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Using TreeControl (TreeView) under Win32 API

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Using the Tree control using pure Win32 APIs


Hi all Win32 Coders, and happy new year to you all! This article is for those who did not find, any useful code examples and information regarding tree control (TreeView). This time I was wanted to add a simple tree control into my application, and whaa!! NO SOURCE CODE!!... <== ?? "hey, what do you mean by that?". Well, to rephrase: go to your all time fancy programming website like: Code Project, try to find a single article which explains how to add a simple tree control and its data... you guessed...there are none!! Ahh this really helps us, no? ...As you can see, this is what makes me so mad about programmers, they add only part of the code and the code itself mainly doesn't really fit to our suit because they didn't even bother of explaining the basics.. Well, here I am , will teach/show you how FINALLY we can do some real coding. I want to say a really huge thanx for Icezelion, his Win32ASM site is really cool, and helpful of course, his examples really showed me how to add tree control into Visual C++.

So let's start,

#include <commctrl.h>

Add it into your C/CPP file so we can use its functions/#defines. We add a TreeControl to our dialog (you can also create it via the CreateWindowEx API!). Once we named it, (IDC_TREE1). To start, we will add properties to our TreeControl which will define the way the tree is shown in visual terms.


   -- Resource --        -- CreateWindow/EX --
        |                          |
1. Has Buttons          - TVS_HASBUTTONS       
; we can see the lines [-]/[+] of the tree.
2. Has Lines            - TVS_HASLINES         
; we see the ---- of the tree.
3. Lines at Root        - TVS_LINESATROOT      
; root can have lines attaching them.
4. Disable Drag&Drop    - TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP  
; no need drag & drop now [unless u need it]
5. Track Select - TVS_TRACKSELECT      
; nice blue effect when mouse is over
6. Single Expand        - TVS_SINGLEEXPAND     
; expand tree at one time
7. Full Row Select      - TVS_FULLROWSELECT    
; select the whole row [text..etc]
8. Border               - WS_BORDER            
; heh..border
9. Scroll
; scrollbars...

We now have our TreeControl placed in our dialog. Try to compile. All fine, trying to run the exe...whoopps!!! not loading?!?.. Well since I am using Win2000, it doesn't work, haven't checked it under Win98.. But anyway, it doesn't run because our control isn't initialized... lets initialize it:

   InitCommonControls(); // make our tree control to work

to make sure of using this function (above) we need to add a lib file called:


we add this lib file in the project settings -> link tab -> object/library modules. Try to compile, and run... It should work now!!.. If not...hmm..then try to look at MSDN..!

-- Tree Pictures --

Ahh, this is a very neat and nice looking, look at the WorkSpace tab, it has a tree view with nice folders attached to it right? The picture has 2 states:

  1. closed folder
  2. opened folder

This is what we want when out tree is expanded/closed. a nice folder pic ;-) For this we use a bitmap with a drawing of the 2 states. At the source code you can have a look on how it looks like. For adding the pictures, we need to know how it will work. Basically it is very easy, we draw the states of the folder near each other, and this will be an array :-) neat eh? For converting the picture into an array to be used, we use 3 functions:

ImageList_Create();  // function creates a new image list.
ImageList_Add();     // function adds an image or images to an image list
LoadBitmap();        // function loads a specified bitmap resource

Quick look at Win32.hlp/MSDN will give us all the necessary info we need to use.

Starting with the first function, we first need to know that it is returning a handle, the return value is of the type HIMAGELIST struct.


Now we can use our first function like this:

// 16x16:16bit with 2 pics [array]

// Return Value:
// If the function succeeds,
// the return value is the handle to the image list.
// If the function fails, the return value NULL

Ok, so we created an image list of 2 pics with size of 16x16 pixels and in a quality of 16 bit and returned the handle to the new image list!. Now we actually need to load the image [BMP] to the resource.

Loading BMP into resource:

  1. From the main menu bar -> Insert
  2. Choose Resource. (or just Ctrl+R)
  3. Select Bitmap and press Import
  4. Choose the BMP and click ok
  5. Rename it to your fit.

Wasn't a problem. Now we need to load it via code: for every bitmap (BMP) loading, we need a handle, a struct which can identify/recognize the bitmap's file header, for that we use the HBITMAP struct. And the loading is done like this:

HBITMAP hBitMap;   // bitmap handler
// load the picture from the resource

Note: the MAKEINTRESOURCE will make sure to convert the picture to resource type. Once loaded (check return value, if NULL, it has failed!) we now can add the picture to our image list using the last function:

// Attach the image, to the image list

We can safely delete the bitmap handle, since it is an object and it takes memory space:

DeleteObject(hBitMap);  // free memory by freeing the handler !

And the last thing we have to do is to send it all to the tree control via the SendMessage() or the SendDlgItemMessage(). I usually use the second, but there is no difference at all except the first one is shorter :-)


All the theoretical info has been said, now its more code demonstrations with side remarks :)

--- The TV_INSERTSTRUCT Struct ---

This struct will help us insert parent/child items into the tree control. Treating tree controls is the same as list control, just with diff members. Let us make a new handler:

TV_INSERTSTRUCT tvinsert; // struct to config the tree control

Now we need to initialize this struct:

// Global Vars:
HTREEITEM Parent;           // Tree item handle
HTREEITEM Before;           // .......
HTREEITEM Root;             // .......
// .....
// .....
// Code:
tvinsert.hParent=NULL; // top most level Item
// root level item attribute.
// attributs
// item text
tvinsert.item.iImage=0; // not pressed pic
tvinsert.item.iSelectedImage=1; // pressed pic

Note the global vars, we declared 3 variables with the type of HTREEITEM. In order to use items, we must have the last/first inserted items, so those will be our root level handlers. Ok, the initialization part is really straight forward, but interesting parts are:

// since its a root item, we dont specify
// Parent [handle] tvinsert.hInsertAfter=TVI_ROOT;
// this will make the item appears as a root item,

In the last code, we sent the struct address to the tree control via the TVM_INSERTITEM message, to insert a new item to the tree control, and the Parent=(HTREEITEM), is the return type of the Parent handle. This means that now that we have the parent of the first root, we can make a child item! To add a child item, it is really the same idea but with few new code:

tvinsert.hParent=Parent;          // create a child to our parent ;-)
tvinsert.hInsertAfter=TVI_LAST;   // put it under [ last item ]
tvinsert.item.pszText="Child 1";  // name it whatever u want
// draw it, and save the parent for more child making.

Now, since it is hierarchy, I have used 2 more HTREEITEM variables named: Root/Before. This will help us really good, because if we want to add a new child under the root, or under the last root level...etc, it really suits us ;-) (but not a must thing to do). Now all we need to do is to design a nice hierarchy ( far), and since I did, I will show it for you guys:

   InitCommonControls();    // make our tree control to work
   // save the handle (window) of the tree
   // creating image list and put it into the tree control
// [+]
// |
/* |--*/Parent=(HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd,
/* |              IDC_TREE1,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,(LPARAM)&tvinsert);
/* |  */Root=Parent;
/* |  */Before=Parent;       // handle of the before root
/* |  */tvinsert.hParent=Parent; // handle of the above data
/* |  */tvinsert.hInsertAfter=TVI_LAST;  // below parent
/* |  */tvinsert.item.pszText="Child 1";
/* |    |--[+] */
/* |    |   |  */
/* |    |   |  */Parent=(HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd,
/* |    |   |  */   IDC_TREE1,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,(LPARAM)&tvinsert);
/* |    |   |*/ tvinsert.hParent=Parent;
/* |    |   |*/ tvinsert.item.pszText="Child of Child1";
/* |    |   |*/Parent=(HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd,
/* |    |   |*/   IDC_TREE1,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,(LPARAM)&tvinsert);
/* |    |   |-[+]*/
/* |    |     */
/* |    |     */
/* |    |     */ tvinsert.hParent=Parent;
/* |    |     */ tvinsert.hInsertAfter=TVI_LAST;
/* |    |     */ tvinsert.item.pszText="Double Click Me!";
/* |    |     */ tvinsert.item.mask=TVIF_TEXT;
/* |    |     */ SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd,IDC_TREE1,
/* |    |     */    TVM_INSERTITEM,0,(LPARAM)&tvinsert);           
/* |    */tvinsert.hParent=Before;         // handle of the above data
/* |    */tvinsert.hInsertAfter=TVI_LAST;  // below parent
/* |    */tvinsert.item.pszText="Child 2";
/* |    */Parent=(HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd,
/* |    */     IDC_TREE1,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,(LPARAM)&tvinsert); 
   tvinsert.hParent=NULL; // top most level no need handle
   tvinsert.hInsertAfter=TVI_LAST; // work as root level

feww!! that was but :)). Well...since we pasted this one, we now will have more fun..

--- Clicking on items : Control messages ---

Same as the list view control (you can read my tutorial) the item messaging is the same!! It is done via the WM_NOTIFY message that Windows is sending when a control (depend which), is being notified. As usual, I will show the basic code form for the WM_NOTIFY:

        case IDC_TREE1:
          if(((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == <NM_xxxxx>)
             // To Do: Add Code Handler here

This is the basic skeleton for using the WM_NOTIFY on controls that are using, this Windows message. Underneath we have the switch case , wParam holds our ID

case IDC_TREE1: - this ensures we are using the right control ID for our messages. The ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == NM_xxxxx is the type of event that has been processed while we have been doing something on the control.


Double click on item, single click, left click and many more..

As you can see the NM_xxxxx stands for "Notification Message", there are quite a few that we can use:

NM_CLICK   ; user has clicked the left mouse button within the control
NM_DBLCLK  ; user has Double clicked the left mouse button within the control
NM_RCLICK  ; user has clicked the right mouse button within the control
NM_RDBLCLK ; user has Double clicked the left mouse button within the control
TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT ; also sent as notification
TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT ; "                 "

To click on an item we have few messages: using the TVM_GETNEXTITEM same as in list control. However in tree control the return value is NOT the index of the item :), but the HANDLE to the item! Example on getting the selected item:

   MessageBox(hWnd,"No Items in TreeView", 

Check the new message: TVGN_CARET, there is a description of each kind of this messages:

TVGN_CARET ; Retrieves the currently selected item. 
TVGN_CHILD ; Retrieves the first child item 
              of the item specified by the hitem parameter
TVGN_DROPHILITE ; Retrieves the item that 
              is the target of a drag-and-drop operation.
TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE ; Retrieves the first visible item.
TVGN_NEXT  ; Retrieves the next sibling item. 
TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE ; Retrieves the next visible 
              item that follows the specified item. 
TVGN_PARENT  ; Retrieves the parent of the specified item. 
TVGN_PREVIOUS  ; Retrieves the previous sibling item. 
TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE ; Retrieves the first visible 
              item that precedes the specified item. 
TVGN_ROOT  ; Retrieves the topmost or very first item 
              of the tree-view control. 

For more detailed information, read MSDN/win32.hlp. We need to use the TVGN_CARET as a selected item. Note: Selected is a HTREEITEM type, because we retrieve a handle, and not an index. The next thing to use is a new struct called TV_ITEM.

The TV_ITEM structure specifies or receives attributes of a tree-view item.

Yup, now that we have the handle of the item we have selected, we can fill this struct, with the item's info, and use it for our own purpose!

char Text[255]="";          // retrieve text from item to here
memset(&tvi,0,sizeof(tvi)); // set all items to 0
// ensure we clicked on the right item!!
   TVM_SELECTITEM,TVGN_CARET,(LPARAM)Selected); // select the item
flagSelected=true;    // use a bool flag,
                      // this helps to see if we 
                      // have selected a item or not.
tvi.mask=TVIF_TEXT;   // item text attrivute
tvi.pszText=Text;     // Text is the pointer to the text 
tvi.cchTextMax=256;   // size of text to retrieve.
tvi.hItem=Selected;   // the selected item
   TVGN_CARET,(LPARAM)&tvi); // get the data!!

Double click on an item to retrieve its data

     case IDC_TREE1:
     // if code == NM_CLICK - Single click on an item
     if(((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == NM_DBLCLK) 
        char Text[255]="";

        MessageBox(hWnd,"No Items in TreeView",

         if(tvi.cChildren==0 && strcmp(tvi.pszText,"Double Click Me!")==0)
              MessageBox(hWnd,"Press OK to delete me!",

Note: tvi.cChildren means: flag that indicates whether the item has associated child items

--- Deleting an item --

This is fairly easy. From the above code, we can see that we have a flag called flagSelected, it tells us when a user has doubled clicked an item or not (true/false). From this, we also have the item handler, because we have set the "Selected" variable as global member ;=), so the deleting is fairly easy :>

case IDC_DELETE: // Generage Button is pressed
   MessageBox(hWnd,"Double Click Item to Delete",

Deleting ALL items in the tree control:

  int TreeCount=TreeView_GetCount(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_TREE1));
  for(int i=0;i<=TreeCount;i++) // ensure all is being killed

Adding a new root to our tree view:

 tvinsert.hParent=NULL;  // top most level no need handle
 tvinsert.hInsertAfter=TVI_ROOT; // work as root level
 tvinsert.item.pszText="Parent Added";

Adding a new child to a selected root:

 tvinsert.item.pszText="Child Added";

Note: the TreeView_SelectDropTarget macro selects the specified tree-view item, scrolls the item into view, or redraws the item. If we don't specify this macro, after adding a new child we won't be able to see it, until our mouse is over its root.

--- Drag And Drop effect ---

Ok, I have noticed I missed something :-) So there we go, a nice drag & drop effect to use in our tree control example. We begin with trapping the TVN_BEGINDRAG notification! Note: make sure that the "Disable Drag And Drop" property is NOT set!! Also note that we are using new global variables, which are:

// for drag and drop
HWND hTree;
HTREEITEM hitTarget;
bool Dragging;

And at the WM_INITDIALOG, add: hTree=GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_TREE1);. That way we will have our hWnd global to use, thus you don't have to!! Now we are ready to begin the notify trap:

    case IDC_TREE1:
    if(((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == TVN_BEGINDRAG)
      HIMAGELIST hImg; // image list for the dragging effect
      // tree view message info
      LPNMTREEVIEW lpnmtv = (LPNMTREEVIEW) lParam;  
      // create img
      hImg=TreeView_CreateDragImage(hTree, lpnmtv->itemNew.hItem); 
      ImageList_BeginDrag(hImg, 0, 0, 0); // start drag effect
        lpnmtv->ptDrag.x,lpnmtv->ptDrag.y); // where to start
      ShowCursor(FALSE); // no need mouse cursor
      SetCapture(hWnd);  // snap mouse & window
      Dragging = TRUE; // we are dragging

When we finished trapping and everything is set, we need to handle the mouse move message: WM_MOUSEMOVE

  if (Dragging) 
    Pos = MAKEPOINTS(lParam);
    ImageList_DragMove(Pos.x-32, Pos.y-25); // where to draw the drag from
    // the highlight items should be as
    // the same points as the drag = Pos.x-20; = Pos.y-20; //
         TVM_HITTEST,NULL,(LPARAM)&tvht)) // if there is a hit
         TVGN_DROPHILITE,(LPARAM)hitTarget); // highlight it


As well we need to handle the final message of drag finishing. The message we use is the WM_LBUTTONUP. This will tell when the user finished his dragging mode.

  if (Dragging) 
    Dragging = FALSE;

That's it :-), nice drag and drop effect!

--- Label editing ---

Ok, this time we add a code to enable us to edit the tree item's text on the fly =), it isn't hard, and basically the same as we have done with the ListView control. Add a global variable called HWND hEdit; and we trap these notification messages:

     case IDC_TREE1:
     if(((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT)

     if(((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == TVN_ENDLABELEDIT)
      char Text[256]="";
      GetWindowText(hEdit, Text, sizeof(Text)); 

That's it, easy and quickly done! No need of over bloated code to edit labels.

--- F.A.Q ---

  • A. How do I use big pics in my tree control (32x32)?
  • Q. Doing 32x32 size picture is really easy. If you meant that you wanted to use BIG pictures in your tree control, do the following:
    1. /* change old code to this */
    2. Open up Photoshop, load List.bmp into it.
    3. In menu bar-> image-> image size..
    4. Chain height to 32 (width is auto changed)
    5. Save the file.
    6. Recompile code

    Now you have 32x32 size tree control pictures!

  • Q. Why can't I see different pic when I select my item ??
  • A. Make sure you have your mask set as:
  • Q. How can I select items with right-click of the mouse without the highlight back to the last selected?
  • A. There it is:
    if(((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == NM_RCLICK) // Right Click
      Selected=(HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd,
       MessageBox(hWnd,"No Items in TreeView",

--Grand final --

We came into the end of this article, I hope everyone enjoyed this as much as it took me time to find and add a proper code ;-). Know one thing? Once you have API power, you don't need MFC that much. But I can't let you think otherwise, classes are powerful after all...


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Written By
Web Developer
Israel Israel
Win32API Rocks your world!!

Comments and Discussions

GeneralRe: Right Click Revisited Pin
Bengi5-Jan-05 20:23
Bengi5-Jan-05 20:23 
GeneralRe: Right Click Revisited Pin
Applewood6-Jan-05 3:36
Applewood6-Jan-05 3:36 
QuestionHow to show unicode Pin
Alpha Siera23-Nov-04 19:44
Alpha Siera23-Nov-04 19:44 
Questionhow to capture space bar Pin
InstallerGuy4-Oct-04 17:39
InstallerGuy4-Oct-04 17:39 
AnswerRe: how to capture space bar Pin
InstallerGuy15-Nov-04 13:45
InstallerGuy15-Nov-04 13:45 
GeneralRe: how to capture space bar Pin
Bengi5-Jan-05 20:16
Bengi5-Jan-05 20:16 
Generaltree node Pin
julianogaio5-Jan-04 7:36
julianogaio5-Jan-04 7:36 
GeneralRe: tree node Pin
Bengi5-Jan-05 20:15
Bengi5-Jan-05 20:15 
you tried the HitTest Message ?

/- Bengi - \
GeneralHelp me...adresses of my project were wrong Pin
haiaw16714-Sep-03 5:44
susshaiaw16714-Sep-03 5:44 
GeneralHelp me... Pin
haiaw16714-Sep-03 5:43
susshaiaw16714-Sep-03 5:43 
GeneralHelp me... Pin
Anonymous14-Sep-03 5:41
Anonymous14-Sep-03 5:41 
GeneralUseless and poor Pin
Steeve3119-Aug-03 22:30
Steeve3119-Aug-03 22:30 
GeneralRe: Useless and poor Pin
chaitresh25-Sep-03 12:11
chaitresh25-Sep-03 12:11 
GeneralRe: Useless and poor Pin
Bengi4-Dec-03 11:55
Bengi4-Dec-03 11:55 
GeneralRe: Useless and poor Pin
Eclipse_WHE20-Jul-07 1:41
Eclipse_WHE20-Jul-07 1:41 
GeneralRe: Useless and poor Pin
Anonymous19-Aug-04 9:44
Anonymous19-Aug-04 9:44 
GeneralRe: Useless and poor Pin
gamitech10-Dec-04 23:52
gamitech10-Dec-04 23:52 
GeneralRe: Useless and poor Pin
Bengi5-Jan-05 20:19
Bengi5-Jan-05 20:19 
GeneralRe: Useless and poor Pin
benjamin2310-Oct-05 17:54
benjamin2310-Oct-05 17:54 
GeneralRe: Useless and poor Pin
jamieb2224-Jul-07 2:26
jamieb2224-Jul-07 2:26 
Generalselected vs open images Pin
vfm1-Aug-03 23:26
vfm1-Aug-03 23:26 
GeneralRe: selected vs open images Pin
Bengi5-Jan-05 20:21
Bengi5-Jan-05 20:21 
GeneralRe: selected vs open images Pin
Member 1143622618-Mar-15 4:41
Member 1143622618-Mar-15 4:41 
GeneralTreeItem Coordinates Pin
naveensg14-Apr-03 1:46
naveensg14-Apr-03 1:46 
GeneralRe: TreeItem Coordinates Pin
gwr18-Jun-03 1:38
gwr18-Jun-03 1:38 

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