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AnswerRe: Passing Variable between Files Pin
Cool_Dev28-Jul-10 1:10
Cool_Dev28-Jul-10 1:10 
AnswerRe: Passing Variable between Files Pin
Aescleal28-Jul-10 1:27
Aescleal28-Jul-10 1:27 
QuestionScanf problem Pin
sagargulhane27-Jul-10 21:32
sagargulhane27-Jul-10 21:32 
AnswerRe: Scanf problem [modified] Pin
Aescleal27-Jul-10 21:49
Aescleal27-Jul-10 21:49 
GeneralRe: Scanf problem Pin
sagargulhane28-Jul-10 23:23
sagargulhane28-Jul-10 23:23 
AnswerRe: Scanf problem Pin
«_Superman_»27-Jul-10 22:31
professional«_Superman_»27-Jul-10 22:31 
Questionpdb VC++ Pin
VVVimal27-Jul-10 19:47
VVVimal27-Jul-10 19:47 
AnswerRe: pdb VC++ Pin
Sauro Viti27-Jul-10 20:52
professionalSauro Viti27-Jul-10 20:52 
Open the properties window of your project and select the release configuration, then:

  1. in the general section of C++ properties, ensure that the field Debug Information Format is set to Program Database (/Zi)
  2. in the debugging section of Linker properties, ensure that the field Generate Debug Info is set to Yes (/DEBUG) (the field Generate Program Database File will hold the path of the generated pdb file)

AnswerRe: pdb VC++ Pin
ARopo28-Jul-10 6:22
ARopo28-Jul-10 6:22 
AnswerRe: pdb VC++ Pin
Abhi Lahare30-Jul-10 8:20
Abhi Lahare30-Jul-10 8:20 
Questiona prob with HKEY Pin
Krauze27-Jul-10 16:18
Krauze27-Jul-10 16:18 
QuestionRe: a prob with HKEY Pin
David Crow27-Jul-10 17:13
David Crow27-Jul-10 17:13 
AnswerRe: a prob with HKEY Pin
Krauze27-Jul-10 17:49
Krauze27-Jul-10 17:49 
QuestionRe: a prob with HKEY Pin
David Crow28-Jul-10 2:29
David Crow28-Jul-10 2:29 
AnswerRe: a prob with HKEY Pin
Krauze28-Jul-10 15:33
Krauze28-Jul-10 15:33 
AnswerRe: a prob with HKEY [modified] Pin
Cool_Dev27-Jul-10 19:20
Cool_Dev27-Jul-10 19:20 
AnswerRe: a prob with HKEY Pin
KarstenK28-Jul-10 2:47
mveKarstenK28-Jul-10 2:47 
QuestionDifferent usage of CWinFormsControl Pin
cppmfcnewbie27-Jul-10 13:22
cppmfcnewbie27-Jul-10 13:22 
AnswerRe: Different usage of CWinFormsControl Pin
Cool_Dev27-Jul-10 18:46
Cool_Dev27-Jul-10 18:46 
GeneralRe: Different usage of CWinFormsControl Pin
cppmfcnewbie28-Jul-10 9:11
cppmfcnewbie28-Jul-10 9:11 
QuestionAssociating a file type with your MFC app Pin
Keith Vitali27-Jul-10 13:11
Keith Vitali27-Jul-10 13:11 
AnswerRe: Associating a file type with your MFC app Pin
Krauze27-Jul-10 16:22
Krauze27-Jul-10 16:22 
AnswerRe: Associating a file type with your MFC app Pin
Cool_Dev27-Jul-10 18:56
Cool_Dev27-Jul-10 18:56 
AnswerRe: Associating a file type with your MFC app Pin
Richard MacCutchan27-Jul-10 22:23
mveRichard MacCutchan27-Jul-10 22:23 
AnswerRe: Associating a file type with your MFC app Pin
David Crow28-Jul-10 3:13
David Crow28-Jul-10 3:13 

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