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Best overall article of August 2011

Contribute to CodeProject and you'll automatically be in the running for a monthly prize!

Each month at CodeProject we gather together the best of the articles submitted the previous month and ask our readers to choose the best of the best. Entry is automatic - just submit you articke and we'll do the rest.

Check out the submission guidelines for information on posting articles.

Current Entries

Articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered. The top 50 entries are shown.

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3 Sep 2011Phil Atkin 1 alternative  
A surprising and potentially destructive 'feature' of the .NET garbage collector
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27 Sep 2011Shmuel Zang
In this article, I explain, step by step, how we can use a WCF behavior for logging operation's invoke and result, errors, warnings and information logs that include the operation's details.
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5 Oct 2011orouit
How to use smartcard certificates in your .NET application
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22 Oct 2012Praveen Kullu
Preventing viruses in a USB drive in Windows
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18 Aug 2011Brij
Single Sign On Between Sub Domains: Forms Authentication
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5 Aug 2011Manjuke Fernando
This post will show you how to insert data using SQL views created using multiple tables.
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1 Aug 2011ThatsAlok 3 alternatives  
Describing various method to zeroing the buffer in memory
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26 Aug 2011Jecho Jekov
How to use .NET settings files in class library projects.
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16 Aug 2011Damian Flynn
Here's a couple of gems...From IList to DataTable.From DataTable to array of T.// DataTable: from IListpublic static DataTable ToDataTable(this IList iList){ DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); PropertyDescriptorCollection propertyDescriptorCollection = ...
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30 Aug 2011jsharrison
How to migrate User Settings properties between software versions after you've renamed them
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9 Aug 2011Jesus Carroll
This brief article show how to install quickly Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition Standard or with Advanced Services
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22 Aug 2011Vladimir Ivanovskiy
This article shows how to compile and run F# code during runtime.
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6 Sep 2011Gary H Guo
Add AOP capabilities to MEF by configuration using Dynamic Decorator.
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2 Aug 2011thatraja
I'm using this way. SELECT * FROM VIEW. Consider the below Table has following fields(Including Non-display columns).Table...
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1 Sep 2011david.ribeiro
How to consume reports created on BIRT via PHP
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9 Aug 2011Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
If you are developing a secured site and want to close the browser window just after the user logs out from the application, this small tip will help you.
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31 Aug 2011Peter_Smithson
Using the DataZGrid provided by .NET 4, this article shows how to copy and paste between cells.
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2 Aug 2011Nadege Rouelle
How to create a database project from an existing database
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18 Aug 2011Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
In this post, we will learn about various font sizes defined in the default style library of Windows Phone 7, so you don't have to define them again and can reuse those styles which will be standard sizes all over any Phone 7 Application
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18 Aug 2011Raymund Macaalay
Making sense of the Correlation ID in SharePoint 2010.
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22 Aug 2011Tarun_Arora
TFS SDK: Work Item History Visualizer using TFS API
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7 Aug 2011Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to get rid of the XAML Design view inside Visual Studio IDE?
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12 Aug 2011George Mamaladze
Parallel Programing, PLINQ and Globalization
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30 Aug 2011jarvisa
"we cannot pass a Type as a function parameter" ???Yes we can. Just look at the parameter of Enum.GetValues for example._______Generic functions are unnecessary here. Just use Object.GetType to, um, get the type.private Enum GetNextEnum(object currentlySelectedEnum){ Type...
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23 Jun 2012Leland Richardson
How to dynamically create item templates on the server-side in ASP.NET.
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17 Aug 2011Ger Hayden
This is a working example of a BLOB column on a DataGridView for a Windows Form using C++/CLI where data is drawn from an XML document.
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3 Aug 2011Eric Lynch
Flexible CSV reader/writer with progress reporting and many file format variations.
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31 Jul 2011Keith Barrow 3 alternatives  
When running an ASP.NET application under 64-bit Win7/2008 you get jet 4.0 not registered error
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25 Aug 2011Mehdi Khalili
In this article we will cover some of the more advanced features of Fiddler.
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13 Aug 2011BWake
It is a bad idea to treat built-in types differently than programmer defined classes. If you delete a dynamically allocated array of a built-in type without the brackets the memory buffer may go away just fine. This is not guaranteed. The VS2008 runtime throws an exception. There is a...
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13 Aug 2011Vano Maisuradze
Very nice!I've modified ToCollection(this DataTable dt) extension function, so if DataTable column names and class property names are different, then you can use this alternative:public static List ToCollection(this DataTable table, Dictionary dic){ List lst = new...
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22 Aug 2011VallarasuS
Changing the BackGround of an UI Element based on MousePosition
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17 Aug 2011Gil Fink
This post will explain how to combine the video and canvas elements in order to create transparency inside a video during runtime using JavaScript.
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15 Aug 2011Caner Korkmaz 4 alternatives  
How to open the Internet browser from code.
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18 Aug 2011thatraja
Given below is code for opening the Internet browser programmatically in VB 6 and VB.NET.VB 6Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias _ "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, _ ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As...
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21 Aug 2011Daniel Gidman
Use of a CSS reset stylesheet is recommended more than something like this one off. Normalize the CSS across browsers. In general, it is better to add borders as the exception than it is to remove them from elements. There are many good CSS reset stylesheets and some like from the YUI Library...
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12 Aug 2011George Mamaladze
Why .NET LinkedList does not support Concat and Split operations?
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12 Aug 2011Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Read this post to know how to detect the browser information using the HtmlPage.BrowserInformation property.
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17 Aug 2011bmckuhen
How to get a quick list of all DBs using SMO
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13 Aug 2011Kenneth Kasajian
The powerful DoFixture() in FitLibrary simulates English like specification. The PhraseFixture proposal takes this to the next level.
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18 Aug 2011Vijay Rajanna
Recommender systems
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22 Aug 2011Tarun_Arora
TFS - Get latest vs get specific version
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30 Aug 2011Alexander Kouznetsov
A way to view, store and process logical expressions
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2 Aug 2011RichYards
I agree with this. However, typing all of the columns can be tedious! Now imagine you are working with a table with DOZENS of columns?! SELECT * FROM DENORMALIZEDTABLE1If you are using MS-SQL or writing a query in MS Visual Studio then there is a trick. You can: * write the select *...
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2 Aug 2011abdealinc
Download access driver from the connection string, replace "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" with "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0".
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26 Aug 2011Vijay Rajanna
In this post, you will read about an early bird's view of Windows 8 "Metro UI"
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25 Aug 2011Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Crop an object using Expression Blend
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1 Sep 2011spartacus23
Dynamic Unit Testing

Current Participants

Those with articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered.

Technical Lead
India India

Kunal Chowdhury is a former Microsoft "Windows Platform Development" MVP (Most Valuable Professional, 2010 - 2018), a Codeproject Mentor, Speaker in various Microsoft events, Author, passionate Blogger and a Senior Technical Lead by profession.

He is currently working in an MNC located in India. He has a very good skill over XAML, C#, Silverlight, Windows Phone, WPF and Windows app development. He posts his findings, articles, tutorials in his technical blog ( and CodeProject.

Books authored:

Connect with Kunal on:

India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Chief Technology Officer netrox (sc)
Russian Federation Russian Federation
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
India India
Brij is a 3-times Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET/IIS Category and a passionate .NET developer. More than 6 years of experience in IT field, currently serving a MNC as a Tech Lead/Architect.

He is a very passionate .NET developer and have expertise over Web technologies like ASP.NET 2.0/3.5/4.0, jQuery, JSON, Javascript, IIS and related technologies. He is also a Exchange Server (EWS) Specialist. He has great experience in design patterns and N-Tier Architecture.

He is also certified as Microsoft Certified Technologies Specialist-ASP.NET and Microsoft Certified Technologies Specialist-WCF in .NET 4.0. He has also received several awards at various forums and his various articles got listed as "Article of the day" at ASP.NET Microsoft Official Website

He has done MCA from NIT Durgapur and completed his graduation from Lucknow University.

Learning new technologies and sharing knowledge excites him most. Blogging, solving problems at various forums, helping people, keeps him busy entire day.

Visit his Blog: Code Wala

Area of Expertise :
C#, ASP.NET 2.0,3.5,4.0, AJAX, JQuery, JSON, XML, XSLT, ADO.Net, WCF, Active Directory, Exchange Server 2007 (EWS), Java script, Web Services ,Win services, DotnetNuke, WSS 3.0,Sharepoint Designer, SQL Server 2000/2005/2008
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Turkey Turkey
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Architect Stackify
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
Portugal Portugal
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
Eric is a Senior Software Engineer with 30+ years of experience working with enterprise systems, both in the US and internationally. Over the years, he’s worked for a number of Fortune 500 companies (current and past), including Thomson Reuters, Verizon, MCI WorldCom, Unidata Incorporated, Digital Equipment Corporation, and IBM. While working for Northeastern University, he received co-author credit for six papers published in the Journal of Chemical Physics. Currently, he’s enjoying a little time off to work on some of his own software projects, explore new technologies, travel, and write the occasional article for CodeProject or ContentLab.
United States United States
Object-oriented (OO) is about "classes" not "objects". But I truly believe that "objects" deserve more our attentions. If you agree, read more on... Dynamic Object Programming (DOP), Component-Based Object Extender (CBO Extender), AOP Container and Dynamic Decorator Pattern.

Mobile development is not just another type of front end. The real challenge is actually in the back end: How to present meaningful information in time to mobile users with exponentially increased data flooding around? Here is my first mobile solution: SmartBars - Barcode Reader, Price Comparison and Coupons.

Gary lives in southeast Michigan. My first programming language is FORTRAN. For the last a few years, I have primarily focused on .NET technologies with Mobile Development as my newest interest.
Software Developer
Germany Germany
Tweeter: @gmamaladze
Google+: gmamaladze
Software Developer
Ireland Ireland
My first program was written in Basic on a Sinclair Spectrum ZX 16K in the summer of '85. Having studied Computer Systems I attempted to break into the world of C but took a wrong turn and got immersed in COBOL!

I looked a C again in 1994 but didnt follow up on it. In 2001 I introduced myself to Visual C++ 6.0 courtesy of Ivor Hortons book, but found the going difficult. I tipped my toe in the .NET water in '05 but the first example I tried in VC++ 2005 express didnt work and allied with the absence of MFC in the express package, I parked that up.

Along the way my career got shunted into software testing

A personal machine change force me to migrate to VS2008 in 2008. The new edition of Ivor Hortons book for VC++ in VS2008 reintroduced me to .NET and I got curious whereupon I went out and acquired Stephen Fraser's "Pro Visual C++/CLI and
the .NET 3.5 Platform". I was hooked!

After 20 years I think I finally found my destination.

But it would take a further 8 years of exile before I was reappointed to a developer role. In that time I migrated to C# and used selenium wedriver (courtesy of Arun Motoori's Selenium By Arun) as the catalyst to finally grab the opportunity.
Technical Lead sparXys
Israel Israel
Gil Fink is a web development expert and ASP.Net/IIS Microsoft MVP. He is the founder and owner of sparXys. He is currently consulting for various enterprises and companies, where he helps to develop Web and RIA-based solutions. He conducts lectures and workshops for individuals and enterprises who want to specialize in infrastructure and web development. He is also co-author of several Microsoft Official Courses (MOCs) and training kits, co-author of "Pro Single Page Application Development" book (Apress) and the founder of Front-End.IL Meetup. You can read his publications at his website:
United Kingdom United Kingdom
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
Bulgaria Bulgaria
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Systems Engineer
Colombia Colombia
Systems Engineer. Computer Scientist. Data Development Consultant currently supporting on mission critical systems. Current academic researcher for application of Numerical Analysis and Genetic Algorithms on Data Mining techniques for Cloud Computing's Database As A Service (DaaS) in Computational Physics area.
Software Developer (Senior)
New Zealand New Zealand
I’ve been writing software in a variety of languages and platforms since 1990.
Software Developer (Senior)
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I Graduated in Natural Sciences (Chemistry & Physics) from Durham University, where I did not cover myself with glory, but did fill, and often cover, myself with beer.

I qualified as a secondary school teacher, but I hated teaching. I worked as an IT techhie for a few years but kept being promoted to IT Trainer, thanks to my teaching experience, which I also disliked. I spent some time working out what else I could do instead and reduced beer intake.

I realised that I should work as a programmer, having enjoyed it a hobby since I was a nipper in the halcyon days of the Sinclair Spectrum (48k, Rubber Keyboard). Spent two weeks working out why I didn't think of this to start with, instead of starting my dull-as-ditch-water Chemistry degree 8 years earlier. Had a beer to celebrate.

I Graduated in 2001 with an MSc from Newcastle Uni in Comp Sci. Did cover myself with glory, and drank some beer.

.Netting ever since, and loving it. Though I have largely given up beer due to not being able to hack the pace like I used to.

I was born, brought up, and have lived most of my life near Newcastle. In a fit of temporary insanity I moved to Amman, in my wife's homeland of Jordan, but made it back safely to the UK without any extra holes being made in my person by bullets. To be fair it was pretty safe at the time, if you ignored the roads.

Visit Jordan if you can by the way, the landscape is beautiful and varied, the food excellent and the people the friendliest on earth, after Geordies naturally Smile | :) .
United States United States
My interests mostly revolve around making machines do work for people. I'm a computer programmer, software architect, development manager, program manager and a computer programmer. I said programmer twice because I believe you need to be able to do the work yourself if you're going to direct others. I started my career creating software for abstract art, followed by work in embedded systems and HMI. In the 90s I created a successful product called Visual DLL and helped develop the Sales Force Automation product, Arsenal. I've often been involved in online communities, creating games, utilities, and collaboration software. I'm passionate about agile requirements management, acceptance testing through executable specification, and anything that will make developers more productive. My current role is Principal Scientist where I get to work on different technologies with an awesome team, to solve real-world practical problems. I'm Armenian, so talking is in my nature -- if you see me online or offline, say hi and we'll geek out about the latest tools and libraries. If you learned something cool recently (and you should if you're a lifelong learner), then I'd like to hear about it.
United States United States
My name is Leland Richardson. I love learning. At the time of writing this I am 23 years old and live in Houston, TX. I was born in West Palm Beach, Florida, grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, and went to school in Houston, Texas at Rice University.

At Rice I received two degrees: one in Physics and one in Mathematics. I love both. I never received any formal education on Computer Science, however, you will find that most of this blog will be about programming and web development. Nevertheless, I think being a good programmer is about being good at learning, and thinking logically about how to solve problems - of which I think my educational background has more than covered.

Since high-school, I had found that the easiest way to make money was by programming. Programming started off as a hobby and small interest, and slowly grew into a passion.

I have recently started working on a new startup here in Houston, TX. I wont bore you with the details of that just yet, but I am very excited about it and I think we can do big things. We plan to launch our project this year at SXSW 2013. What I will say for now, is that we would like to create a company of talented software developers who are similarly ambitious and want to create cool stuff (and have fun doing it).
Technical Lead Air Liquide Industrial Services (Singapore)
Singapore Singapore
My passion lies in building business intelligence and data-based solutions, writing about things I work with and talking about it. New technologies relevant to my line of work interest me and I am often seen playing with early releases of such technologies.

My current role involves architecting and building a variety of data solutions, providing database maintenance and administration support, building the organization’s data practice, and training and mentoring peers.

My aspiration over the next several years is to achieve higher competency and recognition in the field of Data Analytics and move into a career of data science.

Specialities: SQL Server, T-SQL Development, SQL Server Administration, SSRS, SSIS, C#, ASP.Net, Crystal Reports
Chief Technology Officer Genie solutions
Australia Australia
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Netherlands Netherlands
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
France France
I'm coding in .Net since 9 years, most with ASP.Net and SharePoint and a little using WPF, MVC, Windows Phone 8 and WinRT technology.
I have learned so much reading others experience and tutorials, or tips so I try to do the same, keeping learning from others of course.
You can also find my blog here :
Architect Connect In Private
Singapore Singapore
Software Architect, COM, .NET and Smartcard based security specialist.

I've been working in the software industry since I graduated in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I chose software because I preferred digital to analog.

I started to program with 6802 machine code and evolved to the current .NET technologies... that was a long way.

For more than 20 years I have always worked in technical positions as I simply like to get my hands dirty and crack my brain when things don't go right!

After 12 years in the smart card industry I can claim a strong knowledge in security solutions based on those really small computers!
I've been back into business to design the licensing system for the enterprise solution for Consistel using a .NET smart card (yes they can run .NET CLR!)

I'm currently designing a micro-payment solution using the NXP DESFire EV1 with the ACSO6 SAM of ACS. I can then add a full proficient expertise on those systems and NFC payments.
This technology being under strict NDA by NXP I cannot publish any related article about it, however I can provide professional consulting for it.

You can contact me for professional matter by using the forum or via my LinkedIn profile.
United Kingdom United Kingdom
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Founder Pixel Analytics Ltd.
United Kingdom United Kingdom
My expertise is concentrated on image processing and analysis; I've been doing it most of my working life. Now I offer consultancy through my own company, as well as developing software products.
Software Developer HP Microsystems
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Technical Lead
New Zealand New Zealand
Switzerland Switzerland
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer
Israel Israel
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
Italy Italy
My name is Idalgo Cantelli. I'm a software developer skilled in .Net technologies. I work with .Net since February, 2002. I also have a strong experience as a technical trainer, having taught in more than thirty classroom courses. I'm MCTS and MCPD-EAD on .Net 2.0, planning an upgrade to 3.5.
Software Developer (Senior) Avanade
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Solution Developer - C# .NET, ALM

Tarun Arora is a Microsoft Certified professional developer for Enterprise Applications. He has over 5 years of experience developing 'Energy Trading & Risk Management' solutions using Microsoft Technologies. Tarun has great passion for technology and travel (not necessarily in the same order)!
Team Leader
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
India India
He used to have biography here Smile | :) , but now he will hire someone (for free offcourse Big Grin | :-D ), Who writes his biography on his behalf Smile | :)

He is Great Fan of Mr. Johan Rosengren (his idol),Lim Bio Liong, Nishant S and DavidCrow and Believes that, he will EXCEL in his life by following there steps!!!

He started with Visual C++ then moved to C# then he become language agnostic, you give him task,tell him the language or platform, he we start immediately, if he knows the language otherwise he quickly learn it and start contributing productively

Last but not the least, For good 8 years he was Visual CPP MSMVP!
Technical Lead
India India
I code, learn, read and listen.
Georgia Georgia
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
India India
I am Vijay hailing from Bangalore, the silicon valley of India. I posses extensive expertise working in mobility domain. I have a natural propensity for "Research and Innovation".

My areas of interest include Pervasive computing, Cognitive sensors, HCI, and Multimedia. Being strongly resolute with an everlasting fervor for learning, over the years I have learnt to come out of comfort zone to experiment with state of the art technologies and to contribute to developer community.

I blog about innovations and latest technologies from mobility domain, about development environments and programming languages across different platforms.

Blog : Amusement of a speculative mind...[^]
Projects : Amusement of a dilettante mind...[^]
LinkedIn : Vijay D R [^]
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
My professional carrier started in 1997. I have broad range of interests including database and web development, compiler tools and technologies. I am experienced in C++, C#/F# and Java. I am watching mobile development with great attention.
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This contest has ended.
1 Aug - 31 Aug 2011