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Newsletter 10May10

Newsletter (10 May 2010)
For comments or enquiries please contact View online Monday, May 10, 2010

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Site News

It's always a good time to award prizes!

First, our "Try Azure" competition is over and that means more winners:

March April
TimTallman Eric Haddan
Joseguia Robert Bremner
Byron Jones hm_tcp
  Carrie Miller
  Hans Payini

Second, we've picked our Visual Studio 2010 Extension Grand Prize winner: Abhijit Jana - who wins a Sony VAIO® Notebook for his ZoomSliderVSX article.

And finally, the article voting forms are up on the homepage for the top articles of April. Please take a second to vote for those who helped you last month.

The Code Project Offers

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Weekly Poll Results

What kind of MSDN Subscription do you have?

Survey period: 3 May 2010 to 10 May 2010

MSDN has certainly evolved over the years. Do you get, still get, or no longer get an MSDN subscription, and if so, which?

Visual Studio Ultimate with MSDN12015.13120 votes, 15.13%
Visual Studio Premium with MSDN718.9571 votes, 8.95%
Visual Studio Professional with MSDN15619.67156 votes, 19.67%
Visual Studio Test Professional with MSDN60.766 votes, 0.76%
MSDN Embedded50.635 votes, 0.63%
MSDN Operating Systems70.887 votes, 0.88%
I don't actually know which version I have637.9463 votes, 7.94%
I no longer get MSDN13416.90134 votes, 16.90%
I don't have, and never had, MSDN23129.13231 votes, 29.13%
Total793  100%793 votes

This week's survey: How often do you use automated code generators for production code?

Most popular new Job Vacancies 10 Apr 2010 - 10 May 2010

-------------------------------------------------------------------- MOST POPULAR NEW JOB VACANCIES 10 Apr 2010 - 10 May 2010 No popular jobs vacancies were found for this week

Most popular new articles 3 May 2010 - 10 May 2010

Latest Additions

200 articles overall 150 new, 84 updated, 1 moved. 16 were edited, 184 unedited
Article topics listed: All Topics

Too many articles? Visit your profile page to change your newsletter article filters.

New articles added Last week

Desktop Gadgets

Dialogs and Windows

Files and Folders



  • Silverlight Pictures Album control - Narsimlu Keshagouni
    Silverlight Pictures Album control with zooming and slideshow (Unedited)
    C# (C#3.0), .NET, Silverlight, Dev

  • XML Photo Album In Silverlight - johnjollystupid
    Loading pictures from xml file and allowing users to save them to their local machine (Unedited)
    VB, .NET (.NET3.5), Silverlight, Dev

  • Presentation Model (MVVM) good practices - Thiago de Arruda
    Showing some good practices that can be applied to the Presentation Model/MVVM pattern. (Unedited)
    C#, .NET, WPF, Silverlight, Architect, Dev

  • Step by Step Guide to Silverlight 4 Command Binding - KunalChowdhury
    Silverlight 4 now came up with the support of Command Binding. Using Command binding you can easily develop your Silverlight MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) applications where your view will not know about data. In this article, I will describe you the Command binding feature in Silverlight 4 Step-by-St (Unedited)
    C#, .NET, XAML, Silverlight, Dev

  • How to work with Silverlight BusyIndicator? - KunalChowdhury
    Silverlight BusyIndicator is not a new thing in Silverlight. It was first added in Silverlight 3 Toolkit in November 2009 release (if I am not wrong). In this post I will describe about this for those who wants to know about it. So, What is this Busy Indicator? Busy indicator is a tool which you ca (Unedited)
    C#, XAML, Silverlight, Dev, Design

  • How to create a Unit Testable solution in Silverlight - Anil_gupta
    This article is about the best practices to write a Silverlight application which is highly unit testable. (Unedited)
    C# (C#2.0, C#3.0, C#4.0), Silverlight, Architect, Dev, Design, testing


Office Development

SQL Reporting Services

  • T-SQL Split String User-Defined Function - db_developer
    This is open source assembly with function that splits string to parts, which you can deploy at your SQL Server (Unedited)
    SQL, SQL-Server (SQL2005, SQL2008), Architect, DBA, Dev



  • Scrambler - Leo Koach
    Create Encrypted text that changes each time for the same message! (Unedited)
    C# (C#3.0), Windows (WinXP, Vista, Win7), Visual-Studio (VS2008), Architect, Dev, Design

  • Mastering Debugging in Visual Studio 2010 - A Beginner's Guide - Abhijit Jana
    Describes all debugging features like Breakpoints, DataTips, Watch Windows, Multithreaded Debugging, Parallel Program Debugging and IntelliTrace Debugging
    C# (C#3.0, C#4.0), Windows (WinXP, Win2003, Vista, Win2008, Win7), ASP.NET, Visual-Studio (VS2010)-Topics, Architect, Dev, QA, Design

  • Generic SinglyLinkedList in C# with basic and advanced custom operations - Sarang Date
    Following article describes C# implementation of various basic and advanced operations including some of the programming problems involving singly linked list (Unedited)
    C#, list, programming, Algorithms

  • A C# Threading Reference Manual - logicchild
    An Article that defines Managed Threading from the Basics to the Intermediate (Unedited)
    C# (C#2.0, C#3.0, C#4.0), Windows (WinXP, Win2003, Vista, Win2008, Win7, Win2008-R2), Visual-Studio (VS2005, VS2008, VS2010), Architect, Dev

  • Sending Email with Gmail, Yahoo, and Live mail Via Smtp - charles henington
    Simple Email with Gmail, Yahoo, and Live mail via Smtp (Unedited)


.NET Framework

  • How to use FxCop - Anil_Saran
    Step by step guide how to use FxCop as well integrate into Visual Studio (Unedited)
    .NET, Architect, Dev

  • Extending Castle DynamicProxy - Thiago de Arruda
    Shows how to extend the proxy generated by this framework by using Reflection.Emit (Unedited)
    C#, MSIL, .NET, XAML, WPF, Architect, Dev

Windows Presentation Foundation

  • Skinning a WPF App in Blend - Meshack Musundi
    Learn how to skin a WPF application in Expression Blend (Unedited)
    VB, .NET (.NET3.5, .NET4.0), WPF, Dev

Algorithms & Recipes

Cryptography & Security

Internet / Network

Programming Tips

Threads, Processes & IPC

  • Another thread pool - imagiro
    A simple thread pool with minimal dependencies (Unedited)
    C++ (VC6, VC7, VC7.1, VC8.0, VC9.0), Windows (Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Vista, Win2008, Win7, Win2008-R2), Win32, Visual-Studio (VS2005, VS2008, VS2010), MVC, Dev

  • Parallel Tasks in .NET 3.0 - David Cruwys
    Provide a mechanism to execute a list of tasks in parallel on multiple threads and communicate back to the calling thread useful state such as exceptions, timeouts and successful task completion. (Unedited)
    C#, Windows (Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Vista, Win2008, Win7, Win2008-R2), .NET (.NET1.1, .NET2.0, Mono, .NET3.0, .NET3.5), Architect, Dev

Articles updated added Last week

Files and Folders


Selection Controls

  • Using Color to Perform Hit Testing - gggustafson
    Provide a Color Hit Testing User Control that supports hit testing using color (Unedited)
    C#, Windows, Visual-Studio, GDI+, WinForms, Dev

Applications & Tools


  • Developing facebook connect application using - Shahriar Iqbal Chowdhury
    Step approach for developing a facebook connect application with (Unedited)
    C# (C#1.0, C#2.0, C#3.0), .NET (.NET1.0, .NET1.1, .NET2.0, .NET3.0, .NET3.5), ASP.NET, Architect, Dev

Client side scripting

  • Advanced TreeView v1.6 - » йаνиатн ќalЭ «
    Simple but advance-featured TreeView control. (Unedited)
    C#, VB (VB.NET), Javascript, XML, CSS, HTML, .NET, ASP.NET, Ajax, Architect, Dev, Design


  • Silverlight Advanced View Model Style Video Player - defwebserver
    A full featured Silverlight View Model Style Video Player (Unedited)
    C# (C#4.0), .NET (.NET4.0), XAML, Silverlight, Dev, Design

  • Silverlight 4 Drag and Drop File Manager - defwebserver
    A Silverlight file manager that allows drag and drop multiple file uploads (Unedited)
    C# (C#4.0), .NET (.NET4.0), Silverlight, Dev, Design

  • Silverlight View Model Style Popup - defwebserver
    An example of an easy to use View Modal Style Popup and Silverlight Value Converter (Unedited)
    C# (C#4.0), .NET (.NET4.0), Silverlight, Dev, Design

  • Silverlight 4 Video Player - defwebserver
    An example of a Silverlight 4 View Model Style Video Player that is not just 'skinable' but fully 'designable' (Unedited)
    C# (C#4.0), Windows, .NET (.NET4.0), ASP.NET, Silverlight, Dev, Design

  • Silverlight File Manager - defwebserver
    An implementation of the View Model Style pattern to create a simple Silverlight 4 File Manager (Unedited)
    C# (C#4.0), .NET (.NET4.0), ASP.NET, Silverlight, Architect, Dev, Design

  • Unit Testing A Silverlight View Model Style Modal Popup - defwebserver
    An example of a View Model Style Modal Popup Unit Test (Unedited)
    C# (C#4.0), .NET (.NET4.0), Silverlight, Architect, Dev, Design

Trace and Logs

SharePoint Server

  • Deploy and use SPCopy, Part 2 - Mark Nischalke
    Accessing functionality in SPCopy from Part 1 (Unedited)
    C# (C#4.0), .NET (.NET3.5, .NET4.0), PowerShell, Architect, Dev


  • The deep table - Alejandro Xalabarder
    A natural way of joining tables using SQL (Unedited)
    SQL, Architect, Dev, Design



  • Using BitBlt to Copy and Paste Graphics - Fade (Amit BS)
    This article will demonstrate how to use BitBlt. and provide some technical pointers
    VB, Windows (Win2K, WinXP, Win2003), .NET (.NET1.0), Dev

  • Image Viewer UserControl - Jordy "Kaiwa" Ruiter
    The article is about a UserControl I wrote. Opposed to PictureBoxes and other methods to displaying images on your forms this one provides a totally diffrent approach. (Unedited)
    C#, Windows, GDI+, WinForms

C / C++ Language


  • SVG Artiste - An SVG Editor - Ajay Britto
    A Vector based tool to create and edit SVG images (Unedited)
    .NET (.NET2.0), Visual-Studio (VS2005, VS2008, VS2010), GDI+, Dev, Design

  • Gurux Data Refinery - Gurux Ltd
    Retrieve data from a physical device, process it, and visualize the results. (Unedited)
    C# (C#3.0), Windows (WinXP, Win2003, Vista, Win2008, Win7), Win32, Win64, WinForms, LINQ, MySQL, CEO, DBA, Dev, SysAdmin, Sales, Marketing

  • 7 Simple Steps to Run Your First Azure Blob Program - Shivprasad koirala
    7 simple steps to run your first Azure Blob Program
    C# (C#1.0, C#2.0, C#3.0, C#4.0), .NET (.NET1.0, .NET1.1, .NET2.0, .NET3.0, .NET3.5, .NET4.0), ASP.NET, SQL-Server (SQL2000, SQL2005, SQL-CE, SQL2008), Visual-Studio (VS.NET2003, VS2005, VS2008, VS2010), Azure, Architect

  • Xml serialization of generic Dictionary, multidimensional array and inherited type with sharpSerializer .NET - Pawel idzikowski
    How to serialize to XML any generic, derived or other complex type, which XMLSerializer can not serialize. (Unedited)
    C# (C#2.0, C#3.0, C#4.0), XML, Windows (WinXP, Win2003, Vista, Win2008, Win7, Win2008-R2), WinMobile (WinMobile5, WinMobile6), .NETCF, .NET (.NET2.0, .NET3.0, .NET3.5, .NET4.0), Win32, Win64, DBA, Dev

  • Programming Microsoft Agent in Windows Forms - Mohammad Elsheimy
    Learn how to program with Microsoft Agent in Windows Forms applications (Unedited)
    C#, .NET, COM, WinForms



.NET Framework


  • DWinLib: An Overview - David O'Neil
    An overview to DWinLib - a minimal Windows wrapper (Unedited)
    C++, Windows, Visual-Studio, MFC, Dev


Windows Presentation Foundation

  • WPF x FileExplorer x MVVM - Leung Yat Chun
    This article describe how to construct FileExplorer controls included DirectoryTree and FileList, using Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern. (Unedited)
    C#, Windows (WinXP, Win2003, Vista, Win2008, Win7, Win2008-R2), .NET (.NET3.0, .NET3.5, .NET4.0), Win32, Win64, WPF, Architect, Dev

  • WPF : If Carlsberg did MVVM Frameworks Part 2 of n - Sacha Barber
    It would probably be like Cinch a MVVM framework for WPF (Unedited)
    C# (C#3.0, C#4.0), .NET (.NET3.5, .NET4.0), WPF, Architect, Dev, Design

  • WPF: If Carlsberg did MVVM Frameworks Part 5 of n - Sacha Barber
    It would probably be like Cinch a MVVM framework for WPF (Unedited)
    C# (C#3.0, C#4.0), .NET (.NET3.5, .NET4.0), WPF, Architect, Dev, Design

  • WPF : If Carlsberg did MVVM Frameworks Part 3 of n - Sacha Barber
    It would probably be like Cinch a MVVM framework for WPF (Unedited)
    C# (C#3.0, C#4.0), .NET (.NET3.5, .NET4.0), WPF, Dev, Design

Algorithms & Recipes

Internet / Network

  • MailMergeLib - A .NET Mail Client Library - Norbert Bietsch
    MailMergeLib is a SMTP mail client library. It makes use of .NET System.Net.Mail and provides comfortable mail merge capabilities. MailMergeLib corrects a number of the most annoying bugs and RFC violations that .NET 2.0 to .NET 4.0 suffer from.
    C# (C#2.0, C#3.0), Windows (Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Vista), .NET2.0, ASP.NET, Visual-Studio (VS2005, VS2008), Dev

Programming Tips

  • How to convince developers and management to use automated test instead of manual test - Omar Al Zabir
    Everyone knows automated tests are good, unit test is good, we should all do it. But when you try to convince management that it's going to take double the time to deliver anything from now on, you are kicked out of the room. Learn how I convinced a dev lead to do automated test. (Unedited)
    All-Topics, CEO, Architect, Dev, QA, Design

  • Tips and Tricks to rescue overdue projects - Omar Al Zabir
    A story of a typical offshore project which is overdue, customer shouting and screaming, offshore guys working day and night and how we brainstormed on some tricks to get out of this. (Unedited)
    All-Topics, CEO, Architect, Dev, Sales

Technical blogs added Last week

Desktop Gadgets

Ajax and Atlas


  • ASP.NET MVC and jQuery Part 1 – Getting Started - TheyCallMeMrJames
    This is the first post in a series about jQuery and ASP.NET MVC 2 in Visual Studio 2010. If you’ve had web development experience with ASP.NET and JavaScript it is highly likely that you’ve heard of or are maybe even interested in the new partnership of these two technologies. Getting started isn’ (Unedited)
    ASP.NET, jQuery, Dev

  • ASP.NET MVC and jQuery Part 4 – Advanced Model Binding - TheyCallMeMrJames
    The 4th post in a series on jQuery and ASP.NET MVC 2 in Visual Studio 2010. In this article, I'm going to look at three more complex examples of real-world model binding and where jQuery might fit in the mix. (Unedited)
    ASP.NET, MVC, jQuery, VS2010, Dev


User Controls


  • Changelog for domain objects - lowleveldesign
    In this post, I would like to present you a simple way to implement changelog system for database objects using NHibernate session interceptor and database triggers. (Unedited)
    C#, XML, SQL-Topics

SQL Reporting Services


  • Faster faster loops - Pete O'Hanlon
    Using the Task Parallel Library in .NET 4.0 (Unedited)
    C# (C#4.0)-Topics, Dev


  • How to call a .NET DLL from a VBScript - Raymund Macaalay
    You might be wondering how you can call a .NET DLL from a VB Script. Well, look no further, as I will explain how to achieve this in a step by step manner. (Unedited)
    C#, VBScript


  • Using MbUnit StaticTestFactory to Validate Sitemap.xml Links - Martin Jarvis
    I’ve been investigating a replacement for our current link checker (SEO Optimization Toolkit) to be run automatically as part of our build so that we can get a quick heads up if one of our dynamic pages breaks.  The problem is that as most of our sites are built with Ektron there’s a lot of pot (Unedited)
    C++, SQL, Windows, SQL-Server, DBA

Mobile Development

Chris Maunder
The Code Project

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