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High Resolution Elapsed Timer

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12 Dec 2001 1  
A simple high resolution timer class to help time code blocks.


The motivation for this came when I needed to time sections of code while analyzing performance issues. The existing timers did not provide the necessary granularity to accurately measure execution times in microseconds. So I ended up creating this simple class to do the timing.

Here's the class declaration:

// HighResElapsedTimer.h: interface for the HighResElapsedTimer class.




#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

// File:  HighResElapsedTimer.h

// Author:  Chen Venkataraman (

// Date:  Wed Dec 6, 2001


// Purpose: 

//  For determing elapsed time details during execution of code blocks 

//  (initially for debug builds only)


//  Sample usage:


//  {

//    #ifdef _DEBUG

//     HighResElapsedTimer  elapsedTime("block id");

//    #endif


//    ... rest of the code block

//  }


//    At the end of the above block, trace msg of the form

//    "block id : Elapsed time - microseconds" is spit out

#ifdef _DEBUG

class HighResElapsedTimer  
  HighResElapsedTimer(const CString& strName) : m_strName(strName)
    if (m_llFrequency == 0)      // frequency value not yet set

      LARGE_INTEGER  liFrequency;

      m_llFrequency = liFrequency.QuadPart;


  virtual ~HighResElapsedTimer()
    LARGE_INTEGER    liNow;
    double duration = (double)
      (liNow.QuadPart - m_llCounter.QuadPart)/m_llFrequency;

    TRACE(_T("%s : Elapsed time = %.3lf microseconds\n"), 
                                      m_strName, duration);

  CString      m_strName;
  LARGE_INTEGER  m_llCounter;

  static LONGLONG  m_llFrequency; 
  // Frequency setting is based hardware clock which doesn't

  // does change - so we want to set this only once

  HighResElapsedTimer(const HighResElapsedTimer&);
  HighResElapsedTimer& operator=(const HighResElapsedTimer&);

#endif  // _DEBUG


... and here is the implementation.

// HighResElapsedTime.cpp: implementation of the HighResElapsedTime class.



#include "stdafx.h"

#include "HighResElapsedTimer.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG

/* static */
LONGLONG HighResElapsedTimer::m_llFrequency = 0;

#endif    // _DEBUG

Since I was timing the code execution only during debug builds, I've guarded the code using #ifdef _DEBUG's & used TRACE for output. If you want to time release builds or output differently, it should be fairly trivial to do so.

I've tested this only on NT4 SP6a & hopefully it will work on Win95 m/cs also.


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