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C# Oct 2003

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Each month at CodeProject we gather together the best of the articles submitted the previous month and ask our readers to choose the best of the best. Entry is automatic - just submit you articke and we'll do the rest.

Check out the submission guidelines for information on posting articles.

Current Entries

Articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered. The top 50 entries are shown.

30 Sep 2003Redgate Software
ANTS Profiler allows you to identify slow lines of code in .NET applications within 5 minutes of installation, allowing you to get on with what you do best – writing code.
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4 Jan 2004Davide Icardi
With this tool the developer can define the application prerequisites and install the correct version of these components in the correct order based on the user operating system type and language, allow the user to download these components from the web or install these components directly.
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12 Oct 2003Paul Riley
Customizing the NoSpamEmailHyperlink to cause maximum damage to the spam harvesters.
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22 Oct 2003Paul Riley
A look at ASP.NET custom control properties and rendering to HTML.
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11 Nov 2003Sumeet Kumar
This article explains how it is possible to seamlessly set breakpoints, step into, set watches and examine local variables for .NET framework classes as well as any other managed assemblies.
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21 Oct 2003Ramesh Shrivastav
An article to display tooltips over listview items and subitems.
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20 Feb 2005Alvaro Mendez
A class library for reading/writing XML files, config files, INI files, or the Registry using one simple interface.
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25 Oct 2003Don Kackman
Calling Application.EnableVisualStyles prevents images from an ImageList from appearing on Windows Common Controls
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27 Oct 2003Paul Wijntjes (dominion99)
This article shows you how to get a valid ClientTicket for connecting to a MSN server
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24 Oct 2003miahrugger
This article explains how to send a raw Ethernet packet using C# and a NDIS Protocol Driver.
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25 Oct 2003Jeff Varszegi
A Comprehensive Logging Package for .NET
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16 Apr 2004Sami Vaaraniemi
An article on how to implement globalization support for ASP.NET pages through attributes and reflection
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21 Oct 2003SKI_BUM
Learn how easy it is to create Dynamic/Transparent proxies in .NET using DynamicProxy.NET
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21 Oct 2003Paul Welter
The NetSpell project is a spell checking engine written entirely in managed C# .NET code.
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22 Oct 2003Paul Riley
Fighting back against the e-mail harvesters.
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19 May 2004Corinna John
An article about hiding bytes in the bitmap frames of uncompressed AVI files.
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11 Oct 2003Paul Riley
Adding full design time functionality to your custom control in a few easy steps.
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13 Oct 2003Stephen Quattlebaum
This article discusses the development of two simple classes that implement horizontal and vertical controls for Windows Forms development by encapsulating the native Win32 vertical and horizontal rule controls.
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12 Oct 2003Paul Riley
Simple examples to demonstrate the standard NoSpamEmailHyperlink control.
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7 Oct 2003Kris Vandermotten
Allow your programs to reason with incomplete data.
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12 Oct 2003Cohen Shwartz Oren
How to write WMI providers in C#
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5 Dec 2005nashcontrol
ADSDetector information with code examples.
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12 Oct 2003Hans-Jürgen Schmidt
The DataPlotter is a .NET control for graphical display of 2D data. For both the X and Y axis a linear or logarithmic (any base) scaling can be selected.
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5 Oct 2003Wouter van Vugt
Access Hotmail using C#, the extended version.
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19 Aug 2005Domenic
Shows how to implement an RSA encryption algorithm on a server and client environement, even through a web browser!
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4 Oct 2003J. Dunlap
Discusses and demonstrates flood fill algorithms in C# with GDI+.
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3 Apr 2004Corinna John
An article about hiding each byte of a message bit-by-bit in eight pixels.
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27 Oct 2003mkruppa
Class to wake up a remote machine by sending a Wake-On-Lan packet.
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22 Oct 2003Jonathan de Halleux
Yet another DAL generator with SQL generation, multi database support, C# code generation, etc...
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30 Sep 2003haag
An article on how to serialize PrinterSettings.
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10 Oct 2003Chris Richner
Internet Explorer advanced settings tree view clone. Supports checkbox and radio button nodes.
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8 Oct 2003Marc Clifton
This article extends the unit testing framework, adding fixture setup/teardown capability and performance (time and memory) measurement/testing.
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26 Oct 2003O c t a v i e
Shows a dartboard on which you can click and which returns the score thrown
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6 Oct 2003Patrick Meyer
How to extend web form controls to be self validating so you don't have to mess with validation controls.
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28 Oct 2003Marc Clifton
Reduce implementation time with a reusable, externally driven tab strip control.
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4 Oct 2003Erhan Hosca
Web Service that e-mails results of a SQL Query as Excel Spreadsheet attachments
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30 Sep 2003David Boland
This article provides a simplified C# wrapper to the FreeImage project for graphical file format conversion.
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30 Sep 2003Bill Seddon
An update to Jon Rista's treeview/listview control
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16 Oct 2003Arthur Zaczek
A Personal .NET Portal with Forms Authentication and XML Files for storage.
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12 Oct 2003War Nov
Describes how to make your applications support multiple languages without rewriting code.
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22 Oct 2003Paul Riley
Using C# to encode an e-mail address on the server and JavaScript to decode the address on the client.
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30 Sep 2003Frank Olorin Rizzi
This article explains the myUML project that provides a set of tools for the creation and manipulation of UML diagrams.
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17 Apr 2012Narsters
Introduction to manipulating Excel with C#.
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5 Oct 2003Mike Ellison
An approach to encapsulating functionality in server controls, separate from a user interface.
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26 Oct 2003mcgahanfl
Use WM_COPYDATA to send data to/from C++ and C# Windows processes
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15 Oct 2003sbkar
An article on implementing IMessageFilter to create a message filter for operating system messages
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31 Oct 2003Arjan Einbu
Bamboo Prevalence is an opensource .NET implementation of the Prevayler project. This article shows how to use the library.
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7 Oct 2003Erik Westermann
Book Review of Programming in the .NET Environment
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6 Oct 2003raymond.fung, Norman Fung
A tutorial on .NET Remoting

Current Participants

Those with articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered.

Web Developer
United States United States
I've done extensive work with C++, MFC, COM, and ATL on the Windows side. On the Web side, I've worked with VB, ASP, JavaScript, and COM+. I've also been involved with server-side Java, which includes JSP, Servlets, and EJB, and more recently with ASP.NET/C#.
Founder KodeCompagniet AS
Norway Norway
Arjan is working at KodeCompagniet AS in Norway, creators of the DemiCode line of components.

His job is in programming, architecture and training where his main focus is on C# and MS SQL Server.
Arjan holds several certifications including MCT, MCSD/MCSD.NET, MCAD, MCDBA and MCSE.

When he is not programming, he is probably taking a trip on his Honda Varadero.
Founder OG
Austria Austria
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Independent software development for clients including Microsoft. Design and development of modules for financial reporting and business intelligence.
Software Developer (Senior)
Switzerland Switzerland
My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there. (Charles Kettering)


  • 1996 - 1998 PC Board PPL, HTML, DHTML, Javascript and ASP
  • 1999 - 2001 coding Centura against Sql Database (SqlBase,MSSQL,Oracle)
  • 2002 - 2004 C# Windows Forms
  • 2005 - 2006 C# ASP.NET, Windows Forms
  • 2006 - 2009 C#, WCF, WF, WPF
  • 2010 - 2012 C#, Dynamics CRM, Sharepoint, Silverlight
  • 2013 - 2013 C#, WCF DS (OData), WF, WPF
  • 2014 - 2016 C#, Azure PaaS, Identity, OWIN, OData, Web Api
  • 2017 - now C#, aspnet.core, IdentityServer4, TypeScript & Angular @ Azure IaaS or PaaS


  • family & friends
  • chilaxing ,)
  • coding
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer
Germany Germany
Corinna lives in Hanover/Germany and works as a C# developer.
Web Developer
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer
Italy Italy
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
United States United States
I've been writing software applications since the early 90's from ASP and VB5 to C# and ASP.NET. I am currently working on law enforcement and criminal justice applications delivered over the web. I've always been astounded by the fact that the only 2 industries that refer to customers as "users" are narcotics and software development. Wink | ;-)
Team Leader Starkey Laboratories
United States United States
The first computer program I ever wrote was in BASIC on a TRS-80 Model I and it looked something like:
10 PRINT "Don is cool"
20 GOTO 10

It only went downhill from there.

Hey look, I've got a blog
Web Developer JPMorgan Chase & Co.
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
Canada Canada
Erik is a senior developer-writer with more than 20 years professional programming experience designing and developing large scale database and Internet-centric applications for organizations including, ADP, Nortel, EDS, Merrill Lynch, ePost, CIBC, TD Securities, IBC, CIHI, InnovaPost, etc.

Erik has been specializing in BizTalk Server-based solutions for many years. His experience includes many SOA and ESB-style applications using technologies like Commerce Server, SharePoint, ASP.NET and advanced .NET Framework.
Web Developer
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
Germany Germany
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
Germany Germany
Occupation: SW engineer since 1981.

Business: Control and automation systems.

The 80s: Assembler, PL/M, RMX OS.
The 90s: C, C++, pSOS, VxWorks, Structured Analysis, Windows, networking, project management
98-03: WinNT/2000, COM with C++/ATL, UIs with VB6, design with UML, IP protocols
The new millenium: WinXP, .NET (all versions), C#, WF, WCF, WPF, ...
Germany Germany
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
United States United States
My main goal as a developer is to improve the way software is designed, and how it interacts with the user. I like designing software best, but I also like coding and documentation. I especially like to work with user interfaces and graphics.

I have extensive knowledge of the .NET Framework, and like to delve into its internals. I specialize in working with and MyXaml. I also like to work with ASP.NET, AJAX, and DHTML.
Technical Lead
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
United States United States
Jonathan de Halleux is Civil Engineer in Applied Mathematics. He finished his PhD in 2004 in the rainy country of Belgium. After 2 years in the Common Language Runtime (i.e. .net), he is now working at Microsoft Research on Pex (
Web Developer
Belgium Belgium
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Architect Interacx
United States United States
Home Page:

All my life I have been passionate about architecture / software design, as this is the cornerstone to a maintainable and extensible application. As such, I have enjoyed exploring some crazy ideas and discovering that they are not so crazy after all. I also love writing about my ideas and seeing the community response. As a consultant, I've enjoyed working in a wide range of industries such as aerospace, boatyard management, remote sensing, emergency services / data management, and casino operations. I've done a variety of pro-bono work non-profit organizations related to nature conservancy, drug recovery and women's health.
Web Developer
United States United States
Just a good guy.
Web Developer
United States United States
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
United States United States
With a background in education, music, application development, institutional research, data governance, and business intelligence, I work for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas helping to derive useful information from institutional data. It's an old picture, but one of my favorites.
Team Leader
Germany Germany
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
Israel Israel
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer Mavention
Netherlands Netherlands
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
United States United States
Just a plain-ole programmer. I work for NASA in Mission Planning Systems. I am most famous for the development of the J-Track satellite tracking software.
Web Developer
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Paul lives in the heart of En a backwater village in the middle of England. Since writing his first Hello World on an Oric 1 in 1980, Paul has become a programming addict, got married and lost most of his hair (these events may or may not be related in any number of ways).

Since writing the above, Paul got divorced and moved to London. His hair never grew back.

Paul's ambition in life is to be the scary old guy whose house kids dare not approach except at halloween.
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior) Traxion
Netherlands Netherlands
I am 27 year and live in the Netherlands. I have graduated in 2004, for the study Computer Science. After my study I have started working as a Technical Consultant in the Identity & Access management branch (

I have acquired my MCSE and MCSD certifications. Currently I developing a lot of cool things in .NET & Java, I'm also upgrading my certifications to .NET 2.0.

I am the main programmer for the product that we are developing within our company it's called the IM Sequencer (Formally known as the MIIS Sequencer). This product enables users to control the execution from the management agents in MIIS (Microsoft Identity Integration Server) or as it is called now ILM 2007 (Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007) it also generates extensive reports that contains all the results from the management agents that enables administrators to easily track down errors or failures.

Check out the products website There are allot of cool features implemented, is uses WMI to connect and communicate with MIIS \ ILM, threading to execute multiple agents, XSLT for reporting transformation, XML for configuration, WinForms for displaying and Win Service for the scheduler engine, very cool!

You can reach me at
Web Developer
United States United States
Ramesh is very much into Microsoft technologies, and silently marvels at the power of Windows SDK.
He juggles his time between his family, work and his computer.
Web Developer
Hong Kong Hong Kong
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Red Gate Software Ltd.
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Redgate makes ingeniously simple software used by 804,745 IT professionals and counting, and is the leading Microsoft SQL Server tools vendor. Our philosophy is to design highly usable, reliable tools which elegantly solve the problems developers and DBAs face every day, and help them adopt database DevOps. As a result, more than 100,000 companies use products in the Redgate SQL Toolbelt, including 91% of those in the Fortune 100.
This is a Organisation

1 members
Web Developer
Finland Finland
Sami Vaaraniemi has been working as a software developer since 1990, primarily on Microsoft technologies. After 12 years of Win32 API and C++ he switched to .NET. He currently works as an independent consultant and can be contacted through his website at
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
Denmark Denmark
10 years experience in software design. In my job as a software architect I work with Java and J2EE. .net is so far only a hobby project, but nonetheless interesting Wink | ;-)
Web Developer
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
India India
Sumeet is the main architect of Copernicus, a Hospital Information System owned by Eutech Cybernetics and loves development, esp. in Visual Basic .Net as it removes so many of the limitations that were so frustrating in VB6.

He practiced as a General Surgeon for many years in India before finding his real passion was software development. Sumeet stays in Pondicherry, a small town just south of Chennai, in India, as he loves its peaceful and very special atmosphere
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer Code Counsel
Netherlands Netherlands
Wouter van Vugt is a Microsoft MVP with Office Open XML technologies and an independent consultant focusing on creating Office Business Applications (OBAs) with SharePoint, the Office 2007 system and related .NET technologies. Wouter is a frequent contributor to developer community sites such as and MSDN and has published several white papers and articles as well a book available on line titled Open XML: the markup explained. Wouter is the founder of Code-Counsel, a Dutch company focusing on delivering cutting-edge technical content through a variety of channels. You can find out more about Wouter by reading his blog and visiting the Code-Counsel Web site.
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This contest has ended.
1 Oct - 1 Nov 2003