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C# Language Essentials for the Beginner

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1 Nov 2009CPOL10 min read 22K   10   5
An article to help the beginner in the C# language


In my limited knowledge, I am writing this article to clarify to the beginner certain essentials of the C# language. The abstract concept of a class in C# makes a distinction between built-in types and user-defined types. In C#, you create new types by using the class keyword. Classes have behavior that is implemented by the class's member methods and classes have state, in which you model that state with member variables (sometimes called fields). You provide access to class' state through properties. In C#, you draw a distinction between a class, which is the definition of a new type, and an object, which is an instance of that class. For example, Dog is a class (it describes the Dog type) but Rover, Fido, and Spot are all objects: they are instances of the class Dog. Similarly, Button is a class, but below, Save, Cancel, and Delete are all objects, instances of class Button.

Methods must return from their call before the next line of code can execute. For example:

using System;
public class Application {
public static void Main() {
Console.WriteLine("Before the method call.");
Console.WriteLine("After the method call.");
static void SomeMethod()
  Int32 x = 4 * 16;

Results in:

Before the method call.
After the method call.

The point of this extremely simple example is that there the code contains three static methods. In C#, the Main method is always static. Static methods are a compromise on the C concept of “global” methods. C# has no global methods, but it is convenient at times to be able to invoke a method without having a particular instance of a class. When you call WriteLine(), you invoke it not on an instance of Console, but on the Console class itself. So, in order to clarify the difference between instance methods and static methods, consider another simple example of a user-defined class:

using System;

public  class Employee {
// give the class two private members, one static and one not
private Int32 age;
static private Int32 numEmployees = 0; // keep tract of number of instances 

//  Create a constructor that initializes the instance variable. Have the
//  constructor update the static member to indicate that another object has
//  been created. Note that you must access the static member through the
//  class, rather than through the instance:

public Employee(Int32 age)
  this.age = age;

//   You access the static member numEmployees with a static method. Add
//   the following method to the class to do this

public static Int32 GetNumEmployees()
return numEmployees;

//  Add an instance method to display information about the employee, and
//  within that method, access the number of employees through the static
//  method:

public void DisplayEmployeeInfo()
  Console.WriteLine("This employee is {0} years old",age );
  Console.WriteLine("{0} employees have been created",Employee.GetNumEmployees()); 
static void Main(string[] args)
Int32 age = 46;
Employee emp1 = new Employee(age);
Employee emp2 = new Employee(35);
Employee emp3 = new Employee(21);

// use the csc.exe compiler compile and run the program. Note that the static 
// member is able to track the number of objects created


This employee is 46 years old
1 employees have been created
This employee is 35 years old
2 employees have been created
This employee is 21 years old
3 employees have been created

You instantiate an object, an instance of this class, using the new operator. To call a non-static method, there must be an instance of the class. You instantiate an instance of the Employee class, which we'll call emp1, by using the new operator and writing new Employee(). When you write 'new Employee()', you get back a reference to that object that you hold in emp1. The emp1 is a variable of data type Employee. You can then call a non-static method, in our case DisplayInfo(), by using the dot operator on that instance. You invoke instance methods on an object (an instance of the class) and you invoke static methods on the class itself. In C#, static methods are invoked without an instance. This means that instance methods are invoked on an instance. Static methods are invoked on the class. As stated earlier, Main, of course, is always static, but there are other helper methods that might be static when it is inconvenient to have an instance. For instance, there are conversion methods from the Conversion class, such as Convert.ToInt32(), which converts strings to integers (DWORDs). You'd rather not have to instantiate an instance of the Convert class just use its Convert.ToInt32() method. Similar to static methods are static members, or fields. Static members belong to the class, not an object. They are not used to represent the state of an object, but rather they are shared among all instances of a class. Typically this concept is used to keep track of the numbers of instances at any given time. You can access your static members with static method, which makes our static members private. Notice that the number of employees is tracked (by looking at the output). In the code, static private Int32 numEmployees is initialized to zero and within the constructor Employee.numEmployees is incremented (numEmployees++). The beginner should also note that the constructor always has the same name as the class.

Look at the output again. That static member keeps track of how many employees have been created. Since C# provides garbage collection, we can create objects as needed, and then the Garbage Collector disposes them of when they are no longer needed. The object is said to be out of reach, or out of scope. An important note is that this process of Finalization is non-deterministic. That is, you can't know when that object is declared to be Finalized to be destroyed. You determine that or force it. It is the CLR's Garbage Collector that calls the finalize() method. You may need to create a finalize method, but only when resources are scarce. But this involves resources that are not only scarce, like files in memory, but they are also unmanaged. If you are dealing with managed resources, you could call the Dispose()method, but if you have opened the file, you should just close the file, and then the garbage collector dispose of it.

The “this” Keyword

Within a class, the 'this' keyword refers to the current instance of the class. It is used to distinguish a member variable from a parameter. It is possible to have a member variable, say "age", and a parameter to the constructor, age, and you differentiate from among them because the member variable will be this.age. Consider a class, Employee, with a constructor Employee:

public Employee (Int32 age, string name)
  this.age == age;
  this name == name;

We are passing two parameters, (age of data type Int32 and name, of data type string) to the constructor. So it turns out that the Employee class has two member variables also called age and name. We can assign the value in the parameter age to the member variable age by writing this.age = age. The this keyword refers to the current object. Within a constructor, the this keyword refers to the object being created. It is common to name private member variables with the same name as the parameters passed to the constructor; in such a case you can use the this keyword to differentiate the member variable from the parameter:

public class Employee {
  private Int32 age;
  private string name;
  public Employee(Int32 age, string name)
       this.age = age; = name;

In this example, this.age refers to the member variable, while age refers to the parameter. Similarly, refers to the member variable, while name refers to the parameter. Now returning back to instance methods, instance methods are methods of an object, and typically impact the object itself. An Employee class might declare a method to increment the salary field:

public class Employee {
private Int32 salary; // field
 public PayManCash(Int32 increment)
     salary += increment;

The Common Language Runtime executes code inside the bounds of a well-defined type system called the Common Type System (CTS). The CTS is part of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) specification and constitutes the interface between managed programs and the runtime itself. This means that C# is a strongly-typed language. This means that you must tell the compiler the types of the objects that you will be using. So if one were to try and pass an int32 as a string, the compiler would catch it and inform you of that error. This actually makes compiler errors helpful because the bugs and errors are caught at compile time and not at runtime. Runtime errors are thus not a good thing. So while C# makes a distinction between user-defined types and built-in types, it also makes a distinction between value types and reference types. Value types are stored on the stack inline as a sequence of bytes, whereas reference types are stored on the heap. The stack is a chunk of memory that functions as an abstract data structure. The stack is an area of memory set aside for value types. The stack is of limited size, and values are added to the stack as needed. Values are “popped” off the stack as they are destroyed. The heap is an undifferentiated area of memory that is used for creating user-defined types (classes). When an object is created on the heap a reference is returned, and the built-in garbage collector cleans objects off the heap when there are no longer active references to the object... When you pass parameters to a method, they are always passed by value by default. More to the point, a copy is made and the copy is used in the method. So if you pass a value type, a copy of that object is passed. If you pass a reference type, a copy of the reference to the object is passed. This is an important distinction. Since by default the CLR assumes that all method parameters are passed by value, then when reference types objects are passed, the reference (or pointer) to the object is passed (by value) to the method. this means that the method can modify the object and the caller will see the change. For value type instances, again, a copy of the instance is passed to the method. This means that the method gets its own private copy of the value type and the caller and the instance in the caller isn't affected. Now recall the distinction between instance methods and static methods with the use of the constructor. Value type (instance) constructors work differently from reference type (class) constructors. So in addition to instance constructors, the CLR supports type constructors (also known as static constructors, class constructors, or type initializers.

For example, assume you an object called Dog that is passed by reference. The dog can be changed because there is a reference. If you pass an integer to a method, you cannot change the Int32 in the calling method because it is a copy. To illustrate this, examine the code shown below. We create a method to swap to integers. This method takes two parameters, left and right. It then creates a temporary variable, and assigns the value in the parameter left to that temporary variable. It then assigns the value in the right to left, and the value in the temporary variable to the right, thus swapping the values. The method displays the value in left and right both before and after the swap:

using System;
public class Program {

static void DoSwap(Int32 left, Int32 right)
   Int32 temp;
   Console.WriteLine("Swap before. left: {0}, right: {1}",left, right);
   temp = left;
   left = right;
   right = temp;
   Console.WriteLine("\nSwap after. left: {0}, right: {1}",left, right);

static void Main()
   Int32 x = 5;
   Int32 y = 7;
   Console.WriteLine("Main before. x: {0}, y: {1}", x, y);
   DoSwap(x, y);
   Console.WriteLine("Main after. x: {0}, y: {1}", x, y);

Compiling this code yields:

Main before. x: 5, y: 7
Swap before. left: 5, right: 7

Swap after. left: 7, right: 5
Main after. x: 5, y: 7

You can see that the swap method shows that the values are swapped, but the values are not swapped back in Main. This is consistent with the idea that the Int32 variables are passed by value. The Common Language Runtime allows you to pass parameters by reference instead of by value. In the C# language, you do this by using the out and ref keywords. Both keywords tell the compiler to emit metadata indicating that this designated parameter is passed by reference, and the compiler uses this to generate code to pass the address of the parameter other than the parameter itself. From the CLR’s perspective, out and ref are identical—that is, the same metadata and IL are produced regardless of which keyword you use. Seeing the issue in the code above, you’d like the Int32 to be passed by reference by adding the ref keyword both to the method and to the invocation of the method:

using System;
public class Program {

static void DoSwap( ref Int32 left,  ref Int32 right)
   Int32 temp;
   Console.WriteLine("Swap before. left: {0}, right: {1}",left, right);
   temp = left;
   left = right;
   right = temp;
   Console.WriteLine("\nSwap after. left: {0}, right: {1}",left, right);

static void Main()
   Int32 x = 5;
   Int32 y = 7;
   Console.WriteLine("Main before. x: {0}, y: {1}", x, y);
   DoSwap( ref x,  ref y);
   Console.WriteLine("Main after. x: {0}, y: {1}", x, y);

Executing this code by adding the ref keyword makes all the difference: the values are changed back in Main:

Main before. x: 5, y: 7
Swap before. left: 5, right: 7

Swap after. left: 7, right: 5
Main after. x: 7, y: 5


As mentioned earlier, classes have behavior and state. You model the behavior using methods and you model the state with member variables (sometimes called fields). You provide access to the class’ state through properties. Member variables ought to be private. One of the standards behind object-oriented programming is data encapsulation. Data encapsulation means that your type's fields should never be publicly exposed because it is too easy to write code that improperly uses the fields, corrupting the object's state. This means that your fields be private. Then, to allow a user of your type to get or set state information, you expose methods for that purpose. Methods that wrap access to a field are typically called accessor methods. A property could almost appear to the developer as a method, but to the user of your type a property could appear to have to direct access to the field, when they actually are prevented from altering the object's state. Property statements have two parts: a get part for retrieving the value, and a set part for setting the value. The set part has an implicit parameter: value, which is the value being set. Consider this example:

public class Employee {
    private Int32 age; // private member variable
    public Int32  Age // property – note capital A
          return age; // can change later to compute
         age = value; // use implicit parameter

Admittedly, properties complicate the definition of the type, but the disadvantages of having to write more code should counter the problems involved by not managing the object’s state. Below is an example meant to explain this further:

using System;

// Create an Employee class with two private member variables
public class Employee
   private int baseLevel;
   private string name;

//  Provide a constructor that sets these two fields
public Employee(string name, int baseLevel)
   { = name;
     this.baseLevel = baseLevel;

// Create properties to match the two private member variables
public int BaseLevel
       return baseLevel;
       baseLevel = value;
  public string Name
      return name;
     name = value;

// You are now able to access the state of the Employee class through the
// properties you’ve created
// so now instantiate a couple of Employee objects in Main()

static void Main()
Employee fred = new Employee("Fred", 2);
Employee joe = new Employee("Joe", 5);

// You can access the state of the fred instance through the get properties
Console.WriteLine("{0}'s base: {1}",fred.Name,fred.BaseLevel);

joe.BaseLevel = 12;

// use get to see the new values
Console.WriteLine("{0}'s base: {1}",joe.Name,joe.BaseLevel);


  • CLR via C#, 2nd Edition, by Jeffrey Richter
  • Professional .NET Framework 2.0, by Joe Duffy
  • Notes by Jesse Liberty


  • 31st October, 2009: Initial post


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer Monroe Community
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

Comments and Discussions

GeneralMy vote of 1 Pin
dequadin10-Nov-09 22:19
dequadin10-Nov-09 22:19 
GeneralAgree... Pin
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov22-Dec-15 7:55
mvaSergey Alexandrovich Kryukov22-Dec-15 7:55 
GeneralMy vote of 1 [modified] Pin
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov31-Oct-09 6:41
mvaSergey Alexandrovich Kryukov31-Oct-09 6:41 
GeneralRe: My vote of 1 Pin
dequadin31-Oct-09 6:46
dequadin31-Oct-09 6:46 
I agree that there are some fundamental errors in this article, although I didn't think it warranted a vote of 1. Some parts are rather good.

The problem is all the beginners who are going to accept them as fact.
GeneralRe: My vote of 1 Pin
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov31-Oct-09 17:08
mvaSergey Alexandrovich Kryukov31-Oct-09 17:08 

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