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The Daily Build - 01 Apr 2015

The Daily Build - 1 Apr 2015. An Azure IOT driven “Gilt” Product Analytics

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Algorithms & Recipes

  (2 votes) by Leonid Ganeline (updated 20 hours ago)
The Random algorithm produces the randomly distributed values. Sometime we need the values randomly distributed across several keys with values produced in different quantities for different keys.
  (0 votes) by (updated 11 hours ago)
This tip describes a n ary tree structure. We will see how traversal works.


  (1 votes) by Pradip Koli (updated 20 hours ago)
CMMI Process and Agile Methodology for Software Development - A practical approach with ASP.NET
  (0 votes) by John Bhatt (updated 20 hours ago)
I have used TinyMCE Rich TextBox in my application but in my web form i have mulitple mulitiline TextBox. what I want that Rich TextBox should be bind to only one text box not all TextBoxes


  (3 votes) by Bharath K A (updated 15 hours ago)
This is an online spreadsheet (like Microsoft Excel, google sheets) that exposes shreadsheet functionality via web browser. Users can create excel like spreadsheets using web browser save it, share it, put formulas to compute data in the sheet etc.

Client side scripting

  (2 votes) by Murtuza Husain Miyan Patel (updated 22 hours ago)
Article demonstrates, how to consume oData RESTful Services using Breeze js with EF 5.0 code first approach. Data manipulation using breeze LINQ. It also demonstrate use of knockout js with datatable js to display data in a grid with features like paging, sorting, show hide columns, export to excel
  (1 votes) by Shenwei Liu (updated 2 hours ago)
A complete sample application using AngularJS, trNgGrid, ngTable, and ASP.NET Web API to access and display data with server-side data filtering, sorting, and paging.


  (8 votes) by yuvalsol (updated 9 hours ago)
POCO generating application for SQL Server
  (1 votes) by Ajit Kumar Thakur Microsoft (updated 11 hours ago)
This tip explains SQL Server metadata information. It will provide internal details of all available SQL Server 2012 Metadata.
  (0 votes) by Satish Jagtap (updated 2 hours ago)
This article explains how to import database to MySQL server and how to export database from MySQL server without using batch files.


  (0 votes) by Keyhole Software (updated 8 hours ago)
Let me begin with a list of usual suspects up to no good in the browser: CoffeeScript (or TypeScript) Less (or Sass/Scss) Jade (or Handlebars, Mustache) I mean, because, you know, writing in HTML/JS/CSS is so 2000-late. All this 74 72 61 6e s p i l a t i o n. A typical layout. […]

IoT on Azure

  (9 votes) by Naren Neelamegam (updated 13 hours ago)
Building robots from the scratch with speech recognition, remote voice control, learning intelligence with Raspberry PI, Intel Galileo and Microsoft Azure.
  (2 votes) by Aby Mammen Mathew (updated 23 hours ago)
Create a virtualized mesh network using custom radio transceivers (nrf24)
  (0 votes) by Member 10069694 (updated 2 hours ago)
The article showcases BLE sensors (IoT) solution developed using Azure Event Hub, Stream Analytics and Power BI.
  (0 votes) by Member 11543838 (updated 8 hours ago)
This article shows how to build an Azure IoT Solution for water utilities Industry

Mobile Development

  (0 votes) by Anele 'Mash' Mbanga (updated 2 hours ago)
Create CRUD web apps in three easy steps using JQM.Show

Testing and QA

  (2 votes) by JIANGWilliam (updated 18 hours ago)

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (0 votes) by C. M. Stephan (updated 19 hours ago)
So I get extremely frustrated having to change my password every 60 days because the security department has this belief …Continue reading →

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Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips


  (8 votes) by JIANGWilliam (updated 14 hours ago)
This article presents a Wait.Until() mechanism that might be helpful in various scenarios.

Game Development

  (3 votes) by Vahe Karamian (updated 7 hours ago)
The ninth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.

IoT on Azure

  (11 votes) by Ranjan.D (updated 2 hours ago)
All about "Gilt" product analytic's by making use of Azure and Internet of things.