<convert the string on its mask base>
Can u please provide me any help for this any small code nippet or any links.
And the above problem is solved. I am concerntrating on this problem only.
Thanks & Regards,
Md. Abdul Aleem
NIIT technologies
Hi all,
iam using Memberhip API and login controls for user login and authentication.
by default asp.net 2.0 uses sql server Provider am i right?
now how i change this for MS Access data Provider ?
or how i configure this by defalult server for security
any article to point this issue
Best Regards
I would recommand this[^] article to read.
Be careful, there is no Undo Button(Ctrl+Z) in life.
How about not using access and converting your DB to SQL Express then your troubles dissapear
Thanks for the reply ,
actually i read that Membership API by default uses the Access DB and it creates automatically inside App_Data Folder .
but some articles defined that the by default is using sql server DB .
kindly clear me in these ideas .
I also Downloaded the video from asp.net site and it is also defining the Access Database by default.
Best regards
Hi there,
I am trying to insert some data into a database table and am getting an error which says
"String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated. "
What is the problem here pls help.
The error is at the ExecuteNonQuery Line 2nd last line.
Dim insertCommand As SqlCommand<br />
Dim strConnection As String = "Data Source=cccc;Initial Catalog=Bccc;Integrated Security=True"<br />
Dim objConnection As New SqlConnection(strConnection)<br />
Dim strRate As String = "INSERT INTO tblTable(FkPId,RateType) VALUES (@PId,@Rate)"<br />
insertCommand = New SqlCommand(strRate, objConnection) <br />
objConnection.Open()<br />
<br />
insertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PId", ddlRooms.SelectedValue)<br />
insertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Rate", ddlRate.SelectedValue)<br />
<br />
insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()<br />
objConnection.Close()<br />
the error means the size of rate (probably a text field) is to big. Like putting a 10 char string in a 5 char field. Could you be trying to put a rate into ratetype by mistake.
For what it is worth, I would use a stored proc.
I didn't get any requirements for the signature
Thanks ToddHileHoffer.
Right on the spot.
I'm converting my web site from PHP to ASP.Net, and on the page as it exists now, I limit the size of the content to the height of the browser window (beyond a reasonable minimum of course) with the following html:
<body onresize="RefreshPage();">
However, when I try the same thing in my ASP.Net version, it's ignored (and the IDE warns me that onresize isn't valid when using XHTML). I'm using a master page. The things I've tried were applied to the master page (it seemed to be the place to put the code), but I can't seem to get things to work out like I want them.
How should I go about doing this?
[edit] I have to wait until I get home from work, but I think I found my problem.
"Why don't you tie a kerosene-soaked rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass..." - Dale Earnhardt, 1997 ----- "...the staggering layers of obscenity in your statement make it a work of art on so many levels." - Jason Jystad, 10/26/2001
Did you try removing the DOCTYPE declaration from the page?
Please remember to rate helpful or unhelpful answers, it lets us and people reading the forums know if our answers are any good.
I don't want to do that.
"Why don't you tie a kerosene-soaked rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass..." - Dale Earnhardt, 1997 ----- "...the staggering layers of obscenity in your statement make it a work of art on so many levels." - Jason Jystad, 10/26/2001
Have you tried the pages registerstartupscript or registerclientscriptblock?
I didn't get any requirements for the signature
Yeah (RegisterStartupScript), that didn't appear to work. I put it in the Page_Load method in the codebehind for the master page. The code is at home, and I'm at work, so I can't copy/paste it right now to show you.
"Why don't you tie a kerosene-soaked rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass..." - Dale Earnhardt, 1997 ----- "...the staggering layers of obscenity in your statement make it a work of art on so many levels." - Jason Jystad, 10/26/2001
I'm an idiot. I think I may have found the problem.
It seems the code depends on the name of the content DIV, and I renamed that DIV in the .Net version.
"Why don't you tie a kerosene-soaked rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass..." - Dale Earnhardt, 1997 ----- "...the staggering layers of obscenity in your statement make it a work of art on so many levels." - Jason Jystad, 10/26/2001
I was going to say, something else must have been changed. The validation ( not very helpfully ) will complain about all sorts of markup that is valid on the client, but is not part of ASP.NET. Add an 'onblur' to a control, and you'll see this in action.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Well, I decided to go a different way (eliminating the javascript part). I have it displaying correctly in FireFox and Opera, but IE6 is being... ummmm.... problematic. I posted a question in the Web Development forum (since it has now become a CSS question).
"Why don't you tie a kerosene-soaked rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass..." - Dale Earnhardt, 1997 ----- "...the staggering layers of obscenity in your statement make it a work of art on so many levels." - Jason Jystad, 10/26/2001
At one point my page works, then when I run it again it does not and says Server Error. I am a newbaby in asp.net
You may have code that is stuck in an infinite loop. Use the debugger to step through your code.
I didn't get any requirements for the signature
How to make a linkbutton inside the update panel control behaved ad normel asp.net server control
I need to download a file when clicking on this button
Radhakrishnan G.
I have a folder with files residing on the server not in the virtual directory. I have the TreeView Node pointing to one of these files. (C:\....\XXX.pdf) But when I click the link the pdf does not open. It is suppose to open in an IFRAME on the same window. Any Ideas?
<br />
Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf";<br />
Response.BinaryWrite( System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("YourFileLoc"));<br />
Response.End();<br />
I didn't get any requirements for the signature
But I had a question currently I am setting the TreeNode as follows:
subNode1.NavigateUrl = "javascript:ChangeIFrameLocation(" + LINKTOFILE + ")"
I am trying to open this file using javascript in and IFRAME on the same page.
Response won't work in Javascript
Create one page that renders the files. Pass the file name in querystring. Put that page in your frame. Update your treeview.
I didn't get any requirements for the signature
How can I force a postback and call a codebehind function from javascript?
I want to do something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnRowSelecting(sender, args)
Codebehind c# file
private void ServerFunc()
...and justice for all
How I usually do this which may not be the best method. Drag a button on your form. Double Click it to get your server side code method. In the pageload hide the button from the user by adding the following:
<br />
this.Button1.Style.Add("display", "none");<br />
Put your code server side in the button click's event. Then Add the following javascript to your page.
<br />
function CallServerMethod() {<br />
var Button1 = document.getElementById("<%=Button1.ClientID %>");<br />
Button1.click();<br />
}<br />
Now you can use the javascript "CallServerMethod()"
I didn't get any requirements for the signature