed 15th Jan 2015 "Quote:This is a bug fix release with upgraded Common.Logging dependency, also problems running under .NET 4.0 should now be finally fixed.It looks like the preferred mechanism for asking Quartz.Net questions is...
12 Mar 2015 by mayooran99
I am using quartz cron expressions in C# for scheduling jobs and i am unable to find an expression that would execute the job every thursday and friday of april every year. I used this expression but it executes on thursdays only. I want it on thrusdays and fridays:0 19 15 ? 4 5#1...
12 Mar 2015 by Garth J Lancaster
I usualy use something like this[^] if I get stuck with a cron expression
23 Mar 2015 by mayooran99
I need to fire a cron schedule every 70th minute. For example if one fired at 12:00pm then 2nd one should be at 1:10pm and 3rd one should be at 2:20pm and so on. How do I achieve this? suggests this, 0 0/70 * 1/1 * ? *But when it goes past 60 minutes, it only fires every hour....
23 Mar 2015 by Garth J Lancaster
every 70 minutes - that's not really a job suitable to cron triggers - how about an Interval/Simple Triggertrigger = TriggerBuilder.Create() .WithIdentity("your-trigger", "your-group") .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x .WithIntervalInMinutes(70) .RepeatForever()) ...
24 Mar 2015 by mayooran99
I have this requirement where the schedules created earlier could be edited later. Currently what I am doing is I am deleting the previous schedule and creating a new one. But in this way, start time is giving a problem. Since the schedule start time is on a past date the schedule doesn't fire....
25 Mar 2015 by ZurdoDev
As discussed in comments, I don't believe CRON can represent what you want. If you want it to start today and then do every 2 weeks on a Monday I would suggest one option would be to 2 triggers then. There is a DailyTimeIntervalScheduleBuilder but I don't think it lets you have a weekly...
31 Mar 2015 by Henrik Jonsson
Since you have found a scheduler framework already why, not start to read and follow the instructions in the tutorial at[^] ?
7 Apr 2015 by mayooran99
How can I get the existing schedules from and edit one of the triggers firing time? Please advice. I am new to and there is nothing exmplained about this in documentation.
20 Feb 2016 by andromachi
I am implementing an application where users will be able to schedule tasks on specific dates and times so I decided to use as a windows service. The user can add, edit or delete scheduled tasks so the triggers for the jobs should not be specified in the code behind but being...
7 Jun 2016 by Member 11303752
I have used for scheduling the task but it runs twice in scheduler simply sends email to about 50 persons but quartz always run twice and sometimes failed about 10 to 15 emails.What I have tried:I have tried open source and schedule a job at 5 am daily.
2 Dec 2016 by Chriz12
Hello,I want to create a scheduled job that exports a crystal report to pdf. I'm using Quartz NuGet as a scheduler. Here's my code:using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;using CrystalDecisions.Shared;using Quartz;using System;using System.IO;using System.Net;using...
2 Dec 2016 by Chriz12
I just found the error, it seems that the following line does not work.cryRpt.Load(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/ApproveLetterA.rpt));I changed it to full path and worked.cryRpt.Load(@"C:\ApproveLetterA.rpt");not very convenient ... but at least it works.
31 Jul 2018 by Member 12885549
I am trying to achieve one thing: run .NET Core web application (with kestrel) and run Quartz.Net process that would execute some methods. But all my tries have been unsuccesfull. I have them both working separately, but I can't run them at the same time. My process is running all the time on...
21 May 2019 by Ursidae4518
Here is the main procedure for scheduling an output task Public Sub ScheduleOutput() Dim sf As ISchedulerFactory = New StdSchedulerFactory() Dim scheduler As IScheduler = sf.GetScheduler() scheduler.Start() Dim job As IJobDetail = JobBuilder.Create(Of OutputJob)(). ...
21 May 2019 by Vincent Maverick Durano
Quote: because I really lack knowledge about task scheduling and configuration settings. What version of Quartz.Net and ASP.NET you were using? Quartz.Net has a website that provides a comprehensive documentation about its usage here: Quartz Enterprise Scheduler .NET | Quartz.NET...
19 Jul 2020 by Tshumore
I have a program that executes several tasks at a specific time everyday. I have refactored the application to run as a Quartz job using the Quartz windows service. When i start the Quartz Server service in Windows services i get error : Error...
19 Jul 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
You should post your question in the forum at the end of the article so the author can respond.
17 Apr 2021 by Tshumore
I have a Quartz for .Net service that retrievs data from an Oracle 12c database using System.Data.OracleClient . I am able to connect and get values when attempting this from a Console application but once i migrate the code and bundle it into a...
17 Apr 2021 by Wendelius
Often the connection details are defined in tnsnames.ora[^]. In such case you would use the name of the tnsnames.ora entry as your data source You can also omit the tnsnames and define the full details in the connection string. Have a look at...
15 Sep 2021 by Szkaradek-Przemyslaw
My project is made in the .NET5 environment Example: I have Quartz.NET schedule set with Cron and task sending emails, everything works in a short time frame. On the test server, I set a day interval - ultimately it will be weekly. Additionally,...
25 Mar 2015 by mayooran99
I need to create a cron schedule that repeats every 2 weeks on Mondays. doesn't have the cron expression for this. Please advice.
9 Aug 2015 by Rooney (Deepak Bisht)
In this article we will understand how we can run jobs one after the other(sequentially) using Quartz.Net scheduler. We will also learn about Job Listeners & Quartz scheduler plugins.
2 Oct 2012 by mohsen_3325
In When working with multi threading via Excel Interop using the below code:Public Class ImportServicePublic Function ImportsFiles(ByVal files as list(Of String))Dim rowEffect As Integer = 0For j as Integer=0 to files.Count-1dim fileAddress=files(j)Dim app As New...
7 Apr 2015 by mayooran99
I have used quartz scheduling and I am getting the following exception every time I go to edit a schedule that is not a one time schedule. (that is its weekly or hourly.2015-04-08 08:34:00.0464[SubscriptionService] JobScheduler Exception : System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException:...
29 Mar 2015 by mayooran99
I used the below way to run the schedule on every two weeks on mondays.ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create() .StartAt(DateBuilder.DateOf(StartHour, StartMinute, StartSeconds, StartDate, StartMonth, StartYear)) ...
23 Jan 2013 by Tarun_Arora
Quartz.NET scheduler exposed via a web service
5 Oct 2014 by SaiKiran.Mandhala
Hi, I need to get the Active Directory Users, group and etc lists and form reports.Initially i have used the timer control to do this job. But if the application is idle for some time(say one day) then the pool is dying. My application ending up without getting the data from Active Directory...
7 Jun 2016 by Mehul1988
You need to create windows service which includes timer control which will call a function .This function will contain the logic you need to execute repeatedly after some time.Make use of timer control's Elapsed event. and then you can generate exe and install that exe file. then start windows...
2 Mar 2023 by Member 15940195
Nearest Thursday and Friday at 1,40am... Then, two weeks (336h) after , again: 0 40 1/336 ? * THU,FRI But "Quartz Cron" does not support/like it as increment is bigger than 24h.
2 Oct 2012 by mohsen_3325
i'm use synchlock like this:Public Class ImportServiceDim thisLock As New Object...Public Function ImportsFiles(ByVal files as list(Of String)) SyncLock thisLock...End SyncLockEnd FunctionEnd Classbut not work.why?
18 Jun 2014 by Member 10644151
I want to create a Scheduler in the mvc application .When application start I want to read the database and add the scheduler trigger and jobs to existing scheduler object.something like this, IScheduler scheduler= schedFact.GetScheduler(); ...
25 Feb 2015 by mayooran99
I have tried many different combinations of both the DLLs. Its always throwing this error. How can I overcome this error? Please provide me with the correct combination of these 2 libraries that would work.
30 Mar 2015 by mayooran99
How can I create a schedule that fires every nth week, using simple schedule?