In the below code sample, a base class constructor was called, with an object created in the argument list. I need to dispose the object created in the argument list. Sample code below
//base class constructor
public Class1(String str, Dbcontext dbcontext)
this.str = str;
this.dbcontext = dbcontext;
//derived class
public Class2(String str, Dbcontext dbcontext):base("xxx", new YYYEntities)
Please share your thoughts to dispose the highlighted object created.
The GC will do it.
Any particular reasons why you're asking, or just curious?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
Not your job. If you didn't create it, don't destroy it. If you didn't open it, don't close it. If you didn't set it, don't clear it.
You'll never get very far if all you do is follow instructions.
I am able to create a XML file like this:
With the following code:
XmlTextWriter textWriter = new XmlTextWriter("C:\\XML files\\API_PASS.xml", null);
textWriter.WriteStartElement("Name", "");
textWriter.WriteStartElement("Address", ""); textWriter.WriteString("Colony");
char[] ch = new char[3];
ch[0] = 'a';
ch[1] = 'r';
ch[2] = 'c';
textWriter.WriteChars(ch, 0, ch.Length);
*) But I was required to add some more detail for the first element (keep the last line as it is), for example:
-<testsuite errors="0">
I tried to add in the:
textWriter.WriteStartElement("testsuite errors=\"0\");
but it shows nothing in the xml file
Anyone can help?
You don't need to write another element, but an attribute[^] inside that element.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
code snippet for adding attribute in xml:
xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("errors", "0");
Hi all, is it possible to write to a file using a StreamWriter object while the file is open. What I'm trying to do is create a webpage for personal use that will serve as a webpage editor. In this page there will be an iframe, 2 text boxes and a button which will be used to specify which page element to modify.
In the iframe of this page I want to be able to open any webpage in my domain. Then I want to be able to modify things on the page inside the iframe such as text and images. I'm planning to read the code and markup of the page being displayed in the iframe using a StreamReader object, and modify it using a StreamWriter object while it's still open.
Is this doable? Please comment, thanks in advance.
modified 17-May-14 4:56am.
I need to create a usercontrol containing a listbox and a scrollbar in order to be able to skin the scrollbar.
Unfortunately, I have to recode all listbox's methods if I want my usercontrol to have the same behavior as a classical Listbox...
Is there a better way to reach all the listbox's methods without recoding them all ?
Thanks in advance, that'll be very usefull
Why would you want to do this in the first place? And why do you think you will have to recode all the ListBox's methods? Isn't that why OOP includes inheritance?
Don't think he can inherit - sound like he is encapsulating the Listbox and a Scrollbar, so he can't inherit directly from the ListBox. Which means he has to provide pass-through methods or expose the ListBox directly - which he doesn't want to do.
Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it. --- George Santayana (December 16, 1863 – September 26, 1952)
Those who fail to clear history are doomed to explain it. --- OriginalGriff (February 24, 1959 – ∞)
If you want to access events of listbox in usercontrol without extra effort, not possible.
If you want to access properties of listbox, create a property in Userclass.
public ListBox listBox
get { return listBox1; }
and you need to define all required events;
public event EventHandler ListBoxClick
add { listBox1.Click += value; }
remove { listBox1.Click -= value; }
Tim Toady Bicarbonate
modified 17-May-14 17:04pm.
Learn WPF. This is EXACTLY what its intended for. ZERO C# to skin a control and its scrollbars.
Thanks for all four replies
I came to the evidence that I need to learn WPF
I have used SPY to find the intended Child window and used those DllImport("user32", ... as indicated in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163738.aspx#S3, but it doesn't work with the following codes:
WindowsEnumerator enumerator = new WindowsEnumerator();
foreach (WindowsEnumerator.ApiWindow top in enumerator.GetTopLevelWindows())
if (top.MainWindowTitle == "Client Builder")
foreach (WindowsEnumerator.ApiWindow child in enumerator.GetChildWindows(top.hWnd))
if (child.ClassName == "Child_ClassName" && child.MainWindowTitle == "Child_Title")
IntPtr Chd_win = IntPtr.Zero;
Chd_win = FindWindowEx(hwnd, Chd_win, child.ClassName, child.MainWindowTitle);
PostMessage(Chd_win, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 5, 5);
PostMessage(Chd_win, WM_LBUTTONUP, 5, 5);
MessageBox.Show(child.ClassName + ", " + child.MainWindowTitle, "");
*) The Child Window pointer Chd_win always returns Zero even if it found the correct child.MainWindowTitle & child.ClassName (it confirms with the MessageBox.Show(child.ClassName + ", " + child.MainWindowTitle, "")
*) I can send the image with the SPY shows Child Window with the GUI if you provide the Email address (for easier to understand my problem)
Thanks in-advanced
Can you explain how your code operates, that is, what do you think it does.
I have
1) Enumerate all top level windows and select one by title
2) Enumerate the 1st level of child windows and select one by class name and title
3) ???
What is that FindWindowEx call doing? The assignment of the hwnd argument is unclear (typo?) but as configured FindWindowEx is searching for the first child of 'hwnd' with the same classname and title as the child window found by the GetChildWindows enumerator. If the call is successful what is the relationship of the window found to the selected child window found by the enumerator?
- The function FindWindowEx(hwnd, Chd_win, child.ClassName, child.MainWindowTitle); supposed to return the Child Window pointer (Chd_win) which referent from child.ClassName & child.MainWindowTitle (from Parent Window = hwnd pointer)
- In my case I do have correct hwnd pointer (parent) and its child.ClassName & child.MainWindowTitle also correctly ... however, somehow it couldn't find Child Window pointer = Chd_win!!!
I hope that I explain correctly!
I was trying to understand why you were calling FindWindowEx but I'm still not sure.
Are you saying that the GetChildWindows method can create an ApiWindow object where the ClassName and MainWindowTitle properties have the expected values but the hWnd property value is IntPtr.Zero.
By any chance I can send you a image which show you what my Window parent & Child looks like (including SPY contents) through your Email?
I also can send you my project so that you can see full DLL Imports
- It will easy to understand the issue!
No thanks to the email option. I'm still trying to find out why FindWindowEx is being used. In the code fragment the child window enumerator returns the ApiWindow 'child' from which you get ClassName and MainWindowTitle. Why did you not use child.hWnd to get the required handle for use in PostMessage?
foreach (WindowsEnumerator.ApiWindow child in enumerator.GetChildWindows(top.hWnd))
if (child.ClassName == "Child_ClassName" && child.MainWindowTitle == "Child_Title")
IntPtr Chd_win = IntPtr.Zero;
Chd_win = FindWindowEx(hwnd, Chd_win, child.ClassName, child.MainWindowTitle);
PostMessage(Chd_win, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 5, 5);
PostMessage(Chd_win, WM_LBUTTONUP, 5, 5);
MessageBox.Show(child.ClassName + ", " + child.MainWindowTitle, "");
The reason is that the PostMessage require the Pointer of the Child Window (not the handle) to place the focus on that Child Window then simulate clicking on the its intended Button (that what I understand from it)
*) My main purpose is trying to simulate clicking on intended Button (not using mouse) on a Child Window ... I don't mind to use other methods (but so far on the other methods which I found, they couldn't help)
- By the way, I have just replied my own post to mentionned that the code posted working fine if the Child Window is 2nd level from the Parent Window ... in my case the intended Child Window is lower than that ... so I still looking the way to go ditectly to it!
modified 19-May-14 12:55pm.
It's me again.
I would like to confirm that the codes which I posted working fine if the Child Window is the 2nd level from the Parent!
*) As I did mentionned earlier (since I couldn't post the attachment) my intended Child Window is deep down more than 2nd level ... might be that was why I couldn't use it directly!!!
I still find the better way to do it!!!
simple authorized user logged in application sample which compiled with in c# needed.... c# 10 preferred.. Please help with ur links.
Google will find you many samples.
Sorry!.. No any sample found at Google!.. Might i pleased that from you? any link you post with deal question?