Einstein wrote a riddle last century. He said that 98% of the world could not
solve it.
Einstein's riddle
- There are 5 houses in five different colors
- In each house lives a person with a different nationality.
- These five owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of
cigar and keep a certain pet.
- No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar or drink the same
The question is: Who owns the fish?
Einstein's hints
- 1.) the Brit lives in the red house
- 2.) the Swede keeps dogs as pets
- 3.) the Dane drinks tea
- 4.) the green house is on the left of the white house
- 5.) the green house's owner drinks coffee
- 6.) the person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds
- 7.) the owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill
- 8.) the man living in the center house drinks milk
- 9.) the Norwegian lives in the first house
- 10.) the man who smokes blends lives next to the one who keeps cats
- 11.) the man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill
- 12.) the owner who smokes BlueMaster drinks beer
- 13.) the German smokes Prince
- 14.) the Norwegian lives next to the blue house
- 15.) the man who smokes blends has a neighbor who drinks water
The solution
Of course, you can solve this riddle by your own, and many web-pages will be
found giving hints and solutions. But here I will give you the tutorial to solve
the problem using c++. It is written for beginners and shows how to handle a
problem and adapt it into object oriented programming.
Define classes
Einstein spoke about houses and persons. So we need a class who defines a
house (CHouse
) and a class who defines a person
). All other things (like colors, nationality, beverage ...
) are attributes of one of these classes. Then we need a class for the riddle
itselve (CEinsteinsRiddle
) to handle the hints and solve the
riddle. Let's begin with the given attributes. We take enumerations to handle
enum COLOR
enum CIGAR
enum PET
To make these values printable whe need some text.
char sColor[MAX+2][20] = { " ? ", " blue ",
" green ", " red ", " white ", " yellow " };
char sNationality[MAX+2][20] = { " ? ", " Brit ",
" Dane ", " German ", "Norwegian", " Swede " };
char sBaverage[MAX+2][20] = { " ? ", " Beer ",
" Coffee ", " Milk ", " Tea ", " Water " };
char sCigar[MAX+2][20] = { " ? ", " Blends ",
"BlueMastr", " Dunhill ", "Pall Mall", " Prince " };
char sPet[MAX+2][20] = { " ? ", " Bird ",
" Cat ", " Dog ", " Fish ", " Horse " };
And also text for the Einstein's hints.
char sHint[15][80] =
" 1.) the Brit lives in the red house",
" 2.) the Swede keeps dogs as pets",
" 3.) the Dane drinks tea",
" 4.) the green house is on the left of the white house",
" 5.) the green house's owner drinks coffee",
" 6.) the person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds",
" 7.) the owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill",
" 8.) the man living in the center house drinks milk",
" 9.) the Norwegian lives in the first house",
"10.) the man who smokes blends lives next to the one who keeps cats",
"11.) the man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill",
"12.) the owner who smokes BlueMaster drinks beer",
"13.) the German smokes Prince",
"14.) the Norwegian lives next to the blue house",
"15.) the man who smokes blends has a neighbor who drinks water"
Now we take the class who define a person. Each person have a nationality, an
baverage, a cigar and a pet. All this things are attributes of the person, so
it's very easy to define the class.
class CPerson
NATIONALITY m_eNationality;
BAVERAGE m_eBaverage;
CIGAR m_eCigar;
PET m_ePet;
NATIONALITY GetNationality(void) { return m_eNationality; };
BAVERAGE GetBaverage(void) { return m_eBaverage; };
CIGAR GetCigar(void) { return m_eCigar; };
PET GetPet(void) { return m_ePet; };
void SetNationality(NATIONALITY nationality)
{ m_eNationality = nationality; };
void SetBaverage(BAVERAGE baverage)
{ m_eBaverage = baverage; };
void SetCigar(CIGAR cigar)
{ m_eCigar = cigar; };
void SetPet(PET pet)
{ m_ePet = pet; };
Here are the constuctor and destructor of the class.
Now let's define the class for the houses. Each house have a housnumber and a
color. Then we need a pointer to the person, who lives in the house. We need
also a pointer to the left- and righthand neighbouring house, because we have to
check hints like (4. the green house is on the left of the white house).
class CHouse
HOUSENUMBER m_eHouseNumber;
COLOR m_eColor;
CPerson* m_pPerson;
CHouse* m_pNeighbouringHouseRight;
CHouse* m_pNeighbouringHouseLeft;
CHouse(HOUSENUMBER eHouseNumber);
HOUSENUMBER GetHouseNumber(void)
{ return m_eHouseNumber; };
COLOR GetColor(void)
{ return m_eColor; };
CPerson* GetPerson(void)
{ return m_pPerson; };
CHouse* GetNeighbouringHouseRight(void)
{ return m_pNeighbouringHouseRight; };
CHouse* GetNeighbouringHouseLeft(void)
{ return m_pNeighbouringHouseLeft; };
void SetColor(COLOR color)
{ m_eColor = color; };
void SetNeighbouringHouseRight(CHouse* right)
{ m_pNeighbouringHouseRight = right; };
void SetNeighbouringHouseLeft(CHouse* left)
{ m_pNeighbouringHouseLeft = left; };
Because the house number and the person never changed during the riddle, we
don't need methods to set them. The constuctor should handle this for us.
Here are the constuctor and destructor of the class.
CHouse::CHouse(HOUSENUMBER eHouseNumber)
m_eHouseNumber = eHouseNumber;
m_pPerson = new CPerson();
m_pNeighbouringHouseRight = NULL;
m_pNeighbouringHouseLeft = NULL;
delete m_pPerson;
Ok! That was very easy I think. But now we have to think about the class for
the riddle. Well, I think it should be clear that we use a collection of houses,
because we need five of them. A dummy-house is needed for the left neighbouring
house of the first and the right neighbouring house of the last house. Some
methods are needed, getting the houses values.
To store the attributes, we
need also a couple of member-variables.
Then we need the constructor and destructor and a function to initialize data
To print out the result we also need a function "PrintOut".
This program should solve "Solve" the riddle by testing all possibilities and
verifying the hints "VerifyingHints". But what are this possibilities? Well
when you have a number of things (e.g. the five different numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and
5) there would be fact(5) = 1x2x3x4x5 = 120 posibilities to set then in an
These sequences are shown below.
{ 1,2,3,4,5 }
{ 1,2,3,5,4 }
{ 1,2,4,3,5 }
{ 1,2,4,5,3 }
{ 1,2,5,3,4 }
{ 1,2,5,4,3 }
{ 5,4,3,2,1 }
All we have to do is to create a data-field who represent this
sequence-values. After that you can iterate through this values. Because we have
to iterate the color, the nationality, the beverage, the cigar and the pet we
need a method "NextSequence" to iterate, and a method to set the sequence-data
That's it! Here is the definition of the class for the riddle.
class CEinsteinsRiddle
char* m_pBackupFile;
char* m_pSolutionFile;
CHouse* m_pHouse[MAX+1];
CHouse* m_pDummyHouse;
int m_nSequences[MAX_ITEMS][MAX+1];
double m_dSequenceIndex;
int m_nColor, m_nColorMarker;
int m_nNationality, m_nNationalityMarker;
int m_nBaverage, m_nBaverageMarker;
int m_nCigar, m_nCigarMarker;
int m_nPet, m_nPetMarker;
CHouse* GetHouse(HOUSENUMBER Nr);
CHouse* GetHouse(COLOR Color);
CHouse* GetHouse(NATIONALITY Nationality);
CHouse* GetHouse(CIGAR Cigar);
CHouse* GetHouse(PET Pet);
double GetPass(void) { return m_dSequenceIndex; };
BOOLEAN NextSequence(void);
int SetSequence(void);
unsigned int PrintOut(char *pFile = NULL);
unsigned int VerifyingHints(BOOLEAN BreakOnError = FALSE);
CEinsteinsRiddle(char *pBackupFile, char *pSolutionFile);
void Initialize(double dSequenceIndex=0, int nColor=-1,
int nNationality=-1, int nBaverage=-1, int nCigar=-1, int nPet=-1);
int Solve(int argc, char* argv[]);
Here we are. Now let's talk about the main-routine. It's very simple. First
we create a instanze of the riddle, and then we let solve the problem.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
CEinsteinsRiddle EinsteinsRaetsel( BACKUPFILE, SOLUTIONFILE );
return EinsteinsRaetsel.Solve(argc, argv);
The function who solve the problem take sequence for sequence and verify the
hints. This should be done until user-break or the riddle is solved.
Here is an extract of the source.
int CEinsteinsRiddle::Solve(int argc, char* argv[])
bValidData = NextSequence();
nHintValue = VerifyingHints(WITH_BREAK_ON_ERROR);
} while (nHintValue!=0 && bValidData);
return 0;
Now let me show you the function who verify the hints. It's the most
important function in this project. This function check the hints. It returned 0
if all hints are OK. In this case the riddle was solved. Elsewhere the
return-value is an error-code:
- If Bit1 (1) is set, hint 1 doesn't apply
- If Bit2 (2) is set, hint 2 doesn't apply
- If Bit3 (4) is set, hint 3 doesn't apply
- If Bit4 (8) is set, hint 4 doesn't apply
- etc.
We use the classes member-functions to check hint by hint. Let me explain the
first hint:
1.) the Brit lives in the red house
pHouse = GetHouse(BRIT)
give you the pointer of the house whos
person is a brit. After that you use the member-function of the house to get the
attribute color and to check the value. if (pHouse->GetColor() !=
Easy isn't it?
unsigned int CEinsteinsRiddle::VerifyingHints(BOOLEAN BreakOnError)
CHouse * pHouse;
unsigned int returnValue=0;
unsigned int index=1;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(BRIT))!=NULL)
{ if (pHouse->GetColor() != RED)
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(SWEDE))!=NULL)
{ if (pHouse->GetPerson()->GetPet() != DOG)
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(DANE))!=NULL)
{ if (pHouse->GetPerson()->GetBaverage() != TEA)
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(WHITE))!=NULL)
{ if (pHouse->GetNeighbouringHouseLeft() != GetHouse(GREEN))
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(GREEN))!=NULL)
{ if (pHouse->GetPerson()->GetBaverage() != COFFEE)
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(PALLMALL))!=NULL)
{ if (pHouse->GetPerson()->GetPet() != BIRD)
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(YELLOW))!=NULL)
{ if (pHouse->GetPerson()->GetCigar() != DUNHILL)
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(NR3))!=NULL)
{ if (pHouse->GetPerson()->GetBaverage() != MILK)
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(NR1))!=NULL)
{ if (pHouse->GetPerson()->GetNationality() != NORWEGIAN)
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(BLENDS))!=NULL)
{ if ((pHouse->GetNeighbouringHouseLeft()->GetPerson()->GetPet() != CAT)
&& (pHouse->GetNeighbouringHouseRight()->GetPerson()->GetPet() != CAT))
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(DUNHILL))!=NULL)
{ if ((pHouse->GetNeighbouringHouseLeft()->GetPerson()->GetPet() != HORSE)
&& (pHouse->GetNeighbouringHouseRight()->GetPerson()->GetPet() != HORSE))
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(BLUEMASTER))!=NULL)
{ if (pHouse->GetPerson()->GetBaverage() != BEER)
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(GERMAN))!=NULL)
{ if (pHouse->GetPerson()->GetCigar() != PRINCE)
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(BLUE))!=NULL)
{ if ((pHouse->GetNeighbouringHouseLeft()->GetPerson()->GetNationality()
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
if((pHouse = GetHouse(BLENDS))!=NULL)
{ if ((pHouse->GetNeighbouringHouseLeft()->GetPerson()->GetBaverage()
!= WATER) &&
!= WATER))
{ returnValue+=index;
if (BreakOnError)
return returnValue;
index = index*2;
return returnValue;
I hope you've understand my tutorial. If so, I'm happy and wish you kind
Beware of my english translation, I'm a german writer!
Revision History
- December 9, 2003, Initial version.