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When creating applications with a complex view layout, there are several features
that are missing from MFC. First, each type of view layout is created differently
(simple view vs. splitter vs. nested splitter). Simple view layout does not
need any additional code (MFC handles the creation). Splitter layout needs a
CSplitterWnd and manual creation of each pane. Even more complex is the nested
splitter. Second, MFC does not support tab windows that can be found in almost
any commercial application and is great for better UI orgranization.
Last year, I read Daniel Harth's article about tabbed views (on CodeGuru) It
was not exactly what I needed so I modified it and as a result I had a tab window
class that may be within a splitter window and may also contain a splitter window.
However, it was not a framework. Creating a user interface was spread throughout
the code since (for complex layouts) part of the code was done in OnCreateClient
and other parts in one or more tab window derived classes. The Visual Framework
presented in this article is a complete redesign.
Latest update
14.01.2000 - Frederic Gullet
Frederic pointed out how to add icons to tab items. Based on his comment to
the article, I updated the code and demo projects. Adding icon (16x16 pixels)
to tab is optional. If you need it then execute TVisualObject::SetIcon()
(see example below and pictures above) Adding icons to visual objects that are not
tabs will not produce any errors and will have no effects. Previous function loads
the icon from application resource and pass it to the tab window.
Note: All updates are marked with [NEW] for easier search.
Visual Framework supports both the SDI and MDI applications with any combination
of CView
derived classes, CSplitterWnd
and TTabWnd
derived windows. It is very
easy to use. Here is a code snippet that creates the framework shown on picture
BOOL CSplitterTabFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs,
CCreateContext *pContext)
(derived from CMDIChildWnd)
TVisualObject *pSplitter = new TVisualObject(1, "", 1, 2, pContext);
TVisualObject *pView1 = new TVisualObject(2, 0,0,pContext,
RUNTIME_CLASS(CDummyTree), CSize(150,0));
TVisualObject *pTab = new TVisualObject(3, 0,1,pContext,
RUNTIME_CLASS(TTabWnd), CSize(0,0));
TVisualObject *pTabView1 = new TVisualObject(4, "Cars",pContext,
TVisualObject *pTabView2 = new TVisualObject(5, "Fruits", pContext,
m_Framework.Add(pSplitter, pView1);
m_Framework.Add(pSplitter, pTab);
m_Framework.Add(pTab, pTabView1);
m_Framework.Add(pTab, pTabView2);
return m_Framework.Create(this);
Here is a list of supported features:
- Support for both MDI and SDI applications.
- Any combination of views, miltiple splitter and tab
- Support for nested splitters.
- Supports simple CView based applications.
- Support for hotkey (for example, ALT+3) to select the
active pane.
- Support for Ctrl+Tab to switch tabs.
- Support for enumeration.
- Tabs can be either on top or on bottom of the tab window.
Complete implementation is in 2 files (VisualFx.cpp and VisualFx.h). These
files implement the following classes:
- TVisualFramework class. This class is derived from
CCmdTarget. It implements the complete framework.
- TVisualObject class. This class represents the visual
object (view, splitter or tab window).
- TVisualFrameworkIterator class. This class is designed
for enumeration of visual objects in the framework.
- TTabWnd class. This class is derived from CWnd and
represents the tab window.
- TTabItem class. This class represents one tab within
the tab window.
- TVisualFormView class. Derived from CFormView. It handles the SetFont()
and EnableWindow() for form views.
In order to clear any confusion related to terms used in this article, following
picture explains the parts of the typical framework:

Using the Visual Framework
The Visual Framework is designed to be easy to use. It also offers a consistent
interface that is the same no matter what type of application you are creating
(simple view, splitter, splitter with nested splitters or more complex with
tab windows). As a result, modifying the user interface (view layout) is simple
and localized to a single function (OnCreateClient()
Once the framework is created, you can perform many tasks (set fonts, change
active panes, change active tab, get active pane, get active tab etc) using
either the framework object (with a visual object as an argument) or visual
object directly (with no arguments).
Step 1: Creating Visual Objects
First, you must create TVisualObject
objects for each window that you need
(using the appropriate constructor). Since TVisualObject
class has a private
default constructor, objects of this class must be created with new (framework
will delete these pointers). Pointers to TVisualObject
objects are ideal for
access to windows created by the framework. You must not delete these pointers
since they are internally used by the framework. For example,
TVisualObject *pView = new TVisualObject(1,pContext,
TVisualObject *pSplitter = new TVisualObject(1,"", 1, 2, pContext);
TVisualObject *pView1 = new TVisualObject(2,0,0,pContext,
RUNTIME_CLASS(CDummyTree), CSize(150,0));
TVisualObject *pView2 = new TVisualObject(3,0,1,pContext,
RUNTIME_CLASS(CDummyEdit), CSize(0,0));
TVisualObject *pTab = new TVisualObject(1,"",pContext,
TVisualObject *pTabPane1 = new TVisualObject(2,"Cars",pContext,
TVisualObject *pTabPane2 = new TVisualObject(3,"Fruits", pContext,
Step 2 (optional): Add hotkeys, descriptions and icons
If you need hotkey support (setting the active pane with key combination like
Alt+3) you need to add the following (note that there is no sense to define
the hotkey for windows that cannot have the focus -- splitter and tab windows):
If your application performs enumeration of framework windows, you may also
define a description for each window. For example:
pTabPane2->SetDescription("Pane with fruit list");
[NEW] If you need icons on tabs, then execute the following:
where IDI_ICON_A is a 16x16 pixels icon in the application resource.
Step 3: Declare framework object
Framework is represented with the TVisualFramework
object that is a member
of the CFrameWnd
derived class. For SDI applications, it is a class derived
from CFrameWnd
and for MDI applications, it is a class derived from CMDIChildWnd
Step 4: Add objects to framework
Once all Visual Objects are created, you have to add them to the Visual Framework.
Visual Framework supports only one root Visual Object (view, splitter or tab
window). All other Visual Objects are added to the framework by specifying their
parent object. Framework will check (in debug version) the validity of the performed
operation (for example, you cannot add a tab window to a view). For example,
m_Framework.Add(pTab, pTabPane1);
m_Framework.Add(pTab, pTabPane2);
Step 5: Creating the framework
At last, call the Create method of the framework to actually create the framework
and all defined windows. Supplied pointer to parent window must point to a window
derived from CFrameWnd
. Since the complete framework definition and creation
is done from within the OnCreateClient()
function in a window derived from either
or CMDIChildWnd
(that is derived from CFrameWnd
), this pointer should
be supplied.
Once the framework is created, each TVisualObject
instance contains a pointer
to a created and valid window.
Step 6: Destroying the framework
One other important thing to do it the framework destruction. To destroy the
framework, call Destroy()
member function from within the OnDestroy()
of the CFrameWnd
derived window.
Framework cannot be destroyed in the destructor of the TVisualFramework
In case you forget to call Destroy()
as explained above, you will get an ASSERT
in debug version of the application.
Step 7 (optional): Add support for Ctrl+Tab and hotkeys
If you need the hotkey support (see Step 2), you need to override the CWinApp
derived class PreTranslateMessage
function and add the following code (this
example is for SDI application):
BOOL CTabWndApp::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
CMainFrame *pFrame = (CMainFrame*)::AfxGetMainWnd();
if (pFrame)
return TRUE;
return CWinApp::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
This enables the framework to check each message in the application queue and
handle the Ctrl+Tab key combination or hotkeys (Alt+2 for example).
All data structures in the framework are implemented with STL. STL containers
store pointers to objects. Visual object hierarchy in the framework is implemented
with list container where each visual object within the container contains another
list of child visual objects. This hierarchy is used for creating and destroying
objects (windows) using private recursive functions. When creating visual objects,
framework scans the hierarchy from top to bottom. On the other hand, framework
is scanned from bottom to top during framework destruction.
Besides the object hierarchy, framework contains a map of all visual objects
where a key is a DWORD supplied by the user as a first argument to each TVisualObject
constructor. If this key is not unique in the framework, Add()
function (see
Step 4) will fail (ASSERT in debug version). This key is used for any visual
object related operation and also to obtain the pointer to visual object from
the framework.
class implements the tab window. It is derived from CWnd and is intended
to be used only as part of the framework. Tab window class contains a list of
objects. Each TTabItem
object represents a tab and contains a pointer
to the window associated with the tab (tab pane). Tab caption is a CStatic
is responsible for updating the frame window when the active tab pane
is changed. When changing the active tab pane, TTabWnd
will call 2 virtual function
with a default implementation: CanSetActivePane()
and OnSetActivePane()
. Class
derived from TTabWnd
has a chance to prevent changing the active pane with the
first function and a possibility to perform the additional activities in the
second function.
Demo projects
There is a demo project for SDI and MDI application. SDI application contains
the code for several different user interface view layouts. In order to test
them, change #define ...
at the beginning of OnCreateClient()
of the CFrameWnd
derived window and rebuild the project. MDI application defines several different
templates. Select File | New to create windows with different view layout.
Class reference
- TVisualObject
- TVisualFramework
- TVisualFrameworkIterator
- TTabWnd
Member functions
- TVisualObject
- TVisualObject
- TObjectStyle
- CanFocus
- SetHotKey
- SetDescription
- SetIcon [NEW]
- SetActivePane
- SetActiveTab
- Enable
- EnableTab
- ShowTab
- IsEnabled
- IsTabEnabled
- IsTabVisible
- IsTabPane
- IsTabWindow
- IsSplitterPane
- IsSplitterWindow
- IsView
- GetID
- GetWnd
- GetSafeWnd
- GetTitle
- GetDescription
- GetParentWnd
- GetFramework
- GetOwner
- TVisualFramework
- TVisualFramework
- Add
- Create
- Destroy
- GetWnd
- GetSafeWnd
- GetObject
- Get
- IsTabPane
- IsTabWindow
- IsSplitterPane
- IsSplitterWindow
- IsView
- GetCount
- GetActiveTab
- SetActiveTab
- SetActivePane
- GetActivePane
- Enable
- EnableTab
- ShowTab
- IsEnabled
- IsTabEnabled
- IsTabVisible
- SetFont
- EnableCtrlTab
- CreateSplitter
- ProcessMessage
- TVisualFrameworkIterator
- TVisualFrameworkIterator
- operator->
- Get
- End
- operator++
- TTabWnd
- HitTest
- SetActivePane
- CanSetActivePane
- OnSetActivePane
Class TVisualObject
TVisualObject"Func_TVisualObject_TVisualObject">(DWORD dwId, CCreateContext *pContext, CRuntimeClass *pClass)
TVisualObject(DWORD dwId, LPCTSTR szTitle, CCreateContext *pContext,
CRuntimeClass *pClass, DWORD dwStyle = 0)
TVisualObject(DWORD dwId, LPCTSTR szTitle, int nRows,
int nCols, CCreateContext *pContext, DWORD dwStyle = 0)
TVisualObject(DWORD dwId, int nRow, int nCol, CCreateContext *pContext,
CRuntimeClass *pClass, CSize size, DWORD dwStyle = 0)
TVisualObject(DWORD dwId, int nRow, int nCol, int nRows, int nCols,
CCreateContext *pContext, DWORD dwStyle = 0)
Constructs the visual object.
DWORD dwId is the unique ID (user defined) for this visual object.
CRuntimeClass *pClass
is a runtime class of the window associated with this
visual object. It may indicate a class derived from CView
or from TTabWnd
. Class
objects derived from CSplitterWnd
cannot be created in runtime. Check TVisualFramework::CreateSplitter()
virtual function.
is a title of the tab of the parent tab window.
int nRows, nCols is a number of rows and columns for a splitter window.
int nRow, nCol is the row and column of the pane within a splitter window.
CSize size is the initial size of the splitter pane.
DWORD dwStyle
is a bit OR combination of the styles in enum TObjectStyle.
First constructor creates a plain view. Supplied pClass argument must indicate
a class derived from CView
Second constructor creates either a tab window or a pane within a tab window
depending on the CRuntimeClass pClass argument. If pClass indicates a class
derived from TTabWnd then this constructor creates a tab window. If pClass indicates
a class derived from CView then this constructor creates a pane within a tab
Third constructor creates a static splitter window. Since CSplitterWnd does
not support object creation in runtime, application that need to create a window
derived from CSplitterWnd must derive a class from TVisualFramework and overload
the virtual function CreateSplitter.
Fourth constructor creates a pane within a splitter window. pClass must indicate
a class derived from either CView or TTabWnd.
Fifth constructor creates a nested splitter window. It is located in the nRow
row and nCol column of the parent splitter window. Since CSplitterWnd does not
support object creation in runtime, application that need to create a window
derived from CSplitterWnd must derive a class from TVisualFramework and overload
the virtual function CreateSplitter.
enum TObjectStyle "Enum_TVisualObject_TObjectStyle">
This enum defines styles for the visual object. Default style is no style.
Possible styles are:
TOS_TABTOP is a style valid only for tab window objects. It indicates that
the tabs are at the top of the window (above tab panes).
TOS_TABBOTTOM is a style valid only for tab window objects. It indicates that
the tabs are at the bottom of the window (below tab panes).
TOS_SELECTED is a style valid only for tab panes. It indicates which tab pane
of the parent tab window is selected.
BOOL CanFocus(void)"Func_TVisualObject_CanFocus">
Returns TRUE if this visual object can be focused (is either a CView or derived
from CView). Returns FALSE if this object is derived from either TTabWnd or
void SetHotKey(CHAR cHotKey)"Func_TVisualObject_SetHotKey">
Sets the hotkey for this visual object. Defining the hotkey for visual objects
that cannot be focused has no sense. Hotkey should be a number since the framework
checks hotkeys on WM_SYSKEYDOWN Windows message.
void SetDescription(LPCTSTR szDesc)
Optional. This function sets the description for the visual object. Description
is not used by the framework but may be used by the application.
BOOL SetActivePane(void)
Set the pane represented with this visual object as the active pane in the
framework. Return code is FALSE if the visual object cannot be focused (CanFocus()
returns FALSE) or if the window represented with this visual object is disabled.
Frame window is updated so that CFrameWnd::GetActiveView() returns the window
associated with this visual object. Active pane has a keyboard and mouse focus.
BOOL SetActiveTab(void)
If the parent of this visual object is a tab window, this function sets the
active tab pane of parent tab window to this visual object. The window associated
with this visual object is not activated. However, virtual functions TTabWnd::CanSetActivePane()
and TTabWnd::OnSetActivePane() are called. Return code is TRUE if the active
tab is changed. In any other case, return code is FALSE.
BOOL Enable(BOOL bEnable)
Enables or disables the window associated with this visual object depending
on the supplied argument. If parent is a tab window then also the tab is enabled/disabled.
Disabled tab caption is shown in gray and cannot be selected. Returns FALSE
if this visual object is associated with a class not derived from CView.
BOOL EnableTab(BOOL bEnable)
Enables or disables the only the tab tab of the parent tab window. Window associated
with tab is not modified. The function fails if it is called for a currently
active tab/
BOOL ShowTab(BOOL bShow)
Show or hide the tab of the parent tab window. If the tab is currently active,
application will assert in debug version.
BOOL IsEnabled(BOOL& bEnabled)
Returns TRUE if this is a valid operation for this visual object. If the return
code is TRUE, then bEnabled indicates whether the window associated with this
visual object is enabled.
BOOL IsTabEnabled(BOOL& bEnabled)
Returns TRUE if this is a valid operation for this visual object. If the return
code is TRUE, then bEnabled indicates whether the tab of the parent tab window
is enabled.
BOOL IsTabVisible(BOOL& bVisible)
Returns TRUE if this is a valid operation for this visual object. If the return
code is TRUE, then bVisible indicates whether the tab of the parent tab window
is visible.
BOOL IsTabPane(void)
Returns TRUE if the parent of the window associated with this visual object
is a tab window.
BOOL IsTabWindow(void)
Returns TRUE if the window associated with this visual object is a tab window.
BOOL IsSplitterPane(void)
Returns TRUE if the parent of the window associated with this visual object
is a splitter window.
BOOL IsSplitterWindow(void)
Returns TRUE if the window associated with this visual object is a splitter
BOOL IsView(void)
Returns TRUE if the window associated with this visual object is a derived
from CView.
DWORD GetID(void)
Returns unique ID of this visual object.
CWnd *GetWnd(void)
Returns a pointer to the window associated with this visual object.
CWnd *GetSafeWnd(void)
Returns a safe pointer to the window associated with this visual object. Pointer
will be NULL if the window handle is not valid.
CString GetTitle(void)
Returns a title of this visual object. Title may be empty for visual objects
that are not tabs of the parent tab window.
CString GetDescription(void)
Returns a description of this visual object. Description is empty if it is
not defined with SetDescription.
CWnd *GetParentWnd(void)
Returns a pointer to the parent window of the window associated with this visual
TVisualFramework *GetFramework(void)
Returns a pointer to the framework. This pointer is defined when the visual
object is added to the framework.
TVisualObject *GetOwner(void)
Returns a pointer to the parent visual object. It is NULL for a root level
visual object.
Class TVisualFramework
Constructs the visual framework object. SDI applications must have only one
framework object. MDI applications should have one framework object for each
MDI child frame.
BOOL Add(TVisualObject *pObject)
BOOL Add(TVisualObject *pOwner, TVisualObject *pObject)
First function adds the supplied visual object to the framework. The supplied
visual object is a root level object. If executed more then once, application
will assert in debug version. Returns TRUE if the object is added to the framework.
Returns FALSE if the object does not have a unique ID.
Second function adds a visual object (pObject) to its parent (pOwner). This
function will check (in debug version) the validity of the object to add. Returns
TRUE if the object is added to its parent. Returns FALSE if the object does
not have a unique ID.
virtual BOOL Create(CWnd *pWnd = NULL)
Creates a framework and all windows in visual object hierarchy. Supplied pointer
must not be NULL and must point to a window derived from CFrameWnd. When creating
visual object windows, framework scans the visual object hierarchy from top
to bottom. After creating all windows, framework will find the first window
that can be focused and call SetActivePane().
virtual void Destroy(void)
Destroys the framework. Must be called from within the main frame window OnDestroy()
function. In case this is not done, application will assert in debug version.
Framework is destroyed by scanning the visual object hierarchy from bottom to
top. Each CSplitterWnd or TTabWnd derived class is destroyed by calling DestroyWindow().
Views are not destroyed since the applications frame window is responsible for
CWnd *GetWnd(void)
Returns a pointer to frame window supplied in Create().
CWnd *GetSafeWnd(void)
Returns a safe pointer to frame window supplied in Create(). If the window
handle is not valid, it returns NULL.
CWnd *GetObject(DWORD dwId)
DWORD GetObject(CWnd *pWnd)
First function returns a window associated with the visual object that has
a dwId unique ID.
Second function returns a unique ID of the visual object associated with the
supplied window.
TVisualObject *Get(DWORD dwId)
TVisualObject *Get(CWnd *pWnd)
First function returns a pointer to the visual object that has the specified
unique ID. Do not delete this pointer.
Second function returns a pointer to the visual object that is associated
with the specified window. Do not delete this pointer.
BOOL IsTabPane(TVisualObject *pObject)
Returns TRUE if the supplied visual object is a tab pane of the parent tab
BOOL IsTabWindow(TVisualObject *pObject)
Returns TRUE if the supplied visual object is a tab window.
BOOL IsSplitterPane(TVisualObject *pObject)
Returns TRUE if the supplied visual object is a splitter pane of the parent
splitter window.
BOOL IsSplitterWindow(TVisualObject *pObject)
Returns TRUE if the supplied visual object is a splitter window.
BOOL IsView(TVisualObject *pObject)
Returns TRUE if the supplied visual object is a view.
int GetCount(void)
Returns a count of visual objects in the framework.
TVisualObject *GetActiveTab(TVisualObject *pObject)
Returns a pointer to the visual object that represents the currently active
tab in the tab window represented with the visual object pObject. If pObject
is not a tab window, NULL is returned.
BOOL SetActiveTab(TVisualObject *pObject)
Set the active tab represented with pObject of the parent tab window. If pObject
parent is not a tab window, FALSE is returned. Active tab does not have the
keyboard and mouse focus.
BOOL SetActivePane(TVisualObject *pObject)
Set the keyboard and mouse focus to the supplied visual object window. Function
will fail with FALSE if the window associated with the supplied pObject visual
object cannot be focused or is disabled. Function will update the frame window
by calling SetActiveView().
TVisualObject *GetActivePane(void)
Returns a pointer to the visual object that represents the currently active
BOOL Enable(TVisualObject *pObject, BOOL bEnable)
Enables or disables a view represented with pObject. If pObject is not associated
with a view, returned code is FALSE.
BOOL EnableTab(TVisualObject *pObject, BOOL bEnable)
Enables or disables the tab associated with pObject. Returns FALSE if pObject
parent is not a tab window or if pObject tab is currently active.
BOOL ShowTab(TVisualObject *pObject, BOOL bEnable)
Show or hide the tab associated with the pObject. Returns FALSE if pObject
parent is not a tab window or if pObject tab is currently active.
BOOL IsEnabled(TVisualObject *pObject, BOOL& bEnabled)
Returns TRUE if this operation is valid. In this case, bEnabled indicates whether
the visual object window is enabled or disabled.
BOOL IsTabEnabled(TVisualObject *pObject, BOOL& bEnabled)
Returns TRUE if this operation is valid (pObject parent is a tab window). In
this case, bEnabled indicates whether the visual object window is enabled or
BOOL IsTabVisible(TVisualObject *pObject, BOOL& bVisible)
Returns TRUE if this operation is valid (pObject parent is a tab window). In
this case, bVisible indicates whether the visual object window is visible or
void SetFont(CFont *pFont)
Set the font for all visual objects in the framework. It will also change the
font of all tab captions. If visual object hierarchy contains an object derived
from TVisualFormView then the font of all form view controls is changed also.
void EnableCtrlTab(BOOL bEnable)
If the framework is used in an SDI application, Ctrl+Tab handling is enabled
by default. However, MDI applications use Ctrl+Tab to switch among all opened
child frames. In this case, Ctrl+Tab handling by the framework is disabled.
You can enable it with this function.
virtual CSplitterWnd *CreateSplitter(DWORD dwId)
Since CSplitterWnd does not support object creation with CRuntimeClass, this
virtual function offers a possibility to return a pointer to CSplitterWnd derived
class object. In order to do this, you must derive a class from TVisualFramework
and overload this function. Do not call a base class function. Visual object
that needs a pointer to CSplitterWnd or CSplitterWnd derived class object is
identified with its unique ID dwId.
virtual BOOL ProcessMessage(MSG *pMsg)
In order to handle hotkeys and Ctrl+Tab, you must implement a PreTranslateMessage()
of the application's CWinApp derived class and call framework's ProcessMessage()
function. If this function returns TRUE then it handled the supplied message
and CWinApp::PreTranslateMessage() should not be called. See Step 7.
Class TVisualFrameworkIterator
This class is used for iterating thru the visual objects. Typical use is explained
with the following code:
TVisualFrameworkIterator iterator(m_Framework);
while (!iterator.End())
TVisualObject *pObject = iterator.Get();
iterator ++;
TVisualFrameworkIterator(TVisualFramework& obj)
TVisualFrameworkIterator(TVisualObject& obj)
Creates an iterator object.
First constructor creates an iterator that goes thru all visual objects in
the framework. This iterator scans the framework's internal visual object map.
Sequence of returned visual objects depend on the visual object unique IDs.
Second constructor creates an iterator that goes thru all visual objects that
are child to the specified parent visual object.
Overloaded operator that returns a pointer to visual object.
TVisualObject *Get(void)
Returns a pointer to visual object.
int End(void)
Returns non-zero if there are more visual objects.
int operator++(int)
Overloaded operator to go to the next visual object.
Class TTabWnd
Since TTabWnd class is intended to be used only as part of the framework, here
is the documentation of relevant functions.
virtual int HitTest(int x, int y)
virtual int HitTest(CPoint& point)
Returns an index of the tab that corresponds to the supplied point. Index starts
from 0. x, y and point are client coordinates.
BOOL SetActivePane(int nIndex, BOOL bActivate = TRUE)
Changes the active tab. Returns TRUE if tab is changed. If bActivate is TRUE,
frame window is updated and the tab pane associated with the tab receives mouse
and keyboard focus.
virtual BOOL CanSetActivePane(CWnd *pOldPane, CWnd *pNewPane)
Derived class has a chance to prevent changing the active tab by returning
FALSE from this function.
virtual void OnSetActivePane(CWnd *pOldPane, CWnd *pNewPane);
This function is called after the active pane is changed.