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Best C++/MFC article of December 2008

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Each month at CodeProject we gather together the best of the articles submitted the previous month and ask our readers to choose the best of the best. Entry is automatic - just submit you articke and we'll do the rest.

Check out the submission guidelines for information on posting articles.

Current Entries

Articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered.

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10 Sep 2009Chesnokov Yuriy
General idea of how the computer may be used to describe the image analyzing its pixel content known as ALIP
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11 Dec 2008Zeeshan Amjad
A Linked List as an example of a compile time data structure, and its implement with template meta-programming.
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21 Dec 2008Emmanuel Herrera
An article describing how to create custom UDP packets and then send them through the Internet using WinPCap.
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12 Dec 2008Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer
A flexible easily overridable combo-box-alike control for choosing from a 2D array of options
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14 Dec 2008Roy, Philippe
An article on improving STL containers to cache to disk in order to lift memory limitation issues.
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23 Dec 2008odlumb
How to launch and manipulate applets programmatically.
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11 Dec 200873Zeppelin
Part I in a series on pricing barrier options.
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2 Dec 2008Brad Kremer
A CRecordSet like interface for a SQLite database table.
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10 Jan 2009Peter Kankowski
A new data structure for spellchecking and spelling correction
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30 Dec 2008Sarath C
Dynamically Add/Edit Environment variables of Remote process
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22 Dec 2008Yasin HINISLIOGLU
This article explains garbage collection and memory management using C language
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10 Dec 2008auralius manurung
An article on implementing basic use of OpenCV to manipulate pictures
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11 Dec 2008Hans Dietrich
The XPEInfo APIs allow you to extract information from a PE file. Included in the download is a Windows demo app, and a console app that tests whether a PE file is valid, whether it is 64-bit, contains debug info, is a .Net executable, or is signed. Sample cmd files are provided.
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23 Dec 2008Daniel Pistelli
A proposal of how to introduce dynamism into the C++ language.
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24 Dec 2008jackyxinli
An article to show how to play audio file with DirectSound and display its spectrum in real time accurately
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26 May 2010Sonic Guan
A convenient and high-powered GUI engine with plenty of tricks
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13 Dec 2008Jonathan Davies
Use two C++ classes which wrap various setup API calls to obtain, filter and display device names and information
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11 Feb 2009WajihUllahBaig
A console program that captures audio but does not save it.
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28 Jun 2014John D. Cook
Numerical integration of smooth functions over a finite interval using an optimal algorithm.
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10 Dec 2008Quake2th
The first part of a two-part article which will illustrate how to redirect the PLT of a process through the injection of a shared object into its address space.
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13 Mar 2010Sharjith
Demo to show use of Python Interpreter to evaluate methematical expressions
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15 Dec 2008Murali Kartha
How to get the virtual address of an API in a user land process from Ring0
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29 Dec 2008Naren Neelamegam
Vistra code walkthrough article, to explain a few of the interesting things about Windows.
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1 Dec 2008Mayank Rai
Detecting memory leaks using Windbg.
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20 Dec 2008Antonio Perrone
A C++ class to register and start device drivers.
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31 Dec 2008David Crow
How to find the average of a set of numbers.
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12 Dec 2008T800G
Infotip shell extension for quick preview of music playlists
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21 Dec 2008Gopi Krishna Nuti
Code snippets detailing Interop programming in C# and ATLCOM
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20 Dec 2008Michael Pauli
Easy to use crypto class that uses TEA, XTEA and XXTEA standards
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23 Dec 2008Emmanuel Herrera
An article showing how to use the RawUDP class to quickly create UDP packets and then how to send them with WinPCap
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31 Dec 2008kvlcek
A C# implementation of CHAID for MSSQL 2005 à la Cognos scenario.
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10 Dec 2008shicheng
An article on a easy use regular expression wrapper.
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15 Dec 2008John Crenshaw
C++ has no native support for adding new operators, but this article shows how, with macros and some clever overloading, it is possible to easily add your own anyway.
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28 Apr 2009Emre Özgür İnce
An approach for using the SFMT (SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister) random number generator algorithm.
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10 Feb 2009WajihUllahBaig
A console program that captures audio and saves it.
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1 Dec 2008PrasadPerera
This article is to basically explain how to create a customized drawn window for MFC applications.
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21 Dec 2008Boris Kolesnikov
Generates PNG files called tiles which form a layer on a GIS map
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15 Apr 2009Hugo González Castro
A different approach to C++ enums: enum to string, enum extensions, and enum iterations.
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21 May 2009jackyxinli
An article to show how to play a Wave file with DirectSound and display its spectrum in real time.
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3 Dec 2008WajihUllahBaig
How to read audio, video devices and codecs installed on a PC via DirectShow.
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29 Dec 2008Durga Prasad Dhulipudi
Rendering ESRI Shapefiles(.shp) using OpenGL
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24 Dec 2008nbugalia
Only the user can see the words on screen
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18 Dec 2008Andrey Sergienko
How to configure Visual Studio 2008 for compiling drivers without using DDK's console tools.
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24 Dec 2008Mick Leong
Adding support to STL for 3D Vectors
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26 Dec 2008jrivero
Templatized Newton-Raphson algorithm for SIN(X) + N and COS(X) + N where N is in [0, 2].

Current Participants

Those with articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered.

Anonymous Proxy Anonymous Proxy
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
President anseko
Ukraine Ukraine
Born 7 Apr 1980 in Bulgan (Mongolia).
2004 - Master of Computer Sciences, Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics.
Now live in Poltava (Ukraine).
Italy Italy
I'm studing computer science engineering. I like playing with C/C++ stuff, OS and network.
Indonesia Indonesia
Software Developer
Russian Federation Russian Federation
Golang, Perl, C/C++ developer
Software Developer (Senior) Fluke Networks
United States United States
I live in beautiful Wenatchee, Washington. When I'm not writing software, you can find me mountain biking or snow skiing.
Russian Federation Russian Federation
Highly skilled Engineer with 14 years of experience in academia, R&D and commercial product development supporting full software life-cycle from idea to implementation and further support. During my academic career I was able to succeed in MIT Computers in Cardiology 2006 international challenge, as a R&D and SW engineer gain CodeProject MVP, find algorithmic solutions to quickly resolve tough customer problems to pass product requirements in tight deadlines. My key areas of expertise involve Object-Oriented
Analysis and Design OOAD, OOP, machine learning, natural language processing, face recognition, computer vision and image processing, wavelet analysis, digital signal processing in cardiology.
Software Developer
Germany Germany
The languages I know best are: C, C++, C#, Assembly (x86, x64, ARM), MSIL, Python, Lua. The environments I frequently use are: Qt, Win32, MFC, .NET, WDK. I'm a developer and a reverse engineer and I like playing around with internals.

You can find most of my work at
Software Developer (Senior) Pinnacle Business Systems
United States United States

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

HTTP 404 - File not found
Internet Information Services
Software Developer
India India
He works in the GIS and allied technologies. His areas of Interest are GIS/CAD ,Defence,Aerospace and Law Enforcement.
United States United States
Elec undergrad at Rice
Founder Parola Bilgi Teknolojileri Ltd.
Turkey Turkey
He was born in Bursa, Turkey in 1979, and still lives in this fascinating place.

He started programming with Fortran when he was at university and then has experienced with MS Visual Basic, Borland Delphi, Java, C++ and C#.

He developed database based several client-server and multi-tier applications using OO concepts and OOP. He worked with Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL and Firebird RDBMS.

In the past, he worked on freetime image processing projects using OpenGL, DirectX, SDL technologies. He's interested in encryption/decryption and compression/decompression algorithms, random number generators and computational algorithms such as Monte Carlo Methods.

In 2011, he founded Parola Information Technology Ltd. is serviced by Parola Information Technology Ltd. It's a SAAS model for Intellectual Property sector.
Software Developer (Senior)
India India
I am a C++ developer for the past 9 years. I have been tinkering with C# for the past 2,3 years. Professionally, I am a VC++ programmer in a software consultancy company for the past 6 ½ years.
Software Developer (Senior) Hans Dietrich Software
United States United States
I attended St. Michael's College of the University of Toronto, with the intention of becoming a priest. A friend in the University's Computer Science Department got me interested in programming, and I have been hooked ever since.

Recently, I have moved to Los Angeles where I am doing consulting and development work.

For consulting and custom software development, please see

Software Developer (Senior)
Spain Spain
B.Sc. Mathematics and Computer Science.
Programming in C++ since 2003.
Software Developer (Senior)
Sweden Sweden
I have now moved to Sweden for love, and recently married a lovely Swede.

I started programming on BBC micros (6502) when I was six and never quite stopped even while I was supposed to be studying physics and uni.

I've been working for ~13 years writing software for machine control and data analysis. I now work on financial transaction transformation software, for a Software company in Gamlastan, Stockholm.
Look at my articles to see my excellent coding skills. I'm modest too!
Software Developer none
China China
To be, or not to be, this is question. That's are all depend on your decision. What do you think?
Founder Mage Guys
United States United States
John is a co-founder of Priacta, Inc, a Time Management training company. Priacta's "TRO" training typically gives executives and business owners a 15-30% boost in productivity. John supervises the development side, and recently worked on the release of the new online self training system.

John's favorite languages are C++, CSS, HTML, and SQL (in that order.) He is also proficient with PHP, Javascript, and several dialects of BASIC. He generally hates interpreted languages, because they lack a compiler, making them prone to many types of bugs and abuses not found in compiled languages.

John is married to a beautiful woman and has a young son.
President John D. Cook Consulting
United States United States
I work in the areas of applied mathematics, data analysis, and data privacy.

Check out my blog or send me a note.


Founder JGD Projects Ltd
United Kingdom United Kingdom
May 2013: Project Management distance-learning MSc completed. I looked at graphical languages in manufacturing projects. In 2011 I was modelling part and data flow through a new casting facility planned for the UK working with software from their Software Centre of Excellence. In 2012 I was project managing a part identification system to go inside the factory, mostly using data matrices: inkjetted, laser printed and dot peened.

The need to find some software design tools first led me to Object Orientated Analysis and Design (OOA and OOD) and then to the Unified Modelling Language (UML) with Rational Rose in 2002.

Having been asked to write Windows image-processing s/w for new Bacterial Colony Picking robots for use on the Human Genome Project in 2000 I turned to C++.

I then got introduced to COM by Dale Rogerson’s ‘Inside COM’. My first COM objects used MFC but I soon moved onto the Active Template Library (ATL), Windows Template Library (WTL) and Standard template Library (STL).

Whilst my software design targets have now expanded from ‘control’ into domains such as Windows, firmware and communications design, the more general Project Management route I’ve taken has brought me into areas where I can happily deal with corporate management and clients directly.

This move has, it seems, completed a circle. I’m now able to manage the technical aspects of multi-discipline projects whilst working with clients, suppliers and anyone else needed to keep a project on track and to use techniques such as value management to ensure that any code written by the team is code that the client wants and appreciates.

Along the way I’ve become a Chartered Engineer and a Member of both the IET, and the Association for Project and have just joined INCOSE UK.
Software Developer
Canada Canada
programmer interested in cooking and dogs..
Czech Republic Czech Republic
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
Denmark Denmark
c/c++/c# -developer.
Malaysia Malaysia
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Architect Microsoft
United States United States
Hey there! I have been into software and systems development for 12 years now mainly using C++ and Assembly language technologies. Right now I work for a Multi National Company.
Software Developer
India India
Naren started coding during 1999 with FORTRAN, then COBOL, PASCAL, C, C++, VC++ ..... C#, Java, ASP so on, till today. He claims himself as techie who loves coding, but he is not even sure which technology or platform he loves, most of the time Windows, some time WinCE, some time Linux, nowadays Android and embedded platforms. He can do some query stuffs with Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL. He strongly believes that C/C++ is a must for all programmers, "if you know C/C++, you can do programming on any language". He is an electronic gadget guy who likes to buy small gadgets all the time, at least he will do window shopping on a gadget shop. His interest always have been with Automation in any form, call it a little automated program sitting in his Laptop or a home automation program runs on his mobile. Apart from coding, he likes to do...???
Team Leader Product Based MNC
India India
Working in the graphics devision of a leading MNC.
Having 5+ yrs experience on c, c++, MFC.
Have exposure to C# and

Also have good experience in flash & flex.
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
Brian Odlum is a retired software engineer who spent twenty years in the industry. He learned more than a dozen programming languages and worked with all of them in a variety of programming environments and operating systems.

He now considers himself a serious composer of computer music, dabbles in video game level development, and likes to spend at least three months of every year living in a foreign country.
Software Developer
Czech Republic Czech Republic
Peter is the developer of Aba Search and Replace, a tool for replacing text in multiple files. He likes to program in C with a bit of C++, also in x86 assembly language, Python, and PHP.
Canada Canada
Prasad Perera is a software developer who's interested in parallel and distributed computing and graphics programming!

Currently he is following his masters in Concordia University, Montreal.
Software Developer (Senior)
Italy Italy
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
Canada Canada
Philippe Roy was a key contributor throughout his 20+ years career with many high-profile companies such as Nuance Communications, IBM (ViaVoice and ProductManager), VoiceBox Technologies, just to name a few. He is creative and proficient in OO coding and design, knowledgeable about the intellectual-property world (he owns many patents), tri-lingual, and passionate about being part of a team that creates great solutions.

Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention, he has a special thing for speech recognition and natural language processing... The magic of first seeing a computer transform something as chaotic as sound and natural language into intelligible and useful output has never left him.
Technical Lead
India India
Software Developer
Product Manager Mahindra & Mahindra
India India
Sharjith is a Mechanical Engineer with strong passion for Automobiles, Aircrafts and Software development.
Software Developer Philips
China China
Cheng Shi is a software developer in China. He is interested in COM, ATL, Direct3D, etc. He is now working for Philips.

Cheng Shi loves Formula1 and watchs every Grand Prix. He is dreaming to be a racing car driver. Hope his dream can come true.
Software Developer (Senior)
China China
A windows platform developer who is addicted to UI and reverse project.
Software Developer
Croatia Croatia
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Engineer -
Pakistan Pakistan
Computer Programming
Software Developer
Turkey Turkey
Yasin has more than 10 years of professional experience. He has several published articles includes graphics programming, robotics and application development in academic resources and national press. He is now working as a software developer for semi-governmental organization in Turkey.
Team Leader American Institute for Research
United States United States
Working as a Team leader in American Institute for Research
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This contest has ended.
1 Dec 2008 - 1 Jan 2009