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C# May 2004

Contribute to CodeProject and you'll automatically be in the running for a monthly prize!

Each month at CodeProject we gather together the best of the articles submitted the previous month and ask our readers to choose the best of the best. Entry is automatic - just submit you articke and we'll do the rest.

Check out the submission guidelines for information on posting articles.

Current Entries

Articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered. The top 50 entries are shown.

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6 Oct 2005Mathew Hall
A fully customizable Windows XP style Explorer Bar that supports Windows XP themes and animated expand/collapse with transparency.
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26 May 2004mohammed barqawi
A VS.NET add-in to know the content of the any dataset during debugging.
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5 Aug 2004Jasmin Muharemovic
An article about optimization and performance testing of MS SQL Server 2000 stored procedures used for paging of large resultsets in ASP.NET
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7 Feb 2011Matt Sollars
An article on automatically switching between HTTP and HTTPS protocols without hard-coding absolute URLs
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13 May 2004Rob Kayman
Monitors Windows Services for changes in state using well known design patterns.
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7 May 2004ro_angel_bv
A program that analyzes a transport stream.
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10 Jun 2004Michael Potter
A reusable difference engine written in C#.
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30 Apr 2004Will Senn
A revival of the CLI for .NET development.
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28 Jun 2004Christian Graus
A discussion of the HSL color space, including code for a color picker and image filters
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27 Nov 2006Joshua Flanagan
How to dynamically generate an icon in a restricted security zone, as with "No touch deployment" WinForms.
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20 Jun 2004Tom Gaskins
Overview of using the OpenGIS Web Mapping Service to retrieve maps from the web
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16 May 2004angus_grant
Article outlining methods for communicating between VB6, VB.NET, and C# apps using Window Messaging.
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18 May 2005Fadrian Sudaman
A simple and easy class that draws the standard ComboBox as flat control.
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13 May 2004Rob Kayman
Manage the state of Oracle services to conserve resources -- just like Microsoft SQL Server Service Manager.
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14 Jun 2004Ivan L
This article explores a way of implementing Named Pipes based Inter-Process Communication between .NET applications
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8 May 2004Marc Clifton
A demonstration of using MyXaml to consume a web service.
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27 May 2004Roman Kiss
The DIME Bridge transferring a web service response (any serializable object) in the binary format across the Internet. It's a full transparent loosely coupled solution between the web service and its consumer - just injecting the bridge in their config files.
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10 Jun 2004Daniel Zaharia
Article on a simple report builder.
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14 Feb 2005Dewey Vozel
Class that wraps CreateProcessWithLogonW as well as a simple control that makes use of the RunAs class.
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30 Mar 2006AdamSlosarski
An article on a performance testing tool to test an application against its performance
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25 May 2004Mr Smiley
A control to replicate behaviour and appearance of an audio mixing console fader/slider.
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14 Jun 2004Ivan L
This article explores a way of implementing Named Pipes based Inter-Process Communication between .NET applications
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9 Nov 2004Jay Nelson
Visual Studio .NET Add-in allowing XML style comments in Managed C++ applications.
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16 May 2004Jonathan de Halleux
A new way of building test fixtures by taking advantage of interface compositions
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30 May 2004Taha Elsayed
Control electrical appliances using PC.
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6 May 2004Omar Al Zabir
A handy utility for laptop users which stores network and proxy configuration as profiles and apply a profile very quickly whenever laptop goes to a different network
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9 May 2004Tim Schwallie
A brief review of ways to make popups in ASP.NET.
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12 May 2004Matt Hawley
Drag and Drop list items within list views or to other list views without manual intervention.
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16 May 2004ManiB
A C++ class library with functions like GetKey(), SetCursor(), Cls() ... for use in C# console applications
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27 May 2004TylerBrinks
Group ListView items by any column, XP style.
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10 May 2004r. Hack
In this article, I describe how you can create an image that will change to another if it is selected in Internet Explorer.
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2 May 2004Manalee software
Use all events of scrollbars in a panel with Autoscroll=true
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30 Apr 2004Alan Zhao
An attractive and fancier ProgressBar.
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2 May 2004Paul Watson
Use XSL to transform your XML content out to your ASPX page with this simple control
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3 May 2004A.Z. Rosenberg
Part 2 of 3 part series. Examines MVC pattern, UIPAB essentials and architecture; refactoring demo using UIPAB
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4 May 2004Per R. Anderson
This article shows how to parse Assembly "strong name keyfiles" generated with sn.exe
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19 May 2004Tim Kohler
How to send and receive files, enumerate directories and subdirectories remotely on demand, send server commands through FTP control port.
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23 May 2004tgueth
How to drag-and-drop a file attached to an e-mail message to another program
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2 May 2004jconwell
Shows how to create a custom scrolling label control with GDI+ and proper double buffering
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14 Jun 2004Willem Fourie
Zip up a Visual Studio solution, project(s), or all selected project items directly from the Visual Studio Solution Explorer window.
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24 May 2004bne
Digital DHTML clock that displays a .NET DateTimeFormatInfo Format Pattern.
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20 May 2004Martin Friedrich
This article demonstrates a simple but flexible way to read XML content without DOM
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25 May 2004Vagif Abilov
This article discusses how to customize assignment of version numbers to .NET assemblies to fit specific requirements of the development team.
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14 Jun 2004BenoitM
A Puzzle Bobble (aka Bust-A-Move) clone for Pocket PC using the .NET compact framework
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6 May 2004Alberto Venditti
This demo shows you how to develop .NET components capable of participating in distributed transactions coordinated by .NET Enterprise Services
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18 May 2004yvdh
Evolution of an image annotation control after its use for image processing.
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7 May 2004Xinjie ZHANG
Some animated effects may make your application more attractive.

Current Participants

Those with articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered.

South Africa South Africa
Bring power to the people - evangelizing Patterns and Practices in Africa.
Web Developer
Poland Poland
Born in Poland, living there as employeed developer, in free time writing much .net stuff and designing applications.
Web Developer
United States United States
Hi, my name is Alan Zhao. I live in Glens Falls, NY. Say hi to me if you see me one day.

also visit me at - Make your long URLs easy to read, remember and reuse.
Technical Lead
Italy Italy
I was born in 1970.

My first computer experience dates back to early 80s, with a Sinclair ZX81.
From that time on, as many "friends" say, my IT-illness has increased year by year.

I graduated in Electronic Engineering and earned the following Microsoft certifications:
MCP, MCT, MCDBA, MCSD, MCAD, MCSD for .NET (early achiever).

I worked in IT as a developer, a teacher, a consultant, a technical writer, a technical leader.
IT knowledge applied to real life is my primary interest and focus.
Web Developer
Australia Australia
Located in sunny Brisbane Australia, was working for three years in Internet company (ASP website and Exchange 5.5 programming mainly), and have moved on to a bankruptcy and insolvency company.

Working on in-house VB6/SQL Server 2000 application, VB.NET/SQL 2000 apps, C#/SQL 2000 app's and company's ASP/SQL 2000 website (blah, ASP is so yucky now I've used ASP.NET).

Personally working on C# / GDI+ RPG game and some other websites soon to be released.
Instructor / Trainer
France France
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
United Kingdom United Kingdom
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
Australia Australia
Programming computers ( self taught ) since about 1984 when I bought my first Apple ][. Was working on a GUI library to interface Win32 to Python, and writing graphics filters in my spare time, and then building n-tiered apps using asp, atl and in my job at Dytech. After 4 years there, I've started working from home, at first for Code Project and now for a vet telemedicine company. I owned part of a company that sells client education software in the vet market, but we sold that and I worked for the owners for five years before leaving to get away from the travel, and spend more time with my family. I now work for a company here in Hobart, doing all sorts of Microsoft based stuff in C++ and C#, with a lot of T-SQL in the mix.
Technical Lead
Scotland Scotland
Have been a Code Project MVP 5 years running and was Microsoft C# MVP 4 years running, MBCS, MIAP and a whole bunch of other stuff. Now I just help run Scottish Developers which is a user group with software development events in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee and I have also started an open source project to help with Password Validation

Main topics I blog about:
* Parallelization in .NET
* Code Quality
* Data Security
Web Developer
Romania Romania
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Architect SMS Management and Technology
Australia Australia
Fadrian Sudaman is an experienced IT professional who has worked with .NET technology since the early beta. His background stems from a strong C/C++ development experience in building large commercial applications and great appreciation for best practice and modern approaches for building quality software. Currently, Fadrian works as a senior consultant specialises in .NET technology involved in variety of roles including project management, solution architecture, presales and application development. Fadrian is also completing his PhD part time at Monash University, Australia.
Web Developer
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Ivan Latunov is a Software Architect with long term commercial experience in the areas of software architecture and engineering, design and development of web and distributed applications and business and technical analysis. Technical blog. Website:
Software Developer Mono Ltd
Croatia Croatia
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Architect Omron Adept Technologies, Inc
United States United States
I have been developing software professionaly since 1991 writing software in automation and manufacturing environments. For 14 years I worked for companies that built custom robotic automated equipment for the semiconductor, telecommunications, and other industies. Presently, I work for a company that manufacturers industrial robots where I write high level coordination and control software.

My undergraduate degrees are in Mathematics and Philosopy. My graduate degree is in Management Information Systems. I am MCSD certified in Visual C++ 6.0 and MCSD.NET certified in C#. I am also have the PMI-ACP certification.

I enjoy karate and reading.
United States United States
I have been a professional developer since 1996. My experience comes from many different industries; Data Mining Software, Consulting, E-Commerce, Wholesale Operations, Clinical Software, Insurance, Energy.

I started programming in the military, trying to find better ways to analyze database data, eventually automating my entire job. Later, in college, I automated my way out of another job. This gave me the great idea to switch majors to the only thing that seemed natural…Programming!
United States United States
Jonathan de Halleux is Civil Engineer in Applied Mathematics. He finished his PhD in 2004 in the rainy country of Belgium. After 2 years in the Common Language Runtime (i.e. .net), he is now working at Microsoft Research on Pex (
Web Developer
United States United States
I have been writing code for over 10 years now and still can't seem to kick the habit. When I'm not haunted by visions of bitshift operators and curly braces in my head, I like to read comic books and play with my little girl.
Web Developer
France France
Professional in software industry, Olivier Carpentier works in Manalee corporation. Manalee has developed software for RichMedia applications like SMOX Editor, a design software for streaming presentations.
Web Developer
Germany Germany
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Architect Interacx
United States United States
Home Page:

All my life I have been passionate about architecture / software design, as this is the cornerstone to a maintainable and extensible application. As such, I have enjoyed exploring some crazy ideas and discovering that they are not so crazy after all. I also love writing about my ideas and seeing the community response. As a consultant, I've enjoyed working in a wide range of industries such as aerospace, boatyard management, remote sensing, emergency services / data management, and casino operations. I've done a variety of pro-bono work non-profit organizations related to nature conservancy, drug recovery and women's health.
Web Developer
Germany Germany

Still lacking an university degree in computer science, I have 20 years of experience in software development and implementation. Having expert knowledge in object-oriented programming languages like C++, Java and C# on Windows, LINUX and UNIX platforms, I participated in multiple research projects at the University of Oldenburg. During these assignments, I was trusted with implementation of a graphical editor for specification languages like CSP or Z and a prototypical tool for workflow data distribution and analysis. I gained experiences in a widespread spectrum of CS and software development topics, ranging from compiler construction across data base programming to MDA. My research interests include questions of graphical user interface design and component-based systems.

I consider myself an old-school CS geek. While I admit that simple tasks do not pose much of a problem and can be done in quick and efficient manner, it's the challenging ones that appeal to me. If you are looking for a skillful employee - be it on a permanent, contract or freelance basis - and if you can live with a lacking university degree, why not contacting me?

Web Developer
Australia Australia
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
United States United States
I began programming on my Commodore 64 at around the age of 12. After migrating to DOS and then Windows, I decided to take on the Web. Several languages and platforms later, I have settled in with .NET nicely. I am currently the owner of a software consulting company and lead application developer for a learning-based technology consultation company.

The love of a finished application is usually at war with the desire to improve it as soon as it's released (they're never really finished).
Chief Technology Officer
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
Jordan Jordan
web developer
email : mohammed.barqawi AT
Web Developer
Australia Australia
Tim is one of the two co-founding Directors of web design and development company Reality Edge Media. He maintains an active interest in understanding new technologies while trying to solve the worlds big problems. Tim's current favourite technologies include C#, PHP and MySQL. He specialises in web security, systems architecture and design and database development.
United States United States
Nish Nishant is a technology enthusiast from Columbus, Ohio. He has over 20 years of software industry experience in various roles including Chief Technology Officer, Senior Solution Architect, Lead Software Architect, Principal Software Engineer, and Engineering/Architecture Team Leader. Nish is a 14-time recipient of the Microsoft Visual C++ MVP Award.

Nish authored C++/CLI in Action for Manning Publications in 2005, and co-authored Extending MFC Applications with the .NET Framework for Addison Wesley in 2003. In addition, he has over 140 published technology articles on and another 250+ blog articles on his WordPress blog. Nish is experienced in technology leadership, solution architecture, software architecture, cloud development (AWS and Azure), REST services, software engineering best practices, CI/CD, mentoring, and directing all stages of software development.

Nish's Technology Blog :
Architect BT, UK (ex British Telecom)
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Web Developer Caliber AI
South Africa South Africa
My name is Paul Watson and I have been a professional web-developer since 1997. I live and work remotely from Cape Town, South Africa.

I have many years of experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and Ruby on Rails. I am capable in Python and Machine Learning too.

Currently I am the CTO of CaliberAI. Formerly I worked with Kinzen (CTO & co-founder), Storyful (CTO, acquired by News Corp), FeedHenry (co-founder, acquired by Red Hat), and ChangeX.

Now that you know a bit about me why not say hello.
Web Developer
United States United States
Per Anderson is the founder of Sunfrog Technologies LLC, .
Web Developer
Austria Austria
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
Malaysia Malaysia
Dumitru Bogdan - alias Angel

Born 1980 , Brasov , Romania

Final year student at Transilvania University of Brasov , Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science , Department of Electronics & Computers

Programming : Visual C++ , Visual Fox Pro , Assembler & later , C#

Motto : "Nothing Last Forever" , and software is no exception
United States United States
Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote: "In battle, I believe plans are useless; however, planning is indespensable."

Hmm, perhaps he was an early adopter of agile beliefs?! Wink | ;-)
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
President Binary Star Technology, Inc
United States United States
have programmed since 1969, back in the good old days. Remember when C was first announced to the world and the how so much better it was over existing computer languages.

Know most languages but enjoy low-level and database programming most. Doing most of my work in C#, an absolutely great language.
Chief Technology Officer
United States United States
Working to keep a technology company up to date. Wondering when Microsoft will hire a fresh, innovative guy to run the company.
Team Leader
United States United States
A biography in this little spot...sure.
I've worked at GTE HawaiianTel. I've worked at Nuclear Plants. I've worked at Abbott Labs. I've consulted to Ameritech Cellular. I've consulted to Zurich North America. I've consulted to International Truck and Engine. Right now, I've consulted to Wachovia Securities to help with various projects. I've been to SHCDirect and now at Cision.

During this time, I've used all kinds of tools of the trade. Keeping it to the more familier tools, I've used VB3 to VB.NET, ASP to ASP/JAVASCRIPT/XML to ASP.NET. Currently, I'm developing with C# and ASP.NET. I built reports in Access, Excel, Crystal Reports, and Business Objects (including the Universes and ETLS). Been a DBA on SQL Server 4.2 to 2000 and a DBA for Oracle. I've built OLTP databases and DataMarts. Heck, I've even done Documentum. I've been lucky to have created software for the single user to thousands of concurrent users.

I consider myself fortunate to have met many different people and worked in many environments. It's through these experiences I've learned the most.
Web Developer
United States United States
Tom Gaskins is an independent software consultant currently providing technical assistance and software project management to NASA's Learning Technologies Office. The creation of this article was sponsored by NASA.
Web Developer PageLabs
United States United States
I'm the founder of PageLabs, a web-based performance and SEO optimization site.

Give your site a boost in performance, even take a free speed test!
Architect Miles AS
Norway Norway
Vagif Abilov is a Russian/Norwegian software developer and architect working for Miles. He has more than twenty years of programming experience that includes various programming languages, currently using mostly C# and F#.

Vagif writes articles and speaks at user group sessions and conferences. He is a contributor and maintainer of several open source projects, including Simple.Data OData adapter, Simple.OData.Client and MongOData.
Instructor / Trainer Tarleton State University
United States United States
Will Currently serves as Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems. Previously he led research, development and product delivery efforts on a global scale. He has a long career as a software architect and developer and enjoys programming in any language on any platform for any good purpose.
Web Developer
South Africa South Africa
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer
China China
Xinjie ZHANG is a mobile solution developer. His expertise includes .NET/.NET CE Framework, ATL/WTL/MFC, J2ME, Hibernate+Spring Framework, Symbian SDK etc. Welcome to his XrossOne Studio.
Software Developer (Senior)
Belgium Belgium
Physicist, Biomedical Engineer, Phd in engineering. Specific expertise is in medical photography and it's related image processing, and in colourimetry.
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This contest has ended.
1 May - 1 Jun 2004