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GeneralRe: c++ and visual basic share an enum. Pin
Christian Graus23-Mar-08 11:37
protectorChristian Graus23-Mar-08 11:37 
GeneralFile Package Pin
Ahmad Rifai Yusuf22-Mar-08 16:16
Ahmad Rifai Yusuf22-Mar-08 16:16 
GeneralRe: File Package Pin
Christian Graus22-Mar-08 16:33
protectorChristian Graus22-Mar-08 16:33 
GeneralLocking down a form from user input.... Pin
RayG22-Mar-08 8:18
RayG22-Mar-08 8:18 
GeneralRe: Locking down a form from user input.... Pin
Christian Graus22-Mar-08 11:45
protectorChristian Graus22-Mar-08 11:45 
GeneralRe: Locking down a form from user input.... Pin
darkelv22-Mar-08 18:35
darkelv22-Mar-08 18:35 
QuestionPrinting from a DataGridView Row by Row??? Pin
ukboy22-Mar-08 1:14
ukboy22-Mar-08 1:14 
QuestionHi guys newbie programming question - Parsing a string Pin
tgebrael21-Mar-08 21:11
tgebrael21-Mar-08 21:11 
Hi guys not exactly sure if parsing is the right terminology but I was wondering if someone can help me understand what I need to do. Here is what I hope my program to do...and also where I am stuck.

The program should be very simple containing only 1 textbox, 1 button, and one label to display the result.

The object of the program is to assign a number to each letter in the alphabet for example a=1 b=2 c=3 etc. and then calculate the textbox based on the letters it contains. the display the result in label1.text

when u fill in the textbox and press the button I want to be able to read the textbox value and parse each letter so that they can be added up based on their number value

right now on my form I have

Dim aa as integer = 1
dim bb as integer = 2
all the way to zz
Dim zz as integer = 26

in the button I have only
dim calctext as string = textbox1.text

now i guess i need to parse calctext somehow and store their values or add them directly. Just not sure where to start here and what the best way would be.

I guess my last question is on the form where i delcared aa and bb as integers etc. I used double letters like aa and bb because I didn't know if there would be conflict later on with the parsed variables...would there be?

Thanks in advance guys for any input...I'd appreciate a nudge in the right direction for the commands I should use. I learn best by trying.
GeneralRe: Hi guys newbie programming question - Parsing a string Pin
darkelv21-Mar-08 21:41
darkelv21-Mar-08 21:41 
GeneralRe: Hi guys newbie programming question - Parsing a string Pin
tgebrael21-Mar-08 21:47
tgebrael21-Mar-08 21:47 
GeneralRe: Hi guys newbie programming question - Parsing a string Pin
darkelv21-Mar-08 22:01
darkelv21-Mar-08 22:01 
Generalimplementing linq Pin
ganero21-Mar-08 17:32
ganero21-Mar-08 17:32 
GeneralRe: implementing linq Pin
Christian Graus21-Mar-08 19:38
protectorChristian Graus21-Mar-08 19:38 
GeneralRe: implementing linq Pin
ganero23-Mar-08 1:33
ganero23-Mar-08 1:33 
Generalfilling 2 different combo boxes with info from same dataTable Pin
AAGTHosting21-Mar-08 11:54
AAGTHosting21-Mar-08 11:54 
GeneralRe: filling 2 different combo boxes with info from same dataTable Pin
Christian Graus21-Mar-08 12:18
protectorChristian Graus21-Mar-08 12:18 
GeneralRe: filling 2 different combo boxes with info from same dataTable Pin
AAGTHosting21-Mar-08 12:20
AAGTHosting21-Mar-08 12:20 
GeneralRe: filling 2 different combo boxes with info from same dataTable Pin
Christian Graus21-Mar-08 12:35
protectorChristian Graus21-Mar-08 12:35 
GeneralRe: filling 2 different combo boxes with info from same dataTable Pin
AAGTHosting21-Mar-08 13:30
AAGTHosting21-Mar-08 13:30 
GeneralRe: filling 2 different combo boxes with info from same dataTable Pin
Christian Graus21-Mar-08 13:54
protectorChristian Graus21-Mar-08 13:54 
GeneralRe: filling 2 different combo boxes with info from same dataTable Pin
AAGTHosting21-Mar-08 14:12
AAGTHosting21-Mar-08 14:12 
GeneralRe: filling 2 different combo boxes with info from same dataTable Pin
Christian Graus21-Mar-08 14:24
protectorChristian Graus21-Mar-08 14:24 
GeneralRe: filling 2 different combo boxes with info from same dataTable Pin
AAGTHosting21-Mar-08 14:33
AAGTHosting21-Mar-08 14:33 
GeneralRe: filling 2 different combo boxes with info from same dataTable Pin
Christian Graus21-Mar-08 16:34
protectorChristian Graus21-Mar-08 16:34 
GeneralRe: filling 2 different combo boxes with info from same dataTable Pin
AAGTHosting21-Mar-08 19:22
AAGTHosting21-Mar-08 19:22 

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