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The Insider - 06 Nov 2014

Functional programming's high efficiency comes at a cost
Industry News
"She lies and says she still loves him, can't find a better man"
Source: CIO
"Something, something, Dark Side"
Source: Xamarin
As long as that one-stop doesn't stop at SharePoint
Source: Infoworld
Must. not. make. BSOD joke.
Source: WinBeta
The other quarter will be to sites reporting on "Is my Cloud down?"
Source: IT World
Developer News
I've been doing that for years, just the other way around
Source: InfoQ
Now with a bunch of new features of interest to Java developers (so I'm moving on quickly)
Source: JetBrains
Caution: may cause recreation of scenes from Scanners
Source: Infoworld
Not sure how it's going to speed development, but if you need an HTTP stack, it might help.
Source: Gigaom
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
UtbT: 'Used to be Technical'
Source: CodeProject
"Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black."
Source: CodeProject

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