Feras Mazen Taleb wrote: ARE YOU AGREE WITH ME ??????
No. There are loopholes in both design and if you can adopt really secure coding practices, you can harness the best benefits of both worlds.
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar
Personal Homepage Tech Gossips
A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them. --Leonard Louis Levinson
thanks a lot For that
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I have a webmethod like this
public string QCCommonConnect(string strQcUser, string strQcPassword, string strQcDomain, string strQcProject)
//Doing something here
}//Returning session id
return Session.SessionID;
The wsdl is displying returned parameter as : name="QCCommonConnectResult"
I wanted it to return the same as follows : name="strSessionId"
Please let me know how can i do the same. I will be really thankful to you.
Rajesh Khubchandani
I have a webmethod like this
public string QCCommonConnect(string strQcUser, string strQcPassword, string strQcDomain, string strQcProject)
//Doing something here
}//Returning session id
return Session.SessionID;
The wsdl is displying written parameter as : <s:element minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="1" name="QCCommonConnectResult" type="s:string">
I wanted it to return the same as follows : <s:element minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="1" name="strSessionId" type="s:string">
Please let me know how can i do the same. I will be really thankful to you.
Rajesh Khubchandani
Please tell me how does log4j reads the properties file... i.e log4j.properties.
I need to create an whois function in asp code and then create it as an extension in firefox.Is it possible? If it is possible please give your valuable suggestion and information regarding it.
window.attachEvent("onload",myFunc) is not working in Firefox browser.....
Hi all
I have the following situation a XML text is send over a
URL too a webservice. The XML is URLencoded on the other side.
But when I read that into a xmlDom object it wont work, because of the & ; characters, i want to 'decode' this,
Please help me for that
<br />
<br />
dim strtext: strtext = "< streetname > Baron van Hövelllaan < / streetname > " <br />
response.write ParseXML(strtext)<br />
<br />
function ParseXML(strXML)<br />
dim oXMLDom, i <br />
Set oXMLDom = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument") <br />
call oXMLDom.loadXML (strXML)<br />
<br />
if trim(oXMLDom.xml) = "" then<br />
err.Raise 1004, "ParseXML", "XMLDOM content empty"<br />
end if <br />
ParseXML = true <br />
end function<br />
<br />
The Stifler
Bugs can neither be created nor be removed from software by a developer. They can only be converted from one form to another. The total number of bugs in the software always remain constant.
but i m not getting proper out put
m working with ASP 3.0
i tried this one but the view sorce still display ö
function URLDecode(sText)<br />
sDecoded = sText<br />
Set oRegExpr = Server.CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")<br />
oRegExpr.Pattern = "%[0-9,A-F]{2}"<br />
oRegExpr.Global = True<br />
Set oMatchCollection = oRegExpr.Execute(sText)<br />
For Each oMatch In oMatchCollection<br />
sDecoded = Replace(sDecoded,oMatch.value,Chr(CInt("&H" & Right(oMatch.Value,2))))<br />
Next<br />
URLDecode = sDecoded<br />
End function<br />
<br />
' XML string <br />
dim strtext: strtext = "<streetname>Baron van Hövelllaan</streetname><br />
<br />
response.write URLDecode(URLDecode(Server.HTMLEncode(Server.URLEncode(strtext))))<br />
<br />
function ParseXML(strXML)<br />
dim oXMLDom, i<br />
<br />
Set oXMLDom = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")<br />
<br />
call oXMLDom.loadXML (strXML)<br />
<br />
if trim(oXMLDom.xml) = "" then<br />
err.Raise 1004, "ParseXML", "XMLDOM content empty"<br />
end if <br />
<br />
ParseXML = true <br />
<br />
end function
The Stifler
Bugs can neither be created nor be removed from software by a developer. They can only be converted from one form to another. The total number of bugs in the software always remain constant.
You know I didn't even spot that you are using Ladies ASP
Mmm: dredging memory for antiquated code...
Try escape(strText)
I think that might do it.
Hi thanks
as i want to send that XML to ParseXML function
Response.Write ParseXML (strText)
Response.Write ParseXML(URLDecode(Server.URLEncode(URLDecode(Server.HTMLEncode(Server.URLEncode(strtext))))))
it gives error message as XMLDOM content empty
The Stifler
Bugs can neither be created nor be removed from software by a developer. They can only be converted from one form to another. The total number of bugs in the software always remain constant.
Have you tried:
strText = ParseXML(escape(strText))
Sorry, it's been quite a while since I used asp classic so might not be exact but should be close enough for you to work it out on your own.
Perhaps someone else with more recent experience can step in here?
I installed Extension Developer's Extension to the firefox to create my own extension to it.I got a sample code for building an extension and i tried on it.It got installed but the button and the menubar that are to be displayed are not displayed. I folloewd the same instructions given in the following website:
But I did not get the mistake what I did!!!Please help me...
Hi All,
I'm working for an organisation which has lot of eforms on his web site; those are integrated with different systems or databases.
Because we have got some problem when we need to make update and redeploy them (because of the quantity of the forms split within sub folder)
I'm looking for the best intermediate solution between using the same BIN for all of them or create 200 virtual directories on IIS
Any ideas are welcomed
Franck Merlin
Here's a situation:
* I have a SQL Server 2005 database,
* I have a table with a field of type XML,
* I, via Visual Studio 2005, created a TableAdapter to make my life easier,
* I go to save a web service WSDL into the database (my work is in web services and I need to keep copies of WSDL documents),
* I run the code,
* I get exception errors stating that the encoding cannot be changed.
Is there anyway I can fix this? At the moment, I'm turning the WSDL to a string and I'm replacing utf-8 with utf-16 to keep SQL Server 2005 happy.
My thanks in advance.
modified on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 2:25 AM
Hi All,
My web application is taking too much time to release the page after it loads completly.
I have 9 views in a single page and some views have link with controls in other views. There is no problem with the page load/refresh, afetr it loads the progress bar stays still for some time ie., it doesnt release the page to the user.
Maximum users in the system would be 2600, but as per my perception it doesnt really hurt the application, since it loads quick but takes time to release the page(Struck). Today only 102 users logged into the system at peek time.
Please someone suggest how to tackle this issue.
Im using framework 2.0, SQL Server 2005 and IIS 6 in Windows 2003.
Hi all
We are facing an issue with Web service calls to a linux server from Windows 2000 server .
A web service call succeeds if the web service client API is run from a Win XP PC .
The same API call is failing from a Windows 2000 server . What could possibly block a web service call in W2k server ? Is it firewall or something else ?
This problem is reported in a customer's PC . We tried to reproduce this issue locally by enabling firewall and stopping IIS etc . But we are unable to reproduce the problem . Any ideas please on what could block a web service call ?
basic rule of web service development is that they are meant to bypass any firewall as they use to get tranferred via port 80....
this is not the exact issue...my be some conflic is occuring on ur client's machine
Ashish Sehajpal
It's not a proxy connection issue by any chance?