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QuestionExcel to XML conversion Pin
priyaahh5-Jul-10 18:49
priyaahh5-Jul-10 18:49 
AnswerRe: Excel to XML conversion Pin
evd4610-Aug-10 20:13
evd4610-Aug-10 20:13 
Hi Priya,

I'm developping a website for an befriended artist. I've put her concerts and repertoire in two Excel files - easy for her to update - and added one single macro to them that runs several tasks in a row:
- sort the data
- search for duplicates
- rename the files with a date-code (YYMMDD) in the name, what helps for backing-up the data
- convert the data first into XML-format and then into an HTML-table that can be forwarded to people who might be interested in printing the data
- open an form in IE that uploads the files in XML and HTML-formats directly to the server of her website.
As far as I'm aware, I didn't encounter your type of problem.

For your info and hopefully your help, I add the lengthy code hereunder:

Option Explicit
Sub Sort_and_Eliminate_doubles_and_Send()
'   This macro is written by Erik van Dyck
    Dim OldFn, ShortFn As String, NewFn As String, FnRoot As String, DirDest As String, FN As String
    Dim rownumber As Integer, colnumber As Integer, n As Integer
    Dim MailAd As Variant, RRange As Variant
    Dim fso As Object

'   Hide screen
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'   Stop "EnableEvents" while making automatic changes
    Application.EnableEvents = False

Remplacer_symboles_par_caractères 'remplace "Œ" par "OE", "..." par "etc.", "œ" par "oe"

' Sort
    Range("A1").Select 'Select top left corner
    Selection.End(xlDown).Select 'Search bottom row
    rownumber = ActiveCell.Row 'Remember bottom row
    'MsgBox "Bottom row = " & rownumber

    Selection.End(xlToRight).Select 'Search most right column
    colnumber = ActiveCell.Column
    'MsgBox "Most right column = " & colnumber

    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rownumber, colnumber)).Sort _
        Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, _
        Key2:=Range("B2"), Order2:=xlAscending, _
        Key3:=Range("C2"), Order3:=xlAscending, _
        Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
        DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, DataOption2:=xlSortNormal
' Identify doubles
    n = 2
    While Range("A" & n) <> ""
        Range("A" & n).Select
        If (LCase(Range("A" & n) & Range("B" & n) & Range("C" & n) & Range("D" & n) & Range("E" & n)) = LCase(Range("A" & n - 1) & Range("B" & n - 1) & Range("C" & n - 1) & Range("D" & n - 1) & Range("E" & n - 1))) Then
            rownumber = ActiveCell.Row
            RRange = "A" & rownumber & ""
            Rows(rownumber & ":" & rownumber).Select
            Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
            MsgBox "Un double est à éliminer à la rangée " & rownumber & "."
         End If
         n = n + 1

' Copy without date in name to "My Data Sources"
    OldFn = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    FnRoot = Left(OldFn, Len(OldFn) - 11)
    ShortFn = FnRoot & ".xls"
    NewFn = FnRoot & "_" & Format(Date, "yymmdd") & ".xls" ': MsgBox "L'ancien fichier s'appelait " & OldFn & ", la racine en est " & ShortFn & " et le nouveau fichier s'appellera " & NewFn

'    MsgBox "Votre ordinateur s'appelle " & """" & Application.UserName & """."
    If Application.UserName = "Erik" Then
        DirDest = "D:\Web\Ulrike\"
        MailAd = Array("")
    End If
    If Application.UserName <> "Erik" Then
        DirDest = "C:\Documents and Settings\les amoureux\mes documents\mes kikis docs\mon site\tableau concerts\"
'        DirDest = "C:\"
        MailAd = Array("")
    End If

'   Re-enable "EnableEvents" after the automatic actions above
    Application.EnableEvents = True

'   Save updates XLS-file
    On Error Resume Next
    MkDir DirDest & "Docs\"
    FN = DirDest & "docs\" & NewFn

    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=FN, ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, AddToMru:=True

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

'   Send file by email
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSendMail).Show MailAd

    FN = FnRoot & ".XML"
    Make_XML DirDest, FN
    FN = FnRoot & ".HTML"
    Make_HTML DirDest, FN

'   Prepare uploading
    MsgBox "Téléchargez en un coup" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & """" & FnRoot & ".XML""" & "  et" & Chr(10) & """" & FnRoot & ".HTML""" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "qui se trouvent tous les deux à  """ & DirDest & """"
    Open_IE DirDest, FN 'for uploading of XML- and HTML-file
'   Move files to appropriate directories
    If Application.UserName = "Erik" Then
        Kill DirDest & "XML\" & FnRoot & ".XML"
        Name DirDest & FnRoot & ".XML" As DirDest & "XML\" & FnRoot & ".XML"
        Kill DirDest & "Docs\" & FnRoot & ".HTML"
        Name DirDest & FnRoot & ".HTML" As DirDest & "Docs\" & FnRoot & ".HTML"
    End If

'    Application.Quit

End Sub
Sub Make_XML(Dir As String, FN As String)
' Make XML Macro
' Macro enregistrée le 04/04/2010 par Erik
    ExportToXML Dir & FN, "Concert" '=name of top level node in XML-file
End Sub
Public Function ExportToXML(FullPath As String, RowName _
  As String) As Boolean

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Dim r As Integer, colIndex As Integer, rwIndex As Integer, iFileNum As Integer
Dim c As Variant
Dim sName As String ', asCols() As String
Dim oWorkSheet As Worksheet
Dim lastCol As Long, lastRow As Long
Dim colList(7) As Integer
colList(0) = 6 '  6 = ville
colList(1) = 7 '  7 = lieu
colList(2) = 8 '  8 = prog
colList(3) = 9 '  9 = mus
colList(4) = 12 '12 = DateTimeText
colList(5) = 13 '13 = DateText
colList(6) = 14 '14 = HeureText
colList(7) = 15 '15 = DateTimeTextPeremption

Set oWorkSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
sName = oWorkSheet.Name

Range("A1").Select 'Select top left corner
Selection.End(xlDown).Select 'Search bottom row
lastRow = ActiveCell.Row ':MsgBox "Bottom row = " & lastRow 'Remember bottom row

Selection.End(xlToRight).Select 'Search most right column
lastCol = ActiveCell.Column ':MsgBox "Most right column = " & lastCol

iFileNum = FreeFile
Open FullPath For Output As #iFileNum

Print #iFileNum, "<?xml version=""1.0""  encoding=""ISO-8859-1""?>"
Print #iFileNum, "<" & sName & " Date=""" & Format(Now, "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm") & """>"

For r = 2 To lastRow
Print #iFileNum, "<" & RowName & ">"
    For Each c In colList
        Cells(r, c).Select
        If c < 12 Then 'protège les colonnes calculées par des formules formatées
            If Trim(Cells(r, c).Value) = "" Then
                Cells(r, c).Value = " "
                Cells(r, c).Value = Trim(Cells(r, c).Value)
            End If
        End If
        Select Case c
            Case 13: Print #iFileNum, "  <" & Cells(1, c).Value & ">" & Format(Cells(r, c).Value, "dd/mm/yy") & "</" & Cells(1, c).Value & ">" 'en format de date normalisé
            Case 14: Print #iFileNum, "  <" & Cells(1, c).Value & ">" & Format(Cells(r, c).Value, "hh:mm") & "</" & Cells(1, c).Value & ">" 'en format de temps normalisé            Case Else: Print #iFileNum, "  <" & asCols(c - 1) & ">" & Cells(r, c).Value & "</" & asCols(c - 1) & ">" 'en format texte inchangé
            Case Else: Print #iFileNum, "  <" & Cells(1, c).Value & ">" & Cells(r, c).Value & "</" & Cells(1, c).Value & ">"
        End Select
    Next c

    Print #iFileNum, "</" & RowName & ">"
Next r

Print #iFileNum, "</" & sName & ">"
ExportToXML = True
If iFileNum > 0 Then Close #iFileNum
Exit Function
End Function

Sub Make_HTML(Dir As String, FN As String)
' Make HTML Macro
ExportToHTML Dir & FN
End Sub
Public Function ExportToHTML(FullPath As String) As Boolean

'PARAMETERS: FullPath: Full Path of File to Export Sheet

'RETURNS: True if Successful, false otherwise

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Dim r As Integer, rr As Integer, lastRow As Integer, iFileNum As Integer, DateTimeTextCol As Integer
Dim toDay As String, firstConcert As String

Range("A1").Select 'Select top left corner
Selection.End(xlDown).Select 'Search bottom row
lastRow = ActiveCell.Row ':MsgBox "Bottomrow = " & lastRow 'Remember bottom row

DateTimeTextCol = 12
toDay = Format(Now, "yyyymmdd") ':MsgBox "toDay = " & toDay

'Seek first future concert
rr = 2
Do While Cells(rr, DateTimeTextCol).Value < toDay
    Cells(rr, DateTimeTextCol).Select 'Select top left corner
    rr = rr + 1
firstConcert = Cells(rr, DateTimeTextCol).Value ':MsgBox "firstConcert = " & firstConcert

iFileNum = FreeFile
Open FullPath For Output As #iFileNum

Print #iFileNum, "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"" """">"
Print #iFileNum, "<html xmlns="""">"
Print #iFileNum, "<head>"
Print #iFileNum, "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"" />"
Print #iFileNum, "<title>Ulrike Van Cotthem: Prochains concerts pr&eacute;vus en date du " & Format(Now, "dd/mm/yyyy") & "</title>"
Print #iFileNum, "</head>"
Print #iFileNum, "<body>"
Print #iFileNum, "<table width=""100%"" border=""1"">"
Print #iFileNum, "<thead>"
Print #iFileNum, "<p style=""text-align:center;font-size:large;font-weight:bold"">Concerts chant&eacute;s par Ulrike Van Cotthem entre " & Format(Cells(rr, DateTimeTextCol + 1).Value, "dd/mm/yyyy") & " et " & Format(Cells(lastRow, DateTimeTextCol + 1).Value, "dd/mm/yyyy") & "</p>"
Print #iFileNum, "</thead>"
Print #iFileNum, "<tr>"
Print #iFileNum, "<th scope=""col"">Date</th>"
Print #iFileNum, "<th scope=""col"">Heure</th>"
Print #iFileNum, "<th scope=""col"">Ville</th>"
Print #iFileNum, "<th scope=""col"">Lieu</th>"
Print #iFileNum, "<th scope=""col"">Programme</th>"
Print #iFileNum, "<th scope=""col"">Musiciens</th>"
Print #iFileNum, "</tr>"

For r = rr To lastRow
    Cells(r, 13).Select 'visual tracer
        Print #iFileNum, "<tr>"
        Print #iFileNum, "<td>" & Cells(r, 13) & "</td>" 'date
        Print #iFileNum, "<td>" & Format(Cells(r, 14), "hh:mm") & "</td>" 'heure
        Print #iFileNum, "<td>" & Cells(r, 6) & "</td>" 'ville
        Print #iFileNum, "<td>" & Cells(r, 7) & "</td>" 'lieu
        Print #iFileNum, "<td>" & Cells(r, 8) & "</td>" 'programme
        Print #iFileNum, "<td>" & Cells(r, 9) & "</td>" 'musiciens
        Print #iFileNum, "</tr>"
Next r

Print #iFileNum, "</table>"
Print #iFileNum, "</body>"
Print #iFileNum, "</html>"

ExportToHTML = True
If iFileNum > 0 Then Close #iFileNum
Exit Function
End Function
Sub Open_IE(Dir As String, FN As String)
' Open_IE Macro
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim IE, inp As Object

Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application")
IE.Navigate ""
IE.Visible = True

Loop Until IE.ReadyState = 4

Set IE = Nothing

End Sub

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