Thanx for this video.......its really helpful......
Do u have more video links or articles for that????
vid nandha wrote: Do u have more video links or articles for that????
Abhijit Jana | Codeproject MVP
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How to change the image of the clicked image button in a gridview.
yesu prakash wrote: How to change the image of the clicked image button in a gridview.
In RowCommand Event, find the Image control and change the image path and then Bind the Grid Again
Abhijit Jana | Codeproject MVP
Web Site : abhijitjana.net
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In the event:
ImageButton ib = (IMageButton)sender;
if (ib.ImageUrl.Equals(/* yourcurrentImageButtonUrl here */))
ib.ImageUrl = /* NewImageButtonUrl */
Rebind your grid again
In Word you can only store 2 bytes. That is why I use Writer.
While Posting/Replying, Please Make sure you are replying to correct post. Just because of if your answer is correct he will not aware of it unless he check all the thread. Some times user check Email on to received email for any answer, in this he will not even get the email too.
Abhijit Jana | Codeproject MVP
Web Site : abhijitjana.net
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yaah Jeet..
Its true. I agree.
Hi there,
When i run my website it only says "Website found. Waiting for reply" and it does this non stop even when the Progress bar is complete. It seems to me that it cannot debug the application.
I have used UpdatePanels normal panels and scriptManagers at the top. But when i run it,it continues to say connecting. This is for the first time i encounter this sort of problem and i really need to debug and get the website running.
Please give suggestions, your help is very much appreciated.
Your site is hosted on IIS or you are trying to debug from Visual Studio?
AllPhee wrote: I have used UpdatePanels normal panels and scriptManagers at the top. But when i run it,it continues to say connecting. This is for the first time i encounter this sort of problem and i really need to debug and get the website running.
Did you try to check it with break point?
Abhijit Jana | Codeproject MVP
Web Site : abhijitjana.net
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MAN, You are a Genius WOW.
In fact the application was just looping non stop on the masterpage code.
my code was like this
Dim dvLoggedUser As dataview = CType(sdsGetUser.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView)
If dvLoggedUser.Table.Rows.Count > 0 Then
lblUser.Text = (dvLoggedUser(0)("Name"))
End If
btnLogout.Visible = True
Catch ex As Exception
'When it gets here it looped back to the top because the Login page used the same master page
End Try
Because i am using the same masterpage for My login Page and all other pages and trying to redirect to the login page if the user does not exist, therefore it loops infinitely in this regard.
Abhijit you are a Genius. Thanks a million.
I had forgotten about this technigue
Cool. Then you should Marked that Answer as Good Answer, it lets us and people reading the forums know if our answers are any good
Abhijit Jana | Codeproject MVP
Web Site : abhijitjana.net
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Hello everyone,
Can anybody please tell me,what is the proper way of applying a theme to the Master page.
Instead of setting the theme attribute of every page ,I did it by writing
<pages theme="Theme"></pages>
in the web.config & it worked fine, but I want to use theme in master page.Any suggestions?
specify the Theme in web.config.
no need to specify for each page including MasterPage
<pages theme="themeName"></pages>
Thanx for your reply.
I have done the same thing & it is working also.
But can't I set the theme in master page?
anada8886 wrote: But can't I set the theme in master page?
Apply the Theme in Page_PreInit( ) Event of your Default.aspx (Home) Page.
protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.Theme = "Theme1";
Abhijit Jana | Codeproject MVP
Web Site : abhijitjana.net
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Thank you sir,but I wanted it on master page so that I don't need to make changes in each and every page.
No you can not specify a theme in master page .
if you don't to specify a theme in web.config then
you have to specify in each page for which you want to apply them.
Thank you. I wanted to know this only.
anada8886 wrote: but I want to use theme in master page.Any suggestions?
Why? you want to change theme at runtime?
Abhijit Jana | Codeproject MVP
Web Site : abhijitjana.net
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Actually, I tried on the aspx page and it was working but it's not feasible to set this for every page. So, I wanted to know if I can set the theme using master page.
Well, Thanx for your reply.
anada8886 wrote: I tried on the aspx page and it was working but it's not feasible to set this for every page.
Then what is the problem with use web.config to set the Theme.
There are three way to apply the theme in your application.
<%@ Page Theme="ThemeName" Language="C#"%>
protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.Theme = "ThemeName";
3. In web.config
<pages theme="ThemeName" />
Abhijit Jana | Codeproject MVP
Web Site : abhijitjana.net
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Hiiiiiii.....I m developing a Shopping Cart and for creation of cart i m using data table with session. i have wrote this code on my home page.
If Not IsPostBack Then
End If
Sub makeCart()
Dim objDT As System.Data.DataTable
Dim objDR As System.Data.DataRow
objDT = New System.Data.DataTable("Cart")
objDT.Columns.Add("ID", GetType(Integer))
objDT.Columns("ID").AutoIncrement = True
objDT.Columns("ID").AutoIncrementSeed = 10000
objDT.Columns.Add("ProductID", GetType(Integer))
objDT.Columns.Add("ProductName", GetType(String))
objDT.Columns.Add("ProductQty", GetType(Integer))
objDT.Columns.Add("ProductPrice", GetType(Decimal))
objDT.Columns.Add("ProductImage1", GetType(String))
objDT.Columns.Add("ProductDescription", GetType(String))
objDT.Columns.Add("ProductManufacturer", GetType(String))
Session("Cart") = objDT
End Sub
the Problem i m facing is that whenver user comes to home page after adding products to cart....it becomes empty.....the reason behind this is that the code i have written on load event of home page .......and if i checks for existence of session then it got saved permanently....means it didnt clear the cart data table....what to do in this condition........and how to use cookies in this case.......plz guide me a bit
KhandelwalA wrote: and if i checks for existence of session then it got saved permanently....means it didnt clear the cart data table....what to do in this condition........and how to use cookies in this case
I think you are not clear in this section. why you are trying to use Cookies over here?
Abhijit Jana | Codeproject MVP
Web Site : abhijitjana.net
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I'm a bit confused by what you're asking.
Do you want to be able to store the content of the cart even if the user closes your site? Or do you just want the cart to still be available if the user navigates back to your home page from another page on your site?
If it is the second case you can simply do...
If Session("Cart") <> Null Then
End If
Well, it will be something like that, my VB isn't very good.
Does anyone know how to make a bar chart using MSChart control from a column of a postgresql database that is imported from an ODBC connection that is using the Microsoft.ODBC.dll? I am finding a lot of information on creating charts with other data souces but not through Microsoft's ODBC API. I am trying to create a bar chart and have each value from a column represent one bar. I have everything set up, I am just having trouble binding the database data to the chart. Any link to tutorials or help files would be great too. Thanks. plz help me ...