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by Mr.PoorEnglish
efficient and secure selecting from large amounts of data
by Sander Rossel
The third in a series on web development.

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by Mr.PoorEnglish
efficient and secure selecting from large amounts of data
by Sander Rossel
The third in a series on web development.

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21 Feb 2014 by Syed Uzair Uddin
I am trying to show small image of width 250px by using jquery i tried to set the width of the image, in jquery i have use this command. here is my jqury code, even after giving this command image comes with its original size, i.e.600px etc html td tag shows this value, but not...
21 Feb 2014 by ♥…ЯҠ…♥
Hi, You have given width twice, so try to give once and try it.width="400px" id="n1WPQ4" style="width: 250px;">or you could try this Hope this helps you a bitRegards,RK
21 Feb 2014 by Peter Leow
You should have placed the id="n1WPQ4" in the image tag not the td tag: then, the jquery:...
4 Oct 2014 by Aditya Prakash Roy
hello thomas,I think We Can Easily do this by using WPF Application:the complete solution is below:for Start VS2010 then Add a new project named as using a WPF Application:then Add This Code in MainWindow.xmal---
5 Oct 2014 by Peter Leow
Refer: Android listview remember selection and set default selection[^]
17 Feb 2015 by Peter Leow
This one-line jquery statement should do the trick:$(".class:visible:not('.match_group')").css("background-color", "blue");Try this:
8 Mar 2015 by Peter Leow
Look like you are trying to set the border of the ul to black when there is some highighted li in it, you are almost there, just this:if($('li').has('span.highlighted').length > 0)
8 Sep 2016 by Anti-Antidote
The current menu structure in my program looks like this:void menu::main(){ cout
8 Sep 2016 by KarstenK
If you wann stay in DOS-Box it is usual standard to do it like in this example code.If you wanna some more fancy stuff than you need to program some GUI with programming language like C.
15 Apr 2017 by marimir
I have a unordered list in my page and inside each li I have a label with class name "lbl-colorID" called "RpLblColorID" and I have an input outside the list with class name "sel-Color" called "LblSelColor". Now I want to select the li which has the "RpLblColorID" with the value equal to the...
27 Mar 2018 by Member 13748924
I have a SQL query table where I need to return: Salary_amount_1 Salary_amount_2 Salary_amount_3 Salary_amount_4 (not relevant below) Salary_Date_1 Salary_Date_2 Salary_Date_3 Salary_Date_4 I've got 4 seperate columns for each salary amount to select into, but how do I specifically select...
27 Mar 2018 by #realJSOP
That's the weirdest sql query I think I've ever seen, but I think this is what you want, based on what you provided. select min(details_Credit) as Salary_Amount_1, max(details_Credit) as Salary_Amount_2, details_Credit as Salary_Amount_3, NULL as Salary_Amount_4,
27 Mar 2018 by S Douglas
What specifies the salary amount? Based on what you have tried, there is some criteria to what defines the various types of salary base points. If I had to guess, you are getting some syntax errors? Have you tried SELECT MIN(details_Credit) as Salary_Amount_1, MAX(details_Credit) as...
16 Jun 2018 by Member 13874858
Hi all, I am making a map with Carto.js and I am trying to update a SQL query depending on what the user has selected from a dropdown menu. For example, if the user selects "change to fruit production", then the layer's SQL query should change to: SELECT * FROM indicators WHERE fruit ILIKE...
16 Jun 2018 by Mike V Baker
Is it the string delimiter that's the issue here? To embed single quotes in a string, use double quote on the extremes of the string. const indicatorsSource = new carto.source.SQL(" SELECT * FROM indicators WHERE grain ILIKE 'Yes' "); However I don't know of a 'grain' named...
28 Jul 2021 by s_qa
I would like to obtain the value 100 (from the displayed "100 meters" which appears on the webpage below) from these related/sibling div tags/nodes: 100
28 Jul 2021 by Richard Deeming
It's not entirely clear what you're trying to do. If you're starting from the and want to get the , all you need to do is: let $unitDiv = ...; let $valueDiv =...
17 Apr 2015 by Mr.PoorEnglish
efficient and secure selecting from large amounts of data
16 Mar 2015 by Sander Rossel
The third in a series on web development.
17 Feb 2015 by edward-l
I hope your 2015 it's being awesome and thank you from beforehand for taking a minute of your time to help me, first of all, I'm a noob who's been learning by my bear with me if my programming logic it's not up to your expectations or if i'm confusing concepts and of course feel free to...
28 Jul 2015 by GinCanhViet
I am using select2:[^]My example:[^]Now, how i can select "Book" item?Select2 disable select parent, but i want to do it.How do i can?Sorry, my english very bad!
30 Jun 2023 by Expert84
I see one method in Select2 tree - JSFiddle - Code Playground[^] but slow for large data
1 May 2014 by Member 10579673
Hi allI have a listbox named listbox1 in which emails are i want listbox1 item in textbox1 by selecting that item.That i can do by private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBox1.Text =...
1 May 2014 by Mahesh@Dev
This code for select item Fill in Textboxforeach (var item in listBox1.SelectedItems) { TextBox1.Text=item.Split('@'); }
1 May 2014 by Member 10579673
private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var email = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();textBox4.Text = email.Substring(0, email.IndexOf("@")); }This worked for me.
1 May 2014 by DamithSL
you can do as below TextBox1.Text=listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString().Split('@')[0];
4 Oct 2014 by thomas_wingfield
Hello!I have a to make highlight selection of row in List View by different colors? but I want to do it correct with list selectors.Please provide some simple for few colorsthank you
8 Mar 2015 by edward-l
thanks for your time and first of all I'm a noobie who's been learning by his own javascript so I don't manage quite good the selectors to achieve what I want. Here it's my problem:htmllist item 1list item 2list item...